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The Fujifilm GFX 50s High ISO is So Good that it’s Not Funny

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guest post by Josselin C. // instagram: untitledshot

(Note : not sponsored by Fuji, just an honest opinion. I am coming from the Sony world, and still own a A7r2)

I took this 80MP composition last friday with the Fujifilm GFX 50s:

I am so impressed by the low light capabilities of this camera that I even did an how-to video explaining how this photograph was created :

Photographers that ever tried to catch the milky way in a middle of a city would know the challenges of capturing it in environment with high light pollution. It is one of those impossible shots that need really specific conditions to be obtainable. Lookup for “milky way Sydney” on Google and mostly all shots you will see are composite (e.g. milky way shot in one location added in Sydney) – well not in this case here.

I recently setup – after discussing with @apoapsisphotography and @clement_breuillea challenge to get the milky way in the middle of an highly populated city – during a light festival. Turns out, this place had to be Vivid Sydney (if you are in Sydney, go pay a visit, this is awesome).

When I acquired this camera, I didn’t know what to expect, or even, if I would keep it. I already own a marvel of engineering: the Sony A7r2. This camera never failed to deliver, even in some of the harshest and remotest places of this world. It also helped me win the french national awards of the Sony World Photo Organization and to be nominated Top 5 Travel Photographer by Australian Photography. I couldn’t be happier.

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Fujifilm GFX Vs. X-T20 :: Kagecollective Three Views of the GFX :: GFX Top Recommended Mirrorless Camera & More (GFX Zone)

Masami Tanaka
shared here
GFX50S GF23mm (Prototype)
About100MP 2Stitching.

Fujifilm GFX

Join the 13,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Bert Stephani
shared here
Flying High
(GFX50S + 63mm @ iso3200 1/200 f2.8)

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Haryanto R Devcom
shared here
Good Morning from Bromo,
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Indonesia

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Michael Anthony
shared here
GFX 50S w/ 63mm 2.8

Fujinon GF 23mm F4 + GF 110mm F2 + Accessories Start Shipping on June 22

Fujifilm officially announced the release date for the GF110mmF2 and GF23mmF4 lens (and accessories). They will start shipping on June 22 (BHphoto still says they will ship June 26).

But hey, you don’t have to wait that long to see what these lenses are capable of.

In fact, our terrific 13,000 (!!!!) members strong Fujifilm GFX facebook group is well represented with Beta testers, who share their images and considerations about the lenses with the whole community.

Also, feel free to follow the dedicated Fujifilm GFX facebook page for 100% GFX news and rumors.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

(google translated)

Announcement of release date determination of interchangeable lens “GF lens” for digital camera “GFX series” and related accessories
June 2, 2017

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Fujifilm GFX 50S Reviews, DPreview GF 32-64 Samples, GF 110 Samples, Bert Stephani & Co Images and More (GFX zone)

Bert Stephani
shared here
The Hunter – GFX50S with the 63mm

Fujifilm GFX

Join the 12,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Thorsten Rother
shared here
Fujifilm GFX 50s / GF 110mm f2 / ISO 400 / ☀️ Daylight

Push READ MORE for more Images

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FUJIFILM Releases Firmware Updates for X-T2, X-Pro2, GFX 50S, X-T20, X100F and X-T1 + Fuji Software Updates – *** UPDATE ***

Fujifilm Firmware Updates

Fujifilm just released the new firmware updates for Fujifilm X-T2, Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujiiflm GFX 50s, Fujifilm X-T20, Fujifilm X100F and Fujifilm X-T1.

For the full details, check out the download links below (WiFi Tethered Shooting, GFX faster AF and more!)

The Firmware links include the link to the download of the updated Owners Manual, such as the Fujifilm X-T2 Owners Manual ver. 2.10.

Updates also for

  • Tethered Shooting Software HS-V5 for Windows® Ver.1.6 Updater for Windows – more here
  • Tethered Capture Plug-in for Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® Ver.1.6 (Windows / Macintosh) – more here
  • Fuji X Aquire + PC AutoSave – more here

brought to you with Love at 3:00 AM local time :) … Happy download :)
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Fujifilm GFX Explores USA & More (GFX Zone)

Vassilis Pitoulis
shared here
Meltemi is the wind blowing on that girl
Shooting with Riona
GFX 63mm 16f 200s

Fujifilm GFX Zone

I’m still to poor to get the GFX (and will always be)… but damn, it takes great pictures :)

Join the 12,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Thorsten Rother
shared here
Fujifilm GFX 50s / GF 110mm f2 / ISO 200 / ☀️ Daylight

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Mike Leung
shared here
Goddess of water
GFX, GF32-64

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GFX Portrait f/7.1 32mm 1/125s

Comparing Fujifilm GFX with Phase One :: First GFX Novoflex Adapters :: GF 23mm Stories :: GFX / X-Pro2 Wedding in Peru (GFX Zone)

Fujifilm GFX Zone


Novoflex will soon start shipping the first 4 adapters for Fujiiflm GFX – found via Fujifilm GFX facebook group here.

Canon FD
Leica M
Leica R

More adapters wil follow, also for Full Frame Tilt Shift lenses, since their image circe is big enough to cover the entire GFX sensor. There are also many other FF lenses, that also have just very little vignetting.

& More

Hi, guys, here you can see one wedding shot with a combo of GFX & Xpro2
You can appreciate the GFX files by the DOF and quality of color rendering, and for the ISO, especially the last ones at Aguascalientes shot at 8000 ISO, the two last one in train station at 12800 ISO.
My style is photojournalistic, but I enjoyed using this camera in many moments, specially good when you have the couple in a controlled space ( getting ready moments, Ceremony, dance, or for the portraits ( outdoors or not )
Yes, I will use this camera in all my weddings this year.

Join the 12,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Capture One Will Support Fujifilm GFX (New Source) :: Phase One Says Not Enough Requests for Fujifilm Film Simulation Support


Hey guys,

I had quite a long chat with a new source. I’ll bring to the point:

Phase One will add support for Fujifilm GFX 50s in Capture One Pro.

There is a bit of confusion on th C1 GFX support topic, because:

  • December 30, 2016: Phase One Support says Capture One won’t support the Fujifilm GFX: “It’s a direct competitor of our core business.” (stroy here)
  • January 5, 2017: PhaseOne managment corrects: “Fujifilm GFX support? We have not yet decided. It depends on the GFX Market impact” (stroy here)
  • February 17, 2017: During a Zack Arias live talk, a Fuji Rep says to Zack Arias, that there will be Capture One support for Fujifilm GFX (story here)

So, there is hope.

And maybe the recent Capture One 10.1 update, which finally introduced some significant X-Trans support improvments, could be a sign that Phase One is finally working with more dedication to support Fujifilm cameras.

  • Capture One Pro 10.1 Released: Improved Fujifilm X-Trans support, X-T20, XQ2 and X-A10 support & more (more here)

Oh… and how could I forget that…. grain of salt, of course, fellow Fuji Shooters ;)

FujiRumors Talk with Phase One Manager

I had the opportunity to quickly chat with a Phase One manager.

I asked about GFX support, and of course he couldn’t give me any answer, since he said that “especially regarding the GFX we don’t pre release any forthcoming support“. To me, this sounds already better than… let’s say… “we currently have no plans for GFX support“. :)

I also asked about Fujifilm film simulation support, and the Manager said that it depends on market demand. “We don’t get so many requests for it – at least officially.  Best thing to do is for Fuji users to log it at”

So what are your waiting for? Drop them an email :)

Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

Capture One Opens Your Fujifilm GFX Files with This Hack!

Fujinon GF 120mm F4 Vs. GF 110mm F2 :: A Non Professional GFX Review and More (GFX Zone)

GF110mm F2 vs GF120mm F4 at Ivan oink youtube and ivanjoshualoh

Join the 12,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: CalumetDE, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF120mmF4 Macro
: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Some Images from the amazing Fujifilm GFX facebook group

Alvah Reida
shared here
These are a few others from the same shoot with the Fuji GFX paired with the Leica R 80mm f1.4 – shot wide open

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Joeri Reesink
shared here
Time to take a cup of tea. GFX – 120mm

Push READ MORE and Enjoy More GFX Shots

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Fujifilm GFX: Shooting Action Painting, Acros Video, Sports, Bride, Reviews & Images – GFX Zone

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GFX Portrait
Flickr Image here

GFX Zone

  • Shooting Action Painting with X-Pro2, X100F and GFX at Bert Stephani Youtube
  • Fujifilm Campaign / GFX-50S and GF 110mm F2 at julienapruzzese
  • Video shot on Fuji GFX50s with in camera Acros setting at Eddie Heredia Boxing Club in East LA at Paul Schefz Youtube
  • GFX Stories with Daniel Tengs – Sports through 23mm at Fujifilm Europe youtube
  • German Fujifilm GFX 50S Review at Computer Bild TV Youtube. Absolut Top IQ. Even High ISO is extremely good until 12,800. AF is precise and quite fast. Actually quite affordable for Medium Format. Best compromise between price/performance.
  • Bridal Photo Shoot with Fuji GFX50s & Broncolor at David Stanbury Youtube
  • Lens Review: Fujifilm 63mm f2.8 R WR (Fujifilm G Format) at thephoblographer

Join the 12,000+ strong GFX facebook group, and incredibely helpful community creating infinite GFX content. For fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50s: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

Thorsten Rother‎ to Fujifilm GFX
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Fujifilm GFX 50s / GF 110mm f2 / ISO 400 / ☀️ Daylight

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Olivier Glod
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I simply love how the GFX renders the midtones :-D / GFX + GF63 @ f/2.8

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Idea Pix
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My first test shooting and Siberian spring!
Russia / Buryatia / East Sayan Mountains

Fuji GFX + Helios44-4, Sigma ART 50, TS-E45, 35/1.4 L II

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Alvah Reida
shared here
So here’s the first test with a human subject. A quick shoot this evening using the Nikon 58mm 1.4G on the Fuji GFX almost the whole time and I think I shot a few with the LensBaby Edge 80 lens but I don’t think any of these samples were with the Edge 80.