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Facts, Rumors and Hopes for the Fujifilm X Summit on May 24

I went up high with family and friends to grab some fresh Alpin air and charge my batteries ahead of the Fujifilm X Summit on May 24.

And as you can see in the video, the view was just as epic as the upcoming Fujifilm event ;).

But despite the good company on the beautiful lake on a Sunday afternoon, the Fujifilm X Summit on May 24 at 5AM New York time is coming closer, so a wrap up urgently needed.

That’s why I “abandoned” friends and family for a while to talk to you and give you a recap of everything we will get for sure on May 24, but also talk about what could come based on official Fujifilm teasers as well as throw in also some of my hopes.

You will get it all in written format below, but if you want to see one of the most beautiful lakes in the Dolomites, then check out the video too (and see this image and this image on my Instagram).

FACT (actually rumors, but thanks to our sources rumors are basically facts ;))


Back in January, after launching the huge firmware 3.00 update for the Fujifilm X-H2S, Fujifilm promised major firmware updates also for the Fujifilm X-H2 and X-T5. I don’t have any rumors about it, but as an X-T5 owner myself, I can’t wait for that firmware to drop so I cross fingers it will happen on May 24.

WISHES (some based on RUMORS)

  • More Firmware: Since we just talked about firmware, I hope (not rumor, just hope) that also other cameras will get firmware updates that go beyond the “fix of minor bugs”.
  • new film simulation: usually with the introduction of new sensor and processors, Fujifilm also launched new film simulations. But this did not happen with the X-H2s, X-H2 and X-T5. Again, I have no rumors, but I hope Fujifilm will give us one on the X-S20
  • richer lens roadmaps: if you take a look at the latest X mount roadmap and GF mount roadmap, they are very poor on future lenses. And in fact, after the XF8mmF3.5 announcement, the X Roadmap will contain no more lenses. So I hope Fujifilm will release new roadmaps for both systems.
  • Mock-ups: what Fujifilm likes to do is to show mock-ups of upcoming lenses (and in some cases also lenses that were never on any roadmap). So I hope they will show us the some mock-ups of future lenses
  • Development or Surprise Announcement: Sometimes Fujifilm also makes development announcements during X summits (for example X-Pro3). Now, FR readers know Fujifilm is working on the Fujifilm GFX100 replacement. So I hope that that one will be announced on May 24 or at least there will be a development announcement

So that’s it. Let me know what your wishes are for the upcoming X Summit.

See you all here on FujiRumors on May 24 where I will live stream the event and cover everything.

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Fujifilm Factory Tour: Meet Fujifilm’s Most Complex Gear to Manufacture and How Adjustment is Key to Image Quality

The French website Phototrend had the opportunity to visit the Fujifilm factory in Taiwa, Japan, which where many premium Fujifilm gear is made, but not only premium. For example, also Fujifim’s oldest X mount lens, the legendary Fujinon XF35mm F1.4 R is assembled here.

In this tour, Fujifilm will also tell you which is the most complex gear to manufacture. Spoiler: it’s this beast here, which consists of over 1,000 pieces!!!

There is lots of interesting stuff to read and see, but I found one sentence particularly interesting: “adjustment is the key to image quality“.

So while the assembly takes time and is indeed complex, all the micro-adjustments made during and after the assembly are crucial to ensure a consistent and high quality product.

Down is a quick summary where you can read all the details as well as some images.

Factory Tour

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

A Massive Fujifilm GFX Review Roundup to Celebrate Massive GFX Deals

There are currently massive deals running on Fujifilm GFX gear. So I thought let’s share a dedicated GFX roundup, just in case you are interested in the system and want to see what others think about it.

Lots of reviews will also cover the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 lens, which is not included in the rebates, but is a true gem and I am afraid will pretty much reduce sales for the Fujinon GF 23mm f/4 to a minimum, as it is more flexible and smaller, while still being optically fantastic.

Also, I warmly recommend you to join our Fujifilm GFX group, which is full of talented and passionate GFX shooters sharing their work and thoughts there.


The Roundup

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Two New Fujifilm Cameras Registered to be Launched Separately – May 26 and September 12 According to FCC

We told you that Fujifilm has now two camera registered:

So far FujiRumors has rumored two cameras to come in 2023:

To be clear: I don’t know if these will be the only two cameras in 2023 or if there will be more. If there will be more, then those codenames could stand for other cameras.

Now, thanks to the help of a fellow FR-reader, we are able to tell you also when, according to the registration, these two cameras will be made public (see screenshots below):

  • FF220002 = May 26
  • FF230001 = September 12

Now, we know that Fujifilm has very recently announced the Fujifilm X Summit on May 24, which is old news if you follow FujiRumors, because we already told you about it a couple of weeks ago.

So at least the May 26 date is not really accurate, as the FF220002 camera will be announced on May 24.

That’s why we should take also the second date, September 12, with a grain of salt.

But what we can assume pretty safely at this point is that there will be separate announcements for the FF220002 and the FF230001 cameras, with one coming in May and the other one probably in September.


Keep in mind that Fujifilm can change plans anytime (I mean, the X Summit in April has been canceled, right?).

So especially in regards to the camera that according to the registration might be planed to come in September, we must take that date with a grain of salt, as there is simply too much time between now and September and Fujifilm can change plans a couple of times until then. Assuming they even really have set a date for that announcement already.

So, I share the dates with you now, because that’s what the official registrations say, but don’t take them as something rocksolid.

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

Is This Really All We Will Get? – FUJIFILM CAMERA ROADMAP 2023

Let’s have a weekend chat… and try to give an answer to a question I often get.

The story is this:

Back in March Fujifilm Spain displayed this camera roadmap, where they show two more cameras coming in 2023.

So the question I get often these days is: is this really all we will get in 2023? Two cameras and no more?

I can understand your skepticism, especially considering that even during the Covid pandemic Fujifilm has launched an average of 3 to 4 cameras a year, as we calculated in this article.

And if Fujifilm really was to launch two cameras only, then FujiRumors readers already know which ones these will be:

So what’s my take on this?

First off: it is not clear if the roadmap displayed by Fujifilm Spain refers to X series cameras only (hence APS-C cameras) or if it includes also GFX cameras.

If it was for X series only, then it we would get 2 X series cameras (one of them being the X-S20) and at least one GFX camera (as we rumored here).

The Spanish website Fujistas, who shared the roadmap and was present at the event, actually reported on them as being “two X series cameras“. So that would mean two APS-C cameras. So there is one I never rumored before that would still come in 2023.

But even if Fujifilm Spain’s roadmap would include the GFX cameras, than I’d not be 100% sure that all we get are really only 2 cameras.


Because internal roadmaps get regular updates and are often changed depending on the need of the moment. Fujifilm might postpone a camera launch, but can also anticipate its announcement. This depends on lots of things such as their own state in terms of development of new models, but Fuji can also look at what competitors are doing and in case step on the gas and work on releasing new gear faster.

I mean, cameras can even get totally canceled from a roadmap and then find their way back into it, as it was the case with the Fujifilm X-E4 for example.

Same happens with lens roadmaps, which are public. Fujifilm can announce and even show mockups of roadmap lens (remember the XF33mmF1.0?) and then cancel or change it. Other lenses get delayed, other never appeared on any roadmap, but suddenly hit the market (lots of the MKII lenses for example).

That’s why I personally would take any camera or lens roadmap with a grain of salt.

If it really was the most up to date roadmap and it would include also GFX cameras, then FujiRumors basically already told you which cameras will come in 2023.

But if’s only for X series or not the most up to date roadmap, then this means I have still some work to do to find out which other cameras could come in 2023.

In any case, stay tuned on FujiRumors. As soon as I can tell you something reliable, I will post updates here on the blog and on my YouTube channel.

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Fujifilm X Summit on May 24 at 9AM (GMT) – 5AM New York Time

A little update:

We already told you that Fujifilm officially confirmed our previous rumors and announced the Fujifilm X Summit for May 24 in Bangkok.

If you wonder at what time it will take place, then here it is: it will be at 9AM GMT which should be 5AM New York Time and 11AM Berlin Time.

FujiRumors has so far rumored two cameras and one lens.

Maybe some of this (or something else) will drop on May 24. In any case we can be sure there will be surprises (as it is with every X summit). So definitely stay tuned on FujiRumors for the live blog.

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Fujifilm Announcements: X Summit BKK on May 24, New Firmware for 12 XF/GF Lenses and FujiKina on May 27

Fujifilm has released a video where they finally announce what FujiRumors is telling you since a weeks: there is no Fujifilm X Summit in April, but it will take place on May 24 (as we told you) in Bangkok. Fujikina will take place on May 27 also in Bangkok.

This is what they say in the video.

  • they talk about the new firmware updates for X-H2 and X-H2s ( integration)
  • they announce new firmware for XF/GF lenses that reduces focusing noise with certain linear motor AF lenses, smoother aperture operation and improved focus tracking performance during zooming
  • GFX Grant Challenge program updates
  • Fujifilm X Summit in Bangkok announced for May 24
  • Fujikina Bangkok on May 27

FujiRumors has so far rumored two cameras and one lens.

Maybe some of this (or something else) will drop on May 24.

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How to Use ChatGPT to Create Film Simulations Recipes

Fellow Fujifilm Film Simulation member Cris created his own film simulation recipe using ChatGPT.

Today I asked ChatGPT to create a Fuji Film Recipe for the GFX50R that mimic’d Kodak Tri-X Pushed One Stop and it created me a pretty respectable emulation.

If you want to check out the results, go to the dedicated post in the film simulation group.

SonyAlphaRumors guy Andrea found this so cool that he used the ChatGPT to create his own recipe on his personal Fujifilm GFX100S. He shared the results in the video you can see above.

Good that Fujifilm cameras have so many aspects you can fine-tune directly in camera (Clarity, Grain, etc). ;)

Interestingly it works also if you ask to emulate the film on a Sony cameras. I hope Andrea will compare the results between Sony and Fuji and tell us which ones are closer to the real film.

As far as I can see from the few samples visible on the film simulation group and at Andrea’s YouTube channel, the recipe they got are different to the ones of well known Fuji X Weekly.

Since there are many people and websites offering film simulations recipes (for example OneCameraOneLens), maybe the software looks at all film simulations recipes with the same name and makes a mix out of them, or maybe it really just guesses the best settings based on the characteristics of the film.

I don’t know how it works, but it’s curious you can create such simulations also via ChatGPT.

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Fujifilm X-E4 Discontinued at BHphoto and Other Stores

The Fujifilm X-E4 was launched in January 2021 and the last time I’ve noticed the X-E4 in stock was back in October 2021.

Not even the Fujifilm X100V has such a bad shipping record as the X-E4.

And now, after 2 years only, stores are already starting to mark it as discontinued, as for example BHphoto here (in all its combinations) and the Australian store Camerapro.

It’s a pity that such a beautiful little camera hardly ever shipped and now it even seems to be over for it.

At this point, the Fujifilm X-E5 can’t come soon enough.

DPRTV Declares Fujifilm X100V their All TIme Favorite Reviewed Camera and Most Viewed DPRTV Video EVER

DPRTV shared a video about their top 5 favourite products they reviewed in all these years.

Guess which camera comes out on top for Chris?

It’s the Fujifilm X100V.

And there is more!

The Fujifilm X100V was not only Chris’ favourite camera, but their X100V review was also the highest viewed video EVER on DPRTV.

As for Jordan, he places the Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm GFX100S on the 5th spot and covers those two cameras with lots of love!