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Fujifilm X-E3 Announced: Full Press Release, Product Catalogue, Sample Images and More!

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Pre-order your gear using the links below to support FR. 0% extra costs for you. Thanks :)

Fujifilm X-E3: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon XF 80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujifilm X-E3 Links

Full Press Release

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Fujinon XF33mm F1.0… there is (a Tiny Bit) Hope Again for the “Full Frame Killer”

Fujinon XF33mmF1.0

The Fujinon XF 33mm F1.0, or as some of you guys call it here on FujiRumors, the “Full Frame Killer“, has such a long rumor story, that it’s better to make super-quick summary for all new FR-readers, before we move on to the next chapter.

If you’ve followed the 33/1 story since its start and are familiar with it, then scroll down to “The Hope” section.

The Rise

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Fujifilm X-E3 will Shoot 4K Video

Ok guys, I’ll keep it short this time because I’m babysitting and we are trying to build a rangefinder Lego Camera like this one now : )

Today’s rumor is as simple as that: the Fujifilm X-E3 will shoot 4K video.

And in the meantime…. Billy, keep up fighting for 4K on X-Pro2… or the X-Pro2 will be the only X-TransIII camera that can’t shoot 4K!

have a GREAT day,
Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

Rumored Fujifilm X-E3 specs

Two Most Underrated Fujifilm Lenses :: Mitakon 35mmF0.95 Review :: Do You Need To Refocus After Zooming On X Lenses? (Fuji Lens Zone)

The Two Most Underrated Fuji Lenses at Finding Middle Earth Youtube

Fujinon Lenses (and third party / adapted)

Fellow Fuji X and G shooters,

I really get a terrific amount of emails with requests to be featured on FujiRumors and I want to make everybody happy. So I have decided to share more miXed zones than we were used in the past. This will allow me to keep roundups smaller (less links) and give you guys an overall better reading experience (I hope).

Also, I’m trying to organize miXed zones in a way that it makes sense, which is why lenses, GFX, X100F and occasionally also RAW converters, accessories and more get a a dedicated roundup.

It’s quite a lot of work for me, but I’m happy to invest my time to feature you all and to improve your reading experience.

As usual, I’m thankful for feedback… I really try to do my best, and in case you have suggestions, they are always welcome.

Now back to today’s roundup, which is dedicated to the heart of every system: the lenses!

In the past I’ve written a 3 articles that included the 5 Fujifilm lenses/cameras I think are the most unterrated in the Fujifilm world. Links below:

We also launched a “most underrated Fujifilm camera/lens” Poll… feel free to drop your vote :)

Push READ MORE to SEE and VOTE the Polls

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Fuji XF 55-200 Revisited, the 18-135, and Other Musings!

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

guest post by Philip Sutton: philipsuttonphotography website + Instagram @finartfoto

Previous guest posts of Philip Sutton

  • Fuji X-T1, X-T2 – A New Way of Seeing! – Read here
  • Fuji X-T2 and X-T1 – a New Perspective on Myanmar in 2017 – Read here
  • Fuji X-T2/X-T1 – Recce in Bali – Read here

As you would have read on my last two blogs, I had recently sold off all of my Nikon gear over the last year or so and replaced everything with Fuji equipment. I have extensively used my 18-135 lens and the marvellous little 35mm f2. The 18-55 I never liked (not sharp or very useful wide open at the 18 or 55 end), so that was sold recently on ebay. However, the 55-200 kind of sat there in no-man’s land and never really got used. I did a commercial shoot last year where I had to shoot over 25 models for our local TAFE (Technical and Further Education). The girls were graduating from their Makeup and Beauty Course, and I was asked to photograph the models for their portfolios. Of course the 55-200 was the perfect choice for that occasion. The photos looked great and everybody was very pleased with the results.

One of the models from the shoot with the 55-200 lens.

After that – I kind of popped the lens back into the camera cupboard and forgot about it. I had thought long and hard about the lenses I would take on the month trip to Myanmar at Christmas, but because the 55-200 lens was not sealed, it did not even get on the short list. I ended up specifically purchasing the 18-135 because of the weather sealing. I had been to Myanmar on two prior occasions and I remembered how unbelievably dusty and dirty it can be over there (especially Mandalay and Hsipaw).

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Fujifilm Manager: “X-T2 (and X100F) Worldwide Sales Are Remarkable. The Canon and Nikon Stranglehold is Starting to Relax a Bit” (miXed zone)

The Interview

In a quick interivew, well-known FujifilmUK manager (as well as fellow GFX facebook group member) Theo Georghiades, says that:

  • The Fujifilm X-T2 feedback and sales are remarkable, worldwide. It’s the top 5, sometimes top 3 interchangeable camera in the country. “The Canon and Nikon stranglehold is starting to relax a bit.”
  • Recently, especially the Fujifilm X100F has such a high request, that Fujifilm can’t fulfill pre-orders. Fujifilm is aware that customers are upset, but they do their absolute best.
  • The Lens quality and variety are the biggest aspect of Fujifilm’s success
  • The Fujifilm GFX Feedback is really amazing. Really positive vibe about the camera.
  • The manager also sounds very confident about the GFX image quality, as he says he likes that people put Fujifilm products up against the big contenders and to open people’s eyes to what else is out there.

Check out the interview at youtube here.

Btw, the Fujifilm GFX facebook group is well represented by Fujifilm Managers, employees and X-photographers, as well as 10,000 more fellow Fuji G shooters and fans. Feel free to join us there.

And to get only GFX tailored news, follow our GFX facebook page.

Fujifilm GFX
USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

  • New Orleans with the Fujifilm GFX-50S Camera at mendelsonfineartphotography
  • Fuji GFX 50s vs Sony A7r II in German at enjoyyourcamera (the reviewer somehow sounds much more excited about the GFX image quality and says it has more 3D pop than the Sony)
  • GFX 50S: Surpassing All Expectations by Kara Mercer at fujifilm-x
  • The Photography Show 2017 (general coverage with short remarks also about Fujifilm and the GFX and Hasselblad X1D) at electriclemonade

Fujifilm X-T20
USA BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm XF50mm
USA BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS

  • Close-up Examples From The Fuji XF 50mm f2 R WR Lens at findingrange
  • Fuji XF 50mm F2 IR & UV Hotspot Test at kiwiinkyushu

What’s Next From Fujifilm? … and First 2017 Rumor Check (100% Correct Rumors)

Two or three times a year, I feel like I need to put a bit of order in the whirlwind of rumors, and give you guys a well-ordered overview of the rumors shared so far this year by FujiRumors.

It’s also the opportunity for me to check back the accuracy of all the rumors I’ve shared this year.

So high time for some facts:

  • 229 blog post published so far in 82 days (2017)
  • 36 rumors shared in 82 days (2017)
  • 12 rumors still to be verified
  • 24 correct rumors out of 24 verifiable rumors
  • 0 wrong rumors out of 24 verifiable rumors
  • 100% correct rumors

Sure, there are still 12 rumors that have to be verified, not all will be correct (because they are wrong or Fujifilm will change plans), but I’d say of the 12 remaining, I wouldn’t be surprised if most are correct.

A big hug goes to all sources, from the most anonmyous to the most trusted one, who decided to help me to find the right path in the fake rumor jungle and to put excitement in the Fuji world by sharing accurate rumors. You make being an Fuji shooter even more fun :-)

Also, thanks to everybody, who spotted some interesting Fuji related news/rumor/deal/review on the web, and took his/her time to drop me an email with the link to it. Much appreciated… and feel free to keep it up.

thanks to all,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

* 75% to 99% correct

  • Fujifilm X80 Coming Second Half of 2017 (shared February 20)
  • Trusted Source Confirms: “Fujifilm Developing Ultimate APS-C X-camera. Based on X-T Design. Price Not Yet Set, but Most Expensive X” (shared 14 March)
  • Instax Goes Hybrid: Fujifilm INSTAX Square SQ10 Will have a Micro SD Card Slot (shared 16 March)
  • First LEAKED Image of the Fujifilm Instax SQ (not SQ10). Film Only (shared March 17)
  • Instax Square SQ10 with USB-Charging (shared March 18)

*50% to 74% correct

  • Fujifilm X100F Allows You to Change ISO Value with Command Dial (Probably Coming to X-Pro2 via Firmware) (shared January 16) – NOTE 1: X100F part is correct. To see if it comes also to X-PRO2. NOTE 2: The firmware announcement of March 23 says that this feature will come via Firmware, but only to X-T2. This sounds very strange to me. Could be an error of Fujifilm. I’ll wait for the firmware to come out, and if indeed the X-Pro2 does not get this feature, move this rumor in the wrong rumors section
  • Fujinon XF 33mm F1.0 No Longer on Fujifilm’s Internal Roadmap … GAME OVER for Fuji’s Super Fast Lens? (shared January 30)
  • Fujifilm Plans Fujinon XF 18mm F2 Mark II Lens (shared February 9)
  • Profoto and Miltiblitz support for GFX (shared February 26)
  • Fujifilm (Currently) Planing a Fujinon XF200mm F2 (shared March 2)

*25% to 49% correct

  • Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR will Be The Next X-mount Lens Launched after the XF80mm Macro (shared January 25)
  • Fujifilm Working on the Ultimate $5,000+ APS-C X-Trans X-series Camera (also for Video) (shared March 3)

*1% to 24% correct

  • This could actually be by far the longest section…. I’d just need to publish all the fakes ;) .


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2017 X Workshops :: 7 RAW Converters Compared :: Fuji Guys F-Log/X-T20 Videos :: XF50/2 First Look :: From Canon to Fuji (miXed zone)



I’d light to highlight a few workshops that could be interesting for you. And just to be clear: I’m not affiliated with any of these workshops. If you join them or not, I won’t make a penny out of it. However, from my own experience, I can tell you that workshops can help way more to improve your photography than purchasing new gear.

Streets of Vancouver Photography Workshop
Simplicity In Seeing Online Training & Inspiration

It’s a few years now, that I follow Olaf’s work with admiration. Definitely a talented X-shooters. And I’m happy to see he is now willing to share his talent not only through his images, but also to share his knowledge and experience with workshops and online trainings

  1. The Streets of Vancouver Photography Workshop, his first photography workshop ever (3 days in July). For more details, please check out his website here.
  2. Olaf also launched his educational and mentoring platform, Simplicity-In-Seeing. The platform was created to go beyond what is currently available in photography education. His focus is on the craft of seeing, on all the elements that help photographers to develop, maintain and challenge their seeing. Check out his website here.

More Workshops & Trainings

  • There is a Fujifilm “X” Photographers Travel & Nature Summits at fujifilmxphotosummits with 3 ½ days of presentations, talks etc. by 4 Fuji “X” Photographers + technical and corporate from the FUJIFILM headquarters in New York. Jack Graham and Bill Fortney also offer a few workshops over the year in USA. Full details at fujixphotoworkshops.
  • Rico Pfirstinger Workshops: Go To New Zealand (or Guernsey) to Learn How To Master Your Fujifilm Camera at Rico’s Ultimate X-Secrets Workshops 2017. More here.
  • X-Shooter Ian offers workshops and online educational. More at ianmacdonaldphotography. Vancouver Street Photography Workshop here + Toronto Street Photography Workshop here.
  • NEW – UPDATE  (NSFW): X-photographer Jiri is offering Group Nude Art Photo Workshop in Prague (click here) and 1-on-1 Nude Art Photography Courses in Prague (click here)


Fujifilm GFX

Fujifilm 100F

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Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR will Be The Next X-mount Lens Launched after the XF80mm Macro – Source Right in the Past

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR

I’ve shared the first rumor about the Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR in May 2016. Since then, we haven’t heard much about it anymore.

All we know, is that Fujifilm delayed the release of the XF8-16mm, because they prioritized smaller WR lenses, such as the XF35mmF2, XF23mmF2 and the XF50mmF2… and of course Fujifilm invested a lot of time also in the medium format G-mount system.

But here is an update for you today.

I hear from a source, right in the past, that once Fujifilm completed the current roadmap with the release of the XF80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro later this year, the next X-mount lens to be released will be the Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8. But… please take long term rumors always with …. you know what ;)

Stay tuned on FujiRumors…. because apparently rumors never take a rest ;)

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujifilm X100F: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro
Fujifilm X-T20: USA BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, ParkCamerasUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed
and Twitter

Fujifilm X100F to be Launched in Black and Silver on January 19

Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group – 4,600 members

Just like the X100T, also the X100F will be launched in black and silver. – via nokishita

So soon we will see:

– X100F (Black / Silver)
– X-T20 (Black / Silver)
– XF50mm F 2 R WR (Black / Silver)
– GFX-50S
– GF32-64 mm F 4 R LM WR
– GF63mm F 2.8 R WR

Nokishita says it will be announced next week. According to FR sources, it will be the 19th.

Fujifilm X100F Facebook Group – 1,900 members