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Two New Fujifilm Cameras Registered to be Launched Separately – May 26 and September 12 According to FCC

We told you that Fujifilm has now two camera registered:

So far FujiRumors has rumored two cameras to come in 2023:

To be clear: I don’t know if these will be the only two cameras in 2023 or if there will be more. If there will be more, then those codenames could stand for other cameras.

Now, thanks to the help of a fellow FR-reader, we are able to tell you also when, according to the registration, these two cameras will be made public (see screenshots below):

  • FF220002 = May 26
  • FF230001 = September 12

Now, we know that Fujifilm has very recently announced the Fujifilm X Summit on May 24, which is old news if you follow FujiRumors, because we already told you about it a couple of weeks ago.

So at least the May 26 date is not really accurate, as the FF220002 camera will be announced on May 24.

That’s why we should take also the second date, September 12, with a grain of salt.

But what we can assume pretty safely at this point is that there will be separate announcements for the FF220002 and the FF230001 cameras, with one coming in May and the other one probably in September.


Keep in mind that Fujifilm can change plans anytime (I mean, the X Summit in April has been canceled, right?).

So especially in regards to the camera that according to the registration might be planed to come in September, we must take that date with a grain of salt, as there is simply too much time between now and September and Fujifilm can change plans a couple of times until then. Assuming they even really have set a date for that announcement already.

So, I share the dates with you now, because that’s what the official registrations say, but don’t take them as something rocksolid.

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Is This Really All We Will Get? – FUJIFILM CAMERA ROADMAP 2023

Let’s have a weekend chat… and try to give an answer to a question I often get.

The story is this:

Back in March Fujifilm Spain displayed this camera roadmap, where they show two more cameras coming in 2023.

So the question I get often these days is: is this really all we will get in 2023? Two cameras and no more?

I can understand your skepticism, especially considering that even during the Covid pandemic Fujifilm has launched an average of 3 to 4 cameras a year, as we calculated in this article.

And if Fujifilm really was to launch two cameras only, then FujiRumors readers already know which ones these will be:

So what’s my take on this?

First off: it is not clear if the roadmap displayed by Fujifilm Spain refers to X series cameras only (hence APS-C cameras) or if it includes also GFX cameras.

If it was for X series only, then it we would get 2 X series cameras (one of them being the X-S20) and at least one GFX camera (as we rumored here).

The Spanish website Fujistas, who shared the roadmap and was present at the event, actually reported on them as being “two X series cameras“. So that would mean two APS-C cameras. So there is one I never rumored before that would still come in 2023.

But even if Fujifilm Spain’s roadmap would include the GFX cameras, than I’d not be 100% sure that all we get are really only 2 cameras.


Because internal roadmaps get regular updates and are often changed depending on the need of the moment. Fujifilm might postpone a camera launch, but can also anticipate its announcement. This depends on lots of things such as their own state in terms of development of new models, but Fuji can also look at what competitors are doing and in case step on the gas and work on releasing new gear faster.

I mean, cameras can even get totally canceled from a roadmap and then find their way back into it, as it was the case with the Fujifilm X-E4 for example.

Same happens with lens roadmaps, which are public. Fujifilm can announce and even show mockups of roadmap lens (remember the XF33mmF1.0?) and then cancel or change it. Other lenses get delayed, other never appeared on any roadmap, but suddenly hit the market (lots of the MKII lenses for example).

That’s why I personally would take any camera or lens roadmap with a grain of salt.

If it really was the most up to date roadmap and it would include also GFX cameras, then FujiRumors basically already told you which cameras will come in 2023.

But if’s only for X series or not the most up to date roadmap, then this means I have still some work to do to find out which other cameras could come in 2023.

In any case, stay tuned on FujiRumors. As soon as I can tell you something reliable, I will post updates here on the blog and on my YouTube channel.

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Fujifilm X Summit on May 24 at 9AM (GMT) – 5AM New York Time

A little update:

We already told you that Fujifilm officially confirmed our previous rumors and announced the Fujifilm X Summit for May 24 in Bangkok.

If you wonder at what time it will take place, then here it is: it will be at 9AM GMT which should be 5AM New York Time and 11AM Berlin Time.

FujiRumors has so far rumored two cameras and one lens.

Maybe some of this (or something else) will drop on May 24. In any case we can be sure there will be surprises (as it is with every X summit). So definitely stay tuned on FujiRumors for the live blog.

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Chris & Jordan: The Battle of Camera Brands – Fujifilm vs Canon, Sony, Nikon and Panasonic

Stalman+ hosted Chris and Jordan on his YouTube channel. They talk about DRP shutting down, the Sony ZV-E1 and starting from minute 38:24 they also talk about all camera brands in a section called “Battle of the Camera Brands”.

Regarding Fujifilm, this is what Chris, Jordan and Stalman+ have to say (starts 57:05):

  • they talk about the peculiar vintage look that Fujifilm cameras have that can “outlast technology”
  • love of using, holding and being seen with beautiful cameras, that’s still a factor today. Other companies under-appreciated that factor
  • Chris says that a few years ago the talk in the industry was that you have to go Full Frame or you are going to die
  • Fujifilm very bravely said “let’s stick with APS-C and let’s go one better and make some awesome medium format cameras”
  • Chris said they could make a whole podcast on how successful that whole line has been for Fujifilm
  • they delivered lots of amazing APS-C lenses
  • Chris thinks this was a smart decision, especially now that we look at the new sensors on the X-T5
  • Fujifilm is doing a great job giving people what they want and not having to go full frame to do it
  • you get a solid camera that can do many different things, that looks great and that focuses “yeah…”
  • Staleman+ says Fujifilm is the only camera that he would shoot JPEG straight of of camera or do a non-LOG profile and actually use it
  • the X-H2S is a powerhouse for video
  • Jordan agrees and says that the X-H2S image is one of his favourite out of any format of camera, even comparing it to full frame especially in terms of dynamic range it keeps up really nicely
  • they also listen to us in terms of features. They were the first to let videographers do 48th or 96th of a second shutter speed. Shutter angle and waveforms still missing. Hopefully those will come in future
  • Jordan’s biggest issue with Fuji’s recent launches is that a lot of those cameras haven’t felt completely finished (occasional crashes even with production models, punch-in focus not as sharp as it was previously)
  • Jordan wants Fujifilm to go back to where they were, as the company known for giving you initially flaky products but then they would firmware update the hell out of them
  • Fujifilm has the base hardware to make some of the best cameras out there, but Jordan just does not 100% trusts them at this point
  • Staleman+ says he did not experience such huge issues and crashes, but certainly there are some things that could be improved
  • he adds that he appreciates the operability and physicality of the cameras, the dials etc. It’s so clear what you are getting into as you start operating it and he loves that about Fujifilm
  • Chris said that he appreciates that Fujifilm launched the X-S series of cameras that actually departs from the manual controls
  • if you don’t love the manual dial control and you want an alternative, they are offering it
  • Chris prefers the X-S handling
  • Staleman+ just likes the way they are running the company and also leading the way in some ways when it comes to video, for example with integration
  • Kudos to Fujifilm for leading from behind, so being in the position of being a smaller company that are still showing real strength and leadership

So lots of great things are said about Fujifilm, and only two significant points of criticism: improve autofocus even more and keep delivering Kaizen firmware updates.

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Fujifilm Camera Remote Ver.4.7.2 Released

Fujifilm has released ver. 4.7.2 of their Fujifilm camera remote App – iOS only!

I am not sure this new update will help the App to get better ratings on the App store.

What we need at this point is a totally new App.

But sadly after almost one years of rumors and leaks, including internal Fujifilm slides that unveil the name of a new App Fujifilm is working on, we still have to deal with the old camera remote App.

It’s kind of impressive that a huge company like Fujifilm needs years to develop a simple App that at least does not break your camera when you use it.

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LEAKED: First Images of Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 PRO XF (vs Viltrox 75mm f/1.2)

When Viltrox announced they’d launch the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 Pro AF X mount lens in Q2 of 2023, you guys asked me especially one question: how big will this lens be?

So I did what I have to do: try to answer your questions.

And today we can give you a very accurate answer: we can share the very first images of the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 XF Pro autofocus lens.

And not only that, we can also share them side by side with the new Viltrox 75mm f/1.2 PRO XF lens.

Look, I am huge fan of the 27mm APS-C focal length and I own this 27mm XF lens as well as this 27mm X mount lens already.

But as much as I love the pancake size and the terrific portability of those lenses, I would love to have a very fast 27mm alternative to those lenses. And the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 seems to be just that.

Sure, it is not the smallest lens out there, but it is still smaller than the other PRO badged lens offers for the X mount, the Viltrox 75mm f/1.2 XF PRO. And quite frankly, if it matches the price and performance of the 75mm f/1.2, then this lens is very high on my wishlist.

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Which Sensor Would You Like on the Fujifilm X-Pro4, X100V Successor, X-E5 and X-T40 – VOTE NOW

Ok, today it’s my birthday, and I have to apologise to you.

Because, remember when I asked which sensor you’d like Fujifilm to use in future cameras, if the 40MP sensor or the 26MP stacked sensor?

Well, forget about it, and sorry that I wasted your time.

Because Fujifilm managers recently told us that they still see a future in the 26MP X-Trans IV sensor. And also our rumors about the Fujifilm X-S20 featuring the 26MP X-Trans IV sensor confirm that at least one more camera, the X-S20, will get that sensor.

So this kind of requires me to ask for your kindness and time again, and to let you again vote on the survey. But this time I’ll include the option of the X-Trans IV sensor.

Only one camera will get an additional option: the Fujifilm X-Pro4. Because, as I told you recently, I think Fujifilm will continue to experiment with that camera line; experiments that could include also a different type of sensor. But to be clear: it’s all just speculation from my side, not a rumor. Just to be clear and avoid misunderstandings.

So, down below you can vote your favourite sensor for each camera again.

Also, in the video I made today will share what my favourite sensor would be for each camera.

Fujifilm X-Pro4 - Which Sensor do You Want?

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Fujifilm X100V Successor - Which Sensor do You Want?

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Fujifilm X-E5 - Which Sensor do You Want?

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Fujifilm X-T40 - Which Sensor do You Want?

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Fujifilm X-S20 - Which Sensor do You Want?

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Me swimming with my dog at the Göllersee

Viltrox AF 27mm f/1.2 XF with PRO Badge Coming Soon

We recently reported that Viltrox has officially teased the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 for Fujifilm X coming soon.

Now, according to information leaked overseas, the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 will get the “PRO” badge, so we can expect it to be optically on the higher end as the Viltrox 75mm f/1.2 Pro for Fujifilm X mount.

This does not come really surprising, given the same fast aperture, but never give anything for granted ;).

via Camerabeta

Fujifilm X Mount Third Party Autofocus Lenses Group

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MARK THIS DATE: Fujifilm X Summit on May 24

Still today, the official position of Fujifilm is that there will be an X summit in April.

But if you follow FujiRumors, you’ll know that the X Summit in April has been canceled and that there will be an X summit in May.

I have no idea why Fujifilm is not correcting the date, but you have to trust me on this.

Today we can also tell you the exact date of the announcement: the next Fujifilm X Summit will take place on May 24.

This comes from trusted sources, so I have no doubts that the date is accurate. Unless Fujifilm decides to cancel it again.

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Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 for Fujifilm X Mount Coming Soon

Viltrox is teasing their lens roadmap for the second quarter of 2023.

The roadmap includes the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 XF for Fujifilm X mount.

Let us know in the comments what you think about it. As a lover of the 27mm focal length myself (and owner of two 27mm lenses, this one and this one), I am definitely looking forward to see how this new Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 will turn out to be.

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