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Fujifilm X Summit February 20 :: Fujifilm GFX25 Rumors :: Fujifilm X-T6 Talks :: My Biggest Fujifilm 2023 Disappointment and More – Top 10 December Articles

Here are the most read articles for December.

  1. What to Expect from Fujifilm in 2024 (and What Probably Not)
  2. Fujifilm 2024: A Look Ahead Between Rumors and Speculations (X-Pro4, X100R, X-E5, X-T40, New XF Lenses, GFX Future)
  3. Fujifilm GFX25: High-Speed 25.44MP, 12fps, Oversampled DCI 4K/60p (no Crop) and the Return of a Wrong Rumor
  4. Fujifilm X-T6 in 2024? Let’s Talk about it!
  5. I was WRONG about Fujifilm X100V Successor – RUMOR CORRECTION
  6. These are the 17 New Autofocus Lenses we Got for Fujifilm X in 2023
  7. Capture One offers FREE Fujifilm RAW Converter for Fujifilm Users
  8. LEAKED: This is the Date of the Next Fujifilm X Summit
  9. My Biggest Fujifilm Disappointment of 2023
  10. Best Selling (Fujifilm related) Gear 2023

Runner Up

Honorable Mentions

100% Rumors Only at our YouTube Channel

Viltrox NP-W235 Orders Available Now

The brand new Viltrox NP-W235 battery is now available for order at BHphoto here.

The Viltrox NP-W235 battery is also listed at Amazon here (two pack here), but you can’t place your order yet.

In 2023, the best selling accessory on FujiRumors was also a third party NP-W235, and it was this one of Smallrig.

Some NP-W235 options:

The Rumors for 2024 (Ranked by Reliability) and the Ultimate 2023 Rumor Check

The Rumors of Past & Future

It’s time for our yearly rumor check, so that you guys can decide if FujiRumors was worth your time or not.

We will also give you an overview over all remaining rumors for 2024 ranked by reliability.

  • 75 rumors shared in 2023
  • 12 rumors still to be verified
  • 60 correct rumors out of 63 verifiable rumors
  • 2 wrong rumors (sort of… not really… but yeah…)
    NOTE: one rumor instantly corrected (just misunderstood the source)
    NOTE: another one is 99% correct, just a small detail is not accurate (how much faster the GFX100II sensor is compared to the GFX100 sensor). Still today this is not clear, but I am brutal to myself and move the entire stuff into the wrong section
  • 1 rumor out of ranking (for reasons I will explain below)
  • 96.7% correct rumors

Rumor Overview with Rating

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Top 10 FujiRumors Articles of 2023: Fujifilm X-Pro4 Wishlist, What to Expect from Fujifilm in 2024, X100V Successor Rumors and More

Here are the top 10 articles published on FujiRumors in 2023:

  1. Fujifilm 2024: A Look Ahead Between Rumors and Speculations (X-Pro4, X100R, X-E5, X-T40, New XF Lenses, GFX Future)
    IMPORTANT: Recent Big Update to the Fujifilm 2024 overview
  2. LEAKED: Trusted Source Unveils When Fujifilm X100V Successor Will Come
  3. RUMOR: Fujifilm X100V Successor Coming with a “New” Lens in Early 2024
    IMPORTANT: Rumor Update here – Same lens of X100V
  4. LEAKED: This is the Sensor of the Fujifilm X-S20
  5. Two New Fujifilm Cameras Registered to be Launched Separately – May 26 and September 12 According to FCC
  6. Fujifilm Managers Interview: Talking Fujifilm X-Pro4, Autofocus, Fujifilm X-T5 Sales, 5th Generation GFX, X100V Demand and More
  7. RUMOR: Big Start for Fujifilm in 2024 with Multiple (and Record?) Camera Announcements
  8. RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement is Next GFX Camera coming in 2023 (Trusted Source)
  9. Fujifilm X-Pro4 Fantasies – Your Dreams Here!
  10. EXCLUSIVE: This is Fujifilm’s Next XF Lens!

Top 4 Curiosity Articles

  1. Oppenheimer Movie Photos Taken with Fujifilm X-H1 and These XF Lenses
  2. CURIOSITY: Fujifilm Switzerland Shows X-Pro3 without Hidden but Regular Tilt LCD Screen
  3. The Future of Fujifilm in Patents: Full Frame Lenses Coming, X100 with 20mmF2 lens, Foldable Fuji Smartphone and More
  4. Fujifilm X100V Limited Disney Edition Launched

Fujinon GF30mmF5.6 T/S and GF110mmF5.6 T/S Pre-Orders Now Open also in Japan

We recently reported how Fujifilm has huge problems to deliver their recently announced Fujinon GF tilt shift lenses.

But now maybe we got a little good news.

Fujifilm has decided to finally allow pre-orders also in Japan for those lenses.

I hope this means that the shortage is slowly ending that Fujifilm will be able to ship it in larger number soon.

Fuji’s Tilt Shift Lenses

The Latest Gear

FR-Readers Wishlist Corner: XF 135mm F2 LM WR, Fujifilm X-E5 Pro, GFX72H, Special Edition X100V, XF 50-140mm F2.8 MKII, Medium Format X100 and More

It’s Christmas time. Time for wishlists and dreams.

And here on FujiRumors this means wishing and dreaming of gear that, if not this year, Santa Claus will hopefully make find us under the Christmas tree for 2024.

So here is a selection of wishes that I have received from FujiRumors community and that I now I am happy to share with all of you. Feel free to let us know if there is something among it that you’d really love to get.

I sort of made my own wishlist too, where I talk about three cameras that would push Fujifilm overnight exactly where they dreamed to be by 2019. Dear Fujifilm, listen to me, and Canon, Sony and Nikon will tremble!

Feel free to read (and watch) it all down below.

by anonymous

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UNORDERABLE: Amazon Cancels Current Fujinon GF30mmF5.6 T/S Order, Most Samples Go to Rental Houses?

Some FR-reader got a notification from Amazon, that their Fujinon GF30mmF5.6 Tilt Shift orders have been canceled. A FR-reader also passed me the following information he has received from Amazon.

Due to a lack of availability, we will not be able to obtain the following item from your order. We’ve canceled the item and apologize for the inconvenience.

The reader then wrote me:

Since my Amazon order was canceled, I’ve been looking for anyone who would take an order and put me in the queue. I got a message from Camera West that repeated the “only a handful coming to the US each month,” but added that those are all going to rental houses. Sales to consumers won’t start until June at the earliest.

At the time of this post you can’t order the Fujinon GF30mm f/5.6 T/S on Amazon anymore at Amazon.

Other stores like BHphoto here and Adorama here have not (and will not) cancel your order. But certainly it looks like you have to arm yourself with lots of patience.

It looks like we are just about to experience yet another of those wonderful Fujifilm-unique stories, where they are not able to ship gear they have announced for many many months.

One could start thinking that Fujifilm is having a “Kickstarter” approach, where they first look at how many orders come it, and then start the production accordingly. But let’s think “positive” and just say that Fujifilm vastly underestimated the demand for that lens.

What’s your experience with the GF30mm Tilt Shift? Did you get it shipped?

Fuji’s Tilt Shift Lenses

The Latest Gear

My Biggest Fujifilm Disappointment of 2023

In the video above (click and it starts automatically at the right point) I address my biggest disappointment of 2023 (and my biggest hope for 2024)

My Biggest Fujifilm Disappointement of 2023

It’s Christmas time.

We get all more kind, more gentle, we show how much we love each other and…

… forget about it…

Not in the mood for that today.

Today I want to moan, to complain and to unleash my biggest Fujifilm frustration 2023 towards the Fujifilm headquarter of Japan.

Here it is.

Dear Fujifilm,

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REALA ACE – The Best Fujifilm Film Simulation So Far

Fellow Fujifilm shooter Alik Griffin is using the new REALA ACE film simulation on his Fujifilm GFX100 II.

According to him, this is the best Fujifilm film simulation so far.

My favorite Fujifilm Film Simulators have been Classic Chrome, Provia, and Astia. Those are what I almost always use before applying presets to any images I have. However, I’ve absolutely loved editing Reala Ace. It’s easily now one of the best Film Simulators Fujifilm has and I can’t wait to see what other photographers do with it when building Fujifilm Recipies.

Are you using REALA ACE?

Let us know in the comments what you think about and check out the full article and images at alikgriffin here.

As I screamed from the top of the mountains at sunrise: I hope Reala Ace will at some point come also to other 5th generation X series cameras via firmware update.

What to Expect from Fujifilm in 2024 (and What Probably Not)

Fujifilm 2024

In November we have shared quite some rumors (as you can see here). And not only that! In our previous 2024 outlook, we forgot to add gear that Fujifilm has already pre-announced to come in 2024 as well as give you a look into rumored third party AF lenses.

That’s why we need to update our view into the Fujifilm year 2024.

All the X/GFX rumors come from our sources, whereas the speculations are often based on hints and comments that managers gave in interviews.

Remember, Fujifilm will launch 3 or more cameras in the first months of 2024. This means there are still more cameras we have to (and we will) leak here on FujiRumors.


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