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Fujifilm X Summit on May 16: What is Coming and What Not, What is Rumored and What We Hope For


So Fujifilm has announced the Fujifilm X summit for May 16.

We reported about it earlier today and in that article I also said that our sources told us the Fujifilm GFX100SII will be announced on that day.

Now the question came up if that’s the only gear Fujifilm will announce. So let me try to give you an answer.

First things first: so far I have only been told about the Fujifilm GFX100SII coming mid May.

However, we also know Fujifilm has other gear in the pipeline for the first half of 2024:

The questions are:

  • will Fujifilm announce it all together?
  • does Fujifilm prefer to give the GFX100SII a dedicated launch day, and make a separate announcement for the X-T50 and the new kit lens?
  • did I share a wrong rumor?

Well… don’t worry. We don’t share wrong rumors here. Everything will happen as we tell you it will.

But I will contact our sources and see what they have to say about it. And as soon as I can I will share an update here on FujiRumors.

And beyond that?

Well, the only gear Fujifilm has pre-announced, is the Fujinon GF500mmF5.6, but that one is listed on the official G mount roadmap as coming sometimes in 2024. So it could be on May 16, but also later on.

What’s not coming is definitely the Fujifilm X-Pro4 and also no Fujifilm GFX100R.


Well, I am growing increasingly frustrated by the lack of a new X mount roadmap. I keep asking for a new one since years and Fujifilm keeps ignoring our wishes. So at this point I have no expectations anymore.

Anyway… answers will come. Some of them on May 16, but many other answers will come well before that.

Stay tuned on FujiRumors ;).

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Personal Stuff

Fujifilm Pulls Plug on X100F/X-T20 Repairs and Full List of Gear No Longer Repaired by Fujifilm

Fujiilfm has a dedicated page, in which they show which products are no longer being repaired.

This year (2024) Fujifilm has ended repairs for the Fujifilm X100F and Fujifilm X-T20. Both cameras had been announced back in January 2017.

Here is the full list update in April 2024:

List of Products No Longer Being Repaired by Fujifilm

X-mount zoom lens

Compact camera

NiSi Athena 18mmT2.2, 40mmT1.9 and 135mmT2.2 for Fujifilm G Mount Announced

NiSi just announced new NiSi Athena Prime lenses:

These lenses will cost about 1.3K each with the trio-combo costing $3,499 and the 5-Lens Kit combo costing $5,798.

The new Athena lenses add up to already available G mount NiSi Athena lenses:

These are Full Frame Cine lenses but there is also a Fujifilm G mount version of them, but that one has no drop-in filter option and can’t fully cover the large format GFX sensor, as reported by CineD. So I guess you best use these lenses in the 35mm crop mode on GFX.

Fujifilm X-T50 is Coming :: The Hard Life of Scalpers :: The Special X-Pro4 :: Firmware Updates & More – Top Articles in March

Here are the top 10 articles for March.

  1. I am Sorry Scalpers, But Fujifilm USA Cares: Large Number of Limited Edition X100VI Order Canceled and Raffle Announced
  2. Fujifilm X100VI Shipping Schedule: Next Batch is Coming, Regular 2-Week Shipments in First 2 Months and Future Delivery Plans
  3. The New Kit: Fujifilm X-T50 to be Announced Together with XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8
  4. Fujifilm Firmware Updates for X-T4, X-T3, X-S10, X-T30II and GFX50SII
  5. Fujifilm X-Pro4 not Coming in 2024: The End of Line or the Beginning of Something Very Special?
  6. There Will NEVER be a Fujifilm X-T40, because it Will be Called Fujifilm X-T50 ;)
  7. Fujifilm X-Pro4: Here is the Truth!
  8. Fuji Guy Billy: “I Can See the Fujifilm X-Pro Moving into 5th Gen, but it Needs Something Special”, Talking X100VI, X-T40, Future Lenses & More
  9. Fujifilm X100VI (vs X100V and Co) Dynamic Range Test Debunks Myth that Higher Megapixels Mean Lower Dynamic Range
  10. Japanese Fujifilm Managers: X-Pro and X-E line Not Stopped, X-Trans is Here to Stay, PSAM vs RETRO, GFX Sports Photography and More


Top Videos

Beyond X100VI: Fujifilm X Summit Suprises – New Fujinon XF Lens Teaser, XApp Boost, Kaizen Love and More!


Fujifilm X Summit Surprises

So, the epic Fujifilm X summit took place and we got it all covered:

And then it happened.

The one more thing.

And oh boy, was it one of a special kind!

So here is what they said:

New XF Lens on Roadmap

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Fujinon XF 16-55mmF2.8 Emergency Firmware Available

Fujifilm has released the emergency firmware for the Fujinon XF16-55mm f/2.8 R LM WR that was promised to us a few days ago.

Fujinon XF16-55mm f/2.8 ver.1.31 – download here
The firmware update Ver.1.31 from Ver.1.30 incorporates the following issue:

We have found some malfunctions (Phenomenon in which the exposure of a captured image becomes abnormal in combination with a certain focal length and aperture value) in the firmware Ver. 1.30 released on 22 Jan 2024.
Customers who have updated to Ver.1.30 should update to Ver.1.31.
If you update to Ver.1.31, the functions will be the same as Ver.1.20 and the following functions (*) added in Ver.1.30 will no longer be available.
* Improved exposure tracking during zoom operation.

Now THAT was fast. Considering that I would love to update my Fujinon GF50mmF3.5 firmware, but that one is suspended since forever (same thing also for the GF35-70mmF4.5-5.6 WR). Dear Fujifilm, in case you don’t know, we also use your GFX gear. So we’d love a fix for that too.

SUSPENDED: Fujifilm Removes Latest XF16-55mmF2.8 Firmware and Promises Emergency Update

A couple of days ago Fujifilm has released several (also major) firmware updates. And they also promised Kaizen firmware updates coming.

The news today is that the firmware update for the Fujinon XF16-55mm f/2.8 R LM WR was flawed and has now been suspended from the Fujifilm download page.

Fujifilm is preparing an emergency firmware and FujiRumors will let you know as soon as it goes online.

In Ver. 1.30 released on January 22, 2024, it was confirmed that the exposure of images taken with certain focal length and aperture value combinations became abnormal.
For this reason, the firmware download has been suspended.
We are preparing an emergency firmware for customers who have updated to Ver. 1.30, so please wait for it.

You can access the note about the removed firmware update here.

Hopefully it won’t end up forgotten and suspended forever like the GF50mmF3.5 firmware.

CONFIRMED: Fujifilm X100VI Announcement on February 20 (and More?)

So Fujifilm just officially announced the next Fujifilm X Summit for February 20.

And according to our sources, for sure we will get the Fujifilm X100VI on February 20.

Will we get even more?

Well, at the moment I don’t know it. But what I know is that Fujifilm has LOTS of stuff in the pipeline for the first months of 2024.

In fact, we confirm: Fujifilm will announce more cameras in the first months of 2024 than in the entire year 2023. Which means “3 or more” cameras.

We also told you that the successor of this camera here is the next MILC camera to be launched, as we reported here.

And last but not least, we already leaked the images of the next XF lens that Fujifilm will launch, which will be the replacement of this lens here. If you want you can see the images here plus read additional specs here.

Finally, there are lenses on the official Fujifilm roadmap for 2024 and other gear that could come (but we don’t really have solid rumors about them for now). We shared a big Fujifilm 2024 overview here.

I will try to figure out exactly what will come.

But for sure I can tell you now: the Fujifilm X100VI is scheduled for February 20 announcement.

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The Rumors for 2024 (Ranked by Reliability) and the Ultimate 2023 Rumor Check

The Rumors of Past & Future

It’s time for our yearly rumor check, so that you guys can decide if FujiRumors was worth your time or not.

We will also give you an overview over all remaining rumors for 2024 ranked by reliability.

  • 75 rumors shared in 2023
  • 12 rumors still to be verified
  • 60 correct rumors out of 63 verifiable rumors
  • 2 wrong rumors (sort of… not really… but yeah…)
    NOTE: one rumor instantly corrected (just misunderstood the source)
    NOTE: another one is 99% correct, just a small detail is not accurate (how much faster the GFX100II sensor is compared to the GFX100 sensor). Still today this is not clear, but I am brutal to myself and move the entire stuff into the wrong section
  • 1 rumor out of ranking (for reasons I will explain below)
  • 96.7% correct rumors

Rumor Overview with Rating

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What to Expect from Fujifilm in 2024 (and What Probably Not)

Fujifilm 2024

In November we have shared quite some rumors (as you can see here). And not only that! In our previous 2024 outlook, we forgot to add gear that Fujifilm has already pre-announced to come in 2024 as well as give you a look into rumored third party AF lenses.

That’s why we need to update our view into the Fujifilm year 2024.

All the X/GFX rumors come from our sources, whereas the speculations are often based on hints and comments that managers gave in interviews.

Remember, Fujifilm will launch 3 or more cameras in the first months of 2024. This means there are still more cameras we have to (and we will) leak here on FujiRumors.


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