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Fujifilm GFX Vs. Canon 5D MK IV – Resolution :: GFX Sample at ISO 12,800 :: X100F Roundup

GFX image at ISO 12,800 on flickr

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro

GFX, 120 f/4 Macro, 1/125, f/22, ISO100 at GFX Facebook Group

Fujifilm X100F
USA BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Zack Arias Impresses His Audience with ISO 12,800 and Crazy Sharp Samples Taken with FUJIFILM GFX at his GPP Stage Talk

GFX Launch NightZach Arias – X-Photographer

Geplaatst door Fujifilm Middle East op woensdag 15 februari 2017

As you read here, Zack Arias is considering to sell all his X-gear to get the GFX.

In his recent GPP talk, he introduces the GFX in an interesting one hour video. Here some excerpts:

  • He will start telling you why he chose Medium Format and his first steps in with Medium Market.
  • He goes through his personal issues that, amongst the others, also influenced his work…. and shares his way out of that.
  • At minute 31:00 he starts sharing his recent work with the GFX
  • 32:25: He shares pictures that his 18 years old son took with the GFX.
  • 35:00: “I’ve shot every format, but Medium Format has this look. It’s how the highlights and shadows are retained, the soft transitions between those two, how the focus falls off. I can’t describe steroscopic bokeh at all, but I can see it. […] I want that different look.”
  • 39:00. Pixel Peeping Time… and you will hear the people just say “WOW!!” when they see the amazing sharpness and details.
  • 42:30: The MF Phase One is amazing. Has 1 AF point, though. He goes at 1,600 ISO at max with his Phase One now.
  • 43:55: Zack shows an image taken at ISO 12,800 (JPEG)… and again another WOW goes through the audience.
  • 48:00: A Fuji Representative says that Capture One will support the GFX

Check out the video at Fujifilm Middle East facebook here. For more GFX videos at the GPP by Fujifilm Middle East click here.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro

via theonlinephotographer

Fujifilm GFX: “Remarkably Clean Images at ISO 12,800 […] Manual Focus too Much Spinning on Lens” + Shutter Sound/AF Video

Dale Sood & Gary Goldberg from Vistek had 24 hours with the Fujifilm GFX. Not much time, but they tested it as long as they could, even deep in the night out in the streets at -10 degrees. It appears to me that they are trying to give their honest feedback, showing samples and crops, and also pointing out some Cons.

Here are some excerpts… and please pardon me, but the GFX is such a new and exciting piece of gear to the photography industry, that I will cover it properly here on FR.

You can be sure: good or bad feedback, I will share it all.

  • AF in studio: AF was perfect for Gary when shooting with the model. He focusses on the model’s eye, and the camera did a great job with nailing it.
  • AF in Low Light Night Street: Dale used it in low light on the street, and his experience was, as expected, different. In low light it struggled certainly more, but he says it’s always harder for every camera to focus in low light. (NOTE: remember it’s an early beta firmware)
  • Focus peaking: Dale switched to Focus Peaking. But he complains that there is a lot of spinning on the lens to get the focus. (NOTE: also here consider it’s an early beta firmware)
  • Sharpness: Just watch the video, guys :)
  • ISO Performance (min 6:42): The reviewer has experience with other leading Medium Format brands, and he says he rarely pushed ISO over 3,200, because he wasn’t happy with the results. He assumed it would be the same with GFX. He shot on the street at night, and had to push at ISO at 3,200 and for one shot even at 12,800. On the back of the camera 12,800 looked great. But he thought “there is no way this going to look good on the computer“. So he brought the file into the computer and said “I should have shot at ISO 12,800 more often. How clean it is at 12,800 is remarkable” :) . At 6400 the images are very usable right out of the box, without having to apply any grain reduction in post.
  • Battery Live: at -10 degrees, he shot the entire night, without even draining one battery.
  • Conclusions: It can keep up to the hype. It’s going to be a game changer

Full Hands-on review at Vistek Youtube

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm GFX :: Current Pricing About $8000 (body + lens) – New Source

The Fujifilm GFX is now in the hands of selected photographers, who are testing it and giving their feedback to Fujiiflm. And every now and then, Fujifilm shares little tidbits at their youtube channel.

One of the happy beta testers is Philippe Marinig. Here are some of his comments taken from this youtube video: “I like reality, I like using natural light. […] I was very impressed by the GFX quality. […] The GFX seems to have no much limitation in terms of ISO as well. It’s freedom, no limitation. […] New Generation, exciting“.

And the lucky photographers, who can already use the GFX, share some tidbits now and then also at the Fujifilm GFX facebook group… so don’t miss to check it out.

With that said, let’s come to today’s rumor, which should be taken with a grain of salt, because it comes from a new source, and especially because Fujifilm can change the estimanted pricing anytime. I mean, the X-T2 price has been decided just shorty before its announcement, and in case of the X70, Fujifilm even changed the price 2 days after the announcement, when it was still in pre-order status.

All I can give you are estimated price tags at the moment, and, according to a new source, Fujifilm has currently set the price for the GFX at around $8000 (with lens).

This fits more or less with the price shared in Germany by a store and at this Vietnamese store.

have a Great day,
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Local Store lists Fujifilm GFX 50s for “about €8000” :: More Fujifilm GFX Hands-On Reports

The 3,500 members of the Fujifilm GFX facebook group are very active. Some had the opportunity to test the GFX and shared their feedback for example here, some other guys are fighting hard to get their hands on as first on the GFX, like E. Bouvet and J. Apruzzese here, and more feedback and images can be checked out also here.

So you see… the group is very active and sharing stuff that fast, that I simply can’t keep up with it on FujiRumors. So, if you are interested in the Fujifilm GFX, then I recommend you to join the Fujifilm GFX facebook group.

Now, there are still many questions open regarding the Fujifilm GFX, and one of the hottest is for sure about its price. I’ve reported in the past, how an official Vietnamese store and Fujifilm showroom listed the GFX (+ lens) for sale for $8500 (€7,700).

Another hint has just been spotted by GFX facebook member Boerckel here. He noticed the flier of a German Store, where the Fujifilm GFX 50s price is said to be “about €8000“. It’s not clear if they mean body only or with GF63mm lens. The image shows the camera with lens, whereas the product description does not mention the lens.

Some reactions from the comments here:

  • J. Lindalen: “kids won’t be getting christmas presents this year, I need to save up some $$
  • M. Kuhnreich “Ha, my kids aren’t even allowed at the dentist this year. Daddy’s portraits are going to look awesome, though!”

a friendly GFX meeting

Message to Source: Thanks for the Nickname and the Feedback on GFX100RF

Message to Readers 1: I know you don’t like these posts. But I have no other way to hope to get this message out to the anonymous source (with nickname), other than making a public post.

Message to source

Thanks for giving yourself a nickname. This helps me a lot.

Just as an additional option: if you want the same benefit of being 100% anonymous, but at the same time also be able to interact with me, we have the option of chatting via Signal. I just wanted to let you know about this possibility, but of course it is also totally fine if you keep using the rumor box with your nickname.

Also, thanks for the feedback on the GFX100RF. I don’t know what I am allowed to share of it (and what not). If you want, you can include that info in future messages. If no indication is given, then I’ll just assume that everything can go online. And if you decide to go for Signal, we can directly chat and decide together on how to handle certain information.

With that said, thanks a lot for helping me out with the rumors (now and in the past).

How to Signal…

If anyone wants to get in touch with me using Signal

Signal can be downloaded on your Phone, but you can use it also on your desktop (it’s required that you have the App installed on your phone already). You can download Signal for Desktop here.

While you need your phone number to register, Signal doesn’t share it with me or anyone else. You can create a random nickname to contact me.

STAY TUNED: Fujifilm GFX100RF Front View Image Coming Today – And See the Crop Lever Now!

Earlier today Fujifilm shared the first image of the front view of the Fujifilm GFX100RF.

Well, our sources thought that the Fujifilm community needs more than just that massively underexposed image.

So they reached out to us and passed us a very clear image of the entire front of the GFX100RF (the top and backside can be seen here).

I am preparing the article now and will share it today.

In the meantime you can see the crop zoom lever placed under the ON/OFF switch and (big) command dial.

You toggle the lever left or right to change the crop, and it automatically flips back to the center after each adjustment.

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Fujifilm Managers talk GFX Eterna, New Fujifilm Made Monitor and More: “The GFX Eterna Will Enhance also Other Models”

CineD interviewed top Japanese Fujifilm managers about the upcoming Fujifilm GFX Eterna, which is already listed at BHphoto here.

  • GFX Eterna is Fujifilm’s first dedicated filmmaking camera
  • GFX Eterna coming still this year
  • Price wise, the goal is to make it available not only for rental houses, but that people can actually own it – Price Rumor here
  • supports 4:3 open gate. Resolution better than 4K
  • rolling shutter depends on mode you are filming
  • also on GFX100II depending on what mode you select
  • “we are making sure that the camera has no rolling shutter issue when you are shooting with the camera”
  • 15ms is minimum rolling shutter (4K 16:9)
  • F-Log 2C was developed for the GFX Eterna, but since GFX100II already on the market, they added it there too
  • what is applied to GFX Eterna, will actually enhance also other models
  • Fujifilm developed a monitor that will be included in the package for the GFX Eterna
  • it’s not another brand making the monitor, but it is made by Fujifilm
  • 5 inch monitor with touch screen
  • Fujifilm has received a lot of requests for a viewfinder, so Fujifilm is considering how to respond to that
  • around NAB in April Fujifilm will be disclosing more specs, but probably not yet all about it, but the main specs
  • Fujifilm wants to make sure this camera is well accepted in the market, otherwise there is no second or third camera
  • dual base ISO, ISO800 and ISO3200
  • Johnnie from CineD says that the Fujifilm team is relatively small and the small team is working on multiple projects
  • the Japanese manager confirms, “you are right, we don’t have a big team, but our platform is the same, we have the 5th generation processor and sensor and so it’s quite efficient. Although we have a small team working on different categories and different products, but the team knows what’s going on for the other camera projects and that could be implemented between each other. We are doing our best with our small team
  • Developing a camera takes about 2 years. Fujifilm tries to adjust to the market needs as much as possible, so if Fujifilm thinks it’s necessary, they would even stop the development of a camera and change to something else. But that does not happen so often
  • Fortunately our digital cameras have been very well accepted, but of course the market will change

You can see the fill video above.

Fujifilm GFX100RF for “around 5,000 USD” – Let us Know What You Think – VOTE

We just told you that the Fujifilm GFX100RF will cost “around $5,000“.

That’s a lower price tag compared to what I consider to be its closest competitor, the Leica Q3.

I was curious to know what you think about it, so I launched a survey below. Feel free to drop your vote.

Fujifilm GFX100RF to cost "around" 5,000 USD

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Share Your Love – Fujifilm X/GFX Communities to Follow

FujiRumors is nice and good.

You get exclusive rumors, fresh news and overall it is just a useful and informative place to be for Fujifilm X and GFX lovers (at least I hope you perceive it this way, too).

But it has one major limit: it’s a one man show.

And while this is good, because news and rumors are filtered through my expertise, making sure for example that fake rumors have no space here, the disadvantage is that there’s a single perspective at play, which can sometimes limit diversity in opinions.

But luckily there is a way to “escape” my unilateral view on the Fujifilm system.

You can always comment below, but you can also join the vibrant Fujifilm communities linked below, in which you will find and can share all possible thoughts and ideas about the Fujifilm system… and especially, you will be able to enjoy TONS of images taken with Fujiflm gear.