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X-T2 Video with Zhiyun Crane and Blackmagic Video Assist :: X-TransIII (X-T2) Vs. Bayer (A7II) Texture & Detail Comparison (miXed zone 2/2)

Fujifilm X-T2 Videos
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama

Since the launch of the X-T2 last year, we have all learned how good the 4K video on the X-T2 is. Now, I will not bore you again with cold video tests and comparisons. At this point it’s far more interesting to see what creative photographers and videographers can produce with it.

One of those photographers is Kjetil Kevin Madsen. He made a series of videos using a Fujifilm X-T2 with a Zheyun Crane and Blackmagic Video Assist.

He shared his experience and the videos in his blog post: “Shooting video with the Fujifilm X-T2, Zhiyun Crane and Blackmagic Video Assist” at kjetilkvienmadsen

TransIII Vs. Bayer

Fujifilm X-Trans III vs. Bayer (X-T2 with Fujinon 56mm f1.2 APD against the Sony A7II with Zeiss Batis 85mm f1.8) – Texture & Detail Comparison at thephotofundamentalist: “What I have personally concluded is that when a top quality 24MP Full-Frame sensor and the 24 MP APS-C X-Trans III are compared using vaguely comparable lenses, the results at low ISOs are very close indeed when using Adobe Lightroom CC.”

Fujifilm X-T1 WPJA Award

French wedding photographer Bogarte has been awarded by WPJA (wedding photojournalist association) with 2 pictures shot with his X-T1 and XF16mm 1.4. Here are the two pictures that you can view on the wpja website: Picture 1 and Picture 2. Last wedding season, he used 2 X-T1 (16mm and 56mm) and X100s then Sony A7s with 35 2.8
You can have a better view on his work at

& more

Would a Fujifilm X-E3 without Tilt Screen be a Dealbreaker for You? – POLL

Fujifilm X-E3 Vs. Rest of the X-World

NOTE: This is NOT a rumor that says the X-E3 has no tilt screen

In my love letter to the X-E3 back in June 2016, I launched several polls, to see which camera X-shooters would prefer to buy: X-E3, X-Pro2, X-T20 and X-T2.

Well, the X-E3 is the clear winner.

Coincidence or not, a few months later, Fujifilm officially said that “we are aware of the many requests for Fujifilm X-E3“.

The rumors? In December 2016 I’ve shared that the X-E3 is back on Fuji’s To-Do list and just recently a new source told us that the X-E3 could come this fall.

Now believe me, I’m a guy that has its feet well set on the ground, but I can’t stop thinking that Fujifilm was motivated to revive plans for the X-E3 after they saw the overwhelming positive response it got here on FujiRumors. And it wouldn’t be the first time, you guys influenced Fujifilm decisions.

They read you guys… your opinions even make it into official Fujifilm meetings with the press ;)

The Problem with the X-E3 Poll

But there was something in the X-E3 Vs. Rest of the X-world polls we should consider: I told you to imagine an X-E3 with tilt screen, and then vote on it.

But what if the X-E3 had no tilt screen? Would you still prefer it over the X-T2, X-T20 and X-Pro2?

To answer this question I will launch the same poll again, and see how good (or not) a “tilt-screen-less” Fujifilm X-E3 performs in the survey compared to an X-E3 with tilt screen.

happy voting :)
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

Fujifilm X-E3 WITHOUT Tilt-screen Polls

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Fujifilm GFX: Landscape, Studio… and Look at This Shadow Recovery

Fujifilm GFX 50S – Unboxing, studio test and my first thoughts at ThePhotonauts youtube… shows also the shadow recovery capability of the camera (see image below and video at 3:12)

1) Fuji GFX-50S | Hands-on Review at wexphotographic youtube

2) Landscape photography in Madeira with the Fujifilm GFX in German at 0816fotograf (translation): ” The camera perfectly supports my very conscious and focused landscape photography and my other photographic aims. Thus the Fujifilm GFX is the ideal tool for the future. It is a professional tool that delivers top results when used correctly.”

3) Fujifilm GFX experience in Norway at williamchua (shooting northern lights with the GFX and testing weather sealing and battery life in extreme conditions): “The details and dynamic range is fantastic. Coupled that with the Fuji colors and the black and white film simulation, its definitely a winner.”

4) GFX 50s First Impressions at fotograficoweb: “The GFX is a pure medium format camera – quintessentially. Feels smaller, like a DSLR, follows the X series brilliant ergonomics and disappears from your hand after a couple of hours letting you focus on photography. And this is probably one of the better attributes of the GFX. It is not an extremely desirable object like a X100F or a X-Pro2 from the design point of view but it is highly functional, specially because it produces MF files […] Is it better than a full-frame DSLR? It is DIFFERENT and not comparable. ”

5) Discover what the GFX can really do, by enjoying tons of samples and discussions at out GFX facebook group here. To get GFX tailored news, follow our GFX facebook page.

*** New Fuji X Deals – Save up to $500 ***

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro

whops, flash did not fire? no problem :)

Fujifilm X-T2/Pro2 Firmware Update on March 27 :: Lok’s GFX First Look :: Fujifilm X-T2 Vs. Nikon D500

Let’s dive deep into the youtube world today, and see what vloggers there have to share about the wonderful world of Fujifilm :-)

Firmware Rumor

According to Eric Marks (video above), the Fujifilm Kaizen Firmware for X-T2 and X-Pro2 will be out on March 27. At minute 3:42 he says that:

From everything that I’ve heard, it seems like these updates are going to be officially released on Fujifilm’s website on March 27th. That’s just what I’ve heard popping around. I’ve no clue if that’s a fact or not. But it did say late March, and it’s already the 23rd, so it’s going to be soon

Sounds like something you should take with a grain of salt ;). See the video at finding middle earth youtube


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Mitakon 35mm/0.95 Review by Jonas Rask :: The Joy of GFX :: My X100T Menu Setup :: Studio Vs. Natural Light & More (miXed zone)

The Mitakon 35mm/0.95 verII costs $599 at BHphoto and $799 at Adorama

Mitakon Speedmaster 35mm F/0.95

Jonas Rask pulled the trigger on the super fast (manual focus) Mitakon Speedmaster 35mm F/0.95 Mark II lens and shared his review at jonasraskphotography. Some excerpts:

  • the f/0.95 on the APS-C will give you a depth of field close to that of an f/1.4 lens on a 35mm full frame camera
  • It does have a huge advantage over the f/1.4 lenses [on Full Frame]. It will collect light as a 0.95 lens. Mitakon even writes in the packaging notes that it is a T0.95 lens. So it will really suck in the available light. – This means that you can use higher shutter speeds (one stop), or reduce ISO (one stop) to achieve the same exposure as you would with the f/1.4 mounted on a full frame camera when shooting both wide open. So at the same DOF you get less shake or less noise.
  • First of all I get bitingly sharp center focus from this lens if I nail focus. Its sharpness does falloff into the corners at 0.95. I would not recommend shooting corner action and landscapes with this lens wide open
  • So, yes. The sharpness is great if you nail focus. It is actually not hard to focus this lens at f/0.95. Mainly because the contrast between the sharp, and very narrow, focus plane and the out of focus areas is so pronounced, making the focus peaking incredibly easy to use.
  • The bokeh is VERY good.
  • I really like the look of the Mitakon for close up portraits. Shooting it wide open and using flash lights and an ND filter, renders some AMAZING looking images. – Who says you need medium format or full frame for this kind of DOF and tonality.

There is much more to read, and especially to see, at Jonas Rask’s Review here.

Mitakon Speedmaster 35mm F/0.95 for Fujifilm X at BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, [shoplink 55618 ebay]your eBay[/shoplink]

& More

Shooting Studio vs Natural at Nathan Elson youtube + Nathan Elson Custom Lightroom Preset Pack

What’s Next From Fujifilm? … and First 2017 Rumor Check (100% Correct Rumors)

Two or three times a year, I feel like I need to put a bit of order in the whirlwind of rumors, and give you guys a well-ordered overview of the rumors shared so far this year by FujiRumors.

It’s also the opportunity for me to check back the accuracy of all the rumors I’ve shared this year.

So high time for some facts:

  • 229 blog post published so far in 82 days (2017)
  • 36 rumors shared in 82 days (2017)
  • 12 rumors still to be verified
  • 24 correct rumors out of 24 verifiable rumors
  • 0 wrong rumors out of 24 verifiable rumors
  • 100% correct rumors

Sure, there are still 12 rumors that have to be verified, not all will be correct (because they are wrong or Fujifilm will change plans), but I’d say of the 12 remaining, I wouldn’t be surprised if most are correct.

A big hug goes to all sources, from the most anonmyous to the most trusted one, who decided to help me to find the right path in the fake rumor jungle and to put excitement in the Fuji world by sharing accurate rumors. You make being an Fuji shooter even more fun :-)

Also, thanks to everybody, who spotted some interesting Fuji related news/rumor/deal/review on the web, and took his/her time to drop me an email with the link to it. Much appreciated… and feel free to keep it up.

thanks to all,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

* 75% to 99% correct

  • Fujifilm X80 Coming Second Half of 2017 (shared February 20)
  • Trusted Source Confirms: “Fujifilm Developing Ultimate APS-C X-camera. Based on X-T Design. Price Not Yet Set, but Most Expensive X” (shared 14 March)
  • Instax Goes Hybrid: Fujifilm INSTAX Square SQ10 Will have a Micro SD Card Slot (shared 16 March)
  • First LEAKED Image of the Fujifilm Instax SQ (not SQ10). Film Only (shared March 17)
  • Instax Square SQ10 with USB-Charging (shared March 18)

*50% to 74% correct

  • Fujifilm X100F Allows You to Change ISO Value with Command Dial (Probably Coming to X-Pro2 via Firmware) (shared January 16) – NOTE 1: X100F part is correct. To see if it comes also to X-PRO2. NOTE 2: The firmware announcement of March 23 says that this feature will come via Firmware, but only to X-T2. This sounds very strange to me. Could be an error of Fujifilm. I’ll wait for the firmware to come out, and if indeed the X-Pro2 does not get this feature, move this rumor in the wrong rumors section
  • Fujinon XF 33mm F1.0 No Longer on Fujifilm’s Internal Roadmap … GAME OVER for Fuji’s Super Fast Lens? (shared January 30)
  • Fujifilm Plans Fujinon XF 18mm F2 Mark II Lens (shared February 9)
  • Profoto and Miltiblitz support for GFX (shared February 26)
  • Fujifilm (Currently) Planing a Fujinon XF200mm F2 (shared March 2)

*25% to 49% correct

  • Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR will Be The Next X-mount Lens Launched after the XF80mm Macro (shared January 25)
  • Fujifilm Working on the Ultimate $5,000+ APS-C X-Trans X-series Camera (also for Video) (shared March 3)

*1% to 24% correct

  • This could actually be by far the longest section…. I’d just need to publish all the fakes ;) .


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X100F Lensmate Thumbrest + Half Case * GFX Sensitvity Stops at ISO 1,600 + Reviews * 50/2 Image Review * Fuji Guys X-T20 Top Features (miXed zone)

X20 Award Nominated Image

Award nomination with Fuji X20: Dario Ayala was just nominated for a Canadian National Newspaper Award, the highest recognition for Canadian journalists and photojournalists, for an image that he made last summer using the Fuji X20 whose line, sadly, has been discontinued. The X system gets a lot of love, but this series was a bit overlooked during its existence. See the image on instagram here and link to the nomination here.

Fujifilm GFX
USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm GFX facebook member C. shared the image above on the group. It shows a heavily overexposed image and what seems to be an insane highlight recovery capbility of the Fujifilm GFX 50s. This image was a great opportunity to clarify what happens inside the GFX:

X-guru Rico (also GFX facebook member), looking at the image above, explained here:

Sensor analysis shows us that the GFX stops writing gain into the RAW file beyond ISO 1600. So this ISO 6400 shot is actually a ISO 1600 shot that is 2 stops underexposed. So 2 stops of the “amazing highlight recovery” are fake. ;) Lightroom simply applied a virtual 2 stop gain on import, which is of course fully reversable. Basically shooting at ISO 6400 is like shooting with DR400% always on.

Nothing really new here, since all Fujifilm cameras with X-Trans I, X-Trans II and also the X-A1/2 and M1 worked exactly the same way. X-Trans III are different, they bake the gain into each RAW (except for ISO 51200, which is actually ISO 25600 with a 1 stop import gain).

To perform a proper test of sensor highlight recover potential, you have to expose a series of shots at base ISO 100, then try to recover and normalize each of them and see where you put your personal limit of acceptable quality.

it was always nice to have additional DR at high ISO with most EXR I and EXR II cameras. This feature is now back with the GFX, but sadly, Adobe LR/ACR fails to apply correct import amplification in most cases. Basically, everything except for ISO 100, 125, 160 and 200 is somewhat off, often by a larger margin than is acceptable. There’s also a white balance issue at higher ISO settings which affects pretty much all external RAW converters (RAWs from the in-camera converter are okay). Of course, I have documented all of this and sent it to Fujifilm, so maybe Adobe will improve GFX support in a few weeks/months with their next Lightroom update.”

Yesterday, GFX member Wei already pointed out over at the group here after the technical sensor measurements tests by Photons to Photos, that “you can’t push the sensitivity up by adopting an ISO higher than 1600. Your sensitivity stops there

More GFX Links worth to be checked out

  • 20 Days with GFX 50s at huseyintaskin: “Once you enlarge the photo from the computer and look it up, it creates a quality threshold that will never come out of your mind. Whatever you do, your mind is staying in that quality. […] DR is an advantage for me, I can make cinematic tones more comfortable. Each transition is very soft in these colors that you give me in these intermediate tones. It gives a rich transition result.”
  • Fuji GFX portrait session review at mikekobal: “Impressive sensor performance at low and high ISO settings. Fuji’s color science shines once again, jpegs out of the camera are beautiful, lots of latitude for easy tweaks, better then raw files on certain cameras!”
  • Join our super-active and super-helpful Fujifilm GFX community
  • Don’t miss a single GFX tidbit and follow our public GFX Facebook page


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Fujifilm GFX 50s Independet Sensor and Dynamic Range Measurement by “Photons to Photos” (Vs. Pentax 645z, Nikon D810 & More)

We X-shooters are not really used to these kind of tests, mainly for 2 reasons:

  1. DxOmark never tested X-Trans sensors
  2. We don’t care

But news is news, so I’m going to share it here on FujiRumors, and then all of you can make up your own mind.

Short intro: the first time I’ve heard about the website “photonstophotos” was via our wonderful GFX facebook group on March 11 here. This website makes independent sensor tests (just like DxO).

Well, they just included the Fujifilm GFX 50s in their test charts… and at least from a first glance I gave, I’d say the Fujifilm GFX 50s pretty much kicks a$$. This would be no surprise, since Fujifilm GFX owners swear that the dynamic range of this camera is incredible (“if feels like cheating“), as recently posted here and here.

I will be honest to you: right now, while writing this post, I don’t really have the time or the condition to evaluate all the test results (I was out the whole day shooting with my X-T1 + 23/1.4, and I’m closing my wonderful day with a bit too much red wine ;) ). But here is the link to Photons to Photos, and you can make all your comparisons and share your findings in the comments.

With that said, when I’ve heard of this website via GFX facebook group back in March, I did compare the X-T2, X-Pro2, X-T20 and X100F. All these cameras gave different sensor performance results (despite being all X-TransIII cameras). The X-T2 gave better results over the X-Pro2, I guess probably because of the better heat dissipation of the X-T2 body.

I promise that tomorrow I will take a closer look at the chart. If I find something worth to be highlighted, I’ll share it here on FR. But now, pardon me, I have to finish my wine ;)

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

P.S.: Sorry for typos and crappy English ;)

Fujifilm GFX Review: “Unreal Dynamic Range. It Feels like You’re Cheating… The Lamborghini of Medium Format?”

Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUKParkCamerasUKPCHstore AUS: CameraPro

_ _ _

by Allan Higa – website. This article has been posted orignally at and shared at petapixel. Allan Higa is also a very active member of our Fujifilm GFX facebook community, and many of the images you can see in this article have also been shared at the group. He also wrote an interesting guest post for Fujirumors called “How I Capture Genuine Moments With Complete Strangers“. This article is shared here on FujiRumors with permission of the original author, Allan Higa (thanks :) )

Fujifilm GFX Review

Quick history lesson. The original Lamborghini motor vehicle wasn’t the supercar you know today. They were tractors. Yes, tractors. Full fledged farm going vehicular tools. Ferruccio Lamborghini always loved cars and owned Ferraris, but hated the quality of them. Frustrated, he approached Enzo Ferrari and gave him a piece of his mind and told him how to improve his cars. Enzo’s response went something like, “Leave the car making to me, you stick to making tractors.” Batman now drives a Lamborghini Aventador.

Fast forward and cross universes to cameras. The giants such as Hasselblad and Phase One have been untouchable and left alone to rule the medium format world for sometime. Sure, there’s Pentax and Leica, but it’s more like buying a Mazda Miata or a 4-door Porsche, it’s not what you think of when sports car or medium format camera comes to mind. But here we are with Fujifilm, originally a film company, pulling a move like Ferruccio Lamborghini; they’re opening the doors to somewhere that’s otherwise been locked for what feels like all of eternity.

Phase One makes amazing medium formats that few ever touch but all hope and dream of. Hasselblad is quite similar but have introduced something that seemed ground breaking, a mirrorless medium format in the Hasselblad X1D. Now, just like Ferruccio answered to Enzo Ferrari, Fujifilm has brought out the Fujifilm GFX. Will this be a classic like the Lamborghini Diablo? Or is this a Mazda Miata in disguise? Well, I’ve got the keys and this is what I’ve learned.

First off, like anyone else with a new toy in their hands I played with the lifeless camera as the completely dead batteries charged painfully slow. Here are the first impressions.

Body Design and Ergonomic

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Replace Your Standard MacOS Icons with Super Cool Fujifilm Cameras Icons! – UPDATE: Windows Version, too

My Desktop looks much cooler with the New Fuji Icon :)
My Desktop looks much cooler with the New Fuji Icon :)

Fuji Icons for Mac

Fujifilm X100F facebook group member Pawel is still waiting for his X100F, and in the meantime, he tried to manage his impatience by creating some cool Fuji X and G icons to replace the standard MacOS (or Windows) ones.

As you can see in the screenshot above, I’ve already created the X-T2 icon for my Mac (even though I don’t own it). But there are currently a total of 8 icons you can chose (X-T2 black, GFX, X-T2 with grip, X-Pro2 graphite, X100F black, X100F silver, X-20 black and X-T20 silver).

The procedure to change the icon is super easy:

1. Open the info panel of the folder you want to change (Command+i), 2. Locate its icon preview in the left top corner. 3 drag the new icon to this place. Et voila!

And now all you need is the link. It has been originally shared by Pawel at the X100F group here. But since not everybody is part of the closed group or does not have facebook at all, here is the direct dropbox link :) – Windows + Mac

UPDATE: Fujifilm GFX facebook group member Peter made the windows version of the icons. You can download them via GFX facebook group here or my dropbox here.

UPDATE 2: X-E2 Windows Icons: X-E2 silver, X-E2 black

UPDATE 3: Icons for lenses

UPDATE 4: more links in the comments

Pawel, you are GENIUS!!! :)

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter