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Czech Store Lists Fujifilm Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 for $3,100 and XF16-80mm f/4 for $1,100

Fujinon Roadmap Lenses

The Czech store Oehling has already added to their database the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 and the XF 16-80mm f/4.

It is not unusual that stores add upcoming lenses into their database. For example, the Dutch store Cameranu has both lenses listed since August 2018, hence just 1 month after Fujifilm added them to the official roadmap.

But where Cameranu just says “price not known yet”, the Czech store Oehling hazards a guess on the price:

  • Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 = $3,100 (converted from czech crown)
  • Fujinon XF16-80mm f/4 = $1,100 (converted from czech crown)

But before you freak out and panic, I must tell you that, when stores don’t know the final price but want to place an item up already for people to see and get interest, they can add a random pricing to them.

We have covered such “price-holders” in the past here on FujiRumors, such as the Fujifilm X-M1 for $9,999. Although in today’s case it does look more like a “guessed” price than a completely random one, since both lenses have a very different price tag.

So let’s hope this Czech store will keep up making terribly wrong guesses, like they did with the brand new Fujinon XF16mm f/2.8, which in their not yet updated product page has a price tag of $887 (19,990 czech crown), when in truth it costs $399.

For us, this is a welcome opportunity to discuss if $3,000 would be an acceptable price tag for a radical fast autofocus lens like the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 and at which point you would call the price a deal breaker.

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Check the Oehling store here for the 33/1 and here for the 16-80 and here for the 16/2.8

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Steelsring Nikon F to Fujifilm GFX Smart Adapter Coming Soon and Firmware Updates for EF/GFX and C645/GFX Smart Adapters

Steelsring Smart Adapter

Steelsring has announced that their Nikon F to Fujifilm GFX autofocus smart adapter will be available for sale soon. There are already Beta testers out there, who are currently using firmware v1.0 (update on February 26).

Back in May 2018 here, Steelsring also announced the same adapter for Fujifilm X cameras, so let’s hope this one will follow quickly after the GFX version.

Steelsring also release firmware updates for other smart adapters, to improved the AF focus accuracy and stability:

via steelsring

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Detoxing From Gear Talk with Stunning Fujifilm GFX and X Images

Jessica Wikström
shared here
Gotta love freckles! And gotta love that 110mm

Fujinon Images Roundup

I looked back in the last weeks on FujiRumors, and I read rumors, news, gear talk, comparisons, deals, live bloggings, announcements…

That’s all nice and good, but at the end of the day all the buzz should not distract from the main reason why we love to use our Fujifilm cameras: taking pictures.

So I did two things:

  1. I grabbed my X-E3 and finally dedicated some time again to capture the first signs of spring around my home
  2. Since my spring images came out perfect and no editing was needed (thank you Fuji colors!!), I decided to spend a bit of time collecting images taken with Fujifilm GFX at our wonderful Fujifilm GFX group.

For this time, I decided to focus mostly on the GF110mmF2 images, since a fellow GFX group member asked to stop sharing GF110 images, as they trigger his GAS and he is preparing his papers for the divorce ;).

Now, it surely helps if you photograph models with this inenarrable beauty to create impressive images, but it’s also true that the medium format GFX has a wonderful rendering that is visible across all the images, from portraits to landscapes to product photography and more.

And yet, I don’t want you to think you need a GFX to create stunning work, so I decided to sneak into this roundup 3 more images: one taken with the “old” X-T1, one with the X-T2 and a last one taken with X-T3 (all shared at our Fujifilm X-T facebook group).

Because medium format is nice and good, but what you can achieve with modern APS-C sensors (and fantastic Fujifilm XF glass), is something that can be shown and printed proudly (such as my personal all time favorite image taken with X-T1)!

And for those of you missing the gear talk and the rumors already, hold on… I might have something for you very soon ;)

Love you all and wish you fantastic weekend
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Richard Ng
shared here
Shot with Gfx50s and 32-64mm

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Chris Daidone Photography
shared here
It was a bitterly cold, but thankfully starry night on Lake Minnewanka. Alberta, CA

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Erik Nomm‎
Shared here
The mighty 110mm f2

_ _ _

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Fujifilm GFX XG Concept vs Panasonic S1R, Sony a7iii, Nikon Z7, Canon EOS R Size Comparisons

Fujifilm GFX XG vs Panasonic S1R
Fujifilm GFX XG vs Panasonic S1R

Fujifilm GFX XG

Fujifilm has recently shown a couple of early Fujifilm GFX concepts. You can see them all here.

Amongst the others, there was the Fujifilm XG, an X-T styled Fujifilm GFX.

I was curious to compare its size to the one of current mirrorless full frame cameras, so I took the image shared by dpreivew, threw it into camerasize, and manually made accurate size comparison with the Panasonic S1R, Sony a7iii, Nikon Z7, Canon EOS R as well as the Fujifilm GFX 50R.

Fujifilm obviously designed all the early concepts keeping in mind that they have to accomodate a rather big shutter mechanism. The arrival of the global shutter should allow Fujifilm to make the camera sensibly smaller.

  • Size Comparison – Fujifilm GFX100 vs Sony A7III, Nikon D5, Canon 1DX, Canon EOS R, Nikon Z7, Nikon D850, Fuji GFX 50R

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Fujifilm GFX Early Concept Mockups Image Gallery – Current Concepts, Future Reality?

Fujifilm SP-X Tilt Screen

Fujifilm GFX Concepts

At the recent Fujifilm X summit, Fujifilm displayed a modular Fujifilm GFX “Omega” concept, inspired by Hasselblad’s 500-series square format film cameras.

The Omega concept had “direct control for aspect ratio and unusual ‘roller’ style controls“.

It never became reality because of the big shutter mechanism required for the medium format sensor, a problem that could be solved with the global shutter.

Fujifilm displayed even more early Fujifilm GFX concepts at the X summit, such as two X-T camera alike concept and also the progenitor of the current Fujifilm GFX 50R, called Fujifilm SP-X, with sub-ISO dial, a weird tilt LCD screen and no EVF.

Fujifilm’s goal is to create a medium format camera close in size to current mirrorless full frame cameras. Future technology like the global shutter will help to achieve this goal. So the mockups we see today, are Fujifilm’s goal for tomorrow.

You can find the full GFX concept gallery at dpreview.

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Fujifilm GFX100 New Images and More Specs: 4K/30p with H265 Codec and 400 Mbps, 5 fps Continuous Shooting

larger view of the single Fujifilm GFX100 images below
larger view of the single Fujifilm GFX100 images below

We already knew that the Fujifilm GFX100 will be the first medium format camera able to shoot 4K/30p, but now Italian Fujifilm X photographer Luca Bracali and Italian store NewOldCamera dropped a few more specs from the GPP event in Dubai here (Luca) and here (NOC).

Lucky me that Italian is one of the 3 languages I manage much better than English (and poor you, who have to live with all kind of English errors I make), so here is the translation of the main new specs unveiled by Luca and NOC.

  • 4K/30p with H265 codec and 400 mbps
  • shipping within the end June
  • price: €10,000
  • 5 fps continuous shooting (GFX50S and GFX50R shoot at 3fps)

Full rumored and officially announced Fujifilm GFX100 specs and larger view of the images below:

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Fujifilm Publicly Asks Which X and G Lenses to Make Next, Shows Video Demo of New Fujifilm X-T3 April Firmware, Modular Compact GFX Body and More – X Summit

Fujifilm X Summit

Fujifilm hold the first X summit at the GPP in Dubai, an event aimed to listen to customer feedback in the best Kaizen tradition and discuss about the Fujifilm future.

For example, Fujifilm asked people which X and GFX lenses they should make next and which firmware update should come next.

Sadly there was not much participation (hardly 50 comments), so let’s see what happens if I share the same polls here on FujiRumors, the only Fujifilm community that can collect several thousands of votes within a few hours ;).

You find Fujifilm’s future X and GF lens survey down below.

Big news: just as we rumored a few days ago, the Fujifilm X-T3 will get a major firmware update, centered on autofocus improvements. It will come in April. Fujifilm showed a video demo of the improvements, and it was fairly impressive. Better face and eye tracking.

Here is the entire 1 hour and 48 minutes video summed up in key points for you. You’re welcome :).

X and G Mount – starts 27:48

Why no Full Frame

  • All brands go to mirrorless, and to different mounts and sensor sizes
  • Medium Format makes it easier to design lenses for higher resolution. But also needs more power
  • Barney from DPReview says there is no perfect format. It depends on what the customers wants
  • Every format has Pros and Cons
  • Focus is APS-C size. Provides fast system and enough resolution
  • For higher resolution, go GFX
  • Fuji’s R&D challenge is to make APS-C quality better and GFX smaller

X mount

  • X-mount design: sensors are getting better and so sensitive, that they have to deliver light through the lens in a very precise way
  • More light, less digital correction
  • Value Angle: Long technical explanation. In short: the wider the value angle, the more precise and easier they can send light to the sensor
  • Fujifilm compares the value angle of X-mount to full frame, and they show that X-mount has much wider value angle (screenshot below)
  • Canon and Nikon full frame mirrorless have smaller value angle
  • The Value angle of Sony full frame is very narrow
  • Wider value angle gives more flexibility for lens design. Allows for more light and less digital correction

FUTURE CONCEPTS – starts 41:57

XF33mm f/1.0

  • XF35mmF1.4 vs XF33mmF1.0: the XF 33/1 needs to be twice as big, since it needs to let in and correct twice the light
  • XF33mmF1 has more than twice lens elements than the XF35/1.4
  • to correct aberration on the XF33mm f/1.0 you need around 7-10 glass front elements
  • the XF35mmF1.4 has only 7 elements overall
  • the backside of the XF33mm f/1.0 has about 8 to 10 glass elements
  • overall the XF33mm f/1.0 has more than twice the lens elements
  • the 7 to 10 glass elements on the front of the 33/1 weight about 200 gram
  • challange is to move heavy lens elements precisely during autofocus
  • Toshi was not satisfied with the size of the lens, but he understands the challenges of developing it. However, he invites engineers to make it still as small and light as possible

XF16mm f/2.8 and XF 16-80mm f/4 working protoypes

  • XF16mmf/2.8 announcement soon
  • XF16-80mmf/4 will follow. Launch later this year. Lens feels really light

Future X and GF lenses

  • Fujifilm asks people which lenses Fujifilm should develop next – FujiRumors added the polls down below
  • Tilt shift lens is very likely to come next for G mount system
  • Zack Arias agrees with FujiRumors and he does not want a 35/1.4 MK II because he does not want the 35/1.4 magic to go lost
  • development costs of new lenses are very high


GFX Concepts

  • Mirrorless should be free from all legacy
  • Fujifilm shows design mock-ups of GFX
  • they show a very small cubic and modular GFX, where you can attach a grip unit and viewfinder unit. So you can build the GFX according to your style (full video here and original full video here)
  • the modular GFX is just a mockup, but Fujifilm hopes it won’t take long to create such a small device
  • Medium format size can be reduced a lot, but there are challenges, for example a smaller shutter unit and better battery efficiency
  • with global shutter Fujifilm can make it smaller

The clear message here is: don’t worry, we are going to make the GFX system a whole lot smaller. So invest into GFX, and we will deliver you also a super-compact body one day.

GFX 100

  • Fujifilm shows a working prototype of GFX100 and they take a sample on stage, including pixel peeping
  • at 100MP the benefits of medium format shine, because it’s easier to design lenses that resolve 100MP for MF than for full frame or APS-C
  • hand-holdable medium format camera thanks to IBIS
  • GFX100 will cost around $10,000, but final decision has not yet been made
  • Coming before June

COLORS and IMAGE QUALITY – starts 1:17:46

  • They explain their color science.
  • The steps are: signal, measure, calculate, tune, target color
  • there will be new film simulations and they asked people which should come next (FujiRumors has already expressed its opinion)

FIRMWARE – starts 1:27:25

  • 250+ total firmware updates made since the original X100 has been introduced
  • They show upcoming firmware of X-T3 with significant autofocus improvement. Better face detection, better tracking, better eye AF. Coming in April. Check it out in the video embedded above or on youtube at 1:28:35
  • Fujifilm also said they will give us the opportunity to switch between faces with the new firmware
  • survey about which firmware should come next
  • they official mention Kaizen as their philosophy


  • Fujifilm is studying the rating system
  • Adobe X-Trans support: Adobe says that for them to get good results with X-Trans is difficult, it’s a lot of work. Fujifilm will support Adobe for better processing
  • People ask for complete Camera Remote App redesign
  • Fujifilm is working on improved camera remote app

There will be more X summits, and you can interact at slido here, and of course you will be the first to know, if you follow FujiRumors on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter.

Which Fujinon XF Lens Should Fujifilm Make Next? - max. 2 selections

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Which Fujinon GF Lens Should Fujifilm Make Next? - max. 1 selections

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Firmware Wishlist - Pick 1

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Panasonic S1R vs Fujifilm GFX50R and Panasonic S1 vs Fujifilm X-T3 – Let the Unfair Comparisons Begin

Panasonic vs Fujifilm

Some will call it unfair comparisons, but here on FujiRumors we think every comparison is unfair, unless you compare exactly the same two cameras with the same firmware.

And since everything is unfair, everything goes.

So let’s compare the upcoming Panasonic S1R and S1 (live coverage on L-Rumors) to the Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm GFX 50R.

So, with the help of apotelyt, let’s start!

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Fujifilm X-T2 vs Panasonic S1

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Fuji Guy Billy: Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 Development Challenge, XF 16-80mm f/4 very silent AF, X-H1 Market Misunderstanding and More

Fuji Guy Billy Interview

Fuji Guy Billy joined the Fujilove podcast. For those of you, who are right now on the road or at work and you can’t listen to it all at iTunes, Stitcher or on fujilove, here are the key points:

Fujinon X Mount Lenses

Fujifilm X100, X-E3, X-T20 and X-T3

  • Fujifilm X100 was the game changer and started the X series success
  • When developing the X100, Fujifilm wondered who is going to buy a fixed lens camera at this price point, but it turned out to be a success
  • Fujifilm X-T3 is balance of size, weight and quality in a good price point, but for Billy even the X-T3 is big
  • Billy’s go-to camera is the Fujifilm X-E3, paired with XF35mmF2, XF23mmF2 and occasionally the XF50mmF2 because of portability
  • Fujifilm X-T20 with no joystick is a dealbreaker for him

Fujifilm X-H1

  • Fujifilm X-H1 latest firmware introduced lots of improvements and the new lower price makes it very tempting
  • The Fujifilm X-H1 maybe has been misunderstood by the market. It had a lot of new video features, so people considered it more a video camera. But it is also a better and more robust camera, and facilitates handling of bigger lenses. For Professionals weight is sometimes not a problem, but more durability. That’s why Fujifilm launched the Fujifilm X-H1. It should also appeal to DSLR customers, who were on the fence of switching to mirrorless. IBIS is quite nice also for photography, especially in low light
  • Shutter has an S1 (half press) and S2 (full contact to release shutter) position. Regarding the Fujifilm X-H1, you can contact your Fujifilm service and see if they have an option to adjust the S1 and S2 position to your taste (low, medium or high). There might be a charge for that service, depending on your country


  • Fujifilm wanted to make an excellent IBIS system, and it is one of the best on the market. But the size of the system was too big to put it into other X-series cameras. At this moment, it can’t fit in other cameras, but hopefully one day IBIS can be designed smaller and make it fit on other cameras

Fujinon G Mount Lenses

  • Fujinon GF 50mm f/3.5 coming in 2019 and Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4 in 2020
  • Fujinon GF 100-200mm f/5.6 R LM OIS WR: If you look to move into medium format, you don’t have many lenses initially to choose from, so zoom lenses can cover various focal lengths. The GF100-200 is compatible with teleconverter. It’s a little bit heavier, but very sharp. At that focal length with medium format sensor, you can isolate your subject very well

External Battery Packs

Navigate Menu

  • Tips and Tricks: Best way to navigate the menu is using the front and rear command dial. Front dial jumps from page to page, and rear dial jumps from item to item

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Which Fujifilm X and GFX Gear do you Own and Which Lens do You LOVE Most? – POLL

I have a curiosity: which Fujifilm X and GFX do you own and use, as well as what kind of photographer are you?

We have launched the “most owned Fuji Gear” poll also on our Fuji X Forum here. Hundreds have already voted, so check out the results in this thread.

Before you vote on the gear, please tell us if you are:

  • Pro Photographer = majority of your incomings comes from photography
  • Enthusiast
  • Amateur

Also tell us, what kind of photography do you do, so we can see in which genres you guys use your Fuji cameras most.

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