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Iridient Developer 3.3.7 and Silkypix 9.12 add Fujifilm GFX 100 Support

Fujifilm GFX100 Support


The Iridient Developer 3.3.7 update for macOS has been released. In case you missed it, Iridient X Transformer added Fujifilm GFX100 support a few days ago.

This release includes:

  • Support for the GFX 100
  • All new “Iridient Standard v2” camera profiles matching the DCP (DNG camera profiles) now the default in X-Transformer. These are now the defaults for most all cameras though Iridient Developer specific ICC camera profiles remain available as well.
  • Support added for new license file based registration system for Iridient’s new web store provider ( Iridient’s prior e-commerce provider (eSellerate) shut down as of June, 2019.
  • Iridient Developer is now notarized by Apple for their Gatekeeper security enhancements introduced in macOS 10.14.5 and upcoming 10.15 (Catalina).

This new update can be downloaded from the Iridient web site here. Full release notes available here.

SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro9

SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro9 Ver.9.0.12 added Fujifilm GFX100 support.

Improvements and New Camera Support:

  • [Fixed] [Windows] Application is forced to quit at the start of batch development when hiding the “Batch development status” button on the toolbar
  • [Fixed] Other small fixes
  • [NEW] Fujifilm GFX100 (*1)
  • [NEW] Sony DSC-RX0M2
    *1 “FILM SIMULATION” is supported and an available film simulation can be selected

Download link at

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Fujifilm GFX100 Firmware 1.01 Released

Fujifilm just released Fujifilm GFX100 firmware ver. 1.01.

The firmware update Ver.1.01 from Ver.1.00 incorporates the following issues:

  1. Stability improvement of operability when the GFX100 is connected to an external power supply via a USB cable.
  2. Improvement of connectivity with smartphones and tablets when “WIRELESS COM. FREQUENCY SETTING” is set to 5GHz.

You can download GFX100 firmware 1.01 here.

Our gigantic Fujifilm GFX group is collecting all the potential bugs they found in the Fujifilm GFX100 in this post.

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Fujifilm GFX100 Sets New Benchmark in DPReview Studio Scene

Fujifilm GFX100

The first test was flawed, so DPReview had to update its Fujifilm GFX100 studio test scene

They now published the new results, and in their own words:

As you can see, the camera is extremely sharp and capable of resolving nearly everything in our test scene. Many of the finest targets that exhibit aliasing on the already impressive GFX 50R (shot with the same lens) are more convincingly resolved by the 100MP camera, meaning that its images look better than the older camera’s shots do, even when downscaled to the same resolution.”

In short: it’s the best camera ever tested, and they now borrowed a 150MP Phase One IQ4 to try to beat it!

Check out the results at DPReview here.

Oh Boy, I loved shooting the GFX100 this weekend!

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Manufacturing the Fujifilm GFX100 RRS L-Plate and Pre-Order Now

Really Right Stuff published part 2 of their Fujifilm GFX100 RRS L-Plate series. This time they show you the manufacturing process. You can see part 1 here.

You can pre-order the Fujifilm GFX100 RRS L-plate here.

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Top Articles for June: Unloved Fujifilm X-H1, Tilting Fujifilm X-Pro3, Lovely Fujifilm Colors Vs Sony, Future Proof GFX and More

These are the top 10 most read articles on FujiRumors for June. In case you missed them, catch up now and (hopefully) enjoy them.

  1. Fujifilm X-H1: an Unloved Child, FujiRumors’ New Temptation… and WOW!
  2. Fujifilm X-Pro3 Registered Online and Coming Fall 2019
  3. Fujifilm X-Pro3 Coming with Tilt Screen
  4. Fujifilm X-T30 Charcoal In Stock and AmazonUS honoring Their Crazy Mistake X-T30 Deal
  5. Fujifilm X-Pro3 Announcement Within October
  6. FUJIFILM vs SONY Colors Compared: “If You don’t Want to Spent Time Color Grading, Fujifilm is Great”
  7. Why Fujifilm GFX Medium Format System is Future Proof and Tony Northrup’s GFX Pessimism is Unjustified
  8. Japanese Camera Market Share: The Rise of Sony, The Decline of All Others and Fujifilm Saved by Instax
  9. Fujifilm X100V/X200 Coming in… The Answer in This FujiRumors Article!
  10. Value Angle of Mirrorless Cameras Explained and Compared

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Kai Wong Fujifilm GFX100 Hands On Review: “You Do Get Quite a Bit for Your Money”

Fujifilm GFX100

Kai Wong went hands on with the Fujifilm GFX100. Here is what he thinks about it:

  • medium format is ment for tripod still subject shooting, but not with a body like the Fujifilm GFX100
  • feels good in the hands
  • like a Canon 1DXII in terms of size and weight, but the GFX100 has a much bigger sensor inside [and I’d also IBIS]
  • it functions like an oversized Fujifilm X, at least almost. No D-Pad, no retro dials
  • skin smoothing effect smooths out ever imperfection. Works only for the JPEGs
  • autofocus is pretty damn good. Same AF algorithm of X-T3, but lenses have bigger glass to shift, hence not as fast AF as X-T3
  • Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T30 eye-AF is right up there with Sony
  • Kai’s GFX100 struggled to detect faces, but on other GFX100 samples face and eye detection worked well
  • Eye AF is accurate and fast enough, although feels a little bit slower than on Fujifilm X-T3
  • the GFX100 sensor is 4 times bigger than the sensor on the X-T3
  • tracking mostly does a good job, although, understandably, sometimes it doesn’t shift the glass in time when the subject is moving at decent pace towards you
  • EVF is sooo good
  • shutter really well dampened (shock absorber), and you need it, with medium format 102 MP
  • nice soft shutter button, like on Fujifilm X-H1
  • using IBIS, works easily down to 1/125
  • no fancy dials, and Kai missed them, since turning a dial is easier and quicker than pressing a button and looking at the LCD
  • not too many negatives
  • electronic shutter means bad rolling shutter, but no surprise with a big sensor like that, and probably you are not going to use electronic shutter on the GFX100
  • works well enough on the streets, but not the obvious choice for street photography
  • a camera for landscapers, who need more resolution and more details
  • you can push it 4 stops and still get nice clean, crisp images
  • nobody buys the GFX100 for video, but it deserves credit since Fujifilm has done video well on the GFX100
  • uses 4K with no crop. Footage looks great. AF works great. Rolling shutter contained and video is still usable
  • IBIS works superbly to shoot stable video
  • You do get quite a bit for your money
  • Props to Fujifilm and well done to all those lucky buggers that can afford one

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Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

The GFX Community

Fujifilm GFX100 Customer Reviews: “100 MP is Phenomenal, if You can Afford it, Get it”

images shared by Richard Ng at our Fujifilm GFX group - link below
images shared by Richard Ng at our Fujifilm GFX group – link below

Fujifilm GFX100

The Fujifilm GFX100 is experiencing a shipping shortage, but there are some, who are lucky enough to already have one in their hands.

If seems like all Fujifilm GFX100 owners are also members of our galactic Fujifilm GFX group. So here is some of the feedback they shared there.

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
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Fujiflm GX100 Reviews

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Dear Fujifilm X APS-C Shooters, I didn’t Forget About You (despite GFX100) and Here is a Fujinon XF Lens Roundup

It’s the same old story:

New camera comes, FujiRumors covers its launch, people not interested in that particular camera complain that FR covers that camera.

That’s why, back at the GFX50 launch, I wrote the article, “Dear FR-readers, we have to talk“.

The article was extremely effective, since, using hardcore numbers, it showed how readers perception can be so different from the truth.

But writing that article cost me a lot of time. And I just returned from an 8 hour drive from my holiday in Croatia, and I am exhausted, also because I was on holiday with the SonyAlphaRumors guy, which lead to some epic fanboy fights discussions and photowalks.

So I’ll just say this:

  • FujiRumors is free
  • I write over 1,000 articles a year
  • FujiRumors is a hobby I run in my spare time from my teaching job (and it’s not always easy). Maybe next year I will vlog about a day in FR-life. Bring you inside my teacher day life, so you might understand better how it is to run FR

But who cares. I mean who cares about how much time and effort I put into this. It’s not your business.

Blogging on FR is my passion since 8 years now, and I do it with the joy to share the Fuji passion with all of you.

I ask you just one thing: please, just do not complain, when, in coincidence with the launch of a massive camera like the Fujifilm GFX100, I share a bit more GFX news than usual.

You don’t like it? Just skip the news.

With all that said, of course I do not forget about Fuji’s APS-C system.

And so I thought to dedicated this roundup to the most important part of our beloved APS-C system: the XF lenses.

If you want, down below are about 30 links and videos covering all kind of XF lenses.

XF Lens Roundup

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm GFX100 Orders Triple Fujifilms’ Forecast and the GFX100 Stock and Shipping Status Update


I recently wrote an article on why I believe the Fujifilm GFX system has a glorious future ahead. You can read it here.

I mention that article, because in the comments a FR-reader said that pre-orders for the new GFX100 are strong:

Talking to a Fuji rep at a GFX100 demo and he said orders were triple that of forecasts

Another report from the Fujifilm GFX group says:

I got information, now. I have to wait GFX100 a month [in Japan]. If ordering now, have to wait 2 months. What a big mount of order.

From my own sources I can only confirm that pre-orders are stronger than expected.

If all this is correct, then you can expect delivery shortage.

Let’s look at the 3 major stores:

  • B&H Photo: first batch is shipping but BH has more pre-orders than stock, so they wait for more cameras to come from Japan
  • Adorama: It is listed as “On Backorder”. Our GFX group members contacted Adorama, who told them to expect shipping early July.
  • AmazonUS markes it available within 1 to 2 months.

Some lucky guys already got their Fujifilm GFX100 shipped, and are now very actively sharing impressions and samples at our Fujifilm GFX group.

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Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

The GFX Community

Iridient X Transformer 1.6 adds Fujifilm GFX 100 Support

Iridient X-Transformer 1.6 is now available for macOS and Windows.

1.6 – June 27, 2019 (Maintenance Release)

New Features:

  • Support added for RAW images from the GFX 100.
  • New “Iridient Standard v2” is now the default camera profile.
  • Support added for registration using license files generated from new e-commerce providers. The eSellerate e-commerce service that was previously used for sales and license generation is being shut down in June, 2019


  • Updated to the latest version of the LibreSSL library (2.9.2).

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with the File Naming panel’s sequence increment not properly incrementing the sequence number.

This new update can be downloaded from Iridient website here. Full release notes here.

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Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

The GFX Community