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Fujifilm GFX: 1/4000 HSS with Cactus V6 II, Lensrentals GFX Listing ($353/7 days), 5 Stop DR-Test… and a Wonderful Image!

Hüseyin T. – 63mm – shared here at the GFX Group. The group is private, so to see it larger on your screen, you have to join the group. Or download the image from FujiRumors (182kb) and then watch it full screen. Looks great even if it’s compressed :)

Fujifilm GFX Roundup

These are all images shared in our GFX facebook group. I will not add any comment, besides the one of the photographer, who took the image.

  • Patrick La Roque tries to resits the GFX GAS. More at laroquephoto
  • Lee Varis took his GFX at the Carnival in Venice. See the images and read his impressions at varis
  • Lensrentals has now listed the Fujifilm GFX at their website. It’s expected to be available May 18 only. The price is of $353 for 7 days. You can pre-order it here.
  • Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D at akimagery
  • The Fujifilm GFX takes awesome shots in Madeira. In German at 0816fotograf (translation) – Shared by the photographer Oliver at our facebook group
  • GFX initial impressions report; plus a few test photos (from RAW files) at eyesuncloudedphoto

Fujifilm GFX USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Piet Van den Eynde: No Flash, No Problem. 5 stop recovery with Lightroom. Results at morethanwords here

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Haryanto: Gfx on [shoplink 55148 ebay]Linhof Mastertechnika 2000[/shoplink] – shared here. Fujifilm GFX with View Camera Adapter G

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Mike L.: Successful HSS setup with GFX at 1/4000 shutter speed (note the figures at the top left).
SMDV BRiHT-360 flash
SMDV FlashWave-5 TX trigger
Cactus V6 II transceivers x 2

shared here

Full of detail at 100% zoom

Fujifilm GFX Impressions: “Even if You are Used to High-End DSLRs, the GFX will Blow you Away” + GFX Vs. Sony A7rII Shadow Recovery

shared by Michael at the GFX facebook gourp here. Michael Schnabl photography: Photo: Michael Schnabl. Model: Alena Tsar shot with Fuji GFX and GF 120mm

Fujinon GF120mmF4 Macro: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm GFX

The Fujifilm GFX facebook group has just reached the 9,000 members, and as you can imagine, the buzz over there is an incredible joy to follow.

And of course the feedback about the GFX is massive. It’s a closed group, so only members can see the content. But I can share a a few tidbits here on FujiRumors for you.

Let’s start with Marven, who shared his experience at the group here (visible only to members, but full story and images below) after shooting with the Fujifilm GFX + 32-64 handheld with the wrong settings (medium size JPEG only):

“My first impressions of the Fujifilm GFX 50S? Holly sh*t!!!

Even if you are used to looking at detailed images from a high-end DSLR like my Canon 5DSR (which is an excellent camera in it’s own right), the GFX images will blow you away! It has enough detail and resolution for even the most discerning pixel peepers.

I wasn’t going to upload any of these images because I hadn’t really set-up the camera yet and in fact discovered later that ALL of the settings were not to my liking straight out of the case. On my way home with the camera I passed by this gorgeous field of flowers and just hopped out and started taking pictures without thinking much about the camera’s default factory settings. In this case, the files were medium rez JPEGs in the sRGB colorspace. If I had checked my settings properly, I probably would have opted to shoot RAW or at the very least SuperFine (Fujifilm’s highest resolution for JPEG images) in AdobeRGB colorspace. I might have even chosen the Velvia Film Simulation for these high contrast, vivid shots.

Which is why these images impress me so much; the camera wasn’t even set up to deliver it’s best performance and yet when I cropped in on the Bee in the frame, the details simply blew me away. You can clearly see the pollen accumulated on his underbelly as well as the fine detail in his wings. And one must keep in mind that it wasn’t like he was a willing subject, he was buzzing around from flower to flower with me chasing him trying to snap a shot.

Which brings me to my final point. THE IS A MEDIUM FORMAT CAMERA FOR CRIS SAKE! Yet is feels so light and so nimble that I actually felt compelled to spontaneously jump out and shoot with it as though it were a point-and-shoot. Anyone who has shot MF knows the size and weight restrictions that accompany something like a Phase One XF system. It’s simply a massive camera with massive lenses and there is just no way I would want to lung it around for anything other than the most critical jobs. But the GFX is so lightweight, it makes shooting with a MF camera (dare I say) fun!!! I can tell I’m really going to love shooting with this camera.”

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF32-64mmF4: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm GFX + GF32-64mm + Handheld + medium size JPEG /sRGB

Crop of medium size JPEG /sRGB

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GFX member Sung owns both, the Fujifilm GFX and the Sony A7rII, and he decided to compare both cameras’ shadow recovery capability. As usual, you can read it at the group here if you are a member and eventually interact with Sung.

Dynamic range comparison between GFX 50s and A7rII. GF 63mm at f2.8 on GFX and ZY Optics 50mm at f2.0 on a7rii. Each combination shot at ISO 100 with shutter speed adjusted to be 5 full stops below auto exposure level. Each imported straight into Lightroom at base setting with no sharpening or noise reduction. Exposure pushed 5 stops and shadows slider maxed out at 100. The GFX 50s looks to me about half a stop ahead of the a7rii. Color fidelity is also better on the GFX 50s. First 100% crops, then 4×3 jpegs are attached.”

Fujifilm GFX 100% crop of a 5 stops underexposed image and then +5 on exposure slider and +100% on shadow slider

Sony A7rII 100% crop of a 5 stops underexposed image and then +5 on exposure slider and +100% on shadow slider

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Another Dynamic Range test shared by GFX facebook member Hải S. here

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and for Bokeh lovers, shared by Gary here: Couple for the ‘Bokeh’ fans. Fuji GFX, 63mm, Hong Kong. All shot candidly in Central early evening today.

Fujinon GF63mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm GFX: Outstanding Image Quality… But if Fujifilm Would Give Me A Free Camera, I’d Pick the… And You? – POLL

Amazing image, right? Taken with… the new Fujifilm X100F :) and shared by Kıvanç B. at our Fujifilm X100F facebook group here

Fujifilm GFX or X-Trans III

Ok, I admit, the samples GFX owners shared so far at our GFX group are simply… superb! I mean, every day I check out the images and everyday it’s just “WOW”.

But I was wondering, if I would not own a Fujifilm camera already and Fujifilm would send me a free camera (including 3 lenses), which one would I choose? (It’s really a mere thought experiment, since Fujifilm would not even clean my sensor for free)

Well… I think I’d still get the Fujifilm X-T2.


Yes, it’s true, the Fujifilm GFX has such a large sensor compared to APS-C, that no matter how sofisticated current APS-C sensors are, they can’t really catch up with a Medium Format sensor in term of image quality.

However, what I want from a camera is not only IQ (which is great already in my trusty X-T1, and it’s even better in the X-T2).

I also want a camera that is light and easy to carry around. I want a camera that works fast and reliable, when I occasionally have to track my crazy nephew riding downhill on his toboggan. I want a discrete camera on the street and one that allows me to carry around 3 lenses on my travels, without taking to much space in my backpack. I want a camera that looks sexy. And I want a camera that is the best allrounder possible in the smallest package imaginable.

So for now, the answer is: I want the Fujifilm X-T2 (or Fujifilm X-T20… but since it’s free I’d go for the X-T2 ;) )

Now you know I’m a rangefinder style lover. So why no X-Pro2 or X100F?

Well, here is the thing: I do make one film project every year with my students. And having a hybrid camera that gives me nice 4K video would be interesting for me, since I’m sure many of my students will have 4K TV’s at home in a few years… so the X-T2 is the way to go.

With all that said, if all I would need is the ultimate image quality, I guess I’d have no other choice than to grab the Fujifilm GFX… but I need an allrounder that can do everything very good (video included). So please Fujifilm, send me an X-T2 :)


I launch this poll, because I’d be interested to see, how many of you guys would grab the Fujifilm GFX if price would be no problem. Maybe the price is the only thing that keeps you from purchasing the GFX? Or maybe the advantages of current X-TransIII cameras (such as speed, better video and AF) would still make you pick an APS-C Fuji, even if all the gear would be given to you for free?

I won’t include every Fuji cameras in this poll. Only the latest generation, so X-TransIII and the GFX. Vote and feel free to tell us thoughts in the comments.

And of course… it’s Friday, so enjoy your weekend :)

Rule 1: You can Not Sell again the Camera and Lenses You Get for Free
Rule 2: Imagine you do not own a Fujifilm camera already

Imagine You Don't Own a Fujifilm camera, and You Would Get one for Free (3 lenses included)... which One Would you Take?

View Results

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Jonas Rask – Shared here at our GFX facebook group: Another day. Another GFX image.  GFX50s – 32-64mm at 37mm – f/4 – exp 1/4s – ISO200 – developed in Capture One 10. A lot of people talk about that elusive “3d pop” – I find that term complete nonsense. But let me direct your attention to the leg and foot of Jonas in this portrait. Even though the DOF is large enough for the ground both in front of- and behind his foot to be in focus, it still gives a distinct feeling that his foot almost “steps out of the frame” in another layer. – This might be because of added resolution, as well as the added colorinformation in the file. The effect is obviously best in the full resolution file which you can download here: You can see the GFX challenge video that we did for this shoot here:

Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D Shadow Recovery, About the “Unheard Sharpness” and DPreview GFX Shooting Experience

Unheard Sharpness

Shared by Chris Weiner here (visible only to GFX facebook group members… but it’s the image I shared at the top): “Having used a PhaseOne and an H5D for more than two years, I can say that a sharp handheld headshot at 1/15 is unheard of in the world of medium format! Bravo to Fuji engineers.”

DPreview GFX shooting Experience

DPreview just shared their Fujifilm GFX shooting experience in Tokyo. Some excerpts:

  • I love the ergonomics of this camera […] most control points can be accessed using the camera with a single hand. […] the grip on the Fujifilm is just so much more comfortable [than on the Nikon D810 and Canon 5DSr]
  • I thoroughly enjoyed myself while shooting with with the GFX
  • While AF is slow, it is both accurate and precise (in good light). This is the positive of a mirrorless camera using a CDAF system.
  • AF is poor in low light
  • The viewfinder image gets noticeably ‘crunchy’ when focus is initiated, and moiré and ‘shimmering’ can be very distracting in some scenes, especially cityscapes.
  • Pleased with the camera’s battery life
  • Raw files seem to have excellent dynamic range […] I was also able to recover a ton of blown highlights
  • Using this camera reminded me just how much I love Fujifilm colors and skintones
  • Despite some sluggishness in its operation, the GFX 50S was surprisingly good for street and travel photography
  • The Fujifilm GFX 50S is fun and easy to use and the files look awesome. What more can I say?

Read the whole shooting experience and see the samples at dpreview

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, CalumetDE AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

A Short Tale about Adobe and Fujifilm

Before we start with the GFX Vs. X1D comparison, I’d like to tell you that first reports by X-guru Rico Pfirstinger say that the Adobe support for Fujifilm GFX is still not optimal (Auto-DR bug, miscalibration of most higher ISO settings and extended ISO settings issues – read it all here.).

If Rico’s observations are correct, then it might be good practice to use several RAW converters (like Iridient), to compare the RAW potential of different cameras, until Adobe improved support.

In the past, Adobe was not the fastest when it came to deliver proper support for Fujifilm cameras. With X-Trans, the situation was so desperate, that Fuji Guy Billy even made a public appeal to Adobe to finally work seriously on X-Trans support.

Luckily the things are much better today and the issues of the past have been fixed. Especially the combination Lightroom 6 and X-TransIII give the best results we have ever seen from Adobe. But it was a really long journey.

Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D Shadow Recovery

RAW files, Art Work, Tech Talk, Inspiration, Suggestions, Help… it’s all there, at our Fujifilm GFX community :) And if all you want are news and rumors tailored to GFX only, check out our public GFX Facebook page.

GFX facebook member Alex compared the Shadow recovering capability of the Fujifilm GFX Vs. the one of the Hasselblad X1D in this facebook post (visible only for GFX members, but you can find the images also below in this article). Both feature a 50MP 44×33 Medium Format sensor. Here are his clonclusions:

Standard testing 3 stops under 5 stop push (and then some with shadows). Fuji looking great no real colour noise in the shadows here as the X1D – well see for yourself”

Original Frame

Fujifilm GFX (look at the shadow under the car)

Hasselblad X1D (look at the shadow under the car)

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Piet Van den Eynde: + 3 on the Exposure slider and no grain to be seen – shared here

Capture One Opens Your Fujifilm GFX Files with This Hack!

Capture One Vs. Lightroom (C1 Wins)
Comparing Capture One vs Lightroom on GFX50s file using RAF->DNG and manipulate EXIF-Data to PhaseOne IQ250 and no further editing. just opened as it is (lightroom zoom 1:1)

This little “hack” comes from our extremely active Fujifilm GFX facebook group, used already by several members like Jonas Rask, Chris Weiner and Sebastian Reinhardt.

You can open GFX files in Capture one with these simple three steps:

  1. Use Adobe DNG convert to batch convert RAF to DNG (no compression)
  2. Use something like Exif Editor to change camera name to “IQ250” (batch mode too)
  3. Open the files in C1, and you’re done!

This is NOT a captureOne Hack. But a RAF file hack.

(many thanks to Gary Tyson & Vladimir Kostka for their great support)

Below you see a screenshot of the settings that will allow you to use your GFX files with Capture One.

The GFX group is so active, I’m learning so many things about the camera. RAW files, Art Work, Tech Talk, Inspiration, Suggestions, Help… it’s all there, at our Fujifilm GFX community :)

And if all you want are news and rumors tailored to GFX only, check out our public GFX Facebook page.


Fujifilm GFX Technologies #3: Through the Glass of GF Lenses & More

Through the Glass of GF Lenses

Fujifilm published episode 3 of their GFX technologies series, and this time it’s about the Lenses (epsiode 1 – Sensor / episode 2 – G-mount). Some excerpts:

  • The reason why we are introducing the new GF Lenses with the new GFX camera system is that the image quality of digital medium format can truly shine if the lenses are optimized for the latest (and future) technologies.
  • G Mount incorporates mirrorless technology and high-pixel-count CMOS sensor so that an ideal lens design could be realized.
  • The G Mount sensor has resolving power of that 4×5 large format with the mere size of 43.8×32.9mm. Rather than cropping the center of large format lenses, better images are delivered by optimal lens design for the image circle.
  • We put much higher cost and labor for GF Lenses than for that of a typical lens.
  • The GF Lenses can cope with a resolution up to 100MP. It means that the lens has a resolving power an image circle that is 4x larger than that of an APS lens. The MTF chart of GF Lenses comes with 40 lines per mm, which is higher frequency than 35mm format lenses, exactly our vision and goal for GF Lens performance.

Read the whole article at fujifilm-x – found via Fujifilm GFX facebook group here

Follow the dedicated Fujifilm GFX faceboo Page for exclusive GFX news and rumors and/or join the Fujifilm GFX facebook group for discussions about the GFX with GFX owners and fans.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm GFX mixed links

My first impressions of the Fujifilm GFX 50s at huseyintaskin

GFX + 32-64 100% crop shared here at the Fujifilm GFX facebook group

Fujifilm GFX 50s AF-C Performance at Hüseyin TAŞKIN youtube

Adobe Adds Tethering Support for Fujifilm GFX50s :: Fujifilm GFX HSS Video Demo :: And GFX Shutter Lag Video Corrected!


Yesterday Adobe updated the Fujifilm Cameras Tether Shooting Plug-in PRO for Adobe Exchange. If you have Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and a X-T1, X-T2 or GFX 50S, the Pro plug-in lets you import captured images directly to a computer and you can control shooting on camera or from a computer.


Shared by GFX facebook member Robert here:

“Great news! GFX High Speed Sync with Strobes

I’ve conducted successful HSS tests on the GFX. I’m beta testing the triggers that made this possible and the company has asked me not to disclose the model, which is why they are obscured in gaffer tape.

Behind the lamp is mid-day sun, HSS allowed the background and foreground to be properly exposed. Video features 1/2500th and 1/4000th shutter speeds but I’ve tested all speeds over the GFX’s native 1/125.

Flash power on the Broncolor Siros S 800 was set to 4.2 and strobe was in HS mode. (Flash was active in second half of video but Beep sound was turned off.)

Lens was Fuji 63mm wide open at 2.8.

Rarely the flash didn’t fire but it’s still beta. Every time it did fire exposure and timing was perfect, no banding, no color temperature shifts.”

Shutter Lag (corrected)

I didn’t share the previous video, because it was evident that the shutter lag of the GFX couldn’t be so bad. I didn’t want to create useless alarms. But I’m happy to see that J I M I Z E L L  now shared an updated video with the accurate demostration of the shutter lag. So no panic, it’s a lot faster than the previous one ;) Check it out here.

Fujifilm GFX Initial Impressions by TheCameraStoreTV… and Enjoy These Fujifilm GFX Images!

TheCameraStoreTV is in the process of reviewing the Fujifilm GFX. In yesterday’s facebook live stream they quickly shared their very first GFX impressions (starts min. 8:15). They then stop talking about the GFX and start again at 34:30, where they compare it to the Pentax K1. Below their findings. Full (and interesting) Live Stream here.

  • It’s not pretty, but feels fantastic, well designed
  • It’s practical and functional
  • Great Viewfinder
  • it focusses surprisingly fast in AF-S (AF-C is “kind of garbage” with the 63mm being better for AF-C)
  • lenses feel solid
  • the ability to adapt affordable Medium Format lenses is the primary advantage over the Hasselblad X1D
  • Eye AF struggling a bit
  • The GFX is going to kick butt in landscape and studio, as well as on the street maybe.
  • For landscape, Jordan would go for the Pentax K1 because of the Pixel shift. But Jordan would use the GFX if things are moving in the frame, and for portraiture, and also for street photography
  • The bigger MF sensor on the GFX delivers a certain look and aesthetics, that is great for portraits
  • Jordan prefers the 4:3 aspect ratio of for stills [note: the GFX is 43 native]

Ok, we all had 2 days of intense pixel peeping after imaging-resource published their lab samples. So time to leave the pixel peeping world, and share some GFX images from our closed Fujifilm GFX Group. And indeed, many fellow GFX owners are adapting all kind of lenses on their GFX and sharing their results.

And remember that for GFX tailored updates, you can follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, CalumetDE AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm GFX – Images

Mike L: My first date with Ms GFX @Hong Kong Disneyland. GFX + GF63mm, ISO 100, f/11, 15s – Image on Flickr hereFull Size JPEG File on Dropbox

Comment by Peter S.: Looking through the gate gives you a really good idea of the Dynamic Range of this camera. Excellent!

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Piet Van den Eynde: Close encounters of another kind… FUJIFILM GFX 50S | GF120mmF4 R LM OIS WR Macro @ 120 mm | 1/60 sec @ f/4 | ISO 400

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Malvin: No RAW support in Lightroom yet for the GFX, so I shot RAW in camera and exported to TIFF using the in-camera raw converter, then imported the files into Lightroom and worked on them… the next best thing I can get to RAW for now. Fujifilm GFX 50S + 32-64mm F/4 at 32mm. Aperture is f/8 , ISO 100 5 bracketed exposures. 1 EV apart Flickr link

Push READ MORE to See All Images

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The Complete X-T2 Review :: X-T2 Vs. EOS M5 :: From Sony to Fuji, The First 6 Months :: GFX Reports :: X-Acquire (miXed zone)

Cover Stories

The complete X-T2 Review at mirrorlessons youtube

Fujifilm GFX
USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

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Cambo ACTUS-GFX for Fujifilm GFX50s Available Now

Cambo ACTUS-GFX for Fujifilm GFX50s

Cambo is pleased to announce the new ACTUS-GFX for use with the Fujifilm GFX 50s medium format camera body.

The ACTUS-GFX is a technical camera platform that enables GFX-50s users to apply movement, swing, tilt, rise and fall capturing the detail required when shooting in or out of the studio. The medium format 33mm x 44mm sensor captures a wider area than current full size DSLR systems.

“Modularity is the keyword – the systems components may be separated and recombined’”

The ACTUS-GFX can be used in combination with the GFX-50s and the full range of Actar lenses 24mm, 60mm, 80mm, 90mm and 120mm Macro. But it doesn’t stop there as there are also lens plates available for Hasselblad, Mamiya, Pentax, Rodenstock and Schneider.

Lenses will work without a built-in shutter, the GFX50s camera shutter operates when the electric lens is detached, enabling the camera body to be used with the ACTUS-GFX.

ACTUS-GFX specifications;

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