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LEAKED: Full Details of Upcoming Fujifilm Firmware Updates + First Images of GF 250mmF4 and GF 1.4x Teleconverter

Nokishita just leaked the full details of the upcoming firmware for Fujifilm GFX 50S, X-T2, X-H1, X-Pro2 and X-H1 that we rumored here, as well as the first images of the Fujion GF 250mm F4 and GF 1.4x Teleconverter (all specs here).

To my knowledge, also the Fujiflm X100F should get a firmware update, but it is not included in the list of nokishita.

EPIC LIVE BLOGGING on April 12… stay tuned on FR via Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter.

we are going to have fun :)

Full Firmware Details

X-T2 Firmware Ver.4.00 -due May, 2018

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BREAKING: Kaizen Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T2, X-H1, GFX 50S, X-E3, X-Pro2 and X100F on April 12 (Announcement)

On April 12, Fujifilm will announce (not release) massive Kaizen Firmware updates for the following Fujifilm cameras.

I repeat: KAIZEN Updates!!!

It’s your time to dream now… and may your wishes become true soon :)

Fujinon GF250mmF4, GF 1.4x Telecoverter, massive Kaizen updates… there are plenty of great reasons to stay glued on FujiRumors on April 12!!!

I will deliver you as usual a non stop live blogging, so make sure to tune in and follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter.

stay tuned,

LEAKED: Fujinon GF 250mm F4 + GF1.4X TC WR Specs

The Japanese site nokishita leaked the specs of the Fujinon GF250mm F4 and GF 1.4x teleconverter, which will be announced on April 12.

GF 250 mF 4 R LM OIS WR

  • Lens construction: 10 groups 16 pieces (2 ED lenses, 1 super ED lens)
  • Number of diaphragm blades: 9 (circular aperture)
  • Minimum shooting distance: 1.4 m
  • Maximum magnification: 0.22 times
  • Filter diameter: φ 82 mm
  • Size: φ 108 mm 203.5 mm
  • Weight: 1425 g
  • Camera shake correction performance for 5.0 steps according to CIPA guideline
  • Dustproof and drip-proof · Low temperature resistant structure at -10 ° C
  • Focus preset function
  • Four focus control buttons
    • Focus preset and focus control button are compatible with GFX 50S Ver. 3.10

GF 1.4 X TC WR

  • Lens composition: 3 groups 7 sheets
  • Size: φ 82 mm x 26.7 mm
  • Weight: 400 g
  • Applicable lens: GF 250 mF 4 R LM OIS WR

Fujifilm GFX: GF 1.4x Teleconverter Prototypes :: Full Frame Vs Medium Format Battle :: The Addicting GF110 & More!

Fujifilm GFX

Damien Brown was at the Fuji booth at NAB, and shared this video that shows prototypes of the Fujinon GF 1.4x Teleconverter. You can see displayed also a prototypes of the GF 250mmF4.

Here on FujiRumors, we leaked the internal GF lens roadmap (screenshot inlcuded), already back in April 2017. So far it all turned out true. To see what’s left to come, check out this post (18mm and 45mm macro extension tubes included)

And now it’s time for a Fujifilm GFX roundup, as well as a bunch of fantastic images taken by GFX shooters all over the globe and shared at our gigantic Fujifilm GFX facebook group.

  • PHOTIGY Youtube: Medium Format (GFX and X1D) vs 35mm (A7rIII) – High Resolution Shootout – Part 1
  • PHOTIGY Youtube: Megapixel Battle Royale: Fuji GFX-50s vs Hasselblad X1D-50 vs Sony a7R III – Part 2
  • streetshootr – Fuji GFX Street Photography Review – Bigger Is Better!
  • keithwee – The one that Addicts you: Fujion GF110 F2
  • Annie Barton Youtube – Fuji GFX + SLR Magic Hyperprime 50mm @ f0.95
  • fujilove – Cuba with the Fujifilm GFX 50S
  • striebel – Focus Stacking with Fujifilm GFX 50Sc
  • MDR Foto Youtube – Nikon 105mm f1.4 Lens vs Fujifilm 110mm f2.0 Lens on the Fujifilm GFX 50s – Adapted Lens series

Fujifilm GFX Community


Wirawan Sanjaya
shared here
gfx + 115/1.7

Taner Öner
shared here

_ _ _

Nick Gillespie
shared here
I gave my 6yo my old 5d classic for our road trip last week. He took 1200 photos. I think I took almost as many of him with the camera up to his eye. #prouddaddy
GFX w/Zeiss 80f2

_ _ _

Jonas Rask
shared here
Soothing my OCD
GFX50s – Zeiss Planar T* 85mm f/1.4 C/Y

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-T3 and GFX 100S will Have Interchangeable FULL FRAME, APS-C and Monochrome Sensor Similar to Ricoh GXR/S10

Fujifilm X-T3

Do you like Full Frame? Do you prefer APS-C? Is X-Trans your thing or do you want a Bayer sensor? Or maybe you always dreamed of a monochrome sensor?

Don’t worry, to get all of this, you will need just one camera, the Fujifilm X-T3.

Our top trusted Japanese source just told us that the Fujifilm X-T3 will have an interchangeable lens/processor/sensor.

The concept is similar to the one used by the Ricoh GXR/S10, where basically lens, sensor and processor will be integrated into 1 single unit, that you can switch how you prefer.

Our trusted source told us, that at the Fujifilm X-T3 launch in September 2018, the Fujifilm X-T3 will be offered with:

  • 24MP APS-C X-Trans sensor
  • New X-Trans sensor with less than 30MP
  • 24MP BSI Bayer Full Frame sensor of Sony A7III
  • Monochrome 24MP Full Frame Sensor of Leica M Monochrom
  • organic APS-C sensor with global shutter

Along with the Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm will also launch the first two Full Frame lenses:

  • XFF 35mm F1.8
  • XFF 70-200mm F2.8

I asked our Japanese source if it will have also the option of a Medium Format sensor, but the source said MF sensor would make the Fujifilm X-T3 chassis too big, and Fujifilm wants to keep it smaller than the X-H1.

Fuji’s idea is to offer a Fujifilm X-T3, where you guys can still perfectly use all your current APS-C lenses, but if you want, you can slowly transition to full frame and finally spend more money on bigger FF glass.

The source also told us, that the new system is the real reason, why the Fujifilm X-T3 will not have IBIS: it is just technically too complicated at the moment to make an interchangeable sensor system with IBIS incorporated.

The price of the Fujifilm X-T3 will be “extremely agressive” said the source and “lower than current X-T2 price“.

You can check out the Ricoh GXR/S10 to get more details on how it works.

Fujifilm GFX 100S

The source also told us that the Fujifilm GFX 100S will also have a completely interchangeable sensor/processor unit, and in this case Fujifilm will offer a monochrome medium format sensor as well as an APS-C X-Trans sensor, so that people, upgrading from APS-C to Medium Format, will be able to use all their Fujinon XF glass on the GFX 100S without needing any adapter

No Full Frame sensor will be offered for the Fujifilm GFX 100S.

On the other hand, the Fujifilm GFX 50R will remain with a fixed MF sensor. The goal of this camera is to make it as cheap as possible.

Stay tuned on FR, not only on April 1st ;) … via Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

all the best,

Fujifilm Manager Interview: Great Fujifilm GFX Sales, X70 Successor and Sony, Canon, Nikon FF Mirrorless: “We Will Work Hard to Keep Our Uniqueness”

DPReview interviewed three of the most representative Fujifilm mangers: first and foremost nothing but “official Lover” Toshihisa Iida, as well as Makoto Oishi and Shin Udono.

Here some excerpts:

Fujifilm GFX 50s

  • We’ve shipped more than we expected and planned for. Even more impressive is the lens attachment rate, as we’ve sold so many lenses as well. Overall, GFX sales have exceeded our predictions. […] Something that we didn’t expect was the number of high-end amateurs buying the GFX system. According to our survey, 80% of users are non-professional, and 20% are professional. That was a surprise. […]
  • Many customers may want to use their existing lenses on a GFX body, so we support many third-party adapter manufacturers to provide lens adapters. […] We’re surprised too that we can find over 100 lens adapters in the market, with 28 types of mounts.
  • At the moment, yes [we are currently more focused to make prime lenses], but we are aware of requests from customers for other zoom lenses.

Fujifilm X-H1 and X-E3

  • customers actually requested a bigger grip and better handling [to use especially with bigger lenses like the 100-400 and future 200mmF2]
  • Last September, we went the opposite direction with the X-E3. We said, ‘this is a minimalism camera.’ Less is more. One reason for these lineups is that each photographer, each customer, requires a different style of camera.

APS-C + Medium Format… and What about Full Frame?

  • At the moment, we don’t feel that there’s anything we need to add [in addition to APS-C and MF], but we do want to focus on APS-C cameras. We think that’s a good format for the best balance between size, speed, quality, and now we have the GFX [for even greater quality].

Fujifilm X70 Successor?

  • Yes, we are considering it

Video Vs. Stills

  • I think we will see more users transition from stills to video rather than the other way around

Kaizen Updates

  • Yes, that’s technically possible [X-H1 autofocus enhancements on X-T2]. We continue to be committed to firmware upgrades, but we need to decide which cameras really require new functionality.

The Future

  • there is much room to improve stills photography functionality [firmware and hardware]

Competition: Sony, Canon and Nikon

  • We will see more competition with Canon and Nikon as well as Sony, but we will work hard to keep our uniqueness

Canon and Nikon Full Frame Mirrorless Coming

  • My answer was always, ‘welcome.’ Because having those strong brands in the mirrorless marketplace increases general awareness of mirrorless, and that’s a good thing for the whole industry. […] We will see more competition with Canon and Nikon as well as Sony, but we will work hard to keep our uniqueness in design and usability; [one big way] we differentiate is by our analog controls. And of course, we need to keep innovating inside our cameras as well, improving the sensor, processor, and also by introducing new lenses.

Asian Vs. USA Market

  • For the US market, we definitely have focused on the high-end side, and that has been successful.
  • If you look at the Asian market, the X-A series are really popular mirrorless cameras. In Thailand, our market share for mirrorless is over 40%. […] these customers are used to smartphones, and they’re switching to mirrorless.

Make sure to read the whole interview at dpreview here.

Fujifilm GFX 50S + Any GF lens* (save $1,000): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
* GF63mmF2.8 / GF45mmF2.8 / GF32-64mmF4 / GF120mmF4 / GF110mmF2 / GF 23mmF4

Fujifilm X-H1 Bundle Deals Save $150
Adorama + BHphoto include Free Domke Bag

with XF 16-55: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
with XF 50-140: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
with XF 100-400: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
with Vertical Grip + XF 16-55: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
with Vertical Grip + XF 50-140: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
with Vertical Grip + XF 100-400: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

Fujifilm X-H1
All combos: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera


Steelsring Canon EF to Fujifilm GFX Autofocus Adapter Test

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

guest post by Peter Sills –

Several months ago, I first read about adapters that would allow me to mount my Canon lenses to my new Fujifilm GFX 50S. Interested, I reached out to the various companies mentioned inquiring about their availability and acquiring one for potential testing. Of these, only one, Steelsring, got back to me. After some conversation, we agreed that I would test the unit and write an article as to my findings. Several months later, in December of 2017, I received my adapter.

I was intrigued. When first released, the Steelsring EF>GFX adapter was reported as being the only adapter of its kind which would also property report the Lens EXIF information to the camera and turn off the automatic lens correction (for the Fuji 63mm lens) in the process. Having this ability allows you to create your own special “Lens Profiles” for the camera/lens/adapter combination – something I find quite useful and important.

Lightroom – Note the Lens is correctly reported as the EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM @ 70mm and 1/70 sec at f/2.8
Lightroom – Note the Lens is correctly reported as the EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM @ 70mm and 1/70 sec at f/2.8)

When the unit arrived, it came in a very attractive wood and aluminum case. It was extremely well packaged and after careful examination appeared to be well constructed as well.

This is how the Steelsring Adapter arrived. It also makes for an excellent storage case.
This is how the Steelsring Adapter arrived. It also makes for an excellent storage case.

Of course, how these adapters operate is that on one side of the adapter is the Native Mount (Fuji) side, and on the opposing side is the Lens Mount (Canon side). Most adapters are “passive” so there are no contact pins. The Steelsring adapter is of a new generation of mounts that allow a camera to actually obtain accurate focus using “non-native” lenses. In this case Canon lenses.

So, the next step was to mount this to my Fuji GFX and begin testing.

I found the fit to be quite tight and secure, both on the Fuji side and on the Canon side. I would say even more so on the Fuji side. Many of the Canon lenses I found “clicked” right in to place. A few required a little adjustment of the lens release button to ensure they were indeed “locked-in”. Once this was properly engaged, the connection was tight, with no looseness or “wobble” at all.

My objectives were quite simple.

  1. Determine if a lens adapter, in this case an auto-focus lens adapter, could provide usable AF accuracy and speed using my existing Canon lenses.
  2. Determine if the “vignetting” of these lenses would be significant enough to render them useless or usable for my testing.

Alright, so how to begin?

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Fujifilm GFX Vs. Nikon D850 Image Quality Comparison :: GFX with Techart Adapter :: GF Lens Reviews and More

Fujifilm GFX 50s Complete Review at mirrorlessons

Fujifilm GFX

It’s high time for another Fujifilm GFX 50S roundup… and it’s a massive one :)

The Nikon D850 Vs. Fujifilm GFX 50S comparison makes the start (by camerajabber), and even though the Nikon D850 has for sure a fantastic image quality, the Fujifilm GFX 50S is even better. Of course it’s up to each one of you to decide, if the IQ improvement is enough for you to decide to go with the Fujifilm GFX 50S.

And always keep in mind, that the Fujinon GF lenses underperform on the Fujifilm GFX 50S, since Fujifilm officially said they are designed for 100 megapixel resolution. This means they will express their full potential only in the Fujifilm GFX 100S, which will come in 2019 earliest.

So now the roundup, from the D850 to the GFX, from lens reviews to the techart smart adapter… there is a lot to read for Fujifilm GFX 50S fans :)

Nikon D850 vs Fujifilm GFX 50S: Image Quality Comparison at camerajabber

Techart Adapter + Cambo Actus + Adapted Lenses

  • Fuji GFX 50s With Techart Adapter – GF 110mm f2 vs Sigma 85mm Art at Sonder Creative Youtube
  • Fuji GFX With Techart Adapter and Canon Tilt Shift Lenses Review at Sonder Creative Youtube
  • In the following video Nathan unboxes and then show an example stack image set from the Cambo Actus Mini, GFX50s, Schneider 120mm F/5,6 APO Macro Digitar, and Cognisys at Fauxtaku Lounge Youtube
  • Fujifilm GFX with M42 – Yashinon 50mm 1.9 at glyons

GFX Review & Comparisons

  • A Longterm Review of the GFX 50s: Living With Fuji’s Medium Format Camera at fstoppers
  • Ultimate Street Battle: X-E3 vs GFX 50S at fujilove

Lens Review

  • Lens Review: Fujifilm GF 110mm F2 R WR (Fujifilm GF) at thephoblographer
  • Lens Review: Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R WR (Fujifilm GF) at thephoblographer
  • Lens Review: Fujifilm GF 32-64mm f4 R LM WR at thephoblographer
  • Review: Fujifilm GF 45mm f2.8 R WR (Fujifilm GF) at thephoblographer
  • GF 45mm Review at photographyblog
  • Fujifilm GF 45mm f/2.8 R WR Field Test: 35mm-equivalent prime lens delivers fantastic sharpness at imaging-resource
  • Simple Objects – A test of the GF 110mm f2 R LM WR Lens by Kevin Mullins at
  • Fujifilm GF 63mm F/2,8: The prettiest lens I don’t use at ohm-image

GFX at Work & on Field

  • My images on Tashi Delek, inflight Magazine of Drukair (official airline for Bhutan) using Fujifilm Cameras at williamchua
  • Iceworld Shot with the GFX 50S and GF 120mm f/4 OIS R WR at laroquephoto
  • Fuerteventura – The Great Adventure at glyons
  • Fez in Photos | Morocco with Fuji GFX50s, the X100F and the X-T2 at danielkorzeniewskiphoto
  • Rocky Mountain High • Crested Butte, Colorado with Fuji GFX 50s and Fujinon GF 32-64 f4 at roberthclarkphotography

Promotional & Magnum Project

Technical Tests

  • Fuji 45/2.8 focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Manual focusing strategies for the Fuji 45/2.8 at blog.kasson
  • Stopped-down manual focusing with the GFX-50S at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 110/2 focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 63/2.8 focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Fuji GFX 50S AF accuracy restated at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 32-64/4 at 64 mm focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 32-64/4 at 32 mm focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 32-64/4 at 44 mm focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson

& More

Fujifilm GFX 50S + GF lens (save $1,000): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

JOIN our Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group
FOLLOW our Fujifilm GFX Facebook Page

Laowa Magic Format Converter for Fujiiflm GFX Available… and Kipon, Mitakon, Fringer at CP+


There is definitely grabbing the attention of the Fujifilm world lately, not only thanks to the launch of the Laowa 9mmF2.8 Zero-D (hands on report here).

Also Fujifilm GFX can look forward to the Laowa Magic Format Converter, which allows you to adapte your Canon and Nikon full frame lenses onto the Fujifilm GFX without any vignetting.

Laowa Magic Format Conveter for Canon / Nikon: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

& More

Now only Laowa. There are other emerging brands that add lenses and accessories to the Fujifilm X and GFX system. The Japanese site visted Kipon, Mitakon, Fringer and more at CP+, and shared some images that you can see down below.

Kipon for Fujifilm

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The Fujifilm GFX 50S Goes To The Mekong

Write Your Articles Directly on FujiRumors!

3 Observations I Made When I Took My Medium Format On the Road That Will Have Me Taking It Out Again

guest post by Greg Pai – You can follow Greg on his photographingGOD Photography webSIGHT and Instagram

Fujifilm GFX 50S + GF lens (save $1,000): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
JOIN our Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group
FOLLOW our Fujifilm GFX Facebook Page

The goal posts of camera technology are being moved every day. When I say portraiture, you say higher resolution. When I say sports; you say faster, more accurate autofocus performance. When I say weddings and events, you say increased ISO sensitivity. And, when I say journalistic or street photography, you say medium format? Not really…

Most pros relegate medium format to studio, landscape, or tripod-mounted applications and more ergonomic formats for journalistic style photography. So, it was typical that I would pack my Leica gear for a recent one month assignment through the Mekong (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam).

However, at the last minute, I was somehow compelled to swap it out for my medium format Fuji GFX 50s system taking up nearly 3 times the space. What was I thinking? Well, I wasn’t thinking straight for sure. But that is how some of the most remarkable things happen in life (Like when my wife said “Yes”)!

My last minute decision was partially influenced by the fact that image technology across sensor types (e.g., Crop, Full-Frame, and Medium) is converging rapidly and the features are blurring between such systems. So, at some point in the near future, I suspect these choices will be made for me anyway by process of elimination. I suppose I also wanted to test my patience and persistence. But, there was also an element of surprise I was seeking. I really wanted to see what this thing could do in the field under varied conditions and over a lengthy assignment.

Suffice to say, I was exceptionally pleased by the potential of the Fuji GFX 50S medium format in the field and hope that the following observations are an inspiration to all who are (i) facing decisions about upsizing or downsizing formats, (ii) interested in my approach to journalistic photography, or (iii) wanting to simply experience the beauty of the people and colors of the Mekong.

1. Medium format is too heavy and bulky for journalism and street photography; Or is it?

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