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Fujinon GF14-20mm Coming – Really?

FujiRumors mock-up
FujiRumors mock-up

Fujinon GF14-20mm

A long list of “rumored” Fujifilm gear “leaked” on the web and we reported here.

I instantly warned you about a lot of inaccuracies in that list. Wrong stuff that we started to correct.

The first one to be unveiled as wrong is the Fujifilm GFX25.

Anyway, there was another piece of gear on that list, that intrigued people: the Fujinon GF14-20mm.

So let me put it this way:

The best I can say about it for now, is that none of our sources is aware of such a lens.

I don’t call it a “wrong rumor” simply because there is a difference between our sources saying something is fake (GFX25) and our sources saying they are not aware of certain gear.

But the fact that already the GFX25 rumor is wrong (and more on that list will be proven wrong), could be an indication that pretty much anything “leaked” on that list has to be taken with a grain of salt and it’s probably just a compilation of guesses and speculations wrapped into a more tasty rumor package to give it more credibility. I am NOT saying E8M made it up, it is likely that somebody else made it up and passed it to E8M, who then shared it. That’s the way guys try to convince you to publish wrong info.

Anyway, I have to be accurate when I report what our sources say. And they tell me they have no information about such a lens.

For me, this means that I have zero hopes for an eventual GF14-20 to come in 2024 and I am also not overly optimistic to see one in 2025. And if it never comes, I would not be surprised either.

If you need to go wide, your best option for a long time will be the Fujinon GF20-35mm f/4.

What will come for sure though, is what is on the roadmap: the Fujinon GF500mmF5.6 and the GF Power Zoom lens.

GF Lens Patents

The Future of Fujifilm in Patents (X and GFX gear). Filtered below you find the GFX gear related patents.

Vote Your Top Fujifilm (Related) Gear 2023

click image to find out what I personally consider the top gear of 2023
click image to find out what I personally consider the top gear of 2023

Top Gear 2023

So we told: there are no more Fujifilm announcements in 2023

And while in 2023 we might still get maybe some manual of even this new third party autofocus lens as well as the Meike AF 55mm f/1.4, a few more Yongnuo lenses and the first Brightin Star AF 50mm f/1.4, but those will come either in late December or next year, so we are basically done with pretty much anything.

This means it’s time for you guys to let us know what you consider the top gear announced in 2023.

Quick note: the list includes cameras and lenses with autofocus or at least electronic contacts.

My Top Fujifilm Related Product of 2023 was...

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BREAKING: This is Fujifilm’s Next MILC Camera Coming Early 2024

The Fujifilm MILC Camera

We recently told you that Fujifilm will launch more cameras in the first months of 2024 than in the entire year of 2023.

Considering we got these two cameras in 2023, this means we will get “3 or more cameras” in just the first months of 2024.

And we recently also spotted a registration for a second unreleasd Fujifilm product, the FF230003.

We also asked you guys which cameras you think will come (you voted here), and judging by the results, I can say that you didn’t see that one coming.

In fact, according to our trusted sources, the next mirrorless interchangeable lens camera that Fujifilm will launch is the Fujifilm GFX100S II.

Now you know the true reasons why Fujifilm is selling the Fujifilm GFX100S at a massive discount.

Now, there was the speculation out there that Fujifilm had merged the GFX100 and GFX100S into one single camera line, the GFX100II.

But nope, that’s not the case. And it comes from multiple trusted sources, which means it is 100% accurate and I will shut down FujiRumors forever if it does not become true.

And to be sure there are no misunderstandings, here a few things that must be clear:

  • the GFX100SII is the next mirrorless interchangeable lens camera to come
  • yes, it could be also the next Fujifilm camera to come overall, but I have no idea if maybe the X100R will come before the GFX100SII

But my work is far from done.

We might know two cameras that come, but there will be three or more coming in the first months of 2024.

So if neither the X100V successor nor the GFX100SII is the camera you were waiting for, then don’t worry, because we will get even more soon.

Top 3 Cameras Fujifilm Should Make for Instant Success (X and GFX)

We recently told you that Fujifilm is preparing a huge start in 2024:

Now, of course most of the talk and speculations in our previous articles was gravitating around successors to existing camera lines.

And it makes a whole of sense to focus on refreshes of current cameras, nothing prohibits us to dream big and think and completely different cameras.

So what I will do is to share three cameras that I think would turn out to be an instant and massive success for Fujifilm.

And I am not talking of weird and risky concepts. I am talking of cameras that would sell very well for sure in my opinion.

So, let’s go through them and let me think what you think about.

Also, feel free to drop your own ideas in the comments.

Top 3 Cameras Fujifilm Hasn’t Made Yet

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Meike AF 55mm f/1.4 Autofocus lens for Fujifilm X Coming Second Half of December

We already reported a few months ago about the upcoming Meike 55mm f/1.4 autofocus lens coming for Fujifilm X mount.

You can also see lots of images of the lens shared in that article.

Now a few specs have surfaced (see below) on Japanese and Chinese websites via asobinet and 独立摄影师联合会.

  • images here
  • Meike AF 55mm F1.4 X-mount
  • minimum focus distance 0.61m
  • weight about 290g
  • coming mid-late December

This will be Meike’s second AF X mount lens after the Meike AF 85mm f/1.8 .

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Fujifilm to Announce More Cameras in First Months of 2024 than in the Entire Year 2023 – Which Cameras Do You Think will Come? VOTE NOW

Fujifilm Future Poll

INSANE DEAL (only for Black Friday)

We just told you that Fujifilm will announce more cameras in the first months of 2024 than in the entire year of 2023.

All the answers will follow on FujiRumors. But in the meantime I thought it could be fun to vote on which cameras you think will come.

But note a few things:

  • this is a survey on gear that you THINK will come, not what you wish will come
  • this is why I stayed rather “conservative” with my poll options and mainly only include successors to current camera lines

Regarding the successors, a very important note:

  • it is not clear if all current X/GFX the lines will get a successor. Will there ever be a GFX50RII or GFX100RII or GFX100SII or X80 or X-E5 etc?
  • I will include them anyway in this survey, just to see how much demand there is for such cameras among the FR community

And now a quick explanation on the survey itself.

  • recently refreshed cameras will not be included in the survey (no Fujifilm X-T6 or Fujifilm X-H3/S)
  • X100V successor is not included in the list, as that one will come for sure in early 2024

And if you Need to go Wild… ;)

There is always a possibility that Fujifilm will launch something new, hence a new type of camera or new camera line.

And while you can’t vote on it, you can still express your wildest wishes in the comments below. At a later stage we can make a separate survey if it’s something you’d like to vote on.

Which Fujifilm Cameras do You THINK will be Announced in the First Months of 2024 (max 1 pick)

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RUMOR: Big Start for Fujifilm in 2024 with Multiple (and Record?) Camera Announcements

Starting Big in 2024

So, we told you that there won’t be any new Fujifilm gear announcement in 2023.

But don’t worry, Fujifilm is working full power right now.

In fact, we have been told that in the “first months of 2024″ Fujifilm will announce more cameras than in the entire year 2023.

Considering that we got a total of 2 cameras in 2023, this means we can expect three or more cameras coming in the first months of 2024.

I have checked back, and as far as I can see, in 13 years of X/GFX series there has been only one year in which Fujifilm launched more than two cameras in the first months of the year (without counting the entry level cameras that were made by Xacti Corporation and not by Fujifilm).

It was back in 2017 when Fujifilm released the Fujifilm GFX 50S, Fujifilm X100F and Fujifilm X-T20.

But even if we would count the Xacti cameras (X-T100, X-T200, X-A5, X-A20 etc), we would get a total of 3 years out of 13 in which Fujifilm kicked off the year with more than two cameras, and also in that case we reach 3 cameras max (as in 2017).

So, by launching three or more Fujifilm cameras (made by Fujfiilm) in the first months of 2024, Fujifilm is out for a record release rate, matching or exceeding the announcements we had only once in 13 years of Fujifilm X/GFX history.

Not bad ;).

One Camera is Sure

Now, thanks to our sources we know already what one of these cameras will be: the replacement of this camera here.

What will the other cameras be?

Well, you know what you have to do: just stay tuned on FujiRumors, and you will know it.

And what about lenses?

Well, we know that the next XF lens to come will be the replacement of this lens here.

But even though I have no further solid lens rumors right now, I do hope to be able to share more soon.

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Fujifilm CEO Says Cameras Sell Well (if they Are Made), Increased R&D for More New Products and BLACK FRIDAY Sales Opportunity

Recently we shared the second quarter financial results of Fujifilm (in Japan the fiscal year starts in April and ends in March)

The numbers were actually good:

Imaging achievements. The sales of instant photo systems and digital cameras were strong, with revenue up 19.5% YoY to JPY219.2 billion and operating income up 85.5% to JPY49.4 billion.

But despite that, the growth was not as strong as Fujifilm hoped for.

Hence, in a Q&A session discussing the financial results, the Fujifilm CEO (Mr. Goto) and the Vice President (Mr. Higuchi) were asked about the reasons for that.

Shibano [Q]: I would like to ask President Goto about Imaging. Since President Goto took office, I believe you have often expressed your strong belief in the potentials of Imaging. In fact, the strong performance of H1 of the fiscal year indicates this, but the operating income for H1 was JPY49.4 billion, and even though Q4 is usually weak, there is Q3, so H2 of the fiscal year, which includes the sales season, is expected to see a 387% decrease, or even a 17% decrease YoY, which is a little questionable. I would like to ask again if there is any specific reason for such a decline, worse than the previous year, in H2. This is the point what I would like to reconfirm.

Higuchi [A]: Regarding H2 of last year, we closed our U.S. plant in H2 of last year, and there was a one-time profit. One reason is that we don’t have it in this term. Another is that we have increased development costs for new products in H2 in order to continue to introduce new products without interruption, and we have also increased marketing expenses and marketing investment.

Goto [A]: I will continue with my answer. Now, we are looking at Black Friday toward December, the biggest sales season in the U.S. at the end of November, and the purchasing situation, or rather the movement, is on par with the previous year, but the voice from the person in charge is that inflation in the U.S. is high. We have heard that it is not clear whether it will be as good as the previous year. However, in fact, given the tight demand for INSTAX film and the fact that cameras are selling well if they are made, I believe that there is room for a bounce upward, although we are taking a firm stance now. Is that all right?

Good thing first: one reason why the profit was not as strong as hoped, was that Fujifilm has allocated lots of resources to increase development and marketing expenses in order to assure “to continue to introduce new products without interruption“.

Of course the managers talk about R&D money for Instax as well as digital cameras. But it’s great to hear that overall they keep investing more money to push development.

Also worth to note is the comment of Fujifilm CEO Mr. Goto, who says that “cameras are selling well if they are made“. And this is probably Fujifilm’s biggest issue so far, with lots of cameras out of stock and in many cases even a complete suspension of camera sales in certain countries until who knows when.

The CEO says the hope is to “bounce back” thanks to Black Friday sales, although inflation is still high and it is not sure if the holiday season will run as good as last year.

And in this regard, here are the current deals you find on X/GFX gear that should help Fujifilm to show up with better figures by the end of the fiscal year.

GFX Gear

X Cameras

X Lenses

Fujifilm Q&A here

Fujifilm Q2 FY2023 Financial Results: Significantly Increased Revenue from Digital Cameras Sales

Fujifilm has announced the financial results for the second quarter of the fiscal year 2023 (July to September).

Needless to say that Instax is the goldmine. But there was also a “significantly increased revenue from digital cameras“.

Revenue from digital cameras increased significantly, mainly due to solid sales of X-H2, X-H2S and X-T5 released in the previous fiscal year. Sales of X-S20, which was released in June 2023, also fared well. […] We will continue to offer attractive products by achieving overwhelmingly high image quality with the large format in the GFX Series and the best balance between image quality and size in the X Series.

Instax and Digital Cameras together did give the imaging business a significant boost.

Revenue and operating income increased by 19.5% and 85.5% year-over-year, respectively, due to brisk sales of instant photo systems and digital cameras.

And all this has been achieved despite Fujifilm being incapable of delivering all the cameras mentioned in the report for many months in certain countries (mainly Asia), and some experienced worldwide delivery problems (X100V).

Fujifilm cameras mentioned in the Financial Report:

via Fujifilm

Sony A9III: The Revival of Global Shutter and a Glimpse into the Fujifilm X-H3s?

The “Old” Global Shutter is Back

The Sony A9III has hit the market.

In the headline I wrote that this is the revival of the global shutter, simply because global shutter cameras are nothing new. In fact, cameras with older CCD sensors already featured a global shutter.

But as back in the days of CCD sensor cameras, the global shutter is not the answer to all problems, and as just everything in life it comes with its Pros and Cons. Let’s talk about it.

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