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91% LOVE for Fujifilm X Series – VOTE NOW Which X Gear do You Own

A lot we talked about the tremendous success of the Fujifilm GFX100S and we saw it pushing the GFX system ownership of the FujiRumors community from 3% to 13% overnight.

But here is another fact: Fujifilm X series is and remains the King here on FujiRumors, with 91% of FR-readers owning an X series camera.

That does not come surprising to me, as the X series is and will remain the best balanced system of all out there in terms of size, price and performance ratio.

Hence, I decided to make the same survey we did for the GFX (which GFX gear do you own) also for the X series.

Feel free to tick the X gear you own down below.

Important Note: If you pre-ordered any of the gear listed below and just wait to get it shipped, you qualify as owner.

Important Note II: I include AF lenses from third party manufacturers Zeiss, Viltrox and Tokina

What kind of photographer are you?

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What sort of photography do you do? Tick more than one if you like

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Which X Camera do you Own?

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Which X series lens do you own?

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Fujifilm X-H2 in 2022, Fujifilm GFX50SMKII in 2021, XF 33mmF1.4 in 2021, Top 5 Forgotten X Mount Lenses & More – The Best of March

Here are the most read articles on FujiRumors for March 2021.

It was a month full of breaking rumors, so while this is a top 10 articles for the previous months, it also serves well as a summary of the most important you should not have missed.

  1. Fujifilm X-H2 Will Come in 2022 and be Worth the Wait
  2. Top 5 Forgotten Fujinon X Mount Lenses
  3. Fujinon XF33mmF1.4 R WR Coming 2021
  4. New Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T3, GFX50S and GFX50R Released (and for X-T4 Coming Soon)
  5. Why the Fujinon XF33mmF1.4 R WR is not the XF35mmF1.4 MK II
  6. Fujifilm GFX50S MKII Coming 2021 with Same 50 Megapixel Sensor of GFX50S
  7. Fujifilm Manager Interview: Future X/GFX lenses, Autofocus Improvements Coming, X-Trans Benefits, Beyond Full Frame and More
  8. Fuji Guys Tease Firmware 1.20 for Fujifilm X-T4 with New Heat Management and Introduce Latest GFX100, X-T3, GFX50S/R Firmware
  9. The Royal Choice – Kate Middleton Shoots Fujifilm :: The Leica Choice – Leica Store Films Q2 Monochrom Presentation with Fujifilm and More
  10. RUMOR: Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 R WR with 62mm Filter Size

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Fujifilm X-T4 Firmware 1.20 Released

Fujifilm has finally released the Fujifilm X-T4 firmware 1.40 that the Fuji Guys inadvertently leaked last week.

A new firmware for Fujifilm X-H1 should be released shortly, too. It fixes an annyoing IBIS bug when the X-H1 is used with the brand new Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6.

Also, recently Fujifilm released firmware updates for Fujifilm X-T3, GFX50S and GFX50R as well as for X-E4, X-S10 and X-A7.

Down below the full details for X-T4 firmware 1.20.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm GFX BOOM: 10% More GFX Owners on FR in Just 2 Years: Which GFX Camera (and GF Lenses) do You Own? VOTE NOW

Well, I had the impression that the Fujifilm GFX shooters reading FujiRumors were more than the 3% of just 2 years ago.

But I wouldn’t have expected this:

According to our latest survey, 13% of FujiRumors readers now own a GFX camera.

So now comes my next curiosity: which one is the Fujifilm GFX camera you chose to shoot with?

And since we talk GFX, I’ll add a survey about on which lenses do you own. Also in this case, if you have a GF80mmF1.7 on pre-order you qualify as GF80mmF1.7 owner.

So, fellow GFX owners, feel free to drop your vote down below.

Also, you can let us know if you what kind of photographer you are.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

RUMOR: Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 R WR with 62mm Filter Size

March was a month full of exclusive and breaking rumors:

You guys tell me if you’d like to have a break from the rumors, otherwise I’ll just continue, ok?

No complaints? Ok, so let’s go ahead. :)

Today we talk about the upcoming Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 R WR, the only not yet released lens so far that we can find on the official Fujifilm roadmap (** list of non yet announced X mount lenses below).

Well, we have seen hands on images of the Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 R WR at the X summit of October 2020 here. FujiRumors has also taken the official XF18mmF1.4 sketches shared by Fujifilm and made a size comparison Fujinon XF16mm f/1.4 and the XF23mm f/1.4, which you can see here.

From that size comparison, we saw that the size of the XF18mmF1.4 R WR is somewhere in between the one of the Fujinon XF16mm f/1.4 and the XF23mm f/1.4.

The additional information we got about the XF18mmF1.4 R WR is that it will have a 62mm filter size. As a reference, the XF16mmF1.4 R WR has a 67mm filter size, whereas the XF23mmF1.4 R has also a 62mm filter size.

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

** FujiRumors has leaked two more lenses that will come, but are not yet included in the roadmap, the Fujinon XF150-600mm and the Fujinon XF33mmF1.4 R WR.

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POLL: Which Fujifilm System Do You Own?

The Fujifilm team in Japan paid me a few hundreds of bucks to conduct a marketing research among their largest online community, the FujiRumors fellowship, aimed to investigate how many of you actually shoot X series or GFX series.

Just kidding :)

I’ve never received nor will ever receive a single penny from Fujifilm, so rest assured that FujiRumors is and will remain a space 100% independent from Fujifilm.

The true reason for the survey today, is just to satisfy a very personal curiosity.

I wondered how many of you guys own X series cameras and how many own GFX. Or maybe you chose to do it like me, and just own both system (I am waiting for my GFX100S to come). Some might even shoot Fuji + another brand. Whatever it is, feel free to vote the survey down below.

Because I have the impression things might have changed quite a bit compared to January 2019, when I made a similar survey and it turned out that only 3% of FR-readers actually owned a GFX camera.

But maybe I am wrong with my impression. The survey below will show that.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you pre-ordered the GFX100S as your first GFX camera, and just did not get it shipped yet, you can drop your vote as GFX owner.

I currently own the following systems.... (NOTE: GFX100S pre-orders qualify as "GFX Owner")

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Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6 In Stock at Adorama

The Fujinon XF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 is now in stock at Adorama here.

I guess that BHphoto here and AmazonUS here will follow shortly.

In Stock Check