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Fujinon GF100-200mm F5.6 R LM OIS WR First Look and Samples (Coming First Quarter 2019)

Fujinon GF100-200mm F5.6

The Belgian shop PCHstore shared the first images of the Fujinon GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR, as well as a first sample shot with crop. A selection of the images can be found down below.

You can read the PCHstore first impressions article in French here (google translated). Amongst the others they write:

Our first impressions are more than good! This lens is relatively light, handy and the optical quality after our first tests is at the rendezvous. In addition the GF100-200mm is stabilized which is very valuable when we have the tremblotte like me

The Fujinon GF100-200mm F5.6 LM OIS WR should arrive in the course of the first quarter of 2019 if our information is correct

If you are in PCHstore area, make sure to run there, since they write that “for those who would like to see it; the GF100-200mm will be visible until tomorrow 12H!

Back in September, Fujifilm announced the new Fujinon GF lens roadmap, which included the GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR, GF50mmF3.5 R LM WR and GF45-100mmF4 R LM OIS WR.

Fujifilm GFX 50R: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm GFX 50S: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

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For GFX Lovers


Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 65mm f/1.4 for Fujifilm GFX Available Now and Reviews


Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 65mm f/1.4

The Mitakon Speedmaster 65mm F1.4 for Fujifilm GFX is now available now at AmazonUS (via third-party) and eBay (check the warranty). Expect it to be available soon also at BHphoto and Adorama. You can also grab it directly at with 5 year warranty.

Beta testers of the Mitakon 65/1.4 like Jonas Rask have already shared samples at our Fujifilm GFX facebook group since several weeks, such as Jonas Rask, who who say here:

“It’s a fantastic lens that I’ve really enjoyed shooting the past months. Not as sharp as the GF63 counterpart wide open, but it holds up really nice when stopped down.

Wide open, corners are not as sharp as center – obviously. But it has minimal vignette. Just to be clear, I was told that this is NOT a converted full frame 50mm f/0.95.

What you will get with this lens is a really unique look to your images.

We’ve all heard the phrase “I love that medium format look” – which basically translates into “Wide field of view combined with narrow depth of field

This lens will make your full body portraits look like something out of a Pentax 67 with 105/2.4.

You can obviously achieve this look with other lenses (Voigtländer 58/1.4, Minolta 58/1.2 etc) But the Mitakon just feels right at home on the GFX with its native mount and size.”

Jonas Rasks’ full Mitakon 65mmF1.4 review can be read at jonasrask here.

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Press Release

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Fujifilm Manager Says Fujifilm GFX100 has Less Noise than GFX50, Less than 10 fps, OIS/IBIS Combo, X-T3 AF Algorithm and More

Fujiflm GFX100

Fujifilm Manager Mr.Oishi was at the press event for the Fujifilm GFX system in Thailand and also chatted with the media.

The Thai youtube channel กล้องกล้วยกล้วย published 3 videos of the event, but only 2 are of interest for us (see them at the bottom of the article).


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Fujifilm announces Firmware Updates for FUJIFILM GFX 50S, FUJIFILM X-T3, and FUJIFILM X-H1

Fujifilm announces firmware updates for FUJIFILM GFX 50S, FUJIFILM X-T3, and FUJIFILM X-H1

New functions include the improvement of in-body image stabilization performance for X-H1, 4K HDR video recording and simultaneous output of Film Simulation / F-Log footage for X-T3, and 35mm format mode for GFX 50S

Full Details Below

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Fujifilm GFX 50R Street Photography, Kai Wong Hands On and Could the Fujifilm GFX 100 have an X-Trans Sensor?

Fujifilm GFX 50R

William Chua took the Fujifilm GFX 50R out for some street photography in Cologne. You can read the full blog post and see the samples at Some excerpts:

  • Being a GFX 50s user, he was not too excited about this camera. But after using it for a few days, he has to say he loves it more and more
  • Its a great camera for street photography
  • might not be as comfortable to use with big glass like the GF 250mm
  • in a lot of his sample images, he used face detection, and he’s glad to say it works extremely well

Jonas Rask shares his impressions of the Photokina 2018 in the best way possible: by sharing wonderful images taken with Fujifilm GFX 50R and X100F. Check out his article “When the floor dust settles” at jonasrask here.

Kai Wong was at photokina and shares his walkthrough the various booths. Of course he also checked out the Fujifilm GFX 50R. Jump to minute 5:43 here, to check out the part about Fujifilm.

MediumFormat: First Impressions of the Fujifilm GFX 50R at mediumformat

PhoBlographer writes in his Fujifilm GFX 50R first impressions that the Fujifilm GFX 50R is the camera he’s been waiting for. They would like a 50MP X-Trans version and pay even more for it, and faster glass (such as the rumored GF 80mm F1.4) would also be appreciated. Read it all at phoblographer here.

Spanish: The Spanish site albedomedia (translation) goes hands on with the Fujifilm GFX 50R. They share their impressions as well as some media slides including an overview of Fujifilm’s camera history, which you can see below.

Fujifilm GFX 100 MP X-Trans

ThePhoblographer had a talk with Fujifilm USA manager Justin Stailey, mainly about the Fujifilm GFX 50R, but there was also a question about the Fujfiilm GFX 100.

Phoblographer: Why isn’t the GFX 100MP sensor an X Trans sensor?
Justin: I don’t think we said that it was or was not X-Trans. but…In Medium Format, the Bayer Sensor has proven to provide excellent image quality

So, despite hinting that a Bayer sensor is more likely than an X-Trans sensor, Fuji Manager Justin did not exclude the possibility it could be a 100 Megapixel X-Trans sensor. Read the whole interview at phoblographer.

We remind you that the Fujifilm GFX 100 megapixel camera should offer pixel shift multishot, which would indicated that a Bayer sensor is more likely. Read more here.

Fujifilm GFX 50R / 50S
GFX 50R: Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera
GFX 50S: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujinon GF Lenses
GF 23mm (save $620): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
GF 45mm (save $300): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera
GF 63mm (save $350): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera
GF 110mm (save $660): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera
GF 120mm (save $640): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera
GF 250mm (save 780): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
GF 32-64mm (save $550): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera

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Fujifilm Camera History – via albedomedia


Fujifilm GFX 50S Upcoming Firmware Update Features Disclosed plus Fuji GFX 50R and GF Lens Details

Fujifilm GFX

Fujifilm is launching the Fujifilm GFX 50R and Fujifilm GFX 100 all over the world and today’s media slides come from China (via camerabeta). The launch event is covered in this article (translation).

The link has been sent to me by FR-reader Sam (instagram hermeneuticlens here).

For the most part they don’t unveil anything new, but there are some little new tidbits, translated for us by FR-reader Sam (thanks).

Fujifilm GFX 50R weight compared to GFX 50S:

  • by using a 2-way tilt screen instead of 3-way, Fujifilm reduces the weight by 35g
  • other 60g over the GFX 50S are saved with the EVF
  • 30g are saved by using lightweight material and optimizing thickness

GF Lenses

  • GF 100-200mm will work with 1.4x teleconverter (effectively 140-280mm)
  • GF 45-100mm not sure if it will work with 1.4x TC (slide does not mention that it will support TC, so it is likely that it won’t.)
  • GF 100-200mm will have internal zoom design (so lens’ length won’t change when zooming. Again, probably not the case for GF45-100mm)
  • GF 50mm F3.5 R will have linear motor

Fujifilm GFX 50S future firmware update:

Not everything is clear what’s written in the slides, but that’s what’s written

  • faster eye sensor reaction time
  • delete RAW and JPG together (that’s what’s written in the slide) – (by FR-readers: when choose to take jpeg+raw mode, so deleting photo will be in-sync)
  • 35mm format crop mode will support GF lenses and FUJINON HC lenses
  • The slide also says “EVF/LCD adds white indicator point(s) – color customization”. FR-readers say “Usually refer to exposure clipping of the white point, i.e. the white Blinky when everything look white, so the color customization mostly refer to the white Blinky color, like what u can set in Adobe Raw or LR”

Camera Remote App / Camera Update

As we reported here already, version 3.2.0 of the camera remote app allows you to update your camera firmware via remote app, provided your camera has bluetooth. The Fujifilm GFX 50R has bluetooth, so it supports this feature.

FujiRumors at Photokina: About Japanese Fujifilm Managers, Touch and Try the X-T3 and GFX 50R, Tapping 33 Articles in 3 days

Jonas Rask Live Talk at Photokina 2018

FujiRumors @ Photokina 2018

I am not that kind of guy, who breaks into a place bypassing security checks…

I broke into photokina bypassing security checks 1 day ahead of the official opening, because I could not wait to deliver you the first images side by side of the XF33mmF1.0, XF16-80mmF4 and XF16mmF2.9 and first hands on video of the Fujifilm GFX 50R.

But let’s talk about it later and start with the Fujifilm managers.

FujiRumors Meets Japanese Managers

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Fujinon GF Lens Roadmap Timeline 2019/2020 and More Fujifilm GFX 100 Details with Image Sample Super Crop

Fujifilm GFX System

Fujifilm has recently announced a new GF lens mount roadmap. The official roadmap, though, didn’t gave any timeline about when the future GF50mmF3.5 pancake, GF100-200mmF5.6 and GF45-100mmF4 will hit the market.

Now the Japanese site has shared a couple of media slides, including one that shows the roadmap for the various lenses. We can see:

  • 2019
    – GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR
    – GF50mmF3.5 R LM WR
  • 2020
     – GF45-100mmF4 R LM OIS WR

As we told you back in December 2017, Fujifilm plans to release 2/3 lenses for each of their systems (X and GFX) a year. This means that we might see one more lens coming n 2019 for the GFX 50S as well as 1 or 2 more lenses in 2020. Check out our big rumor timeline to see what could come.

The slides also give us some basic details about these lenses, which I have all listed at the bottom of this article.

Other media slides (also below) show some more details the Fujifilm GFX 100. So we discover that (unsurprisingly) it will feature the X Processor 4 and we can see a first crop made out an image taken with the GFX 100.

You find everything down below:

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Fujifilm GFX 100 media slides

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Venus Optics Laowa 17mmF4 for Fujifilm GFX Images and Hands On Video and Available in December

Laowa 17mm F4

My photokina 2018 coverage continues, and after having delivered you…

… it is now time to take a closer look at the Venus Optics Laowa 17mm F4 Zero-D for Fujifilm GFX.

I have talked to Venus Optics, and they said the lens will be available in December. They didn’t tell me the price, though.

I have made also a Laowa 17mm F4 hands on video on my youtube channel.

Down below the specs shared so far and one more image.

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