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Steelsring Canon EF to Fujifilm GFX Autofocus Adapter Test

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guest post by Peter Sills –

Several months ago, I first read about adapters that would allow me to mount my Canon lenses to my new Fujifilm GFX 50S. Interested, I reached out to the various companies mentioned inquiring about their availability and acquiring one for potential testing. Of these, only one, Steelsring, got back to me. After some conversation, we agreed that I would test the unit and write an article as to my findings. Several months later, in December of 2017, I received my adapter.

I was intrigued. When first released, the Steelsring EF>GFX adapter was reported as being the only adapter of its kind which would also property report the Lens EXIF information to the camera and turn off the automatic lens correction (for the Fuji 63mm lens) in the process. Having this ability allows you to create your own special “Lens Profiles” for the camera/lens/adapter combination – something I find quite useful and important.

Lightroom – Note the Lens is correctly reported as the EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM @ 70mm and 1/70 sec at f/2.8
Lightroom – Note the Lens is correctly reported as the EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM @ 70mm and 1/70 sec at f/2.8)

When the unit arrived, it came in a very attractive wood and aluminum case. It was extremely well packaged and after careful examination appeared to be well constructed as well.

This is how the Steelsring Adapter arrived. It also makes for an excellent storage case.
This is how the Steelsring Adapter arrived. It also makes for an excellent storage case.

Of course, how these adapters operate is that on one side of the adapter is the Native Mount (Fuji) side, and on the opposing side is the Lens Mount (Canon side). Most adapters are “passive” so there are no contact pins. The Steelsring adapter is of a new generation of mounts that allow a camera to actually obtain accurate focus using “non-native” lenses. In this case Canon lenses.

So, the next step was to mount this to my Fuji GFX and begin testing.

I found the fit to be quite tight and secure, both on the Fuji side and on the Canon side. I would say even more so on the Fuji side. Many of the Canon lenses I found “clicked” right in to place. A few required a little adjustment of the lens release button to ensure they were indeed “locked-in”. Once this was properly engaged, the connection was tight, with no looseness or “wobble” at all.

My objectives were quite simple.

  1. Determine if a lens adapter, in this case an auto-focus lens adapter, could provide usable AF accuracy and speed using my existing Canon lenses.
  2. Determine if the “vignetting” of these lenses would be significant enough to render them useless or usable for my testing.

Alright, so how to begin?

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm GFX Vs. Nikon D850 Image Quality Comparison :: GFX with Techart Adapter :: GF Lens Reviews and More

Fujifilm GFX 50s Complete Review at mirrorlessons

Fujifilm GFX

It’s high time for another Fujifilm GFX 50S roundup… and it’s a massive one :)

The Nikon D850 Vs. Fujifilm GFX 50S comparison makes the start (by camerajabber), and even though the Nikon D850 has for sure a fantastic image quality, the Fujifilm GFX 50S is even better. Of course it’s up to each one of you to decide, if the IQ improvement is enough for you to decide to go with the Fujifilm GFX 50S.

And always keep in mind, that the Fujinon GF lenses underperform on the Fujifilm GFX 50S, since Fujifilm officially said they are designed for 100 megapixel resolution. This means they will express their full potential only in the Fujifilm GFX 100S, which will come in 2019 earliest.

So now the roundup, from the D850 to the GFX, from lens reviews to the techart smart adapter… there is a lot to read for Fujifilm GFX 50S fans :)

Nikon D850 vs Fujifilm GFX 50S: Image Quality Comparison at camerajabber

Techart Adapter + Cambo Actus + Adapted Lenses

  • Fuji GFX 50s With Techart Adapter – GF 110mm f2 vs Sigma 85mm Art at Sonder Creative Youtube
  • Fuji GFX With Techart Adapter and Canon Tilt Shift Lenses Review at Sonder Creative Youtube
  • In the following video Nathan unboxes and then show an example stack image set from the Cambo Actus Mini, GFX50s, Schneider 120mm F/5,6 APO Macro Digitar, and Cognisys at Fauxtaku Lounge Youtube
  • Fujifilm GFX with M42 – Yashinon 50mm 1.9 at glyons

GFX Review & Comparisons

  • A Longterm Review of the GFX 50s: Living With Fuji’s Medium Format Camera at fstoppers
  • Ultimate Street Battle: X-E3 vs GFX 50S at fujilove

Lens Review

  • Lens Review: Fujifilm GF 110mm F2 R WR (Fujifilm GF) at thephoblographer
  • Lens Review: Fujifilm GF 23mm F4 R WR (Fujifilm GF) at thephoblographer
  • Lens Review: Fujifilm GF 32-64mm f4 R LM WR at thephoblographer
  • Review: Fujifilm GF 45mm f2.8 R WR (Fujifilm GF) at thephoblographer
  • GF 45mm Review at photographyblog
  • Fujifilm GF 45mm f/2.8 R WR Field Test: 35mm-equivalent prime lens delivers fantastic sharpness at imaging-resource
  • Simple Objects – A test of the GF 110mm f2 R LM WR Lens by Kevin Mullins at
  • Fujifilm GF 63mm F/2,8: The prettiest lens I don’t use at ohm-image

GFX at Work & on Field

  • My images on Tashi Delek, inflight Magazine of Drukair (official airline for Bhutan) using Fujifilm Cameras at williamchua
  • Iceworld Shot with the GFX 50S and GF 120mm f/4 OIS R WR at laroquephoto
  • Fuerteventura – The Great Adventure at glyons
  • Fez in Photos | Morocco with Fuji GFX50s, the X100F and the X-T2 at danielkorzeniewskiphoto
  • Rocky Mountain High • Crested Butte, Colorado with Fuji GFX 50s and Fujinon GF 32-64 f4 at roberthclarkphotography

Promotional & Magnum Project

Technical Tests

  • Fuji 45/2.8 focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Manual focusing strategies for the Fuji 45/2.8 at blog.kasson
  • Stopped-down manual focusing with the GFX-50S at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 110/2 focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 63/2.8 focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Fuji GFX 50S AF accuracy restated at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 32-64/4 at 64 mm focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 32-64/4 at 32 mm focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson
  • Fuji 32-64/4 at 44 mm focus shift and autofocus accuracy at blog.kasson

& More

Fujifilm GFX 50S + GF lens (save $1,000): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

JOIN our Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group
FOLLOW our Fujifilm GFX Facebook Page

Fujifilm GFX 50S Vs. Pentax 645Z Vs. Canon 5DSR

Fujifilm GFX Vs Canon 5DSR Vs Pentax 645Z

I thought it’s time to take a break from all the rumors surrounding the imminent launch of the Fujifilm X-H1, X-A5, X-A20, XC15-45 and more, and dive into the Fujifilm GFX 50S medium format world.

This time the Fujifilm GFX 50S with GF 63mmF2.8 has to battle against the Canon 5DSR with Sigma 50mmF1.4 Art vs Pentax 645z with Pentax 55mmF2.8, all 50MP cameras.

But who will be the winner?

The video above has been shared at Sonder Creative Youtube (who is also a member of our GFX group). Some highlights:

  • Sharpness Fujinon lenses win hands down. Sharp from edge to edge even wide open.
  • He prefers Canon colors, but it’s a personal preference. More accurate and warmer colors.
  • Canon focusses faster in low light
  • He wants even wider aperutre lenses than the GF 110mmF2. FF has shallower DOF because of the fast lenses available.
  • DR on Canon sucks, so he used the A7rIII in this test
  • DR on Pentax is best, better than GFX, even if same sensor. Sony A7rII much worst
  • Pentax is ugly but user friendly
  • GFX EVF little lag to switch on

Don’t forget to join the 16,000+ strong GFX facebook group and our Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX 50S with Mitakon 85mm f/1.2, Fotodiox GFX L-Bracket, Cambo Actus Fuji GFX50s Panorama, Extended GFX Deals & More

Fujifilm GFX Deals Extended

Fujifilm extended the GFX deals until March 31, 2018. The GF lens only deals are gone, though, as well as the deals on X-series cameras and XF lenses.

The GFX deals have been extended also in most EU countries (thanks akkual)

Fujifilm GFX 50S + Any GF lens* (save $1,000): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
* GF63mmF2.8 / GF45mmF2.8 / GF32-64mmF4 / GF120mmF4 / GF110mmF2 / GF 23mmF4

Fujifilm GFX Roundup

I know, here on FujiRumors we were the first to report about potential quality issues on the Fujifilm GFX lenses, also thanks to the feedback from out Fujifilm GFX facebook community.

However, while the reports are out there, and we reported about them, there are also many, who do not have any kind of issue, and they keep up sharing fantastic work every minute at our GFX group… non stop!

It is my pleasure to invest a few hours today, to go through the latest images, pick out the most liked ones for you and make a blog post out of them. All this beauty has to be shared :)

But before we share the images, here are a few links, reviews and more, that you might be interested to check out.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujiflm GFX100S with IBIS, Release in 2019 and Expected Price About as Much as Hasselbald X1D

Hungry for more?

Then let’s share the next bunch of rumors:

The Fujfilm GFX 100S is currently scheduled for 2019 (and not 2020). A source told me it expects to cost like the Hasselblad X1D ($9,000), so there will be a rather significant bump in price.

Moreover, a rumor that you should take with a grain of salt, I hear it might have IBIS, which would be awesome, since photographers love to adapt old third party glass on it, and they would all have it stabilized :)

Keep in mind… these are all long term rumors, and so take it with a grain of salt. And especially the IBIS rumor is to double confirm.

Join our Fujifilm GFX facebook group and our dedicated GFX facebook page for 100% GFX only coverage.

The next rumor is just around the corner… so stay tuned :)
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  • GF 250mm F4 (early 2018) – Announced
  • GF 35mm F2.8 (mid 2018)
  • GF 20-36mm F3.5-4.5 or GF 100-200mm F4.5-5.6 (end 2018. NOTE: Fujifilm says one of the two. Final decision has not yet been done)

First Sony A7rIII Vs. Fujifilm GFX 50S Vs. Nikon D850 Vs. Canon 5D MK IV Comparison

Fujifilm GFX 50S Vs. Sony A7RIII

So it happened, Sony just dropped another Full Frame camera, the brand new Sony A7RIII (price and specs at BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera).

As to expect, now all possible comparisons will appear on the web, and we have already a first one at imaging-resource, comparing the Sony A7rIII with the Fujifilm GFX 50S, the Nikon D850 and the Canon 5DMKIV.

The results of the 42MP on the Sony A7RIII are, as to expect, impressive and promising. The Fujifilm GFX 50s, Nikon D850 and Sony A7rIII seem to be clearly superior to the Canon 5D MK IV.

The A7R III has a crispness to the blues in the eye that the other two seem to lack, resulting in a sort of grey overtone from both the Nikon and the Fuji. What may be the most impressive is how well the new Sony FE 24-105 f/4 hangs with Nikon’s new 24-70mm and Fuji’s 63mm. [Note: the Canon had the EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM]

Due to the RAW profile for the Sony A7R III not yet being available, we are comparing JPEG images. The Nikon D850 image was converted from RAW with ACR default settings

And here is the EXIF data for the images (shot on a tripod, all shot at 50mm):

  • Fujifilm GFX 50S: 1/20th, F5, ISO250, SOOC Jpeg – see here
  • Sony A7RIII: 1/40th, F5, ISO250, SOOC Jpeg – see here
  • Canon 5DMKIV: 1/40th, F5, ISO250, SOOC Jpeg – see here
  • Nikon D850: 1/40th, F5, ISO250, converted from RAW with ACR default settings – see here

As FR-readers noted, the strange pattern in the eyes is very likely caused by the model’s color contact lenses.

Please notice that

  • the Fujifilm GFX was shot at 1/20th of a second, whereas the other three cameras at 1/40th.
  • the Fujifilm GFX was shot at F5 in Medium Format, which is faster than F5 in FF, so it had shallower DOF
  • the Fujifilm GFX could be slightly out of focus, just as the Canon 5D MK IV
  • the Nikon D850 is a RAW file convertet in Adobe, all others are JPEG
  • eye AF on the Sony A7RIII works great for sure

I’m looking forward to more comparisons, maybe in a more controlled enviroment with all cameras at the same settings (a classical lab test), once Adobe supports Sony A7RIII RAW files.

With that said, go to imaging-resource here and check out their comparison.

GFX Deals

Fujifilm GFX 50S Secret Deal: How to Save $,1550 (instead of “just” $1,000) on Fujifilm GFX at BHphoto – full instructions here

Fujifilm GFX 50S + Any GF lens (save $1,000): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8 (save $300): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF63mmF2.8 (save $300): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF32-64mmF4 (save $450): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF120mmF4 Macro (save $550): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 110mm F2 (save $550): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
Fujinon GF 23mm F4 (save $550): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

Fujifilm GFX Extreme (and Amazing!) Shadow Recovery :: Nikon D850 Vs. Fujifilm GFX Samples :: GF 14x TC and GF250 Images (GFX zone)

Original SOOC image as it was shot at base ISO 100 and exposed for the highlights

Images shared by Rico Pfirstinger at the Fujifilm GFX facebook group here

After Shadow Recover: Final JPEG after RAW processing in Lightroom, with adaptive ISO 100-3200

Detail crop of a part that was pushed from base ISO 100 to approx. ISO 3200

Fujifilm GFX



& More

Join the 15,000+ strong GFX facebook group and for fast, reliable, and 100% GFX news and rumors follow the Fujifilm GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: CalumetDE, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Used G Gear at the AmazonUS used/refurbished and BHphoto used/refurbished marketplace

Nikon D850 Vs Fujifilm GFX & More

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X-E3, XF80 Macro, GF45mm, New Lens Roadmaps, New Firmware & More ** LIVE BLOGGING ** – Updated 05:01 PM

Pre-order Options
A Coffee For FujiRumors?
Pre-order your gear using the links below to support FR. 0% extra costs for you. Thanks :)

Fujifilm X-E3: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujinon XF 80mmF2.8 Macro: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Refresh This Page for the Latest Updates

Last Update 05:01 PM EST – Added a very brief video that shows the new bluetooth synching. Go to Video section below
03:33 PM EST:
Added Fujikina Live Report at the Japanese site in “Fujikina Live Reports” Section (images of GF 250mmF4)
12:29 PM EST:
Added – New AF system explained by Rico

Fujifilm X-E3:

Fujifilm X-E User facebook Group

Fujinon XF 80mm F2.8 Macro:

Fujinon GF 45mm F2.8:

Fujifilm GFX facebook group

Firmware Updates + New AF-system Explained

New AF-system explained in German at fuji-x-secrets (translation)

  • New firmware updates for FUJIFILM X-Pro2, X-T2 X100F, X-T20 coming soon. Details at
  • New firmware updates for FUJIFILM GFX 50S coming soon. Details at

Lens Roadmaps

Fujifilm X RAW Studio & More

Fujikina Live Reports


Fujifilm is uploading MASSIVE promo videos! I will share only a selection here. The focus in the video section is on third party first looks and reviews. Go to Fujifilm Global Youtube, fujifilm-x and Fuji Guys Youtube to see all promo videos.

Fujifilm X E3 Synchronisation de l’appareil at FUJIFILM France Youtube.
This very brief video ad shows the new bluetooth synching, with brief shots of the phone app (0:04), let’s hope it improves usability! (thanks John)

Fujifilm X-E3 Hands on Full Review at Vistik Youtube

Fuji Guys – FUJIFILM X-E3 Camera – First Look at Fuji Guys Youtube

FUJIFILM X-E3: 1st Shooting Impressions at bigheadtaco Youtube

User Review of the Fujifilm GFX – Compared to Hasselblad X1D, Leica, and Sony

Shot with Fujifilm GFX 50s with 63/2.8 for Lovebite Magazine

Written for Fuji Rumors by Rick Birt of

*Note* This is a long post – I have a summary of pros and cons in my conclusion

As soon as the Hasselblad X1D-50c and Fuji GFX 50s were announced, I wanted one. The promise of Medium Format in a cheaper, and smaller package was incredibly alluring. For the past year my main camera has been a Fuji X-Pro2. I love it. I love the image quality, the colors, the size, and the Rangefinder styling. I also love Fujifilm’s Kaizen philosophy of constantly updating their camera lineup via firmware. All of these things influenced my decision toward the GFX. Luckily, my wife (Kelly Williams), and I were also given the opportunity to demo the Hasselblad X1D. The svelte styling, leaf shutter (ability to sync strobes at 1/2000s), and simple menus were all big pluses in the Hassy’s favor.

When we opened the boxes, we were woefully unimpressed by the Fuji GFX. Even though it kind of looks like a bigger X-T2, it’s actually kind of ugly in person. It almost looks like three different teams designed parts of the camera, and then they Frankenstein’d it all together in the end.

In stark contrast when we opened the X1D box, my wife said,

“We may have to buy two of these so we don’t fight over it.”

Similarly, we conducted two fashion shoots with these cameras. When we brought out the X1D, both models said

“Oh! A Hasselblad!”

Neither commented on the GFX.

Should this matter? My left brain says no. However, it does matter. What is this industry about? IMAGE. These tools are used to take images, because the world has placed value on images of pretty things. Don’t kid yourself, image is paramount in this business – especially in fashion and portraits.

Back to testing…

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm GF 110mm F2 and GF 23mm F4 Announcement (Last Updated 01:47 PM) ** LIVE BLOGGING **

Pre-order Options
A Coffee For FujiRumors?
If you like my work, feel free to use the affiliate links to BH, Amazon and CO for your purchase to support FR. No extra costs for you. Thanks :)

Fujinon GF 110mm F2: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujinon GF 23mm F4USA BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama Europe: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujifilm Instax SquareUSA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS Europe: WexUK, PCHstore

AmazonUS has also the Instax Square SQ10 for pre-order

Refresh This Page for the Latest Updates

Update 1:47 PM: Added GF110mmF2 R LM WR AutoFocus Test at HIDEMA’s – ImageBank Inc. youtube Video and updated the links to Adorama, which now has the GF 110mm and GF 23mm for pre-order
Update 9:33 AM:
I’ve added an amazing video by Daniel Tengs -Sports through 23mm / FUJIFILM youtube (filmed on X-T2)
Update 8:48 AM
: The special Instax Square site is now live and GF 110 + GF23 samples and impressions at williamchua (shared and found at our GFX facebook group)
Update 6:25 AM
: Damn, forgot my dog. I’ll bring him out quickly and then continue the live blogging :)
Update 4:35 AM
: AmazonUS pre-order links available for GF lenses and Instax Square SQ10 + New GF 110 Video in India
Update 3:52 AM
: EU links to products, Links to Instax Square Videos and Instax Square page at Fujifilm

Fujinon GF 110mm F2:

Fujinon GF 23mm F4:

Fujifilm Instax Square:

miXed News
(New Roadmap & New Firmware & More)

  • The New Fujifilm G-Mount Roadmap: shows a “Telephoto Prime Lens” and a “Tele Converter”. FujiRumors leaked the internal and more detailed roadmap here, which confirms the telephoto prime as next lens, and says it’s a 250mm F4.
  • New firmware updates for FUJIFILM GFX 50S coming soon. More at Fujifilm: “FUJIFILM Corporation (President: Kenji Sukeno) will release free firmware update for the FUJIFILM GFX 50S (“GFX 50S”) of medium format mirrorless digital camera. It will be due late May 2017, adding new function and improving operability. These firmware updates will add new function for computer tethering via Wi-Fi and improve operability in exposure compensation and autofocus performance in difficult scenes. Fujifilm continues to incorporate customer feedback into future performance enhancements so customers can keep using our digital cameras for years to come.” This confirms rumors we shared here in the past :)


VIDEOS: Check out the Videos uploaded at Fujifilm Global Youtube. Below some of them

GF110mmF2 R LM WR AutoFocus Test at HIDEMA’s – ImageBank Inc. youtube

GFX Stories with Daniel Tengs -Sports through 23mm / FUJIFILM youtube

X-Photographer Fernando Moleres – Fujinon GF110mmF2 R LM WR at Fujifilm X World es youtube

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Palle Schultz: GFX Stories – Iceland in 23mm – with sample pics at Palle Schulz youtube

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GFX stories with Ben Benvie -GF23mmF4 R LM WR- / FUJIFILM YOutube

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GFX Stories x Jonas Rask – Iceland in 23mm / FUJIFILM Youtube

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Fuji Guys – FUJIFILM Instax SQUARE SQ10 – Top Features at Fuji Guys Youtbe

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Video: Fujifilm Instax Square SQ10 Hybrid Instant Camera at bigheadtaco Youtube