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The Ultimate Fujifilm Film Simulation Guide :: Get Bleach Bypass & Co in C1 on Older Fuji Cameras :: & More – X-Trans/Film Sim. Roundup

X-Trans / Raw Converters / Film Simulations Roundup

These days I am catching up with all the content you guys shared me over the last few weeks and months, and I promised to share at some point.

So, after a big camera roundup and a big lens roundup, here is a X-Trans Raw Coversion film simulation roundup.

Why all this in such a short time?

Well, because soon Fujifilm will unleash a product-strom, with the announcement of:

And all this goodness will come on January 27.

Ahead of January 27 there will be lots of rumors, and after that, FujiRumors will cover everything you need to know about the new products.

So I am using this weekend of realitive quiteness to catch up. And I know there is still content you guys sent me that has not yet been shared. I have it all saved. And at some point I’ll share that one too.

I really do my best, but it’s a huge amount of content you send me and that I have to check out. And no matter how hard and how much I work, it’s not easy to keep up sometimes.

Down below you can check out today’s roundup.

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Fringer NF-FX AF-C Tracking Test with Nikon AF-S 500mmF4G VR on Fujifilm X-S10

Fringer has just tested and optimized the performance of the Nikon AF-S 500mmF4 G VR using the new Nikon NF-FX smart AF adapter on a Fujifilm X-S10.

Fringer has also optimized Nikon AF-S 600/4G VR. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as stable as 500/4G on X mount due to the power supply limitation. The next firmware release, i.e. v1.10, will include supports for these lenses as well as some of the other big primes.

You can see the AF demo video as well as the full list of supported lenses below.

VIDEO DEMO + Full List of Supported Lenses

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Fujifilm 2021: Is This Really All? Or How Much New Gear We Could Get in 2021 Looking at Fujifilm’s Past Camera & Lens Releases

Fujifilm 2021 – Is This Really All?

Every week I get many emails from fellow FR-readers, asking me if this is really all.

They look at the current X mount roadmap and the latest G mount roadmap, and they see only 3 lenses in total. That’s meager.

Then they look at our rumors, see that we rumored only two cameras, the Fujifilm GFX100S and the Fujifilm X-E4 and wonder if that’s all for 2021.

I diligently reply to all of them, but it has become quite time consuming. So let me address this question one final time here on FujiRumors, so that in future I can just copy and paste the link to this article and send it to those, who inevitably will make me the same question again.

How Many Cameras Could we Get?

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2020 Rumor Check: What’s Right, What’s Wrong and What’s Still to Come (with Reliability Ranking)

One or two times a year, I like to look back on the rumors we shared here on FujiRumors, and see if I delivered accurate content or not.

Plus, I will share the remaining rumors that should materialize in 2021 with reliability ranking.

Let’s check it out:

  • 90 rumors shared in 2020 so far
  • 1 rumor still to be verified and 2 rumors not in ranking (details below)
  • 82 correct rumors out of 90 verifiable rumors
  • 5 wrong rumor out of 90 verifiable rumors (most of the the wrong rumors were acutally right at the time of sharing. You’ll understand if you check out the details below.)
  • 91% correct rumors

Rumor Overview with Rating

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Fringer Nikon NF to Fujifilm FX Smart Autofocus Adapter Released

The Fringer NF-FX smart autofoucs adapter has been officially released.

It’s world’s first smart adapter that support Nikon F mount lenses working on Fujifilm X cameras while keeping all the auto functions.

Close to 100 lenses or lens & TC combinations have been tested and optimized. They all support fast and accurate phase detection AF on latest X cameras. Please see this list for detailed models. More lenses would be added to the list in the future through adapter firmware updates.

You can see an autofocus tracking demo video in this article.

You can pre-order the Fringer NF-FX smart adapter at AmazonUS here, the Fringer Store as well as eBay here and soon also at AmazonUS here, BHphoto here and Adorama here.

Full List of Supported Lenses and Cameras and Product Images

Supported lenses

Supported cameras

None X-Trans & X-Trans I CMOS (PDAF not working, Poor performance)

  • X-A1, X-A3, X-A5, X-A7
  • X-E1
  • X-Pro1
  • X-M1
  • X-T100
  • X-T200

X-Trans II CMOS (PDAF enabled)

  • X-E2
  • X-T1
  • X-T10

X-Trans III CMOS (PDAF, Good performance)

  • X-H1
  • X-T2
  • X-T20
  • X-Pro2
  • X-E3

X-Trans IV CMOS (full sensor covered PDAF. Better performance)

  • X-T3
  • X-T30
  • X-Pro3
  • X-T4
  • X-S10

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The Power of Fujifilm Colors: Why I LOVE Fuji Colors and See Them in Action at Our Film Simulations Group

I don’t know you, but when I look at an image, the first thing I notice is not how sharp it is at 400% magnification or how grainy it is at 12800 ISO.


What first grabs my attention are subject/composition and colors. Those are the main “WOW” factors for me.

And while for the first one (subject/composition) no Fujifilm camera can help you and it’s totally up to the photographer to compose a pleasing image, when it comes to colors, Fujifilm cameras can be quite a good support for us photographers, and certainly they are for me.

Since I switched to Fujifilm (after a long journey searching for “my” system), I have quite radically changed (and speed-up) my editing-workflow thanks to Fuji’s film simulations.

I still shoot RAW+JPEG, I still adjust exposure, add sharpening here and there and make some other tweaks. But the more film simulations Fujifilm was releasing over the years, the less I found myself in the need to laboriously edit the color part of my images in order to set the right mood.

Not to talk of all those times, when the JPEG is just right out of the box, and I don’t adjust anything at all.

So yes, for me, Fujifilm film simulation make a whole lot of difference and are one of the main reasons why I love Fujifilm.

In order to celebrate Fujifilm colors, I recently launched the Fujifilm Film Simulation group, which has reached 10+K members in a very short time.

In this group, images can be edited in all their parts (sharpening, shadow/highlight recovery etc), except for colors. The colors must come purely out of your Fujifilm camera (or be applied in post in Capture One / Lightroom).

It is also allowed to share images that use custom presets, which means take a film simulation and fine tune its settings in-camera (increase contrast, add grain etc), creating your own receipts to store as custom profile inside your Fujifilm camera. Those are very fun to try out!

Now, since I am in total lockdown again (see me here chilling with my dog and cat at home), I have a bit more time this weekend and I decided to use it to go though the images at our Fujifilm Film Simulation group and pick out some of the most liked shots for you.

You’ll see images taken with all kind of film simulations, but you’ll notice that Classic Chrome and Classic Negative turn out to be the most shared and liked ones (or receipts derived from those film simulations).

But also ACROS, Velvia, Provia and one of my favorites, Astia, are also present down below.

Feel free to check out the images below and to join the group if you want.

NOTE: if you join the group and share images, do not forget to tell us which film simulation you used in the description of the image.

I wish you a fantastic weekend,

Film Simulation Images Roundup

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New Fujifilm Financial Results: COVID-19 Can’t Stop X-T4 and X100V, Instax Rises Again but Pandemic Still a Serious Issue

The latest Fujifilm financial results for the 2nd quarter 2021 (1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020) have been released.

Of course COVID-19 had a terrific impact, but there are some signs of recovery and hope.

First of all, after a couple of rather negative reports in the past, Instax seems to be growing strong again, which is, as we know, the real money machine of the imaging division.

But also sales of the Fujifilm X-T4 and X100V were “brisk” and there is a recovery trend in the when it comes to digital camera sales.

And yet, overall the numbers are still negative due to COVID-19, but Fujifilm writes:

Operating income was down, but if COVID-19 impacts are excluded, the segment secured income of a similar level to last year

Overall Fujifilm writes:

In the Imaging Solutions segment, consolidated revenue amounted to ¥113.9 billion (down 26.1% from the same period of the previous fiscal year). Sales of products and services in general decreased due to the impacts of stay-at-home orders, temporary closure of retailers, and a variety of events not being held, or being cancelled, in many cities worldwide due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Consolidated operating loss amounted to ¥2.1 billion.


In the electronic imaging field of the optical device and electronic imaging business, temporary closure of retailers and fewer opportunities to take photos due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a decline in revenue. The digital camera market as a whole faced severe challenges and overall demand declined far below the previous year’s level. Nonetheless, sales increased steadily for FUJIFILM X100V, a high-end, compact digital camera launched in February 2020, and FUJIFILM X-T4, a mirrorless digital camera highly regarded for its high-speed AF and advanced video performance, launched in April 2020. In July 2020 we launched the FUJINON Lens GF30mmF3.5 R WR as a new interchangeable lens for the GFXSeries, providing a compact wide-angle prime lens that delivers ultra-high resolution. Then, in September 2020, we launched a new addition to our lineup of interchangeable lenses for the X Series in the form of the FUJINON Lens XF50mmF1.0 R WR, a large-diameter mid-telephoto prime lens, thereby enhancing the appeal of our products as systems through a generous lineup of lenses. Going forward, we will continue providing value-added products and revitalizing the market, along with sharing the joy of taking photos.

In the optical device field, revenue decreased, reflecting reduced sales of broadcast and cinema lenses due to cancellation of sports events, and suspended filming of television dramas and movies, as well as reduced sales of vehicle-mounted lenses due to lower demand in the automotive industry worldwide. Demand for lenses for security purposes held firm, and revenue for the second quarter was higher than the same period of the previous fiscal year. Aiming to achieve business growth in this field, we are expanding our business domains and developing innovative products that satisfy the diverse needs of the market, including developing and launching ultra-short-throw projectors and long-throw security cameras, and developing new multispectral camera systems.

Here are the various documents:

Fujifilm X Summit Starts NOW – WATCH LIVE on FujiRumors!

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Pre-Order Open Very Soon!

Fujifilm X Summit – LIVE

Fujifilm X Summit Live Stream starts now. You can follow it here on FujiRumors (video above).

Our Fujifilm Owners Groups/Pages


  • Fujifilm manager introduces new building dedicated to Fujifilm X/GFX series development
  • Fujinon XF50mmF1.0: has potential to open new possibilities for photographers and videographers.
  • XF50mmF1.0 enjoys strong preorders. Manager apologizes for the delay. Fujifilm is preparing to increase capacity

XF10-24mmF4 R OIR WR

XF10-24mmF4 WR press release

  • XF10-24mmF4 is one of most popular lenses of X series. Fujifilm maintains optical quality, but improves build quality.
  • XF10-24mmF4 has 1 stop better OIS. Combined with X-T4 it has 6.5 stops OIS
  • marked aperture ring was requested by users, and Fujifilm listened
  • XF10-24mmF4 available November 2020


New Official Lens Roadmap

  • XF70-300mmF4-5.6 will be compatible with 1.4x and 2x teleconverters. Reach up to 900mm (in 35mm format)
  • launch next year (2021)
  • XF18mmF1.4
  • the pancake style 18mmF2 was designed for mobility, but this lens is designed to prioritize image quality. Sharp image all over frame with no distortion
  • XF18mmF1.4 will be available within next year (2021)


Fujifilm X-S10 Press Release

  • X-Trans 4 + X Processor 4 (same of X-T4)
  • has all film simulations of X-T4
  • has IBIS with 5 axis 6 stops
  • 4K30p
  • vary angle LCD
  • Fujifilm took a different approach in terms of design. X-S10 achieve functional beauty with straight and curved lines
  • grip is very comfortable
  • has built-in flash
  • small camera with high functionality is something many customers desire
  • task was to make IBIS fit in smaller camera
  • IBIS was a must have function for this camera
  • X-S10 has much smaller IBIS than X-T4
  • they reduced size of the parts needed to boost the power of the IBIS
  • up to 6 stops IBIS
  • X-S10 has best AF system in X series lineup
  • focuses in 0.02 seconds
  • -7EV low light AF
  • X-S10 has AUTO mode. Not new to Fuji system. But AUTO mode will chose automatically best film simulation, dynamic range, clarity, color chrome effect etc. All applied automatically
  • The talk film simulations and say “Your style, our color”
  • released schedueld in November, and $999 for body only

Firmware Updates

Firmware X-T3 Announcement

  • Fujifilm X-T3 will get an update
  • -7 EV low light AF
  • faster Autofocus
  • intelligent Face/Eye detection AF
  • available for download in 2 weeks (28th of October)

X-S10 / XF10-24mmF4 Coverage