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Fujifilm GFX: Travel :: Wedding :: Incredible IQ :: New Fringer C645-GFX Smart Adapter Firmware Available (GFX Zone)

Thierry Vanhuysse
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New York City skyline … pano of 6 images … fujifilm gfx50 + 32-64mm

New Fringer Smart Adapter Firmware

New firmware (v2.1) is available for C645-GFX smart adapter at fringerdev:

With the new firmware (v2.1), 55/3.5 and 210/4 have been added to the AF list. As I said earlier, I changed my mind and decided to open AF functions for all Contax 645 lenses on GFX. The last 2, i.e. 45-90 and 350/4, would also be added to AF list in the near future. Please visit to download the new firmware, the release notes and the new manual. Follow the described steps in the manual to upgrade your adapter. […]

I was conservative on AF performance of adapted Contax 645 lenses on CDAF bodies like GFX. However, more and more in field tests made me believe that the AF performance actually is quite good in most cases. And one more option for users should always be better. That’s why I changed my mind. But please don’t be too optimistic. The AF performance is still lower than GF lenses on GFX or C645 lenses on C645 body due to the limitations of the old lens design. Thus, if you find it doesn’t satisfy you, please change to MF. All C645 lens can work under MF mode. And their super fine MF rings are way better than GF lenses‘.

Fringer Contax645 – GFX smart adapter AF demo (210/4 and 55/3.5) at fringer youtube

& More GFX

Join the 15,000+ strong GFX facebook group and for fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Aziz Nasuti
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Enjoy 23mm!
Trondheim in Norway!

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Bong Luk
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GFX with Leica-R 80 1.4.
I think I just try enough for the vintage lens, is it time to try the GF 110/2?

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Fujifilm GFX 50s Captures Solar Eclipse… and Why I Ended Up Thinking at What Gear I will Use in 10 Years :)

Seth Stempson
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32-64 is a little short for eclipse photos

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About Life and Gear

Oh… lucky those of you, who could just enjoy the solar eclipse!

I have never seen one, but I googled, and I might have my chance to photograph one on 2nd of August 2027.

10 years of waiting might seem a lot, but when I saw Seth’s image (top image), where the gigantic spectacle of celestial bodies becomes just a small point into a much bigger frame (and space), I’m reminded of my own real dimension: I’m just an even smaller point admiring it all… and my ten years are just a glimpse of an eye.

A glimpse of an eye… and I perceive that….

… it’s not about putting more years into our lives, but more life into our years.

So let’s try to have 10 good years, and to have fun, until the day I can finally photograph the solar eclipse with my… with… I wonder… what gear will I use in 10 years?

Maybe an X-EPhoton? Or an X-TQuantum? An iPhone? And will Fuji’s rangefinder cameras finally have a tilt screen? Questions, millions of questions, nailed in my brain like stars pinned on the firmament.

Take care my friends… all will be good… enjoy it :)

Join the 15,000+ strong GFX facebook group (also to see more solar eclipse images) and get 100% GFX news and rumors at the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Ting-Li Lin
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GFX + Canon 100-400 + Canon 2X

Godox X1TF Firmware-Update brings HSS to Fujifilm GFX 50s and X100F… and More!

Godox XT1-F for Fujifilm... a Best Seller at BHphoto
Godox XT1-F for Fujifilm… a Best Seller at BHphoto

Godox X1T-F Transmitter

Today, Godox has released a Firmware update for their X1T-F transmitter.

  1. To add the support of FUJIFILM GFX 50s camera.
  2. To add C.Fn custom settings.The transmitter’s parameters that set by Godox APP are not changed.And the transmitter is only for triggering.
  3. To add the support of X100F、X100T cameras.Reach to 1/1250s high-speed sync in shutter (all unclosed groups must be set to M mode)
  4. To solve the problem that when the TT600 and V850II are set as receivers,flashes cannot be triggered in high-speed mode(all unclosed groups must be set to M mode)

You can download the new firmware (via Windows) at this Godox page.

Short summary by FR-reader Steven – svw-photography (thanks for notifying me via email):

There is a new function setting (f11) that enables support for the non-TTL strobes. It has to be set at 02. All groups must be set to manual mode. If you set one to TTL, the non-TTL strobes won’t fire at anything above sync speed.
I tested with TT600 and it works. I’ve read on a FB page that the AD360 version 1 (non TTL) also works

What has also been fixed is the support for X100F and X100T. Now shutterspeeds up to 1/1250th are possible (although I tested at 1/1600th and it was OK). Above that (1/2000th), the flash fires, but out of sync because I get a black frame.

Support for GFX50s, I didn’t test, because I don’t have one.

Read also: First Godox XT1-F Hands On Report and Damien Lovegrove Final Godox Testing at

Godox X1T-F controller: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Godox TT350F: Adorama, AmazonUS
Godox TT685F: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Godox V860IIF: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Godox AD200: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

The 3D Pop of the Fujifilm GFX :: Minolta Rokkor Lenses on GFX & More (GFX zone) – Includes NSFW images

3D Pop Anyone :)

GK Kutar
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GFX , 110mm F2

Fujifilm GFX

Sometimes, images speak more than 1,000 words. And this is why I always warmly invite to check out all the great work our 15,000+ strong GFX facebook group is sharing day by day with the community.

But sometimes, we also need words, considerations, opinions, interpretations and suggestions.

So here you have it both again, the images, and the reviews and tests. Enjoy them :)

Join the 15,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

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*** NSFW *** included

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Fujifilm GFX 50S Vs. Leica S Vs. Hasselblad X1D :: The World from Above with the GFX… & more (GFX Zone)

Tatsuya Takahashi
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HASSELBLAD Carl Zeiss Planar T* CF 80mm F2.8

The G-system is just at its start. More lenses are coming, such as the Fujinon GF 80mmF1.4, and also the new MF 100 Megapixel BSI sensor is ready, which will be the core of the Fujifilm GFX 100S, and sort out one of current downsides of the GFX 50s: speed!

Moreoever, Fujifilm wisely designed the G-system thinking at the long-term. The imminent breakthrough (some predict it at least within 2020) in the camera market of the global shutter, will make leaf shutter lenses (and DSLR’s) basically obsolete… that’s called innovation ;) .

But global shutter and lens roadmaps are a thing of the (not so distant) future. We should not forget that the Fujifilm GFX is already today quite a beast… and although not the prettiest camera on the world, the Fujifilm GFX 50s might well be, already, the best Medium Format camera out there today :)

So let’s dive into today’s roundup… and don’t forget to….

Fujifilm GFX Vs. Leica S

German Pro-photograher Deniz Saylan tested the Fujifilm GFX 50s vs. Leica S. In short he says that:

Leica S has very bad AF and not very accurate. The GFX instead is more accurate and delivers sharper results even if used at slower shutter speeds compared to the Leica S. Better noise performance of the GFX. Better handling for GFX. Leica S loses the battle agains the Fujifilm GFX. The GFX is not perfect, but “impressive” and makes fun… and the clear winner against the Leica S

And I’d add also that the GFX is much cheaper than the Leica S ;) . To read it the full feedback (in German), go to this comment on facebook.

Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D

Photographylife reviewed the Fujiiflm GFX 50s and inevitably compared it to the Hasselblad X1D. And the winner is… ;)

After months of use of both camera systems, I came to the conclusion that the Fuji GFX 50S is a far better camera to invest in when compared to the X1D-50c. Not only because of its superior feature-set (more responsive EVF, faster and richer AF system, tiltable LCD screen and a very robust menu system with tons of options), but also because it proved to be a more reliable tool. Top that with better overall image quality (see the previous page for ISO invariance tests), vastly superior battery life, ability to adapt third party lenses and far less blackouts and lags in comparison, and I really don’t see any area where the X1D-50c is functionally better. The X1D-50c is a beautiful camera without a doubt, but that’s pretty much its only strength. It has an unbearably long start-up time, poor battery life, poor feature set and constant bugs, making it a very frustrating camera to work with.”

You can read the whole Fujifilm GFX 50S Review at photographylife:

& more

GFX stories with Markus&Koala (the makers of the David Bowie Unseen exhibition) at Fujifilm Global Youtube

Oh wait… I have a few more GFX stuff (and images) below :)

For Europe: Deal on Demo G-Gear: Check out the discounted (as new) Fujifilm GFX 50s, GF32-64 and GF120.
Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

David Airob
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Fuji GFX+63mm

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Jason Man
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Nikon 58mm f1.2 + GFX


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The Fujifilm GFX Drone :: Kipon Canon EF-GFX Smart Adapter :: Laowa Magic Format Converter :: GFX, Cambo Tilt Shift :: GF 110 or GF 120 :: Nissin HSS (GFX Zone)

Another Fujifilm GFX roundup… and it all comes from our wonderful and extremely lively Fujifilm GFX facebook group. It’s one of my daily joys to surf through the work and knowledge shared over at the group… feel free to join, and enjoy.

Join the 14,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

For Europe: Deal on Demo G-Gear: Check out the discounted (as new) Fujifilm GFX 50s, GF32-64 and GF120.

The Boeing-Drone for the Fujifilm GFX :)

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User Review of the Fujifilm GFX – Compared to Hasselblad X1D, Leica, and Sony

Shot with Fujifilm GFX 50s with 63/2.8 for Lovebite Magazine

Written for Fuji Rumors by Rick Birt of

*Note* This is a long post – I have a summary of pros and cons in my conclusion

As soon as the Hasselblad X1D-50c and Fuji GFX 50s were announced, I wanted one. The promise of Medium Format in a cheaper, and smaller package was incredibly alluring. For the past year my main camera has been a Fuji X-Pro2. I love it. I love the image quality, the colors, the size, and the Rangefinder styling. I also love Fujifilm’s Kaizen philosophy of constantly updating their camera lineup via firmware. All of these things influenced my decision toward the GFX. Luckily, my wife (Kelly Williams), and I were also given the opportunity to demo the Hasselblad X1D. The svelte styling, leaf shutter (ability to sync strobes at 1/2000s), and simple menus were all big pluses in the Hassy’s favor.

When we opened the boxes, we were woefully unimpressed by the Fuji GFX. Even though it kind of looks like a bigger X-T2, it’s actually kind of ugly in person. It almost looks like three different teams designed parts of the camera, and then they Frankenstein’d it all together in the end.

In stark contrast when we opened the X1D box, my wife said,

“We may have to buy two of these so we don’t fight over it.”

Similarly, we conducted two fashion shoots with these cameras. When we brought out the X1D, both models said

“Oh! A Hasselblad!”

Neither commented on the GFX.

Should this matter? My left brain says no. However, it does matter. What is this industry about? IMAGE. These tools are used to take images, because the world has placed value on images of pretty things. Don’t kid yourself, image is paramount in this business – especially in fashion and portraits.

Back to testing…

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Firmware Updates for Fujifilm GFX 50S, X-Pro2, X-T2, X-T20 and X100F Available

Fujifilm just released new firmware that fixes the following issues:

  • The phenomenon is fixed that in the MF mode, repeated halfway shutter pressing can shift the focus point under a specific exposure condition.
  • The phenomenon is fixed that in the AF-S mode, repeated halfway shutter pressing can shift the focus point with SHUTTER AF setting OFF.

The following cameras can be updated:

Don’t forget… big Fuji Party on September 7… these will be great weeks here on Fujirumors… so stick around ;)

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All In With the Fujifilm GFX :: GF110mm… the Must Have G-mount Lens :: DPReview GF23mm Sample Gallery… and More (GFX zone)

Fujifilm GFX

So it happens, that almost 7 months after its launch, the Fujifilm GFX 50s is ranked as the #69 best selling mirrorless camera. To me, that does not sound bad at all.

The Fujifilm GFX 50s is just the beginning of something new and awesome in the medium format world, just like the Fujifilm X100 and X-Pro1 were the beginning of something new and awesome in the APS-C world.

But while it took Fujifilm a couple of years to finally launch a mature product and have huge success in the APS-C world (X-Trans2 cameras and especially X-T1), I think that the next iteration of Fujifilm’s medium format cameras, the Fujifilm GFX 100S (or however they will call it) will already be a 100% mature product, especially if it will feature Sony’s 100MP BSI sensor that Sony officially announced at the CEBit here.

But until then, the Fujifilm GFX 50s is already a great tool, and a whole lot of fun to use today.

Join the 14,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

And now… one of the most appreciated sections of the GFX roundups: the images.

I know it means a lot to you guys if I share your work on FujiRumors. As photographers, you can need any visibility (and improved SEO google search results) you can get on the web, and I know I can help with it.

More visibility can also mean more clients for you guys.

This is why I keep it up, of course giving you all the credit you deserve for your great work, even if these image roundups are a really very time consuming activity for me. But I really want to support your as much as I can.

Rich Legg
shared here
Ruger, Bloodhound. GF120

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Alan Aurmont
shared here
Shot on GFX+110 but this particular photo could be shot on any camera+tele combo

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Damien Lovegrove
shared here
GFX50s with 32-64mm zoom lens and a splash of flash.

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(NSFW Included)

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Fujifilm GFX: Studio, Model, Bridal, Urban Decay… and the FUN of Using Vintage Glass on GFX :)

Mike Leung
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Point me to heaven
Giant Playground, Keetmanshoop, Namibia
GFX 50s, GF23 F4

Fujifilm GFX

In my last Fujifilm GFX roundup, some of you guys noticed that all images I shared were taken with adapted glass on GFX.

Sure, if all you care is the ultimate sharpness and clinically perfect image output, go for any of the Fujinon GF lenses. They are nothing but perfect and will just blow you away (just as X-mount glass does).

But maybe, sometimes, what you want is not the ultimate sharpness, but a certain “character”, a certain “look”, a unique rendering only some old vintage glass can give you.

And it seems that the Fujifilm GFX 50s is just the perfect system, if you want to breathe life into your old glass. It’s fun, it’s flexible (also thanks to the focal plane shutter), and it’s the most affordable medium format system in the known universe.

And hell yes… I do think I should really start again my GFX fundraising campaign, because otherwise I’m afraid that when I’m back teaching, things like these will happen all over again ;) .

Enough said, Patrick, let FR readers enjoy some good GFX stuff… so here it is :)

Join the 14,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Taner Öner
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