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Fujifilm GFX 100 vs Salt Water Teardown: Weather Sealing Could be Better Around the Dials, but IBIS Unit Could Stabilize a Small Child

Fujifilm GFX100 Teardown

Lensrentals made a teardown of a water damaged Fujifilm GFX100 (it was used in an underwater housing for GFX100 and some water went in).

The main criticism:

The outside part of the camera could be better weather sealed. They write:

Did you notice all those weather resisting barriers and gaskets in the teardown? Yeah, me neither. I did notice some wide-open areas around the command dials you could shine a light through, and pour water in if water happened to be around.

That’s interesting, as Fujifilm managers clearly said that one tricky point to weather seal are the areas around the dials, which is why Fujifilm said here they removed some dials on the Fujifilm GFX100, so it’s better weather sealed. Looks like the dials, that remained, could need an additional sealing.

A $10,000 camera should be better weather sealed, period.

But other than that, the construction is top overall notch. Lensrentals writes:

A medium format camera has a big-ass shutter and shutter slap happens. Fuji has advertised a shock-absorbing shutter, but I hadn’t realized they mounted the entire shutter assembly on springs, it’s not mechanically attached to the body at all.

everything in here was as well supported and robust as you could ever hope. The IBIS unit looks like it could stabilize a small child, and certainly is strong enough to support this big sensor.

Make sure to read the full story and check out all images at lensrentals here.

The GFX Community

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Fujifilm X-T4 vs Sony A7R IV Comparison with Fujifilm Manager Warwick Williams

Josh from Georges compares two cameras the Fujifilm X-T4 and the Sony A7R IV to see what they are like for both stills and video.

The curious thing about this comparison, is that he is assisted by Warwick Williams from Fujifilm Australia.

The gear used, beyond the Fujifilm X-T4 (26 MP) and the Sony A7rIV (61 MP):

Of course, when zooming in a lot into the image, the 61 megapixel have an advantage in terms of resolution. But I guess if resolution is what you need, then why just be happy with 61 MP when you can get 102 megapixel with the Fujifilm GFX100 ;).

Then they compared the depth of field between the XF56mmF1.2 and the FE85mmF1.4 and the Sony blurs the background a bit more. Warwick says he should have used the XF56mmF1.2 APD version to get results even closer to the ones you get with the Sony 85mmF1.4.

Let me add a comment: get the upcoming Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 if you really want the ultimate background blur.

A bit more dynamic range for the Sony, but the APS-C sensor hold up very well.

APS-C systems are generally smaller and more affordable.

Georges ends up saying that after looking at the samples, there is a difference between FF and APS-C, but it is a lot smaller than he would have expected.

Warwick ends up saying that Fujifilm wants to keep the APS-C system smaller and lighter, and for that purpose APS-C is better as it allows for smaller lenses. He also speaks for X-Trans, which he says has advantages over Bayer (which FujiRumors explained here, but we also talked about disadvantages in the same post).

Warwick concludes that “smaller and lighter means you are going to use it also more“.

George ends up saying, it all comes down to personal preferences as each system as its Pros and Cons (which we highlighted in this article).

Nobody talks about the price difference ;).

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Fuji Guys Explain Which Battery Power Banks are Best for Your Fujifilm Cameras

Fuji Guy Billy shows you the different battery pack options to power your Fujifilm cameras.

  • standard 5V power banks will charge your batteries slower and can’t power your camera while you use it. But it’s a cheap alternative to charge your batteries while your camera is turned off
  • what you should get, is a power deliver battery bank. It can output much higher than 5 volts. For example, the Anker PowerCore+ 26800 PD (which I own, too), can output up to 20V
  • with higher voltage, you can power your camera
  • if you want to power your camera, use the USB-C PD (power delivery) connection that is on the power bank
  • many of those power banks come with high power deliver wall charger
  • you can connect the wall charger directly to the camera, and it becomes basically your AC Adapter
  • when you buy a power bank, make sure it states “PD” for “power delivery”

Fujifilm officially recommends the following PD power banks on their website.

Anker Accessories:

Official Fujifilm Power Bank Page

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Global Shutter: 120+ MP for Fujifilm GFX120 and 31 MP for Fujifilm X-H2?

the modular Fujifilm GFX - could a global shutter make it become real? - VIDEO BELOW
the modular Fujifilm GFX – could a global shutter make it become real? – VIDEO BELOW

We are talking since a long time, about the global shutter revolution coming to photography, and even Fujifilm itself talked about it, for example:

Inspired by an email of a reader, I went back to check which kind of global shutter sensors Sony has currently to offer.

Worth to mention and possibly of interest for Fujifilm shooters, are the following two:

  • IMX342LQA-C: 31.49 MP APS-C global shutter sensor and max. 35.4 fps – already reported here
  • IMX661LQA-C: 127 MP Type 3.6″ global shutter sensor and max. 15 fps

Clarifications & Reminders

Now, we know that the Fujifilm X-T4 and the Fujifilm GFX100 use the same sensor, just the one in the GFX100 is about 4 times bigger, hence it has 4 times the megapixel.

We also know that the current Fujifilm GFX sensor is a type 3.4″, hence slightly different than the IMX661LQA-C type 3.6″ listed above.

If we would take the 31 MP APS-C global shutter sensor and make a 3.4″ type of it, we would end up with about 123 megapixel on medium format Fujifilm GFX.

And as a reminder, Sony also released a 43 megapixel stacked APS-C sensor. The same sensor used on the GFX system would result in a 162 MP sensor.

Speculations: Fujifilm GFX120 and Fujifilm X-H2?

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Top 10 July Posts: Full Frame kills APS-C? :: Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 and XF50mmF1.0 Rumors :: Fujifilm X-H2 Dreams and More

I did my best to run FujiRumors during my holiday in South Italy, and I hope you did not notice all too much that I was busy with jumping into crystal clear water, eating ice cream and enjoying cool beers (my reward after months of COVID-19 caused home teaching).

But now I am at home again, and FujiRumors has all my attention again… so, get ready for some good stuff coming in August ;).

And in case you were busy with holidays too and missed some of our articles, here is a list of top ten July posts that you should better not have missed.

With that said, even on holidays, be careful, take your precautions and make sure to stay safe.

  1. Fujifilm APS-C is Dead? Nikon Z5, Sony A7III, Canon R6 vs the Fujifilm X Series Art of Balance
  2. RUMOR: Fujifilm to Launch Fujinon XF 27mm f/2.8 Mark II
  3. Fujifilm X Lab Episode 2: The ACROS Magic, Fuji X-T3 Autofocus Regrets, Kaizen Updates and Looking Forward to X Series Future
  4. Astrophotography with Fujifilm: Get Stellar Results with Fujifilm APS-C and Medium Format Cameras
  5. Nikkei: “Japanese Camera Industry Strangles Itself. 88% Decline in 10 Years. On the Brink of Extinction, Unless…”
  6. The Fujifilm X-Pro3 will Save Photography and More Companies Should Take the Risk to Do Unique Things
  7. FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-H2 Dream Features, Fujifilm X-E4 Survey, Fujinon XF 135mm F3.5 and More
  8. Fujifilm X-T4 Firmware 1.02 Tested: This Pro Videographer is Blown Away by Improved IBIS and Wishes the Same for Fujifilm X-H1
  9. Fujifilm USA Explains How You Can Become a Fujifilm Ambassador in 3 Steps and Announces X Photographers Program Changes
  10. RUMOR: Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Coming 2020 for Around $1,500

Do not miss:

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Fujifilm Manager Explains Large Format GFX sensor: 70% Larger than Full Frame

Medium Format, super full frame, large sensor… there are many ways that Fujifilm called its GFX line-up, and now they seem to stick with the “large format” definition.

I personally find there was nothing wrong with medium format. The Pentax 645 was called “medium format” for years, the Hasselblad X1D, too, and nobody ever complaint about that.

It’s just when Fujifilm joined the sensor size 70% larger than full frame, that suddenly some youtubers found the definition “medium format” no longer appropriate. Really, sometimes it feels like if Fujifilm does it, it must be bad.

And now to the video.

Fujifilm published a video, where they repeat, that the sensor is 70% larger than full frame, and they explain why they call it “large format”.

The video is titled “Understanding Fujifilm GFX Large Sensor Imaging“. You can find it down below and see also a summary.

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DPRTV Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5 Review: “Impressively Sharp, Who Needs a Wildlife Lens Anymore ;). Totally Recommended, Except for One Thing…”

DPReview TV has now published their Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5 hands on review, which was filmed with a GF30mm F/3.5 mounted on a Fujifilm GFX100.

The lens is another winner, and can easily keep up with the 100 megapixel of the Fujinon GFX100.

At some point of the video, he took a video of the forest, with a deer far away in the distance, and then cropped in and says “who needs a wildlife lens anymore“. Of course he said it as a joke, and the GF30mmF3.5 can’t replace a proper wildlife lens, but it was also a statement made to underline that with the combination GFX100 and GF30mmF3.5 you are in photographic crop-heaven.

The biggest problem with the GF30mmF3.5? Well, there is the GF32-64mmF4 (compare both lenses specs & price here).

You can find the video above and summary of the video down below:

  • 24mm full frame equivalent
  • is surprises how compact it is: just over 500g
  • 58mm filter thread
  • very chunky aperture ring and two-step phase between aperture ring and focus ring means you are not going to confuse where your fingers are
  • a very nice tactile experience
  • basically no real chromatic aberration and longitudinal chromatic aberration
  • about 32 cm minimum focus distance, hence you can get fairly close to objects and with that 3.5 aperture get nice and soft background
  • flare is pretty average, lots of ghosting. Sometimes you see rainbow pattern, but that’s not the lens, it’s reflection coming from the sensor, which you can see on a lot of modern cameras
  • autofocus speed is fine, it is not super fast, but on medium format you don’t need ultra fast focussing lenses
  • bokeh is not Chris’ favorite, not the greatest out there, a little bit busy around the edges, and gets more busy if you stop down the lens, but that’s not the end of the world on a wide angle lens
  • it’s a very sharp lens, especially wide open Chris was quite impressed. Very impressive at f/3.5 from center to corner, and corners sharpen up more really nicely if you stop down
  • he took a shot of a deer from far away and cropped in and said “who needs a wildlife lens” (of course joking, but to underline how sharp this lens really is)
  • like the other GF lenses, also this one is optically excellent lens
  • it’s capable of supporting the 100 megapixel resolution of the GFX100
  • nice compact lens, balance nice on GFX50R
  • as for video, the GFX100 got a recent firmware update that supports ProRes Video
  • in video, the lens has very little breathing
  • the entire episode was shot on the GF30mm f3.5
  • compact, fairly wide aperture lens for your GFX system, Chris would totally recommend it, except for one thing: there is also the excellent GF32-64mmF4
  • the GF30mmF3.5 is a little bit better optically compared to the the GF32-64, but the IQ of the 32-64 is great, too
  • but if you like primes, or if you maybe have already the GF45-100mmF4, this could be your lens

The Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5 is now in stock.

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FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-H2 Dream Features, Fujifilm X-E4 Survey, Fujinon XF 135mm F3.5 and More

I apologize, because…

… I try and I think I succeed to reply to every single one of the 20+ emails and personal messages I get every single day.

However, not always I am able to give you the comprehensive reply you’d deserve, for a simple reason: time!

In fact, I have day job as a teacher and I run FujiRumors totally alone. Hence, in order to be able to reply to everyone with the limited time I have left, sometimes I just must give a shorter reply, even if often your emails would deserve a comprehensive answer.

Now, some of the most interesting emails I get, are those, with input, ideas and wishes for future Fujifilm products.

And since also to those emails, often I can’t reply as comprehensively as I’d love to, I had the idea to share them with the entire FujiRumors community, and extend the discussion to all of you.

Last time we discussed:

  • read here – FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-TSony, Firmware Upgrade Suggestions, Lens Wishes and Much More

Today I’d have selected a few more of those wishes.

So, if anyone reading this is interested, feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments.

You have wishes about the Fujifilm future, too? Well, then write me at

Have a wonderful weekend,

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Wishlist Roundup

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Fujifilm X Webcam for Mac Released

Fujifilm X webcam for Mac has now been released. This software allows to run all tethering capable Fujifilm cameras as a webcam (all except X-T1, as that one has too old hardware).

The compatible Fujifilm cameras are: GFX100, GFX 50S, GFX 50R, X-H1, X-Pro2, X-Pro3, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4.

You can download Fujifilm X Webcam for Mac here.

Now, Fujifilm offers two different “webcam” solutions:

  • via Fujifilm X Webcam software for tethering capable X/GFX cameras
  • built-in directly in camera, for X-A7 and X-T200

We have listed the differences between both solution in this article.

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