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Fujifilm 2019 Camera and Lens Release Timeline (and a bit of 2020)

Fujifilm 2019 Timeline

It’s time to put some order in the myriad of rumors, and give you guys a timeline of the Fujifilm products that will come in 2019, as well as give a quick glance at 2020.

This is just an approximate timeline, that I will update as soon as I get new information.

January/April 2019

  • Fujifilm X-T30*
  • Fujinon XF16mm f/2.8 R WR*
  • Fujinon GF 100-200mm f/5.6 R LM OIS WR*

* based on our rumors

May/August 2019

  • Fujinon GFX100*
  • Fujinon XF16-80mm  f/4 R LM OIS WR**
  • Fujinon GF 50mm f/3.5 LM WR***

* based on our rumors
** our sources say XF 16-80 will not come in early 2019
*** just an educated guess by FujiRumors, but it could make sense to announce it along with Fujifilm GFX100

September/December 2019

  • Fujifilm X-Pro3*
  • Fujifilm X100F Successor*

* based on reports at techardar. I place them in the second half of 2019, because I do not think their release is imminent (if techradar is right about 2019 release)

Top Possible Bonus Gear in 2019/2020

  • Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.4 R LM WR*
  • Fujifilm X80**
  • older XF lenses refresh***

*based on rumor
** wishful thinking based on XF10 disappointment :)
*** no rumors. but please, FUJI, PLEASE!!!

Coming 2020

  • Fujifilm X-H2*
  • Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 R LM WR**
  • Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4 R LM OIS WR**

* our sources say it will not be released in 2019, hence must be sometimes in 2020, since I don’t think Fuji will wait until 2021
** based on official Fujifilm roadmap

Probably Not Coming in 2019/2020

  • Fujifilm X-E4


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Fujifilm Deals in USA and Europe – An Overview

USA Deals – Instant Rebates

GFX Gear

X Series

EUROPE Deals – Instant Rebates

X-T50 + Lenses

GFX Deals

Note 1: in UK you can buy X-T50 body or any kit, you’ll save £210 if you add XF23mmF2 or XF50mmF2 to you purchase
Note 2: Amazon IT is an authorized retailer, but make sure it is shipped and sold by Amazon. Amazon UK is not authorized. Also Amazon DE is not listed as authorized, but I see the X-T50 deal anyway (so far) at Amazon DE at the same price of authorized dealers

A Look into 2025 Fujifilm Rumors (and Beyond) and the Ultimate 2024 Rumor Check

Rumor 2025+ Overview with Rating

Time to check how accurate our rumors were in 2024 and get an outlook on the remaining rumors for 2025 (and beyond) with reliability ranking.

As usual, I will be brutal and merciless in my rumor accuracy rating.

How brutal?

Well, here are two examples.

I told you the X100VI would be basically same in size of X100V despite having IBIS. The difference is 1mm. Well, turns out it is 2mm thicker. So while it is substantially an accurate rumor, I list it as wrong.

Also, we misunderstood a source regarding the X100VI silver color. We needed only 3 hours to clarify this misunderstanding and correct it. But still, for 3 hours only, an inaccurate info was online.

WIth that said, here is how things went:

  • 99 rumors shared in 2024
  • 24 rumors still to be verified
  • 72 correct rumors out of 75 verifiable rumors
  • 3 wrong rumors (normal people would say 1 wrong rumor -not about Fujifilm-, but I am brutal to myself)
  • 96% correct rumors

The Remainng Rumors for 2025 and Beyond

* 75% to 99% correct

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Top Fujifilm (Related) Gear 2024 – VOTE

Top Gear 2024

So we told: there are no more Fujifilm announcements in 2024

Maybe we might still get some third party manual of even autofocus lenses (maybe the X mount version of this lens here for example), but they’d come so late in the year that I prefer to include them in the 2025 list anyway.

The list includes only Fujifilm cameras and Fujinon or third party autofocus lenses (no manual focus), which are:

  1. Fujifilm X100VI
  2. Fujifilm X-T50
  3. Fujifilm X-M5
  4. Fujifilm GFX100S II
  5. Fujinon XF 16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR II
  6. Fujinon XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 R LM WR
  7. Fujinon XF 500mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR
  8. Fujinon GF 500mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR
  9. Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7 X
  10. Sirui Aurora AF 85mm f/1.4 X
  11. TTArtisan AF 56mm f/1.8 X
  12. Meike AF 55mm f/1.4 X
  13. Meike AF 33mm f/1.4 X
  14. Brightin Star AF 50mm f/1.4 X
  15. Sirui Sniper AF 16mm f/1.2 X
  16. Sirui Sniper AF 75mm f/1.2 X


My Top Fujifilm Related Product of 2024 was... (max. 1 Pick Only)

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Fujifilm X-H2S (7.10) vs Sony A6700 Autofocus Video Comparison

Fujifilm has released the new firmware for X-H2S, X-H2 and GFX100II. We have covered it already in earlier articles:

And while they all agree it is workable again, FujiRumors has shared also two videos of Edvard, which show in which areas there are still improvements to be done. Especially his findings about the X-T3 should be taken into consideration by Fujifilm. But I refer you to this article.

Now we have, for the first time, a direct side by side comparison between Fujifilm X-H2S with firmware 7.10 vs the Sony A6700.

It has been made by Sony and Fujifilm shooter photorabz using the Sigma 16mmF1.4 APS-C lens as as well as the Brightin Star 50mm F1.4 (he owns both versions, one of E mount and one for X mount).

He also tested the X-H2S with the Viltrox 75mmF1.2 outside for a shoot (stills and video) in real world conditions, where the autofocus performed much better than with firmware 7.00.

Sony A6700 vs Fujifilm X-H2S head to head:

the results are surprisingly good for Fujifilm. I really loved how the autofocus on the Fuji worked during this comparison. Sony cameras have one of the best autofocus systems out there, but now the Fujifilm is not bad all. This comparison test made me more confident to take the Fujifilm again for professional work.

Take this as one more of the many feedbacks we got in these days.

My position remains the same: it’s true that it is workable again and you can go back to work confidently again with Fujfilm gear, but it is also true that the work is not yet finished and there is room for further improvements, which is why in my previous coverage I highlighted in the headline as well as in the intro the findings that Edvard made, which I think are valuable feedback for Fujifilm.

How Many Cameras and Lenses Does Fujifilm Release Every Year? And What it Could Mean for 2025

Some asked us how much gear Fujifilm releases every year.

So we decided to check back the last 3 years (2024 included, since there won’t be any more announcements) to see what the current pace at Fujifilm is. Below are the results.

Gear released in 2024 – 4 cameras and 4 lenses

Gear released in 2023 – 2 cameras and 4 lenses

Gear released in 2022 – 3 cameras and 4 lenses

So, overall we see: we get 4 lenses a year for X/GFX system combined.

2024 was more focused on the X series with 3 lenses for the X system and only one lens for the GFX system.

As far as cameras goes, we can get 2 to 4 cameras a year.

What does it mean for 2025?

CAMERAS in 2025:

As of today, the state of the rumors as far as cameras coming in 2025 goes is the following:

If Fujifilm maintains the pace it set in 2024, there could be room for one or maybe even two more camera releases in 2025, considering that the 1″ sensor camera might not be counted in the lineup we discussed earlier, which focused solely on APS-C and medium format models.

LENSES in 2025:

Fujifilm has quite consistently released around four lenses each year, combining both X and GFX series models.

So far I have no rumors about future lenses, which means you have four slots you can fill in with your wishes. :)

If anyone out there can maybe give us a hint on future X and GF lenses, feel free to reach out to FujiRumors. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Overall, 2025 remains a significant mystery, but I’m hopeful that our trusted sources (and maybe some new ones) will be able to shed light on some of the unknowns and provide insights that will make us even more excited for what’s to come.

Until then, keep shooting, keep enjoying life… and every now and then, keep checking in on FujiRumors ;).

Lady Gaga with Fujifilm X-T3, Apple and Microsoft United by Fujifilm Love, Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas using Fujifilm and More – Famous X Shooters and Fuji in Ads

Famous X Shooters and Fujifilm in Ads

It’s been a long time that I have not done a “famous X Shooter” roundup and a roundup of Fujifilm gear used in ads.

Today I am going to catch up with it by delivering a rather big one :).

Thanks to everybody who has passed what they’ve spotted around!

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga, a renowned American singer, recently starred in a T.V. commercial where she is seen using a Fujifilm X-T3 camera! The commercial is for Nurtec ODT, a migraine medicine. You can see the full ad on YouTube here (screenshot above)

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Sigma 100-400mmF5-6.3 Removed from Sigma’s X Mount Lens Offering Webpage

Back in September 2023 Sigma did announce the Sigma 100-400mm f/5.6.3 for Fujifilm X mount.

And until a few weeks ago, the lens was also always listed at the official Fujifilm X mount Sigma lens page here.

Well, as spotted by a fellow FR-reader (thanks), the Sigma 100-400mmF5-6.3 has now been removed from the Sigma X mount lens selection page.

There is still the dedicated product page up here, but as you can see from the screenshot above, the lens is out of stock for all mounts, except for L-mount, which is in low stock.

The question now is if Sigma is phasing out the Sigma 100-400mmF5-6.3 and if they plan to release a replacement in the near future.

I have no answer to any of these questions, but if there is anyone out there who has it, feel free to contact me.

Anyway, if you are interested in the Sigma 100-400mmF5-6.3, it is currently available with a $100 discount at BHphoto and if the removal from the Sigma website means anything, then this might well be the last units you’ll find new on the market.

It would be a pity if this lens would have been discontinued, since it is a great low budget alternative to the Fujinon XF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6.

Sigma X Mount Lenses

List of Sigma APS-C Lens Patents

Fujifilm Manager CineD Interview: Talking X100VI, the Need for Strong Competitors, In Camera Editing… and Internal Memory Storage?

Fujifilm US Manager Victor Ha had an interesting interview with CineD.

The interview is 1 hour and 20 minutes long. I strongly recommend you to watch it all. But if you are in a super hurry right now, here are the main takeaways:

X100VI Success

  • a lot of the X100VI success has to do with luck and timing
  • but also a lot of if has to do with the fact that the camera has gone through 5 generations
  • a lot of people want to make high quality images. Sometimes they are not really photographers, but artists in other areas, chefs, or a different profession or something that requires high quality imaging
  • in today’s world, no matter which you profession you are in, you do need a certain level of image quality that could exceed the phone
  • a large number of people who bought the X100VI are new to the Fujifilm brand
  • traditionally the X100 line always was also a camera that was grabbed by people who have other brands
  • customer base has expended a lot into first time buyers, first time users, first time camera owners
  • the X100VI is also a great product
  • all these things came together
  • Fujifilm has a great reputation in providing tools that are response to feedback of customers, and also balance it with what the market wants and what’s possible technologically
  • X100VI is special because it is a combination between esthetics, design, tactile feel
  • photographers (image makers) are moving towards the desire of having dedicated devices. You want to spend a certain amount of time engaging with a device where you can look through a viewfinder and there won’t be notifications popping up
  • the job of camera manufacturers is to create devices that offer the best image quality possible in different sensor sizes and from entry level to professional market
  • when asked about features like in-camera editing, Victor says the thought of it makes him sick. First, because the JPEG’s coming out of his camera are the best in the business. And there are some options in-camera like push and pull etc (admin note: via the internal RAW converter), so Fujifilm has at some degree on-device editing
  • Fujifilm wants to offer users different ways to get images off the camera, and that’s evolved in the last couple of years (Camera to Could, new XApp, etc)
  • but Fujifilm’s first mission is to provide the best image quality possible. For that you need a good lens, a sensor, processor, image science etc.
  • Fujifilm is very pleased in seeing how Camera to Cloud is being adopted and they see continuous growth and more users try the service
  • C2C is used by photographers and videographers
  • WiFi congestion interfere and create problems with Camera to Cloud
  • internal memory storage? Victor Ha says he would be reluctant to that. He was taught that it’s important to have physical backups. Also, in some cases taking a file from the card can be easier than getting it from the cloud. And taking the files through a cable when you do not have a reader is easier than pulling the card.
  • manufacturers must understand that they need to offer different ways to get files off from the camera, not just one
  • Victor is currently on a trip through Europe with his GFX100SII (+GF50mm and GF80mm) and shooting also street photography with it is very satisfying
  • he did not use GFX so much before, but during this trip he got in deep love for that camera
  • [when asked what if Hasselblad, now owned by DJI, comes out with an attractive MF camera] of course Fujifilm pays attention what other competitors are doing. Victor hopes that competitors come out with tools that challenge their tools.
  • he believes that Fujifilm’s tools will always win in the end because “we have great fans, we have great image science, great colors, great optics
  • the industry needs to grow and make better tools. Fujifilm needs competition
  • Without a vibrant and strong industry, lots of things will go away and nobody wants that

There is more to the interview, so make sure to check it out in full.

Just a few quick comments:

As far as in camera editing goes, for me the internal RAW converter is one of the big reasons why I stick with Fujifilm (Sony for example does not offer it as far as I know). Because truth be spoken: for hard core editing nothing beats the RAW file and a proper editing software. But I am often around with busses and trains to do my day hikes, and one of the things I love is when, on my way back from a long day of shooting, I can sit in the train, go through the images and pass some time having fun editing the images with the internal RAW converter. By the time I am home, I might have already edited enough images to a point that I feel completely happy with it and I can upload them on my phone and share them… and of course without the need of edit them later on with an editing software.

In the interview they talk about having kind of Lightroom like controls directly in camera, like on the Zeiss ZX1, but personally I think that’s an overkill. I’ll just use my computer for more heavy editing. I prefer to have the simplicity and immediacy of the internal Fujifilm RAW converter to do quick adjustments.

As for the internal storage, I think that would be nice to have, if that would allow for even faster writing speeds over a CFexpress Card, but only if there would still be a memory card slot for a backup. I probably would be too scared to go on vacation with internal storage only, and maybe get my files corrupted 1 or 2 weeks into the holiday. So Victor Ha makes a great point when he talks about having a backup solution somehow.

Camera to Cloud on the other hand sounds like a great idea that faces some real life challenges when it comes to the transmission of those files. I don’t know if any of you uses it. If so, please let us know your experience with it.

Why a Digital XPan Fujifilm TX-3 Camera is NOT Needed

Look guys,

I am fan of the idea of Fujifilm launching the Fujifilm TX-3 digital XPan camera in 2028.

I support this idea and I hope that that rumor will become true in a few years from now.

And I am not the only one.

FR-reader Pavel has written a wonderful article about why a digital XPan is needed and has shared lots of gorgeous samples.

I have also added my own thoughts to this debate.

But FujiRumors is a community. And in a community we can have different ideas.

And we love to give space to people who have a different view on certain things, even if those views do not match with my ideas.

And today it’s Timothy (Instagram @gibsonetal), who dropped me an email and told me why a digital Fujifilm TX-3 XPan camera is not needed.

I’ll share this thoughts below and you are free to drop your feedback in the comments below.

No ultra-wide TX-1 or XPAN? Just get an anamorphic lens!

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