Well, there firmware is buggy for some Fujifilm X-T50 cameras. Fujifilm promises a fix coming soon.
This has to be one of the most curious bugs I have ever seen, as it affects only silver colored Fujifilm X-T50’s. And only certain serial numbers are affected. You can read the details down below.
If you already updated and had no issues, then your firmware is perfectly fine.
Now, I can’t verify it myself, because I switched 100% to Capture One a long time ago because I did not like the way Adobe was taking (just as I don’t like what’s going with Capture One lately and I am not sure I will stick with Capture One much longer… but that’s off topic).
Anyway, since I don’t own Adobe products, I rely on reports I am getting via email from fellow FR-readers. And those reports say this:
Reala Ace now available in Adobe Camera Raw – I just upgraded to the newest version of Adobe Camera Raw, and I noticed that Reala Ace is now available for the RAW files from my X-T5 when processing them in Adobe Camera Raw.
Fujifilm itself will give us 5th generation X shooters Reala Ace via firmware update this summer. But it’s great to know that, if you are editing your RAW files, you can enjoy that film simulation already on Fujifilm X-T5 and I hear also other 5th generation cameras such as the Fujifilm X-H2.
The video is Italian and he runs over the latest gear with his usual captivating way.
But there is one sentence said by Andrea that I’d like to highlight today.
During the presentation Fujifilm said that right now they are the 3rd brand in terms of worldwide sales but they want to dethrone the current second best selling brand.
I am not sure how Fujifilm is currently the 3rd best selling brand.
So as Andrea in the video also suggest, Fujifilm might include their Instax division in this ranking, which I guess technically is still Fujifilm imaging division, but it would be like BMW saying they want to overtake VW car sales, but include their motorbike sales in the equation: you can do it, they are all motorised vehicles, but it’s not really fair.
Anyway, dear Fujifilm, I’d have an idea on how you would become Nr.1 overnight with only your mirrorless gear: how about you ship all gear people can’t currently find in stock?
And I speak not only about the Fujifilm X100VI, but at your own online store in Japan you have marked all your X/GFX cameras as out of stock. The shortages are chronic. There are periodical and prolonged order stops in certain parts of the world. Some of the shortages we had in Asia are now spreading also to the West (see X-T5 bodies at BHphoto).
Anyway, of course the above was a meeting with the Italian press and the marketing tends to fly high during these events. And I am certainly happy to see Fujifilm aiming to grow and take over market positions. But I wonder how this can happen if even gear launched 2+ years ago is mostly out of stock for years.
Oh well, I certainly wish Fujifilm all the best. But I’d be happy also with the 4th spot as long as we get our gear in a reasonable time.
I guess X-E line lovers now have mixed feelings, between the joy of the line not being axed and the frustration of still having to wait so long.
Personally, the Fujifilm X-E5 camera is the one camera I will instantly pre-order. I mean, my lovely Fujifilm X-E3 starts to show its age compared to the my Fujifilm X-T5.
And I am not really that interested in the specs, as long as it has the 5th generation processor, the latest autofocus goodness and the new Reala Ace film simulations.
The lack of any of the three features I mentioned above would be a dealbreaker for me.
Nice to have would be the 40MP sensor, IBIS and a simple tilt screen, but no dealbreaker if they are not available on X-E5.
One more thing I hope for and would make the X-E5 perfect for me, would be the combined ISO/Shutter dial we find on the Fujifilm X100VI and X-Pro3. That would be beyond awesome if Fujifilm would put that on the X-E5.
Anyway, that’s my quick features wishlists.
Let us know in the comments which features you’d like the Fujifilm X-E5 to offer (and which ones not).
Fujifilm has launched its dedicated Fujifilm Film Simulation page.
You can see how Fujifilm devides film simulations in two main categories: the “all-rounder types” and the “individialist types“.
By clicking on each film simulation you get a description about each film simulation.
They also explain how “Grain Effect“, “Color Chrome Effect” and “Color Chrome FX Blue” affect your images.
Just out of curiosity, I wonder which is your favorite “allrounder” and which one your “individualistic” film simulation. Feel free to vote the survey below.
You can check out the dedicated Film Simulation page here.
Fujifilm Launches Mirrorless Digital Camera “FUJIFILM X-T50”
– Compact and lightweight body with approx. 40.2 megapixel sensor and the latest image processing engine
– Newly equipped with Film Simulation dial to enjoy a wide variety of color tones