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Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6 in Stock – Limited Number (4)

Due to the shortage in parts announced by Fujifilm (an issue that every electronic company in the world has right now), lots of Fujifilm gear is hard to find in stock.

Especially the most recently announced gear is widely unavailable.

Little curiosity: a long time and good friend of mine owns a little company that makes graphite components for the ovens needed to make silicon wafers, and he told me he has so much work right now that semiconductor facotries worldwide are tring to match the chip-demand.

With that said, one of the gear that is hard to find in stock, is the Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6, which is not available at BHphoto here and Adorama here, but a limited number (4) is available at the time of this post at AmazonUS here.

In the last few weeks, I see more and more images taken with this lens at our facebook groups. And I must say what probably most impressed me, are its macro capabilities. Just go to any of our X series facebook groups linked below, search inside the group for “70-300 macro” and be amazed by what you’ll see,

And just overall, the XF70-300mm seems to be a great performer. Down below you can see some customer review ratings.

Gosh, I spend all my holiday/tavel/free time/restaurants money saved in 2020/2021 in gear already (GFX100S, GF64-32, XF80 macro, XF27mmF2.8MKII), and I am trying to save my marriage by not purchasing any new gear this year, but the XF70-300mm is one of my top temptations of 2021 along with the GF100-200, the GF50mmF3.5 and also my Nr.1 temptation, the X-E4.

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Mid 2021 Rumor Check: Fujifilm X-H2, GFX50SII, Future Lenses and More (with Reliability Ranking)

Half a year has passed.

Lots of rumors have been shared already (and many more will come ;) ).

However, there is something I never do: rank the rumors in a reliability ranking.

I hate to do that, as an anonymous rumor is not necessarily less reliable than a trusted rumor. There is much more that needs to be checked in order to determine if a rumor is reliable or not. And also, something that is rocksolid at some point, may become less sure later on as Fujifilm changes plans.

That’s why I hate to rank rumors.

However, it is something you request me to do, hence, 1 or 2 times a year I bend to your will and do just that.

So, you can find the rumor-ranking down below.

Also, we will check back and see which rumors FujiRumors got right and which wrong, so that you guys can judge my work and decide if your time on FR was well spent or not. I will be extremely brutal to myself and move in the wrong section every ever so minimal error I made, even though it was accurate at the time of sharing.

Two more things:

  • Included in the list some of the fake rumors circulating around that FujiRumors had to debunk.
  • If you want to get a timeline on when the products will come, check out this post.

One last note: Back in November 2020 we shared an article, where Sigma itself teased Fujifilm X mount lenses coming 2021. And as if that was not enough, they teased them again in February 2021. In between those Sigma teasers, on December 14, 2020, FujiRumors shared a rumor that Sigma has indeed plans to release Fujifilm X mount lenses. This rumor is not included in the list below, as it from 2020. If you want to check back the 2020 rumors, make sure to read this article.

So let’s start:

  • 49 rumors shared in 2021 so far (many more to come)
  • 27 rumors still to be verified
  • 21 correct rumors out of 22 verifiable rumors
  • 1 wrong rumor out of 22 verifiable rumors (I told you I’ll be brutal to myself ;))
  • 95,45% correct rumors

Rumor Overview with Rating

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The Truth about the Fujinon GF56mm f/5.6 R WR Rumors!

I have read a fake rumor that Fujifilm will launch a Fujinon GF 56mm f/5.6 lens.

Of course this is a 100% fake rumor (trust me, I know what I talk about), and it serves one goal only: find a fast and cheap way to get your attention, your time and your money.

And little it matters if clickbait sites mislead their readers and disrespect their community by sharing fakes. All they want is traffic and money. Whatever is needed to achieve that, they’ll do it.

But here on FujiRumors we respect and love this whole community way too much to take such cheap shortcuts.

What will really come? Well, read FujiRumors to find it out ;).

Time is ticking. The article is over. You know the truth.

Make good use of the time you’ve left today. Maybe take some pictures. Personally, I’ll stay at home, and will use it playing with my son while waiting for my Fujifilm GFX100S to be delivered. Can’t think of a better day for me :).

Nitecore NP-W235 and NP-W126S Batteries Available

We already reported last month here that Nitcore annouced the new Nitecore NC-BP003 (equivalent to the Fujifilm NP-W235 for GFX100S and X-T4) and NP-BP004 batteries (equivalent to the Fujifilm NP-W126S for most Fujifilm X cameras).

Now you can find both batteries on Amazon, with the Nitecore NP-W235 already shipping and the Nitecore NP-W126S listed but not shipping yet.

Fujifilm X-T4 Firmware Update Imminent, But…

A source, who uses a nickname (thanks a lot), just contacted me with the information that a firmware update for the Fujifilm X-T4 is imminent.

But before you get too excited about it, let me tell you something.

Fujifilm usually announced major Kaizen firmware updates ahead of their actual release, as it recently happened with the upcoming GFX100 firmware here and the X-S10 firmware here.

In this case, Fujifilm has not pre-announced anything, which is a clear indication that it will be a minor firmware update. So don’t get too hyped about it.

But you know what?

We are still allowed to dream here on FujiRumors, so let us know in the comments which firmware updates you’d like for your X-T4.

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

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PRICE ATTACK: Fujifilm GFX50SMKII and GF35-70mm for $4,499 (body $3,999 and lens $500)

Let’s recap some if the GFX rumors we shared:

The price of the Fujifilm GFX system is really falling down rapidly, attacking full frame more aggressively than ever.

Soon Fujifilm will offer a GFX camera with a sensor 70% larger than full frame along with a kit lens capable of resolving 100+MP for a price of $4,499 when purchased in a bundle.

Given the direction Fujifilm is so quickly taking with the GFX system, I can see why they see no need to go full frame. We are really reaching a price point, where you can get a high resolution GFX camera plus a lens for a cheaper price than a 50MP full frame body only camera or at the same price of the 45MP Canon R5.

Sure, those FF cameras have other strengths, like super high frame rates and and amazing AF tracking. But if you shoot mostly in single AF and don’t do crtical wildlife or sports photography, the current GFX system is more than capable.

The GFX Community

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BREAKING: Fujifilm GFX50S MKII Price Leaked

Ok guys, as usual, when I share a rumor, I am confident that it is correct.

But lately the world has gone crazy and behind the scenes everything changes continuously due lack of parts, cyber attacks, global pandemic, alien invasion and what not.

With that disclaimer out of the way, today I’d like to tell you that, according to our sources, the Fujifilm GFX50SMKII will hit the market with a price tag of $3,999.

If I share it now, it means I am confident that price is not so likely to change anymore. But if that should happen, I will let you know on FujiRumors.

The Fujifilm GFX50SMKII will sport the good old 50MP sensor of current GFX50 cameras, have the same form factor of the GFX100S, it will have IBIS and come in the second half of 2021 (but not on August 27).

That’s all… for now ;).

The GFX Community

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Let me clarify one thing.

I recently told you that the Fujifilm GFX50SMKII will look exactly like the Fujifilm GFX100S.

Of course, being Fujifilm’s cheapest GFX camera to date, inside some things might be different compared to the GFX100S, for example, the GFX50SMKII will use the old 50MP CDAF only sensor of the current GFX50 cameras.

But I am glad to report, that, despite being substantially cheaper than the GFX100S, and even cheaper than any current GFX50 camera, the Fujifilm GFX50SMKII will still have IBIS.

So yes, it will have IBIS inside.

Fujifilm is really getting aggressive with this camera.

Last note: I might get my GFX100S this week. But no sign of the lens I ordered. It’s since late April that they keep telling me it should come soon. Now it’s late June, and nothing.

In Stock Check

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Fujifilm GFX50SMKII Will Be Fuji’s Most Affordable GFX Camera, Hence Cost Less Than…

FujiRumors already told you a few months ago that Fujifilm will launch the Fujifilm GFX50SMKII in 2021.

We also told you months ago, that it will feature the very same sensor of the original GFX50S.

And now let’s move on and leak more about the Fujifilm GFX50SMKII.

According to trusted information we have received, the Fujifilm GFX50SMKII will be Fujifilm’s most affordable GFX camera ever.

This means it will be even cheaper than the currently most affordable GFX camera, the Fujifilm GFX50R, which retails at a price tag of $4,500.

That’s it for now.

Make sure to follow FujiRumors for more.

In Stock Check

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