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BREAKING: New Fujifilm X-App Announcement on May 24

Fujifilm X-App

It looks like a very long rumor story is going to end.

Quick recap in case you missed the previous episodes:

  • July 2022: FujiRumors shares the rumor that Fujifilm is working on a new Camera App
  • September 2022: FujiRumors leaks the name of the App, X-App
  • October 2022: FujiRumors leaks internal Fujifilm documents that show the name X-App

Well, the wait is finally over according to our trusted sources, as Fujifilm will announce the new X-App on May 24 during the Fujifilm X Summit.

And to be clear: our sources told us they will announce it on May 24. So I don’t know if it will also be available for download on the same day.

But damn, it took Fujifilm really a long time to come out with this one.

And let’s hope it will be a decent App.

I mean, Fujifilm managers recently told us they see smartphones not as an enemy, but as an ally.

Well, that’s nice and good, but in order to really make the mobile phone a true ally, you do need a solid, reliable and feature rich App. Then yes, then the smartphone becomes a useful integration to our X and GFX system.

So, let’s cross fingers that they will get it right this time. ;)

And definitely stay tuned on FujiRumors on May 24. Because one thing is 100% sure: there will be surprises (in addition to X-S20, XF8mmF3.5 and new App). And I will cover everything for you here on FujiRumors.

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The Power of VLOG: Fujifilm X-S20 Coming with Product Priority and Background Defocus Mode

After I shared the rumor about the Fujifilm X-S20 having a dedicated VLOG icon printed on the PSAM dial, trusted sources reached out to me and informed me about some brand new “vlogging” modes that Fujifilm will introduce with the Fujifilm X-S20.

More precisely, they told me that it will have:

  • Product Priority Mode
  • Background Defocus Mode

I have not been given any further details than that, but to me it sounds like the “product priority mode” could be something like the feature we find on the Sony ZV cameras.

And if it really is something like we find it on the Sony ZV cameras, then this is how it would work.

Usually when making talking head videos, Vloggers have their camera set on face detection. This means that when they want to show a product, they have to hide their face behind the product in order to disable face detection and let the camera focus on the product itself.

Well, with this feature, at least on Sony ZV cameras, the camera recognises when a product enters the frame and focuses on it, without the need for the Vlogger to hide his face behind it.

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LEAKED PRICE for Fujifilm X-S20 and Fujinon XF 8mm f/3.5

We can now unveil the prices for the Fujifilm X-S20 and the Fujinon XF 8mm f/3.5, which will both be announced on May 24 during the Fujifilm X Summit:

  • Fujifilm X-S20: $1,299
  • Fujinon XF8mmF3.5: $799

The Fujifilm X-S10 costs $999, so with the Fujifilm X-S20 will see a 30% price increase over the X-S10.

Personally I am not surprised to see the price rising, considering inflation, the still persisting parts shortage (as Fujifilm confirmed recently here) and especially considering the improved specs the Fujifilm X-S20 will have (such as an all new processor, even better subject detection algorithm than Fujifilm’s flagship cameras, great video specs, a bigger battery and so forth).

Sure, I was hoping for a more contained price increase, but on the other hand I also trust that Fujifilm wants to give us this camera at an as affordable price they possibly can.

So if $1,299 is what they’ve set (and you can be sure about it), then probably it’s because they really can’t go much lower than that, without making more compromises in terms of specs and performance.

Fujifilm X-S20 Rumor Recap

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How Fujifilm Could Give Us X-S20 Tracking Smartness on X-T5, X-H2 and X-H2S (and Clarifying a Misunderstanding)

My Firmware Wish

So, I told you here that the Fujifilm X-S20 will have an improved automatic subject detection tracking feature.

In short: no matter what’s in your frame, bird, car, person, animal, train, insect or whatever is part of Fujifilm’s trackable subjects (list here), the Fujifilm X-S20 will automatically recognize it and track it.

That’s not possible on higher end models Fujifilm X-H2, X-H2 and X-T5, where you have to always tell the camera in the menu what you would like to track and change it every time you want to track something differently.

In that article, I also expressed my wish for this AUTO mode to come to other 5th generation cameras via firmware update.

And I also have an idea how Fujifilm implement it on our cameras, but first I have to clarify something.

The Misunderstanding

The AUTO feature on the X-S10 (and X-S20) will do much more than just recognizing the subjects to track.

It will also recognize if it’s sunset, night, tripod, landscape, macro etc and adjust all the settings accordingly (even pick the film simulation it thinks works best).

So it’s a full fledged auto mode like on a smartphone, and to me it makes totally sense that a base model like the X-S20 offers it, because it’s a camera that’s also aimed to people who want to upgrade from smartphones, and having that option can help to make the switch less intimidating.

And here comes the misunderstanding:

Some of you wrote me and told me it makes no sense to have such a full AUTO mode also on high end Fujifilm cameras.

And guys, I agree with you. I also want to pick my film simulation, my aperture and so forth by myself.

What I was referring to was only the AUTO scene detection mode. So the option to let the camera recognize by itself what’s the subject to track in my frame, without me needing to go all the time to go into the menu and switch subjects.

And I also have a solution on how this could work on Fujifilm X-T5, X-H2 and X-H2S.

The Solution

Fujifilm could add the option AUTO in the “Subject Detection Settings” menu and that’s it. Above you can see a rendering I made of how this would look like.

Once set on AUTO, the camera will automatically pick which subject to track (people included).

And of course, it would not affect your film simulation, aperture, ISO or other values, like the AUTO on the X-S10 and X-S20 mode dial does.

Fujifilm, you have the software capable to do that (as the X-S20 will show). Now it’s just a matter of will to bring it to us higher end Fujifilm camera users.

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Fujifilm X-S20 Coming with Dedicated VLOG Icon on PSAM Dial

Trusted sources have informed us that the Fujifilm X-S20 will have a dedicated “VLOG” icon on the PSAM dial.

The fact that Fujifilm will give the VLOG a dedicated spot on the mode dial tells us a lot on who Fujifilm is also targeting with this camera.

The Fujifilm X-S20 looks like the perfect fit for Fujifilm’s brand new TG-BT1 tripod grip.

Fujifilm X-S20 Rumor Recap

TO BE CLEAR: the image you see above shows a Fujifilm X-S10. I just edited into the X-S10 mode dial the icon “VLOG”. But I frankly have no idea how the various items on the PSAM dial will be organized, nor do I know for example how many C-modes will be offered. All I know is that I have been told, somewhere there is VLOG printed on it. So I created this image to make sure everybody understands what I mean.

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Unleash the X-Trans IV Power: X-Processor 5 to Boost Fujifilm X-S20 Video – Video Specs LEAKED

A while back I told you that there could be a huge potential in the combination between X-Trans IV and X-Processor 5.

Well, it looks like this combination will become real soon.

In fact, today we can finally tell you what many of you already saw coming: the Fujifilm X-S20 will use the X-Processor 5.

And in addition to that, our trusted sources (thanks!!!) told us that the Fujifilm X-S20 will be able to record 6K/30p and 4K/60p video.

We remind you that the Fujifilm X-S10 with the very same sensor can shoot 4K/30p max.

It looks like the combination between efficient and powerful X Processor 5 and fast sensor readout of 26MP X-Trans IV, is making it possible to put 6K/30p and 4K/60P into the small camera body of the Fujifilm X-S20, without having serious overheating issues that would make such a feature impracticable.

Considering the hybrid nature of this camera, 6K/30p and 4K/60p are a very welcome feature.

Fujifilm X-S20 Rumor Recap

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RUMOR: Fujifilm X-S20 Coming with Smarter Subject Tracking than X-T5, X-H2 and X-H2S (Automatic Subject Detection)

Fujifilm X-S20 vs X-T5/X-H2/X-H2S

There will be a new king in the Fujifilm X world when it comes to subject tracking smartness, and it will be the Fujifilm X-S20 (which is coming on May 24).


Because the Fujifilm X-S20 will have an extended automatic subject/scene detection mode compared to the one already available on the Fujifilm X-S10.

Let me explain.

When you rotate the mode dial of the Fujifilm X-S10 to AUTO, the X-S10 will automatically recognize the scene (landscape, macro, night, sunset, sky, etc) and adjust camera settings accordingly. And I believe it even sets the film simulation automatically based on which one it thinks would work best for that scene.

I hear you: unless you are a beginner who just switched to a real camera from a smartphone, you can live happily also without this feature.

But the thing is that the Fujifilm X-S20 will bring this AUTO switch to the next level.

The Fujifilm X-S20 will be capable to track all the subjects that the Fujifilm X-T5, X-H2 and X-H2S can already track:

The difference?

On the X-T5, X-H2 and X-H2S, every time you want to track a different subject, you have to go into the menu and select the subject you want to track (car, bird, animal, etc). And if you want to track a person, you have to disable subject tracking and enable face/eye tracking.

But that’s not how it works on the Fujifilm X-S20.

In fact, the Fujifilm X-S20 will be capable to track it all automatically. It will simply recognize what’s in your frame (a child, a dog, a bird, etc) and start tracking it without any need for you to go into the menu and make specific selections.

The automatic subject detection is actually something that fellow Fujifilm X shooters requested since the X-H2S was launched and I am happy to see that Fujifilm figured it out and will soon offer it on the Fujifilm X-S20.

Of course my hope now is that Fujifilm will release a firmware update that will bring this tracking smartness also to the Fujifilm X-T5, X-H2 and X-H2S.

I mean, it would evade any logic if the base model X-S20 would have this feature but higher end Fujifilm models not.

A firmware update urges. Thank you Fujifilm.

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Fujifilm Factory Tour: Meet Fujifilm’s Most Complex Gear to Manufacture and How Adjustment is Key to Image Quality

The French website Phototrend had the opportunity to visit the Fujifilm factory in Taiwa, Japan, which where many premium Fujifilm gear is made, but not only premium. For example, also Fujifim’s oldest X mount lens, the legendary Fujinon XF35mm F1.4 R is assembled here.

In this tour, Fujifilm will also tell you which is the most complex gear to manufacture. Spoiler: it’s this beast here, which consists of over 1,000 pieces!!!

There is lots of interesting stuff to read and see, but I found one sentence particularly interesting: “adjustment is the key to image quality“.

So while the assembly takes time and is indeed complex, all the micro-adjustments made during and after the assembly are crucial to ensure a consistent and high quality product.

Down is a quick summary where you can read all the details as well as some images.

Factory Tour

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X-S20 Announcement on May 24

The Fujifilm X Summit on May 24 is approaching and as a consequence speculations and hopes are rising about which cameras Fujifilm could announce on that day.

Well, today we can tell you with 100% certainty that the Fujifilm X-S20 will be announced during the X Summit on May 24.

Will it be the only camera to drop on May 24? Will there be more surprises?

Well, I am working on it and will let you know here on FujiRumors. So definitely stay tuned.

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Fujifilm X-Pro3 Now Discontinued also at BHphoto and Adorama

Back in December we reported how the first stores started to mark the Fujifilm X-Pro3 as discontinued.

Well, the inevitable disappearance of the Fujifilm X-Pro3 continues, as it is now marked as discontinued at BHphoto here and at Adorama here.

The situation does not look much better at Amazon either.

Some stores even totally removed the X-Pro3 from their website, such as Wexphotovideo here.

As I told you from a parking lot, I believe the Fujifilm X-Pro line will continue to be an experimental line for Fujifilm and I am looking forward to see what the Fujifilm X-Pro4 will look like. As soon as I have rumors about it (as well as the permission to share them) I will let you know.

X-Pro4 Dreams

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