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Vote Your Top Fujifilm (Related) Gear 2023

click image to find out what I personally consider the top gear of 2023
click image to find out what I personally consider the top gear of 2023

Top Gear 2023

So we told: there are no more Fujifilm announcements in 2023

And while in 2023 we might still get maybe some manual of even this new third party autofocus lens as well as the Meike AF 55mm f/1.4, a few more Yongnuo lenses and the first Brightin Star AF 50mm f/1.4, but those will come either in late December or next year, so we are basically done with pretty much anything.

This means it’s time for you guys to let us know what you consider the top gear announced in 2023.

Quick note: the list includes cameras and lenses with autofocus or at least electronic contacts.

My Top Fujifilm Related Product of 2023 was...

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These are the 17 New Autofocus Lenses we Got for Fujifilm X in 2023

X Mount AF lenses in 2023

In 2023, Fujifilm launched only one XF lens, the Fujinon XF 8mmF3.5.

But that is not all we got in 2023 in terms of autofocus X mount lenses.

In fact, many third party lens manufacturer have launched their own X mount AF lenses, and if we sum them up all, we see we got a total of 17 new lenses (some of them announced and coming soon but not yet on the market).

So here is the list.

  1. Fujinon XF 8mmF3.5
  2. Sigma 10-18mm f/2.8
  3. Sigma 23mm f/1.4
  4. Sigma 100-400mm f5.0-6.3
  5. Tamron 11-20mm f/2.8
  6. Viltrox 20mm f/2.8
  7. Viltrox 27mm f/1.2
  8. Viltrox 75mm f/1.2
  9. Sirui Sniper 23mm f/1.2
  10. Sirui Sniper 33mm f/1.2
  11. Sirui Sniper 56mm f/1.2
  12. TTartisan 35mm f/1.8
  13. Meike 55mm f/1.4
  14. Meike 85mm f/1.8
  15. Samyang AF 75mm f/1.8
  16. Yongnuo YN50mm F1.8X
  17. Brightin Star 50mm f/1.4

But as we can see, third party lens manufacturer prefer to navigate through the safer waters of popular focal lengths.

What we need at this point is Fujifilm to offer also something that other brands still not really offer: a long telephoto prime.

They need to do that, despite the fact that, as we have shown in this “vote future X mount lens” survey, telephoto lenses are not high on the priority list of FujiRumors readers.

The reality is that it’s on the wide end that at least our readers want more options from Fujifilm. You can check out the most wanted lenses here.

TTArtisan AF 35mm f/1.8 Autofocus lens for Fujifilm X Available Now – First Look Reviews

The TTArtisan AF 35mm f/1.8 autofocus lens was pre-announced in early October, and now it has been fully announced and you can pre-order it here.

The first mount available is the Fujifilm X mount version here.

You can also find the first reviews about this lens online.

  • alwinkok – TTArtisan 35mm f1.8 – A New Bargainous Option
  • fujifanboys – A sexy 35mm F1.8 AF by TTartisan
  • 5050travelog – TTArtisan 35mm f1.8 review
  • fujixweekly – TTArtisan 35mm F/1.8 Autofocus for Fujifilm X-Mount


Video Reviews

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Fujifilm CEO Says Cameras Sell Well (if they Are Made), Increased R&D for More New Products and BLACK FRIDAY Sales Opportunity

Recently we shared the second quarter financial results of Fujifilm (in Japan the fiscal year starts in April and ends in March)

The numbers were actually good:

Imaging achievements. The sales of instant photo systems and digital cameras were strong, with revenue up 19.5% YoY to JPY219.2 billion and operating income up 85.5% to JPY49.4 billion.

But despite that, the growth was not as strong as Fujifilm hoped for.

Hence, in a Q&A session discussing the financial results, the Fujifilm CEO (Mr. Goto) and the Vice President (Mr. Higuchi) were asked about the reasons for that.

Shibano [Q]: I would like to ask President Goto about Imaging. Since President Goto took office, I believe you have often expressed your strong belief in the potentials of Imaging. In fact, the strong performance of H1 of the fiscal year indicates this, but the operating income for H1 was JPY49.4 billion, and even though Q4 is usually weak, there is Q3, so H2 of the fiscal year, which includes the sales season, is expected to see a 387% decrease, or even a 17% decrease YoY, which is a little questionable. I would like to ask again if there is any specific reason for such a decline, worse than the previous year, in H2. This is the point what I would like to reconfirm.

Higuchi [A]: Regarding H2 of last year, we closed our U.S. plant in H2 of last year, and there was a one-time profit. One reason is that we don’t have it in this term. Another is that we have increased development costs for new products in H2 in order to continue to introduce new products without interruption, and we have also increased marketing expenses and marketing investment.

Goto [A]: I will continue with my answer. Now, we are looking at Black Friday toward December, the biggest sales season in the U.S. at the end of November, and the purchasing situation, or rather the movement, is on par with the previous year, but the voice from the person in charge is that inflation in the U.S. is high. We have heard that it is not clear whether it will be as good as the previous year. However, in fact, given the tight demand for INSTAX film and the fact that cameras are selling well if they are made, I believe that there is room for a bounce upward, although we are taking a firm stance now. Is that all right?

Good thing first: one reason why the profit was not as strong as hoped, was that Fujifilm has allocated lots of resources to increase development and marketing expenses in order to assure “to continue to introduce new products without interruption“.

Of course the managers talk about R&D money for Instax as well as digital cameras. But it’s great to hear that overall they keep investing more money to push development.

Also worth to note is the comment of Fujifilm CEO Mr. Goto, who says that “cameras are selling well if they are made“. And this is probably Fujifilm’s biggest issue so far, with lots of cameras out of stock and in many cases even a complete suspension of camera sales in certain countries until who knows when.

The CEO says the hope is to “bounce back” thanks to Black Friday sales, although inflation is still high and it is not sure if the holiday season will run as good as last year.

And in this regard, here are the current deals you find on X/GFX gear that should help Fujifilm to show up with better figures by the end of the fiscal year.

GFX Gear

X Cameras

X Lenses

Fujifilm Q&A here

Third Party X Mount Autofocus Lenses Ranked by Popularity (among FR readers)

Back in July I asked which autofocus lenses do you own.

It was a huge survey that included all XF/XC lenses as well as all autofocus lenses currently available for X mount for a total of 65 lenses.

Now, the first 27 position are controlled by Fujinon lenses.

We have to go to the 28th position to find the first third party autofocus lens.

Down below I will share list of third party lenses ranked by popularity among FujiRumors readers.

My Personal Gear

Third Party AF Lens Popularity

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BRIGHTIN STAR Large Aperture Autofocus Lens Coming Soon

Xingyao Optics announced on their Chinese social media that the will launch a Brightin Star large aperture autofocus lens soon.

Given the trend we see from Chinese manufacturers (see below), it is safe to assume that also Brightin Star will offer an X mount version of this lens.

Brightin Star lenses are sold at Amazon here.

via Weibo

Full List of Third Party AF X Mount Lenses
— Available, Coming Soon, Rumored —

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Fujifilm X Autofocus Lenses Reviews Roundup

Today we are going to share reviews about all kind of autofocus lenses for the Fujifilm X system, from Fujinon to third party lenses.

The lenses we will cover in this roundup are:

If there is any lens you are interested in listed above, then feel free to check out the review about it below.

Review Roundup

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7Artisans Autofocus Lenses for Fujifilm X now Tested by Photographers

FujiRumors already told 2 years ago that 7Artisans started to work on autofocus lenses for Fujfiilm X.

Well, it looks like the development is finally done and those 7Artisans AF lenses are already out for testing, according to reports shared at the Chinese social media account on Weibo 独立摄影师联合会 here.

Full List of Third Party AF X Mount Lenses
— Available, Coming Soon, Rumored —

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New Fujifilm G Mount Lens Roadmap Released

Fujifilm unveils the latest development roadmap for interchangeable lenses designed for the GFX Series of mirrorless digital cameras

Press Release

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