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RUMOR: Next Fujifilm X Summit Scheduled for May

Thanks to our sources, we can now inform you when the next Fujifilm X Summit will take place.

The next Fujifilm X Summit will take place in the month of May.

I am working on all the details and will share updates in the next days and weeks. So make sure to stay tuned on FujiRumors.

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

Fujifilm X-E4 Discontinued at BHphoto and Other Stores

The Fujifilm X-E4 was launched in January 2021 and the last time I’ve noticed the X-E4 in stock was back in October 2021.

Not even the Fujifilm X100V has such a bad shipping record as the X-E4.

And now, after 2 years only, stores are already starting to mark it as discontinued, as for example BHphoto here (in all its combinations) and the Australian store Camerapro.

It’s a pity that such a beautiful little camera hardly ever shipped and now it even seems to be over for it.

At this point, the Fujifilm X-E5 can’t come soon enough.

Meike 85mm f/1.8 Autofocus STM lens Announced

Meike has announced the Meike 85mm f/1.8 Autofocus STM lens for Fujifilm X mount.

The lens was already lens for other mounts for example the Sony FE mount version here, which costs $199.

  • Filter size: 67mm
  • Format: Full Frame
  • Focal Length: 85mm
  • Aperture range: F1.8-22
  • Lens diameter: 79.5mm
  • Aperture blades: 9 blades
  • Lens structure: 6 groups 9 elements
  • Minimum Focusing Distance: 0.85m
  • Angle of View:  Horizontal: 16° Vertical: 24° Diagonal: 28.5°
  • Weight: 386g/0.85lb (only body)

Meike lenses for Fujifilm can be found at Amazon here and BHphoto here.

More details about this lens at Meike here.

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

A New “Home” for DPReview Fujifilm Forum Members –

Many fellow FujiRumors readers were also active members of the DPReview Fujifilm X and Medium Format forum. But sadly DPR is going to shut down completely.

If you are looking for a new home, I can recommend you to join the, which I run together with my friend Andreas Jürgensen, who manages Forums for a living, hence you are in good hands.

Over 30,000 fellow Fujifilm X and GFX shooters are already part of this community. Feel free to join here.

We also have dedicated Fujifilm facebook groups you can join.

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

CANCELED: No More Fujifilm X Summit in April – Trusted Source

Back in January Fujifilm officially announced the next Fujifilm X Summit for April.

But today a trusted source reached out to us and told us that Fujifilm has now decided to cancel the April X summit event.

I have no idea if Fujifilm will make an official announcement about the event being deleted, or if they’ll just let April pass and hope we simply forgot about it.

But what I am sure is this: there is no X summit in April. That’s Trusted Stuff.

Evidently something did not go according to plan.

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

You are all welcome to the Fuji X Forum:

DPReview is Closing: Good Bye after 25 Years of Excellent Service

DPReview has just announced they will be closing forever.

This is a very sad news for the photography community. Something I guess nobody saw coming nor thought would ever be possible.

Also their youtube channel will shut down.

We can just wish all the best to the people working on DPR. I am sure your competence and knowledge will be appreciated and needed on other platforms, that will be happy to see you join their team. In fact, Chris and Jordan joined PetaPixel already.

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

You are all welcome to the Fuji X Forum:
We are already more than 30,000 members and we are happy if you join us!

DPReview Statement


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Panasonic Announces Development of Organic CMOS Sensor that Realizes Good Color Reproduction under all Kinds of Light

Myth of the Organic Sensor

10 year after the joint Panasonic and Fujifilm announcement, where the organic sensor was first unveiled to the masses with great optimism and claims of glorious performances and dynamic range, we haven’t seen anything coming to the market, expect for a camcorder prototype shown by Panasonic back in 2019.

The last update we got was back in October 2021, when Panasonic unveiled a 35MP organic Super35 CMOS sensor with global shutter.

Well, today we got another update from Panasonic, where they announced the “development of organic CMOS image sensor technology that realizes good color reproduction even under all kinds of light sources“. You can read the full press release below.

Is Fujifilm Still Involved?

Unlike the first announcement in 2013, that was made by Panasonic and Fujifilm together, this time it’s only Panasonic, who released a press release regarding the organic sensor development.

So the question I guess is if Fujifilm has pulled out of the organic sensor development.

The last statement in this regard comes from Panasonic, who in October 2018 said they are still working on it with Fujifilm.

So at least until 2018, Fujifilm and Panasonic did work on it together, but I don’t know if that’s the case still today. I will try to figure that out and in case let you know.

The Organic Sensor Novel – A Summary:

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X: The Huge Lens Review Roundup

It’s time to share a huge roundup covering all possible third party lenses for the Fujifilm X mount.

The lenses we are going to cover are Fujinon lenses as well as third party lenses.

Down below is the list of covered lenses. If there is any that interests you, check out the full article below.

Fujinon Lenses:

Third Party Lenses:


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Fujifilm: The Current State and the Future Challenges

Comeback of an Old Friend

For us long time Fujifilm lovers, Fujifilm manager Toshihisa Iida (the manager who said Fujifilm will NEVER go Full Frame) was arguably the most representative face of the Fujiflm X/GFX series of the last 10 years.

Sadly for us (but congratulations to him), Toshi left the electronic imaging division once he got promoted to President and Managing Director at Fujifilm Europe back in 2020.

I must admit I was a bit worried when the Toshi left, as I felt that the Fujifilm X/GFX series was in safe hands as long as he was in charge.

He did run the business with huge dedication, passion and vision, as can also be seen in this in this brilliant documentary (MUST WATCH !!!), that gives an intimate look into his life and work as imaging director.

I honestly thought it would be hard to replace a manager like Toshihisa Iida.

But if I look at all the crazy stuff Fujifilm has released in 2022, all my worries dissipate.

Under the new management, Fujifilm has not only continued to work hard and believe in its imaging division, but they also gave us the most release intense year I can remember, with three higher end camerasfour XF lenses and one GF lens. Plus some accessories, such as the legendary cooling fan and the TG-BT1 Tripod Grip.

The Future Seen Through Fujifilm Managers Statements

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

I am Going to PARIS – But With Which Gear? Your Gear, Photo, Food and More Tips Needed

While waiting for the real thing, AI generated image of Paris
While waiting for the real thing, AI generated image of Paris

New Gear vs. New Travel

Something amazing is going to happen in April.

I hear you say: “easy, it’s the huge Fujifilm X Summit with exciting new gear announcements!”

Well yeah, I know Fujifilm officially announced the X Summit for April… but I don’t mean that. It’s something even better than rumors or new gear (at least for me). ;)

In April I will fly together with my wife and 2 year old son to Paris for a couple of days! It’s my wife’s birthday present to me.

No X Summit on earth can stop me to finally visiting Paris for the first time in my life.

And since I guess many of you have already been to Paris (or live in Paris), I thought I could make shameless use of this blog to ask for some advice.

Your Tips

I am aware that we are all in the grips of our busy daily lives. So huge thanks to anybody who can carve out some time from your day to give me some advice.

Gear Questions:

GFX gear size and weight is not an issue for me. I do multi-day hikes in the Dolomites with it, and I was never bothered by the weight. Trust me, the real problem when hiking is to carry around a toddler in the backpack.

It all comes down to lenses. As I own more X series lenses, I have lots of flexibility there compared to my not yet so extensive GFX collection. But maybe the GFX gear I currently own is enough.

Decisions…. ;)


  • I travel only with carry on bag. I plan to travel with my Peak Design Travel Tripod. I am not sure if tripods are allowed as carry on on a plane. Anyone ever tried it and experienced problems?

Photo Tips:

  • feel free to share images or links to your images of Paris in the comments down below… as a little inspiration for me :)
  • if possible, share details about the location where you took the images and the gear you used


  • What were the best dishes you ate in Paris?
  • Any restaurant you can recommend, possibly in Montmartre area, as that’s where we are going to stay


  • What’s a nice park in Paris to hang out with a 2 year old kid?

X Meeting:

  • the schedule is tight, the time little, but I might get an evening or two off, while my wife looks after our son while he sleeps. So I can go out alone in Montmartre to make some late evening/night street photography. I will share on social media when I am free and if anyone wants to spontaneously join me to take some pictures (and drink a glass of red wine), that would be cool
  • I will make a post on Facebook here, Twitter here and Instagram here when I will be hitting the streets of Paris alone. Watch out for that.