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2019: The Year of Medium Format – Powerful Versatility, Leaving Canon FF for Fujifilm GFX and More

2019 – Medium Format Year

The crowd of photographer shooting digital medium format is growing, also thanks to the Fujifilm GFX system.

The lens system is growing, the camera line expanding and all what happened in the medium format world in 2019 can be checked out at BHphoto here.

As a recognition to that, DPReview declared the Fujifilm GFX100 “innovation of the year“.

Today we dedicate a roundup to the Fujifilm GFX system.

You’ll find people, who left Canon full frame for Fujifilm GFX100, reviews, images and more. Check it all out down below

The GFX Community

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The Rumor Year 2019: The Right, the Wrong and the Still to Come!

The Rumor Year 2019

As you know, I am a teacher, and usually it’s me, who has to judge and give votes to others.

But not today, as it’s time for our yearly 2019 rumors check, and to see if I did my homework well or not.

Also, there will be an accuracy rating of those rumors, that still could not be verified.

Keep in mind, there could be further rumors before the end of the year, in which case I will update this list!

Ready? Cool, so let’s start,

But be warned: I will be incredible severe to myself, as I will include in the wrong rumor section, rumors that were actually correct at the time of sharing, but just turned out wrong because Fujifilm changed plans.

It’s the case for example of the new lens roadmaps. In fact, just a few days after our rumor, top Fujifilm manager confirmed here, that indeed there would have been new roadmaps in 2019, but 2019 is now ending, and nothing came. So I was wrong, but so was the top Fujifilm manager.

  • 52 rumors shared
  • 14 rumors still to be verified
  • 34 correct rumors out of 38 verifiable rumors
  • 4 wrong rumors out of 38 verifiable rumors
  • 89,4% correct rumors

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Rumor Overview with Accuracy Rating

* 75% to 99% correct

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Unbeatable: Fujifilm X-T3 remains Best Camera You can Buy for under $1,500 also in 2019

2019 was another exciting year for the camera industry, with lots of different cameras in all price ranges hitting the market.

So DPReview had to update its buying guide for cameras under $1,500, and guess what, not a single camera could dethrone the 2018 Fujifilm X-T3 from the top spot.

DPR writes it’s still the best camera you can buy for under $1,500:

the Fujifilm X-T3 is one of the best APS-C cameras ever made and one of the most adept cameras full-stop, if you want to shoot both stills and video.

Its image quality is excellent, with a choice of attractive ‘Film Simulation’ color modes and detailed, flexible Raw files. Autofocus with most X-series lenses is snappy with effective focus tracking, eye-detection AF for portraits and zone focus modes that will adapt to a range of sports. This is on top of a well-respected interface which blends traditional dials with a good degree of customization.

We’re particularly impressed that the X-T3 does all this while also offering some of the best video we’ve encountered. It can shoot highly detailed 4K footage (UHD or DCI) at up to 60p with the option for 10-bit capture for maximum grading leeway. Useable (though not flawless) video AF makes it comparatively easy to get good results, too. Only the lack of in-body stabilization counts against its go-everywhere, capture everything credentials.

The Fujifilm lens range isn’t as extensive as some systems, but there’s a good choice of sensibly priced lenses that go well with the X-T3.

And it’s not over yet, as the Fujifilm X-T3 will get surely one significant firmware upgrade, and maybe even another big one in future.

You can see the entire buying guide at DPR here.


Top Fujifilm Product 2019 – VOTE NOW

Top Fujifilm Gear 2019

Another Fujifilm year is ending.

With 4 cameras and 4 lenses released in 2019, Fujifilm has a little bit slowed down, if we compare it to the Fujifilm year 2018 (7 new cameras and 6 lenses) and to the Fuji year 2017 (4 cameras and 8 lenses).

But it was definitely quality over quantity.

And then there were these lenses:

Now it’s your time to vote what you consider the overall top Fujifilm gear launched in 2019. Vote down below.

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Best Gear of 2019 According to Tony Northrup, Philip Bloom and More


DPReviewTV already made their best of 2019 gear list here.

But these days many others make their own lists, too, such as Philip Bloom, Tony Northrup and more.

So I thought it might be nice to make a “best of 2019” roundup.

SPOILER: Fujifilm GFX100 grabs quite some attention, Fujifilm X-T30 wins too, and the Fujifilm X-Pro3 is wtf camera of the year.


Then check it all out down below.

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DPReview TV Best and Worst of 2019: Sony and Fujifilm Battle for Best Camera of 2019 and Kaizen Crown Goes to Canon

DPReview just published their best and worst of 2019.

Here is their ranking:


There was a disagreement here, as just when Chris declared the Sony A7rIV best of 2019, you hear Jordan out of the frame saying “GFX !!!”

  • Sony A7rIV – it can not reach the GFX100 image quality
  • Fujifilm GFX100 – the best image quality they have ever tested, great AF, IBIS, excellent video features
  • Leica Q2

In my opinion, the Fujifilm GFX100 pushed the boundaries in its class (MF) much more than the Sony A7rIV did in its class (FF), and therefore the Fujifilm GFX100 deserves to be called camera of the year.



  1. Tamron 35mm f/1.4
  2. Panasonic 10-25mm f/1.7
  3. Fujifilm XF200mm f/2 [announced in 2018, but they only tested in 2019]


  1. Canon EOS R
  2. Panasonic G9
  3. Olympus EM-1 MK II


  1. Lensbaby Omni
  2. Nikkor Noct – mega expensive


  • Canon SL3
  • Sigma FP – does not have a shutter. For stills you get rolling shutter, banding etc. It’s a great video camera, but not good for stills
  • Panasonic G95

BEST BLOG 2019 ;)

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Reviews: HDR Plus Sample Images and Enjoying the Feel Rather than Pixel Peeping

Godon from Cameralabs shows the HDR Plus feature on X-Pro3

Fujifilm X-Pro3 – The Miracle ;)

Here a roundup of Fujifilm X-Pro3 reviews.

Notice how that they mostly focus on shooting experience, rather than pixel peeping. And honestly that’s kind of refreshing, as we usually are bombarded with charts, crops and comparisons when a new camera comes out.

Seen from this perspective, the Fujifilm X-Pro3 already achieved what it’s ment for: focus on feel and experience, rather than technical specs.

In case of Gordon (Cameralabs), he says the hidden screen helped him to review images and access menus way less than he normally does. He says:

Previously I always preferred the X-T series over the X-Pro series. But with the X-Pro3 I was surprised just how refreshing and enjoyable I found the experience, how little I worried about settings or features and how much I’d like to shoot with it again.

The Features

With that said, of course the reviewers also go over the new features of this camera.

For example, Gordon from Cameralabs shows samples of the new HDR plus mode, a feature that Gordon says “makes a really good job”. Press the shutter once, and the camera takes three images and combines them into one HDR image (see images below). It works used handheld.

Oh… and Gordon LOVES the new Classic Negative film simulation.

Now let’s cross fingers that all the X-Pro3 firmware goodness on the X-T3, X-T30 and GFX100.

Sure, I have been told that Fujifilm is working on it, but it never hurts to remind Fujifilm how much we’d love to have a Kaizen update ;).

The Viewfinder Tidbit

One more thing worth to notice.

As you know, the optical viewfinder on the “old” X-Pro2 had a build-in 0.36x and 0.60x magnification modes. So, when you use let’s say a 35mm lens, in order for your frame not be too small in the viewfinder, you could switch to the 0.60x magnification.

This is no longer possible with X-Pro3, as it has a fixed OVF magnification of 0.52x.

However, Gordon says that the overall much bigger optical viewfinder on the X-Pro3 helps to compensate for the lack of 0.60x magnification.

For your convenience, down below I have extracted and overlayed both viewfinder frames at 23 and 35 so you get a clear idea how big the difference really is.

With all that said, check out the Fujifilm X-Pro3 review roundup below.

JOIN: Fujifilm X Pro User Group

Fujifilm X-Pro3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera

The Reviews

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This is How Fujifilm Welcomes Xiaomi Mi Note 10 108 Megapixel Samsung/Fujifilm ISOcell Sensor

in the green box: the original image shared by Fujifilm China

Fujifilm China has apparently given a warm welcome to the 100 megapixel Xiaomi CC9 Pro (or Xiaomi Mi Note 10), which features a 108 megapixel camera.

[google translated] 100 million pixels: Welcome new members!

And in the comments Fujifilm China say:

Encourage Xiaomi’s innovation for mobile phones

The image shared at the official Fujifilm China weibo page, shows a little box inside the massive Fujifilm GFX100 sensor, which has the size of the Xiaomi Mi Note 10 sensor.

Now why should Fujifilm do this? Here a few options:

  1. sympathy: they simply welcome another 100 megapixel camera
  2. mockery: they make fun out of of the small sensor (that would be such a bad taste)
  3. conspiracy: they hint to some secret future Fujifilm development
  4. proudly: Fujifilm co-develops the sensor inside the Xiamo Mi Note 10
  5. randomly: that little box and the whole post of Fujifilm mean nothing

I think we can agree that there is nothing more fun than a conspiracy theory, so I will focus on that one :).

The (Super-Short) Story

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