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New Fujifilm NP-70S Battery Registered – Not for X or GFX Series Cameras

Nokishita spotted the registration for a new NP-70S battery.

Fujifilm’s unreleased battery “NP-70S” has been registered with an overseas certification body. The nominal voltage is 3.6V and the capacity is 680mAh

It’s a refresh of the original NP-70 battery used on Finepix cameras.

Other batteries used on X and GFX cameras are:

  • Fujifilm NP-W235 (7.2V – 2200 mAh) – used on X-T4 and GFX100S
  • Fujifilm NP-W126(S) (7.2V – 1260 mAh) – used on all X-series cameras except for X-T4 and on X100F and X100V
  • Fujifilm NP-T125 (10.8V – 1230 mAh) – used on GFX100, GFX50S and GFX50R
  • Fujifilm NP-95 (3.6V – 1800 mAh) – used on X100 series cameras except X100F and X100V and X70/XF10
  • Fujifilm NP-45S (3.7V – 740 mAh) – used on various Finepix cameras

via nokishita

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Fujinon GF80mm f/1.7: First Looks and Strong Pre-Orders!

GF80mm f/1.7

On January 27, Fujifilm announced three lenses, the Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7, the XF 70-300mm and the XF27mmF2.8 MK II.

Guess which one enjoyed the strongest pre-orders on FujiRumors?

It’s the most expensive one, the GF80mmF1.7! The lens is marked as top seller at BHphoto and AmazonUS stopped taking pre-orders on it!

We have already seen in our big live blog, that the feedback on this lens is spectacular. Now we add a few more first looks to it.

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Top 10 January Articles: What We Expect from Fujifilm in 2021 :: Fujinon XF 150-600mm Rumors :: 70% Fuller Sensor than Full Frame & More

Here are the top 10 articles for January.

The little X-E4 beats the GFX100S in terms of most read rumors. But there is one non-rumor article in the list… can you find it? ;)

  1. Fujifilm X-E4 Leaked: Images, Price and Press Release
  2. Fujifilm X-E4 with Tilt Up Screen Similar to X70 and Flush to the Camera Body like X100V screen
  3. What We Expect to See from Fujifilm in 2021… and What Not!
  4. Fujifilm GFX100S, GF80mmF1.7, X-E4, XF27mmF2.8II, XF70-300mmF4-5.6, New Film Simulation Coming JANUARY 27
  5. LEAKED: This is the Price of the Fujifilm GFX100S… and You’ll LOVE it!
  6. Leaked Price, Press Release and Release Date of GFX100S, Fujifilm XF70-300mmF4-5.6, XF27mmF2.8 MKII, GF80mmF1.7
  7. Next Fujifilm Film Simulation to be Called NOSTALGIC NEGATIVE
  8. There is a Sensor, 70% FULLER than FULL FRAME and Here is Where it SHINES!
  9. LEAKED Images of Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6, XF27mmF2.8 MKII and GF80mmF1.7
  10. BREAKING: Fujifilm Working on Fujinon XF 150-600mm Lens

New January Products

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BREAKING: New Fujinon GF Zoom Coming First Half 2021

Recently we told you that Fujifilm will launch a new Fujinon GF zoom in 2021.

Trusted sources would like me to specify, that the GF zoom will come in the first half of 2021.

Fujifilm is seriously stepping on the gas with the GFX system in 2021! Keep the good stuff coming, Fujifilm!

The GFX Community

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Fujicast Interview with Fujifilm Manager: Talking Breakthrough Fujifilm X-H2, X-E4 the Last 26 MP (?), Open Lens Protocols, X80 and More!

The latest Fujicast episode is now online, covering all the current Fujifilm announcements with Fujifilm’s UK Marketing Manager, Andreas Georghiades (GFX100S, GF80mmF1.7, X-E4, XF70-300mm and XF27mmMKII.

But as there is a podcast listener question corner, you can figure out that many questions gravitate towards future Fujifilm products and more. So they touch on Fujifilm X-H2, the open lens protocols, the X80 and more.

Kevin Mullins also speculates that the X-E4 might be the last X series camera featuring the 26MP X-Trans sensor and the manager says that there is indeed not much left to update with the 26MP sensor.

However, nobody knows what the first camera with a new sensor will be. There is still an X-T40 waiting to see the light of the day for example, which is such a loved line, that Fujifilm should definitely continue it in my opinion.

Down below you can find the full podcast as well as a summary:

Summary + Podcast

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How My Baby made me Forget My Gear, Changes in my Job and Talking FujiRumors


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Fellow FR-readers,

at the risk of getting emotional, I owe you an update.

I told you a few days ago that I was about to become father. And I noticed that in the comments people rightfully asked if I am father now or not.

The answer is yes.

And faster than any Fujifilm camera can focus, my son became the biggest joy of my life.

It was like all those moments of happiness I missed in my life, that have been taken away from me or that I was not able to catch, all that happiness I’ve lost on my way until today, the universe did not throw that happiness away, but stored it somewhere in a secret place and decided to give it back to me all at once the moment my son was born.

Or to say it in an even more poetic way: it felt so good like Fujifilm would have released the X-H2 ;).

Sadly, though, during the birth and now also in his first days of life, my son has some struggles and he has to fight a little bit. But he is in excellent hands. They check him constantly, and always give him the treatments he needs. I am confident that in a few days, I will finally be able to bring them home.

Images of my baby?

Well, something strange happened.

We were at 4 hours after the birth, when my wife noticed I hadn’t taken a single image. She asked me if did not want to take pictures. That’s why I brought my gear with me, right? After she told me this, I took a few images, but then stopped immediately and told her “I just want to be in this moment now, I’ll take pictures tomorrow!”

This alone, shows the magnitude of the event… I forgot my gear! ;).

Also, I am not teaching anymore because I am on parental leave. Family is my uttermost priority.

So, that was it already.

I am totally happy.

I wish you all the best and see you soon again on FujiRumors :)

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BREAKING: New Fujinon GF Zoom Lens Coming 2021 (Not Yet on Roadmap)

According to information I have received from trusted sources, Fujifilm will release a new GF zoom lens in 2021. The lens does not show up on any roadmap and has also not been hinted by Fujifilm in any shape or form.

In our big “What we Expect from Fujifilm in 2021” overview, we noticed that there is indeed one zoom lens, that once appeared on an internal roadmap (leaked by FujiRumors), but until now never saw the light of the day.

But at this point in time I do not know if it is that lens, or another zoom lens.

I am investigating and will let you know as soon as I can.

The GFX Community

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New Firmware Updates for X100V, X-T30, and X-Pro3 Announced

New Firmware Updates for X100V, X-T30, and X-Pro3 Announced

Press Release

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Fujifilm X-E4 Leaked: Images, Price and Press Release

And finally, after the leaked images of the Fujifilm GFX100S including a size comparison with full frame cameras, and after the leaked images of the GF80mmF1.7, XF70-300mmF4-5.6 and XF27mmF2.8MKII, we finally have also the images of the upcoming Fujifilm X-E4 thanks to nokishita.

We also have the press release and the full specs below.

X-E4 will cost $849 and $1049 if bundled with the XF27mm2.8MKII

All the goodness will drop on January 27 at 8AM New York time.

Press Release, Specs and Images

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