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Why I Sold My Canon 5D MK III and Switched to Fujifilm GFX :: 100 Years Old Lens on GFX… and Stunning Images (GFX Zone)

Fei En Ma
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GFX50s + Otus 55mm f1.4 ZF.2

Anything against a good switch story? I don’t think so. So here is another roundup, which also includes a short, clear and to the point article of why Brennan switched to the Fujifilm GFX (from Canon 5DMKIII).

And of course, images, images and more images, all taken by our fantastic members over at the GFX facebook group.

Join the 14,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Joy Time… Some Tests: Using 100 years old Cameras Lens with bellow at GFX by Taner Öner at the Fujifilm GFX Facebook group here

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Alvah Reida
shared here
Here’s another sample from the same wedding, Fuji GFX with the Leica R 80m f1.4 at maybe f1.8 f2, I don’t remember

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Push READ MORE to See More Stunning GFX Work

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Fujifilm GFX 50s Prints (and How the GFX is different to the X-Series?), Reviews and Images Roundup

Norbert Auryn Photoworks
shared here
GFX50s lens32-64mm with Broncolor mobile light

Fujifilm GFX

It’s great to see the Fujifilm GFX 50s falling into the hands of so many talented photographers, producing so many great work with it. And it really feels like basically all GFX owners are also part of our wonderful (and huge) GFX facebook community. Feel free to join :)

And for those of you who couldn’t care less about the GFX, check out the images and enjoy them… and just try to forget they have been taken with the amazing Fujifilm GFX 50s.

Don’t forget to join our Fujifilm GFX facebook page for 100% fast and GFX tailored news and rumors.

  • Fuji GFX 50S Prints (and how is the GFX different to the X-Series?) by Kevin Mullins at
  • GFX Impression (for Sport Photography) by Daniel Tengs at fujifilm-x
  • Selected Prewedding photos with GFX + GF 23 mm f4 at williamchua
  • GFX + Fotodiox + Minolta Rokkor 45 mm f2 lens at williamchua
  • GFX + Fotodiox Adaptor at williamchua
  • Ghost in the machine at doncraigphoto
  • Fujifilm GFX 50S Review: We Go Big with Fuji’s Medium Format Mirrorless Camera at shutterbug
  • You’re Invited: Fujifilm Canada’s “Shooting Medium Format with the Fujifilm GFX 50S” Session in Toronto, at No Cost, July 20, 2017 at photoxels
  • Thoughts on architectural with GFX, image circle and lens at getdpi
  • Mount Olympus and Blue Glacier at Ting-Li Lin 500px

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Push READ MORE to Enjoy More Images

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Fujifilm GFX 50s: Photojournalism, Macro Photography, USA West Coast, Low Light Shooting… and Many Wonderful Images!

John Armstrong GFX 50S Fujifilm Medium Format Camera at MARKDREWFISHER Professional Videographer Youtube

Fujifilm GFX

FujiRumors is the by far largest Fujifilm community. And as such, there are many Fujifilm GFX lovers and owners reading this blog, but also people, who do not own a GFX and are also not interested to purchase one.

So I thought… how can I make Fujifilm GFX roundups a nice experience for everybody, also for those who do not care about the Fujifilm GFX?

…. thinking…

… Got it!

There is one thing that unites us all: the image. Because we all love nice images, right?

This is why in every Fujifilm GFX roundup you will find a selection of wonderful images shared by GFX owners all over the world at our 14,000+ strong GFX facebook group.

So even if you don’t care about GFX, you might enjoy these roundups even just for the wonderful images shared here. And who cares if they have been taken with GFX or not. A nice image is a nice image, and something we will enjoy in any case.

And if you care about GFX, don’t forget to join the dedicated Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Join the 14,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Mike Leung
shared here
The Assassin. GFX 50s, GF110 F2

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Navin Voranavin
shared here
Yosemite Valley: GFX + 32-64mm

Click READ MORE to see More Images
(NSWF Included!)

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Fringer Contax 645-GFX Smart Adapter Upgraded

There is a welcome Firmware upgrade for the Fringer Contax 645-GFX Smart adapter.

In short: you don’t need the GF 63mm anymore for the activation. All lens model recognized. Correct aperture/focal length info. Full EXIF support.

Fringer worked on the upgrade based from feedback he got from our (wonderful and gigantic) Fujifilm GFX facebook group. And remember: if all you want are fast news and rumors about Fujifilm GFX, then make sure to follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

You can get the latest firmware at fingeradapter here and purchase the adapter here.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Full Press Release

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Fujifilm GFX: Shooting Birds with GFX (compared to Phase One XF), Kevin Mullins GFX 50s & More (GFX zone)

Mike Leung
shared here
Shooting pelican with GFX and GF23 ultra-wide lens
ISO 800, 1/1250, f/11

Fujifilm GFX

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Francis Yap M.
shared here
GFX sunrises with 32-64mm. Hello summer

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Mike Leung
shared here
Killer combo: GFX 50s + Capture One Pro 10
I posted this pic 3 months ago. The Super Fine JPG file could show the hairlines of fireworks. With Capture One Pro 10, it can extract even the micro hairlines between hairlines!
Lens: GF32-64 @32mm

Push READ MORE to Enjoy More Images :)

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Fujifilm Manager GFX 50s Interview (Teleconverter & Telephoto Priority), GFX50s Vs. Canon 5DS R Vs. Pentax 645Z & more (GFX Zone)

Fujifilm GFX Interview at (translation). Some highlights:

  • [Fujifilm manager says] I want to urgently expand the lens lineup [NOTE: check out the secret GF lens roadmap leaked back in April]
  • [Fujifilm manager says] I’d like to first use a resource for developing a telephoto lens and developing a teleconverter
  • [Fujifilm manager says] Regarding the body, I would like to correspond as much as possible to the part that can be solved with firmware, including the speed of AF and shooting function

And more:

Join the 14,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore


Fujifilm GFX Vs. Canon 5Dsr RAW, GFX Wild West Adventure, Fujinon GF 23mm F4 Reviews, GFX + Minolta Glass (GFX Zone)

Delibrate candour (Awesome GFX + Minolta images by Jonas Rask!!!) at jonasraskphotography

Join the 13,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Damien Lovegrove
Shared here
Fujifilm GFX50s, tripod, 110mm at f/11, 1/60th second with ISO 200. Claire unwinding at the end of the day near monument valley

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Haryanto R Devcom
shared here
GFX50S GF32-64mm, jpeg from camera, 16×9

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Sertan Tiryaki
shared here
Fujifilm GFX
Nikon 85 mm 1.4 G
Model : Gisleine – Cozyajans

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William Chua
shared here
shibuya crossing
gfx + gf110 mm

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Ralf Strathmann
shared here
Frances + Vase
Fujifilm GFX50s, tripod, 110mm at f/4, 125 second with ISO 200

Matt Granger Reviews Fujifilm GFX 50s :: Leica M10 vs. X-T2 vs. GFX (High ISO) :: GF 110 + GF 23 Reviews and Shipping

Matt Granger GFX Review

Matt Granger just launched a new series of travel videos, where he reviews gear on the field ( The opening episode features the Fujifilm GFX 50s (with GF 63 and GF 120) in Bhutan.

So he’s giving you nice mix between backround information and travel impressions about Bhutan and feedback about the Fujifilm GFX 50s. About the Fujifilm GFX 50s he says amongst the others:

  • hugely detailed files and lovely colors
  • Great showdow recovery
  • The current GF lenses might not seems ultra fast, especially if you are used to DSLR and you are used to F1.4 or F1.8. However, if you would get the GF lenses for portrait work, the lenses are actually great. Many FF lenses used at F1.4 tend to be not that sharp, have vignetting, not particulary contrasty (except there very top line and expensive ones) and due to the very shallow DOF it’s easy to misfocus the eye. The GF lenses Matt used (GF 63 and GF 120) seem to be designed for headshots. From the tip of the nose to the eye everything will be in focus, and then the lovely fall-off. Wide open GF lenses have no vignetting and sharpness is outstanding.
  • Weather sealing tested under rain. No moisture intruded. Works totally fine.
  • Low Light AF can take up to a full second, so he has missed some shots (NOTE: Fujifilm recently released a new firmware that improved AF speed in low light)
  • at 3 fps and with the huge files, it’s no speed monster
  • Currently limited lens selection

Check out the full video at Matt Granger Youtube and here are the sample images.

& a Few More

Join the 13,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Fujifilm GFX facebook group member Hal just got his Fujinon GF 23mmF4 in Japan :)

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Ivan Joshua Loh
shared here
Sharing yesterday’s Fujifilm Singapore Action and Fitness workshop. Picture shot with GFX + GF110mm F2.
Do also check out the BTS video.

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GK Kutar
shared here
GFX , 45mm F2 Minolta

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Ilker özmen
shared here

Fujifilm GFX 50s Developer Interview, Morocco Travel, Last Day with GFX 50s and More! (GFX Zone)

HireacameraTV featuring Fujifilm GFX 50S, Panasonic GH5, Canon 5DS R and Canon C200 at Youtube

  • Life and the lens (a lot of GFX stuff in there) at jonasraskphotography
  • Morocco in Photos | Highlights and Photo Tour (most images taken with GFX) at danielkorzeniewskiphoto
  • My Last day with the Fuji GFX 50S :-( by Kevin Mullins at
  • Fujifilm GFX 50S Field Test Part III: A closer look at the GFX 50S’ features and performance at imaging-resource
  • FUJIFILM GFX 50S Developer interview google translated at lrnc

Join the 13,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Action & Fitness Photography Workshop by Fujifilm Singapore at Ivan Joshua Loh X-photographer youtube

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Jonas Rask
shared here
Pleeeaase? ?
GFX50s – Minolta Rokkor 28mm f/2

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Michael Schnabl at Fotopraxis-Fotoworkshops.
shared here
Fuji GFX with GF 120mm
1/125 – ISO 100 – f/4.0
lighting with one big Octa
Photo: Michael Schnabl
Model: Theresa Steinkellner

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Ilker özmen
shared here
What else for New York City?? GFX50S&32-64mm

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Taner Öner
shared here
GFX 50’S GF63/2.8

Latest FUJIFILM Earnings Report Says X-series, Lenses and Fujifilm GFX 50s Sell Strong. Imaging Solution “Substantial Increase in Income”

The full Fujifilm earnings report is finally out. And there are good news for X-series as well as GFX lovers. Here some excerpts.

The business of electronic imaging achieved a sales growth due to positive sales of the X Series of mirrorless digital cameras such as FUJIFILM X-T2 and FUJIFILM X-T20 as well as their interchangeable lenses, and strong sales of the FUJIFILM GFX 50S, a medium-format mirrorless digital camera equipped with a large sized sensor, released in February.”

The sales of the Imaging Solutions segment decreased, due to the negative effect of the appreciation of the Japanese yen in the foreign exchange market However its income grew thanks to the sales expansion of instant photo systems and digital cameras which are high-end models as well as improved profitability in various business categories. On the operation base, the segment enjoyed increased sales and substantial increase in income.”

In another report, they also mention the Fujifilm X100F and X-A3, as well as the MK Cine lenses

“In the electronic imaging field of the optical device and electronic imaging business, overall sales increased due to strong sales in FUJIFILM X-T2 launched in September 2016, FUJIFILM X-A3 and interchangeable lenses.

In addition, FUJIFILM GFX 50S, a medium format mirrorless digital camera, adopting a big sensor (43.8mm by 32.9mm) which was released in February 2017, together with FUJIFILM X100F and FUJIFILM X-T20 as the latest models of X Series which enables the prominent photograph image quality through its unique technology in re-generating original colors, led the sales increase.

In the optical device field, though the sales of camera modules for use in smartphones decreased, the Group is seeking to expand global market share of the cinema lenses with FUJINON MK18-55mm T2.9 , relesased in Februaly 2017, which has gained high reputation from the market for its advanced optical performance, ultra-compact and lightweight design, and excellent cost performance.”

The latest accounting errors do not seem to have a particulary huge negative impact, as we already reported earlier today here.

  • Outline of the Report by the Independent Committee and Future Measures – PDF here
  • FY ended March 31, 2017 Earnings Presentation – PDF here
  • Earnings Presentation – PDF here
  • FY ended March 31, 2017 Earnings Release – PDF here

Fujifilm GFX 50s: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: CalumetDE, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Join the 13,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm X-T20: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCH AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm X-T2: USABHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera, BestBuy CANADA: AmazonCA EUROPE: AmazonDE, Calumentphoto DE, AmazonUK, AmazonITA, AmazonFR, AmazonESP, PCHstore, WexUK AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Fujifilm X100F: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCH AUS: CameraPro