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The Future of Fujifilm in Patents: Full Frame Lenses Coming, X100 with 20mmF2 lens, Foldable Fuji Smartphone and More

The Future of Fujifilm in Patents

Why Fujifilm?


Why are you doing this?

There is no need for one, totally wasted R&D.

These lenses make no sense!

That’s how some of the comments sounded on my various platforms after I have published the latest patents of the XF56mmF1.7 and re-designed XF18mmF1.4.

And these comments came after I warned you in the article that in 11+ years of blogging I have never seen a patent actually become a real product.

And despite my repeated warnings, some people keep taking those patents as an indication of what’s really coming next from Fujifilm.

But if it was really like this… I mean, if patents would really show us the way that Fujifilm is taking, then where are:

So, even though I feel a bit like Don Quixote fighting the windmills, I will give it another try today.

But I’ll take a different approach this time.

Because, well aware that a good number of people don’t go beyond the headline, I decided to create a headline that shows how absurd it is to put any trust in these patents. And hopefully, this will motivate people to look deeper into this subject.

And how do we look deeper into it?

Well, in this article we look at the 67 patents FujiRumors has shared starting from our first one posted back in 2012 until the latest one here.

Give them a look, and then make up your own mind if you should take patents as solid indications of future products.

All the Patents (Have Fun :))

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New Firmware Beats New Gear :: New Fujifilm Camera Registered for September :: XApp is Out :: Top on YouTube & More – Top May Posts

Here are the top 10 most read articles in May.

However, I have excluded all the X-S20 rumors from the list, as at this point it’s not a problem if you missed them, since the real thing is now out and you can get all the details and specs at the dedicated pages.

Interestingly, despite all the rumors and new gear, the most read article was about the new firmware updates, which shows that sometimes we want to get improved what we already have rather than new gear.

  1. New Firmware for 13 Fujifilm X/GFX Cameras: Huge Autofocus Boost for X-T5/X-H2, ISO on Command Dial of X-H2/S, XApp Support and More
  2. Two New Fujifilm Cameras Registered to be Launched Separately – May 26 and September 12 According to FCC
  3. Fujifilm X-T4 Discontinued (in Addition to X-Pro3, X-E4, X-T30II, GFX50R, GFX100)
  4. Fujifilm CEO Teiichi Goto: “We Have Found a New Gold Mine in the Photography Business”
  5. The 3 Biggest Fujifilm X Summit Disappointments
  6. New Fujifilm X App Available Now for iOS and Android
  7. TAMRON 11-20mm f/2.8 Announced: Compact, Lightweight Ultra Wide-Angle zoom lens for FUJIFILM X-mount APS-C
  8. LEAKED IMAGES of Five Yongnuo Autofocus Fujifilm X Mount Lenses Coming (including 11mm f/2.8 and 50mm f/1.8)
  9. ANNOUNCED: Voigtländer ULTRON 27mm f/2 for Fujifilm X Mount
  10. Is This Really All We Will Get? – FUJIFILM CAMERA ROADMAP 2023

May was also my most active month on YouTube so far.

In this case we will include also the rumor related videos, simply because  many of them are filmed while I was out on several locations around my home and you might enjoy to watch a bit of the Dolomites, the Road of Wine and so forth.


WANTED: New Fujifilm X Mount Roadmap Needed (and Why)!

After the Fujifilm X Summit on May 24, I wrote an article about the 3 biggest disappointments of the Summit.

One of them was the lack of a new X mount roadmap, considering that now with the XF8mmF2.8 R WR out, there is no more lens on the roadmap.

Now, at this point I want to make absolutely clear that this was just my very personal opinion. If you think differently, than that’s totally fine and your opinion has just the same reason to exist as mine.

But I also think what I said was a bit misunderstood, especially in regards the new roadmap, and here is why.

The main critique I got was that I should stop asking for new lenses, that what we have is enough and there is no need to rush out with more lenses.

And yes, we sure have lots of lenses, also considering all the third party AF lenses we now have. And many of us have all their needs covered already.

But that was not the point of what I wanted to say.

What I wanted to say is that, despite everything we already have, there are still some lenses that people wish for and in some cases really need for their photography, as shown by our massive future X mount wishlist survey.

And Fujifilm can only win if they publish a new roadmap. Because:

  1. people who are currently still missing certain lenses they need and see them on the roadmap, are more likely to stay with Fujifilm and just wait for the lens to come
  2. photographers, who are interested in the Fujifilm system but are currently not yet using it because it does not offer a certain lens, they might actually start to switch to Fujifilm if they see that the lens they need is on the roadmap. They might to start to look out for good deals, buy into the system, and buy the lens they need later on.

Keeping people in the system and facilitate others to join by publishing roadmaps is a huge advantage that Fujifilm is currently missing out on.

There are only two potential downsides to publishing roadmaps:

  1. if Fujifilm puts MKII lenses on the roadmap, people will stop buying the older version. But that’s a problem Fujifilm has solved by almost never putting MKII lenses on the roadmap
  2. Roadmaps are a “promise” that Fujifilm makes to its customers. But it can happen that Fujifilm breaks the promise and makes changes to the roadmap (see XF80mm macro instead of XF120mm macro or XF50mmF1.0 instead of 33mmF1.0). And when changes are done, some customers might feel disappointed by those changes as Fujifilm “broke” the promise they made

But these two downsides are more than compensated by the advantages solid long term roadmaps bring.

And since I love Fujifilm and I want them to succeed, I want Fujifilm to take the best possible decisions for the system. And in this case, in my opinion, Fujifilm would only profit from giving us a new roadmap.

Fujifilm Facebook Groups

Fujifilm X: The Huge Lens Review Roundup

It’s time to share a huge roundup covering all possible third party lenses for the Fujifilm X mount.

The lenses we are going to cover are Fujinon lenses as well as third party lenses.

Down below is the list of covered lenses. If there is any that interests you, check out the full article below.

Fujinon Lenses:

Third Party Lenses:


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Coming in 2023: Yongnuo 23mmF1.4, 33mmF1.4 and 56mmF1.4 Autofocus Lenses for Fujifilm X

A few days ago we shared an image of a mysterious 33mm f/1.4 autofocus lens for Fujifilm X mount and we speculated it could be a Yongnuo lens.

Well, our speculations were correct. And moreover, this will not be the only AF lens coming from Yongnuo for Fujifilm.

Yongnuo will launch the following three lenses autofocus for Fujifilm X mount according to the Camerabeta at the Chinese Weibo social media here.

  • Yongnuo 23mm f/1.4
  • Yongnuo 33mm f/1.4
  • Yongnuo 56mm f/1.4

The new Yongnuo lenses are going to have some stiff competition:

Yongnuo 23mm f/1.4 vs…

Yongnuo 33mm f/1.4 vs…

Yongnuo 56mm f/1.4 vs…

Good luck Yongnuo!

Given the latest rumors, news and pre-announcements, it is time to update our full list of third party AF X mount lenses.

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When my Old XF23mmF1.4 Beat Sony Full Frame and other Wonderful Moments (but now Welcome my New XF23mmF1.4 R LM WR)

It’s Here

It’s never easy to let go gear you used and loved a lot. Gear like my good old Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 R for example.

But now the time has come.

I’ve just received the new Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 R LM WR and I’ve explained the reason why I bought it here already.

The Magic of Making Money by Buying Gear ;)

I bought the lens at Amazon IT here, as they had a better price than my local store and are also qualified for the Fujifilm cashback.

Convincing my wife of this investment went like this:

  1. I don’t need to pay for the lens, because I am paying it with the money I made from the X-T4 sale
  2. there is a sweet deal on the new XF23mmF1.4
  3. by buying the new XF23mmF1.4 I can get rid of the old XF23mm and make even more money
  4. I’ve booked a table for 2 for dinner at a fancy restaurant tomorrow. Yes, only for 2! It will be our first dinner without our son after 2+ years. Grandma is informed, she will watch after our son

This tells us one thing: photography is definitely an expensive hobby when you build up your system, but it gets much cheaper once you can fund new gear by selling old one.

Remember the Good

But I don’t let go my good old Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 with a light heart, as I had many great moments with it. Let me name a few “episodes”.

Beating Sony ;)

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Multiple Third Party X Mount AF Lenses Could be Coming Soon: SIGMA 23mmF1.4, TAMRON 11-20mmF2.8 and SAMYANG

Third Party X Mount AF lenses

Latest leaks, rumors and speculations suggest that the Fujifilm X System might grow of several third party autofocus lenses very soon.

Two lenses are confirmed at this point. One lens is not confirmed, but there are hopes for it come soon.

So let’s put some order in the latest rumors and speculations.


As we reported here, the specs for the Sigma 23mm f/1.4 DC DN have leaked. It will come also for Fujifilm X mount. So that’s sure to come soon.

It will be Sigma’s fifth autofocus lens for the X system in addition to the four they already offer here.


This is a rumor that comes from our sources. Also in this case the announcement should be imminent. We don’t have additional specs for now, but it will come and it will be Samyang’s second AF X mount lens after the Samyang 12mm F2 AF.


Undoubtedly the lens most of you desire (as we can see from this survey): the Tamron 11-20mm f/2.8 Di III-A RXD.

Now, at this point there are no rumors about it. All we have is a rumor that Tamron is having an announcement on February 22.

Tamron has basically already said back in 2021 that they will release the Tamron 11-20mm f/2.8 also for Fujifilm X mount. Let’s hope that February 22 will finally be the day.

Full List of Third Party AF X Mount Lenses

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Rumor of Tamron February 22 Announcement fuels Hopes for Tamron 11-20mm f/2.8

Very soon, there will be a new third party autofocus lens for Fujifilm X mount.

The one I talk about, will be coming from Samyang, as we reported here.

But the absolute top wish of the Fujifilm X community (based on this survey) is the lovely Tamron 11-20mm f/2.8 Di III-A RXD mirrorless APS-C lens.

Tamron has already teased here this lens to come for Fujifilm, but so far we have no indication on when it will be launched.

Well, how2fly now shared on Twitter here that Tamron will have an announcement on February 22 (Japan time).

Of course this fuels hopes again for the Tamron 11-20mm f/2.8, but so far we have no further information on what is coming.

So let’s cross fingers we will get more than just one new third party AF lens for Fujifilm X soon ;).

Full List of Third Party AF X Mount Lenses

Available Now:


Rumored to Come Next:

We Don’t Forget:

Electronic contacts for software correction support, EXIF, etc, but no Autofocus

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Europe to join USA with Huge Deals on Some of Fujifilm’s Best Lenses

FR-reader Ralf informed us about upcoming cashback deals coming to Europe that are mirroring those already available in the United States of America.

Here is the list of savings available starting from February 16 in Germany (and very likely in many other European countries too).

On February 16 I will pay a visit to my local store to get the Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 R LM WR ;).

Europe Deals

USA Deals

Official Fujifilm Deals

Price Drops

X Camera Deals

GFX Deals

RUMOR UPDATE: Upcoming Third Party Autofocus X Mount Lens is NOT from Chinese Manufacturer

We told you recently here that a new third party autofocus lens is about to come for the X system.

Well, now we have an important update that rules out quite some options.

According to information we have received, the upcoming third party AF lens will not be from a Chinese manufacturer.

So which are the brands left?

From those, who already offer AF lenses, we have Tokina, Tamron, Sigma, Samyang and Zeiss.

Let’s discuss the options:


There is the lovely Tamron 11- 20mm F / 2.8 Di III-A RXD that Tamron itself hinted here would come also for the X mount in future.


I think whatever Sigma has in terms of mirrorless DC lenses (DC = APS-C lenses), is already offered for X mount. But they could adapt an FF lens to the X mount. So if it is coming from Sigma, then it must be something new, or maybe adapted from their Full Frame glass, as for example Tamron did with their Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7.


Tokina has until now only the Viltrox-clones for X mount. However, they have launched a dedicated mirrorless APS-C lens (for Sony) last year, the Tokina 11-18mm f/2.8. However, when they launched that lens Tokina has not hinted that it would come also for the Fujifilm X mount.


I know Samyang offers the Samyang 12mm F2 AF lens for X mount. But I am not aware of Samyang having any other APS-C autofocus lenses available for other mounts.


I feel we can rule out Zeiss, as they are virtually dead in regards to AF X mount lenses. They could have been very successful, as they entered the AF X mount market when Fujifilm hardly had any lens available. But they did so by offering lenses that Fujifilm already offered at a lower price than the Zeiss Touit lenses. Such a missed opportunity.


Will a new brand join? Well, I can’t rule that out either for now.

Your Guess

Just for fun, a little survey where you can make your guess on who will offer the next X mount AF lens ;).

The Next Autofocus X mount lens will be coming from...

View Results

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Full List of Third Party AF X Mount Lenses

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