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Viltrox 56mm F1.4 XF Coming September 20

Viltrox has announced that the new Viltrox 56mm f/1.4 for Fujifilm X mount will be available on September 20.

You can pre-order it now at BHphoto here.

Good timing to announce it just a few days after the launch of the latest Fujinon-bomb, the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0.

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Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 R WR

Top 10 August Posts: Leaving Sony FF for Fuji X, Mysterious New Fuji X Camera, The Power of Fuji Colors, Why No Full Frame and More

Here are the top 10 posts for August:

  1. Global Shutter: 120+ MP for Fujifilm GFX120 and 31 MP for Fujifilm X-H2?
  2. This Professional Landscape Photographer Explains Why he is Leaving SONY Full Frame for FUJIFILM APS-C
  3. Fujifilm Manager Explains Why Medium Format and Not Full Frame, Talks About Fixed Lens GFX, X-Trans MF Camera and More
  4. RUMOR: Fujifilm to Release a New Mid-Range Camera that is NOT an X-T30 or X-E3 Successor (Mysterious new Fuji)
  5. Hungry for Fujifilm X-H2, Visions for X-T5, Hopes for X80, Modular Fujifilm GFX, Monochrome and More – FR Readers Wishlist Corner
  6. LIVE NOW: Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Beta Tester Shows First Sample Images
  7. A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Should Fujifilm put a Full Frame Sensor in the GFX G-Mount?
  8. BREAKING: Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Announcement on September 3 and cost $1,500
  9. The Power of Fujifilm Colors: See Pure Fuji Colors in Action at our New Fujifilm Film Simulations Group
  10. LEAKED: Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Press Text – World’s First F1.0 Autofocus Mirrorless Lens!

Bonus Posts:

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BREAKING: Fujinon XF 10-24mm f/4 Mark II Coming Soon

A Fujifilm manager said back in February 2020, that, within the next 12 months, there will be 4 new Fujinon X mount lenses.

One of them is the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0, which will be announced very soon, on September 3rd.

And thanks to our sources, we also already leaked the following lenses:

And today we are going to share the last one to come, the…

  • Fujinon XF 10-24mm f/4 MK II

So, the complete Fujifilm roadmap for the next few months is the following:

So, my job is done. FR unveiled it all for you. Now feel free to do what you can do best here on FujiRumors: commenting and letting us know what you think about it!

My opinion?

Well, the Fujinon XF10-24 is a great lens already (and I own it), but there were two things I never understood:

  1. why Fujifilm didn’t make it weather sealed (sure, there was no weather sealed Fujifilm X camera when the XF10-24 was launched, but the glorious Fujifilm X-T1 would have followed just 2 months after the XF10-24mmF4 release)
  2. why Fujifilm didn’t give it a marked aperture ring, since it has a constant f/4 aperture

I strongly hope that Fujifilm will implement those two features on the upcoming Fujinon XF10-24mm MK II.

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New Fujinon Premista Lens and More Coming September 2

A third Fujinon Premista lens will be annonuced on September 2, in addition to the 2 we already have:

More about Premista lenses:

  • – Craftsmanship of Fujinon Premista Lenses Cine Lenses
  • – FUJINON Premista PL Mount Cine Lenses Cover Fujifilm GFX sensor
  • – Fujifilm Introduces the Zoom Cinema Lenses “Premista” Series

The press conference will feature a number of presenters and guests.

Presenters Include:

Marc Cattrall – Fujifilm United Kingdom
Stosh Durbacz – Fujifilm Canada
Thomas Fletcher – Fujifilm USA
Hideyuki Kasai – Fujifilm Germany & Japan

Special Guests
Marko Massinger – DoP, Germany
Matthew Duclos – Duclos Lenses, USA

Other Products that will be Introduced include:

  • An extremely long, fast, PL Mount FUJINON zoom lens developed in response to the unique needs of the Multi-Cam Cinema Style Production market.
  • A cost-effective solution to Blackmagic’s new URSA Mini 12K camera.
  • A variety of new Third Party Products that enhance FUJINON lenses for film crews.

Zoom Session RSVP

Two Zoom sessions are available and RSVP is required to receive the links.


10:00am – London – BST
11:00am – Central Europe – CEST
Noon – Moscow – MSK
2:30pm – India – IST
5:00pm – Beijing – UTC
6:00pm -Tokyo – UTC
7:00pm – Sydney – AEST


10:00am Los Angeles – PDT
Noon – Mexico City – CDT
1:00pm – New York – EDT
2:00pm – São Paulo – BRT
6:00pm – London – BST
7:00pm – Johannesburg – CEST
8:30pm – India – IST

via newshooter

Fujinon XF Lens Roundup: The Travel King, The Pancake Experience, Best Astrophotography Lenses and More

One of the privileges I have running FujiRumors, is that I get to (virtually) meet thousands of Fujifilm X shooters every year.

I get all sorts of questions, feedback, ideas, feature requests and more.

I really try to do my best to answer you all, and one of the things I really enjoy, is that I can give additional exposure to Fujifilm X and GFX shooters out there, by sharing roundups like this.

Sure, it’s a hell of a work, but I feel it’s a nice way I can give back something to the FujiRumors community, which is always so numerous and wonderfully active here.

The content to share is still massive, so I stepped a bit on the gas, and, in addition to the mixed zone I have shared recently, here is another dedicated Fujinon lens roundup… and more will come.

Fujinon Roundup

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Fujifilm X-T4 vs Sony A7R IV Comparison with Fujifilm Manager Warwick Williams

Josh from Georges compares two cameras the Fujifilm X-T4 and the Sony A7R IV to see what they are like for both stills and video.

The curious thing about this comparison, is that he is assisted by Warwick Williams from Fujifilm Australia.

The gear used, beyond the Fujifilm X-T4 (26 MP) and the Sony A7rIV (61 MP):

Of course, when zooming in a lot into the image, the 61 megapixel have an advantage in terms of resolution. But I guess if resolution is what you need, then why just be happy with 61 MP when you can get 102 megapixel with the Fujifilm GFX100 ;).

Then they compared the depth of field between the XF56mmF1.2 and the FE85mmF1.4 and the Sony blurs the background a bit more. Warwick says he should have used the XF56mmF1.2 APD version to get results even closer to the ones you get with the Sony 85mmF1.4.

Let me add a comment: get the upcoming Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 if you really want the ultimate background blur.

A bit more dynamic range for the Sony, but the APS-C sensor hold up very well.

APS-C systems are generally smaller and more affordable.

Georges ends up saying that after looking at the samples, there is a difference between FF and APS-C, but it is a lot smaller than he would have expected.

Warwick ends up saying that Fujifilm wants to keep the APS-C system smaller and lighter, and for that purpose APS-C is better as it allows for smaller lenses. He also speaks for X-Trans, which he says has advantages over Bayer (which FujiRumors explained here, but we also talked about disadvantages in the same post).

Warwick concludes that “smaller and lighter means you are going to use it also more“.

George ends up saying, it all comes down to personal preferences as each system as its Pros and Cons (which we highlighted in this article).

Nobody talks about the price difference ;).

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The Power of Fujifilm Colors: See Pure Fuji Colors in Action at our New Fujifilm Film Simulations Group

Let’s start with a curiosity:

The same guy at Fujifilm, who crafted the original films like Velvia, is still in charge of developing new film simulations. Yep, he is responsible for Fujifilm’s color science since 50 years now! We reported about Minami-San here. A life devoted to colors.

A devotion, that translates into those lovely film simulations, Fujifilm X and GFX shooters usually appreciate a lot.

Personally, I am at a point, where film simulation are one of the reasons, I would not leave the Fuji system anymore. I mean, it’s nice to know I come home from a 2 weeks holiday with many images, and that those lovely film simulations will save me lots of editing time because they give me great results out of the box.

And then I thought…

Many of you reading this blog, maybe don’t own a Fujifilm camera, maybe you just think to get one, and maybe you wonder what’s all the buzz around these “film simulations”.

Well, in order to show you this, I decided to launch e new facebook group, dedicated to Fujifilm film simulation: Fujifilm Film Simulations Facebook Group.

In this group, images can be edited in all their parts (sharpening, shadow/highlight recovery etc), except for colors. The colors must come purely out of the Fujifilm camera (or be applied in post in Capture One / Lightroom)

So, if you are curious to see the Fujifilm film simulations in action, or if you want to share your own images and display the power of Fuji colors, then feel free to join here.

The Power of Film Simulations – IMAGES

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RUMOR: Fujifilm to Launch Fujinon XF 27mm f/2.8 Mark II

Fujinon XF 27mm f/1.4 MK II

Here is the fact: a Fujifilm manager said back in February 2020, that, within the next 12 months, there will be 4 new Fujinon X mount lenses.

FujiRumors has investigated, and thanks to our sources we were able to tell you back in May here, that two existing Fujinon X mount lenses will be updated.

Now we can unveil (thanks :)) what the new MK II prime lens will be: the Fujinon XF27mm f/2.8 MK II.

I know, this will divide many of you.

Personally, as a happy owner of the Fujinon XF27mm f/2.8, a MK II version of this lens would make me very happy.

Just, dear Fujifilm, don’t make the same error you did in the past, and don’t forget to put an aperture ring on it, and keep it as you showed us in the XF 27mm mock-ups of 2013 here.

I included the XF27mm in my “5 most underestimated Fujifilm X-series products” trilogy, and Antonio calls it “the best unnoticed lens on fuji world

With that said, here is the updated FujiRumors X mount lens roadmap.

XF 27mm Curiosity

If you are a long time FR-reader, maybe you’ll remember the FR-birthday quiz I made back in 2016.

In that quiz, we discovered that the XF27mm f/2.8 was the second best selling Fujinon prime lens of all time until December 2015 (find out who was the best seller here).

Let’s hope the new version will repeat that big success.

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Astrophotography with Fujifilm: Get Stellar Results with Fujifilm APS-C and Medium Format Cameras

I have received an email from a fellow member of our Fujifilm Astrophography facebook group, which said:

I was thinking you could perhaps share some of the pics taken on the FB group “Astrophotography with Fujifilm” that you manage. Lots of awesome pictures there! We often hear you need an expensive full frame camera or big telescope, but that’s just wrong, as this group suggests.

That would be great to attract more Fuji shooters to this group, it’s a very nice community where we help each other and learn from our experiences.

Astro can be daunting for the newbie, but it shouldn’t. Also, there aren’t a lot of Fuji shooters in the astro community, so I’m sure it could spread the virus — the good one!

Oh well, here it is.

Have fun and may this post inspire you to try your luck with the stars, too :).

Images Roundup

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FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-H2 Dream Features, Fujifilm X-E4 Survey, Fujinon XF 135mm F3.5 and More

I apologize, because…

… I try and I think I succeed to reply to every single one of the 20+ emails and personal messages I get every single day.

However, not always I am able to give you the comprehensive reply you’d deserve, for a simple reason: time!

In fact, I have day job as a teacher and I run FujiRumors totally alone. Hence, in order to be able to reply to everyone with the limited time I have left, sometimes I just must give a shorter reply, even if often your emails would deserve a comprehensive answer.

Now, some of the most interesting emails I get, are those, with input, ideas and wishes for future Fujifilm products.

And since also to those emails, often I can’t reply as comprehensively as I’d love to, I had the idea to share them with the entire FujiRumors community, and extend the discussion to all of you.

Last time we discussed:

  • read here – FR-readers Wishlist Corner: Fujifilm X-TSony, Firmware Upgrade Suggestions, Lens Wishes and Much More

Today I’d have selected a few more of those wishes.

So, if anyone reading this is interested, feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments.

You have wishes about the Fujifilm future, too? Well, then write me at

Have a wonderful weekend,

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Wishlist Roundup

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