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FR-Reader Wishlist Corner: The One Thing Where Leica Q3 Beats Fujifilm X100VI and More Firmware Wishes

FR-reader Wishlist Corner

Recently we published a bunch of gear/hardware related wishes we have received from the Fujifilm community.

Now it is time to share a bunch of firmware wishes.

by Oli

Here is a link to my blog post about my experiences with the X100Vi and the WCL as a “poor man’s Leica Q”.
I guess you might be able to read German: (google translated).

There is actually ONE reason why the Leica Q3 is “better” than the Fujifilm X100VI: The handling of the metadata!

Leica writes the crop focal length and crop pixel size in the metadata!
It’s too bad that Fujifilm doesn’t also set the crop focal length in the metadata!
It would also be nice to find the name of the custom setting (aka film simulation) here in the EXIF data. Well, you can still have wishes…

Thought you might be interested ;-)
Or in case you do have access to Fuji Development department somehow, maybe you can drop this there… :-D

by Keith

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Fujifilm CEO Says Cameras Sell Well (if they Are Made), Increased R&D for More New Products and BLACK FRIDAY Sales Opportunity

Recently we shared the second quarter financial results of Fujifilm (in Japan the fiscal year starts in April and ends in March)

The numbers were actually good:

Imaging achievements. The sales of instant photo systems and digital cameras were strong, with revenue up 19.5% YoY to JPY219.2 billion and operating income up 85.5% to JPY49.4 billion.

But despite that, the growth was not as strong as Fujifilm hoped for.

Hence, in a Q&A session discussing the financial results, the Fujifilm CEO (Mr. Goto) and the Vice President (Mr. Higuchi) were asked about the reasons for that.

Shibano [Q]: I would like to ask President Goto about Imaging. Since President Goto took office, I believe you have often expressed your strong belief in the potentials of Imaging. In fact, the strong performance of H1 of the fiscal year indicates this, but the operating income for H1 was JPY49.4 billion, and even though Q4 is usually weak, there is Q3, so H2 of the fiscal year, which includes the sales season, is expected to see a 387% decrease, or even a 17% decrease YoY, which is a little questionable. I would like to ask again if there is any specific reason for such a decline, worse than the previous year, in H2. This is the point what I would like to reconfirm.

Higuchi [A]: Regarding H2 of last year, we closed our U.S. plant in H2 of last year, and there was a one-time profit. One reason is that we don’t have it in this term. Another is that we have increased development costs for new products in H2 in order to continue to introduce new products without interruption, and we have also increased marketing expenses and marketing investment.

Goto [A]: I will continue with my answer. Now, we are looking at Black Friday toward December, the biggest sales season in the U.S. at the end of November, and the purchasing situation, or rather the movement, is on par with the previous year, but the voice from the person in charge is that inflation in the U.S. is high. We have heard that it is not clear whether it will be as good as the previous year. However, in fact, given the tight demand for INSTAX film and the fact that cameras are selling well if they are made, I believe that there is room for a bounce upward, although we are taking a firm stance now. Is that all right?

Good thing first: one reason why the profit was not as strong as hoped, was that Fujifilm has allocated lots of resources to increase development and marketing expenses in order to assure “to continue to introduce new products without interruption“.

Of course the managers talk about R&D money for Instax as well as digital cameras. But it’s great to hear that overall they keep investing more money to push development.

Also worth to note is the comment of Fujifilm CEO Mr. Goto, who says that “cameras are selling well if they are made“. And this is probably Fujifilm’s biggest issue so far, with lots of cameras out of stock and in many cases even a complete suspension of camera sales in certain countries until who knows when.

The CEO says the hope is to “bounce back” thanks to Black Friday sales, although inflation is still high and it is not sure if the holiday season will run as good as last year.

And in this regard, here are the current deals you find on X/GFX gear that should help Fujifilm to show up with better figures by the end of the fiscal year.

GFX Gear

X Cameras

X Lenses

Fujifilm Q&A here

34 Fujifilm Products Won the “Good Design Award” achieving the Most Awards for the Third Consecutive Year

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FUJIFILM Fiscal Year 2020/3 Results: Firm X-T4 and X-S10 Sales Push Operating Income Back in the Black to Same Level of Last Year!

Fujifilm Fiscal Year 2020/3 Results

The results for the third quarter of the fiscal year 2020 have now been published by Fujifilm (Q1 report here, Q2 report here). FYI, the fiscal year in Japan starts on April 1 and ends on March 31.

It’s a year devasted by COVID-19, hence also Fujifilm suffered in some areas. But there are also good news. Let’s go with order.

The biggest hit in the imaging division has been taken by broadcast and cinema lenses. Not really a surprise, given many big events being canceled, such as the Toyko 2020 Summer Olympics.

Good news comes from the X series, where “firm sales” of the Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X-S10 allowed revenue for the third quarter to recover to the same level of last year.

A pity Fujifilm is still not able to decently ship the Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0, which still is mostly back-ordered. If they’d been able to match the initial high demand for that lens, that could have shown up with even better numbers.

Crossing fingers the same shipping-desaster won’t happen with the Fujifilm GFX100S and Fujinon GF80mmF1.7, as they also enjoy an astonishing high amount of pre-orders, and if Fujifilm will be able to deliver within March, then they will have decent imaging division figures to show for the end of the fiscal year compared to other brands (Fujifilm manager already hinted they are doing better than the rest).

The instax system keeps going strong.

Fiscal Reports

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What We Expect to See from Fujifilm in 2021… and What Not!

What we Expect from Fujifilm

I thought I make a quick list of cameras and lenses that we could see in 2021, and what we surely will not get in 2021.

ATTENTION: It’s a mix of rumors, speculations and hopes. So read carefully to distinguish one from another.

2021 will be full of rumors, so make sure to follow FujiRumors on Facebook, Facebook, RSS-feed, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram.

X/GFX Cameras 2021

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Fujifilm 2021: Is This Really All? Or How Much New Gear We Could Get in 2021 Looking at Fujifilm’s Past Camera & Lens Releases

Fujifilm 2021 – Is This Really All?

Every week I get many emails from fellow FR-readers, asking me if this is really all.

They look at the current X mount roadmap and the latest G mount roadmap, and they see only 3 lenses in total. That’s meager.

Then they look at our rumors, see that we rumored only two cameras, the Fujifilm GFX100S and the Fujifilm X-E4 and wonder if that’s all for 2021.

I diligently reply to all of them, but it has become quite time consuming. So let me address this question one final time here on FujiRumors, so that in future I can just copy and paste the link to this article and send it to those, who inevitably will make me the same question again.

How Many Cameras Could we Get?

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Fuji Guy Billy: APS-C Crop Factor Cheating? :: f/2 X Mount Zoom Lenses? :: Fast G Mount Lenses Potentially Coming :: And More

The third episode of the Fujilove podcast with Fuji Guy Billy just went online (episode 1, episode 2, episode 3). You can listed to it all at sticher and Fujilove.

It’s a 1 hour podcast, and you can find it all summed up below, in case you have no time to listen to it all right now.


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Updated Fujifilm 2019/2020 Camera and Lens Release Timeline

Fujifilm Timeline

It’s high time to update our older Fujifilm 2019/2020 camera and lens release timeline.

This is just an approximate timeline and expect to see updates to this list over the next few weeks and months.

For now, this is mainly just an update to the list we shared back in January.

All rumors are as always exclusive information. When I just make some guess, I will highlight that for you in the notes.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: We are talking about release timeline, not announcement timeline.

How Many Lenses a Year?

  • as we told you here, at the current pace and current resources, Fujifilm can release about 2/3 GF and 2/3 XF lenses a year
  • the list below contains 1 XF and 1 GF lens
  • hence we can expect to see 1/2 more XF and 1/2 more GF lenses to join the list
  • Fujifilm has given up options to vote which lenses should come next

Fall 2019

Coming 2020

Expect 1 or 2 more X as well as GF lenses. My guess:

  • GF 21mm F4 Tilt Shift
  • XF 10mm F2

Probably NOT Coming 2019/2020

* our sources say it will not be released in 2019, and probably not even in 2020. But Fujifilm managers confirmed here, that the X-H line will continue

Top Possible Bonus Gear in 2020

* based on this old rumor rumor
** wishful thinking based on XF10 disappointment
*** no rumors. but please, FUJI, PLEASE!!!
**** no rumor, just a mere wild guess

BREAKING RUMORS on FujiRumors Facebook, Flipboard, Youtube, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter

Rumors and Discussions

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Fujifilm 2019 Camera and Lens Release Timeline (and a bit of 2020)

Fujifilm 2019 Timeline

It’s time to put some order in the myriad of rumors, and give you guys a timeline of the Fujifilm products that will come in 2019, as well as give a quick glance at 2020.

This is just an approximate timeline, that I will update as soon as I get new information.

January/April 2019

  • Fujifilm X-T30*
  • Fujinon XF16mm f/2.8 R WR*
  • Fujinon GF 100-200mm f/5.6 R LM OIS WR*

* based on our rumors

May/August 2019

  • Fujinon GFX100*
  • Fujinon XF16-80mm  f/4 R LM OIS WR**
  • Fujinon GF 50mm f/3.5 LM WR***

* based on our rumors
** our sources say XF 16-80 will not come in early 2019
*** just an educated guess by FujiRumors, but it could make sense to announce it along with Fujifilm GFX100

September/December 2019

  • Fujifilm X-Pro3*
  • Fujifilm X100F Successor*

* based on reports at techardar. I place them in the second half of 2019, because I do not think their release is imminent (if techradar is right about 2019 release)

Top Possible Bonus Gear in 2019/2020

  • Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.4 R LM WR*
  • Fujifilm X80**
  • older XF lenses refresh***

*based on rumor
** wishful thinking based on XF10 disappointment :)
*** no rumors. but please, FUJI, PLEASE!!!

Coming 2020

  • Fujifilm X-H2*
  • Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 R LM WR**
  • Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4 R LM OIS WR**

* our sources say it will not be released in 2019, hence must be sometimes in 2020, since I don’t think Fuji will wait until 2021
** based on official Fujifilm roadmap

Probably Not Coming in 2019/2020

  • Fujifilm X-E4


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Fujifilm Rumor Timeline 2018/2019 – The Complete Overview on Upcoming FUJIFILM Cameras and Lenses

2018/2019 Fujifilm Rumor Timeline

Confused by all the rumors? Then let’s put some order into the big buzz :)

So first I’ll give you an accurate timeline and then, down below, the detailed rumors with reliabily rating and working link to every single rumor.

Also consider…. we are working on Fujifilm X-Pro3, X200 and all other rumors, but we will share only once we have something more reliable in our hands. Hence, don’t panic if you don’t see your dream camera listed below. It does not necessarily mean it won’t come, but only that for now we have no solid rumor about it share.

Don’t forget, FujiRumors is EVERYWHERE :) Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

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