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COVID-19: My Best Friend Postpones His Wedding, But I Keep my Fujifilm X-T4 Pre-order ;)

I owe you an update.

Back in January I told you how my best friend asked me to photograph part of his wedding.

In a follow up post, we had a vivid discussion on which gear I should use, which to buy and also other things, like how I should deal with the official photographer and much more.

The 56mm f/1.2 was top recommended, and I bought it immediately (although living under lockdown, I can only annoy my cat so far with it).

The main dilemma? Fujifilm X-T4, yes or no?

I thought about it a few days, and then, right at the Fujifilm X-T4 announcement day, I pre-ordered it for these 5 reasons.

And now comes the update.

Due to COVID-19, my friend decided to postpone his wedding to June 2021. That’s a pity, but also a fully understandable decision he made. He surely does not want his guests to go around with masks and be afraid of shaking hands on his wedding.

And my X-T4?

Sure, I won’t photograph my friends’ wedding in June, but I also won’t stop photographing!

Hence, once this situation is over, I can’t wait to get my Fujifilm X-T4 and use it on my travels and on my wonderful Dolomites again.

Oh… and Happy Easter, my fellow Fuji friends ;)

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Fujifilm Manager Talks X-T4 and More: “We Want to Continue Fujifilm X-H Line. Fujifilm X-T3 Firmware Update under Consideration”

Mapcamera interviewed one of Japanese top managers Mr. Takashi Ueno. They talk about Fujifilm X-T4.

The interview is quite long and in Japanese, so for your convenience I have summed it up all in English down below.

And just in case it was needed, he confirms that there will be a Fujifilm X-H2, as FujiRumors always told you and never doubted for a second, even when the whole universe was saying differently.

In fact, I tell you this: at no point in time, Fujifilm ever considered stopping the X-H line. The line they canceled is another one, and we told you here.

The only thing: the Fujifilm X-H2 is still very far away.

Trust me guys… I know what I talk about, and if you want to be the first to know and be guided accurately through the Fujifilm world, all you need to do is to follow FujiRumors.

In fact, I am working on further explosive rumors. Some will totally surprise you, others will probably disappoint you. When time has come, when things are double checked, when green light is given, you will get it all!

And now… the interview.

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Fujifilm Manager Interview

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Fujifilm USA Manager: “Fujifilm X-T4: Lots of Pre-Orders and Available Mid-May”

Fujifilm USA manager Michael Bulbenko made a 10 minutes video on Instagram introducing the Fujifilm X-T4.

Just as the top Manager Toshi Iida said a few days ago in this must see interview, also Michael confirms the strong pre-orders for the Fujifilm X-T4.

But strong pre-orders in times of Coronavirus COVID-19 also introduce shipping difficulties.

Regarding the shipping, I must say I am confused. Let’s sum up the different official statements we got so far in chronological order.

  • March 26: Fujifilm Japan issues a press release, saying that the black X-T4 will ship as expected in late April, but the silver one has been postponed to late May
  • April 2: Fujifilm UK manager says that both colors, silver and black will ship in late April, but body only version. The kit versions will follow “weeks later”
  • April 9: Fujifilm USA manager says that nothing will ship in April, and all will ship in the 2nd or 3rd week of May

Maybe every country will get a different shipping time? That would be unusual for Fujifilm, but in these days everything is unusual.

If we look at stores, BHphoto marks it as available April 30, while Adorama expects it on May 4.

You can see the Manager video and a summary down below.

Fujifilm X-T4 Manager Video

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Iridient Developer 3.3.11 with Fujifilm X-T4 Support Released and Topaz Gigapixel AI

Iridient Developer 3.3.11 for macOS has been released released with support for the Fujifilm X-T4!

Notable changes include:

  • Fujifilm X-T4 RAF support (including lossy compressed RAF)
  • workaround implemented for crashing issues introduced with the macOS
    10.15.4 update.
  • bug fix for sporadic crashes on macOS 10.7.x.
  • The Lightroom plug-in now supports selection by non-RAW (JPEG, etc) images in LR making image selection easier for users shooting RAW+JPEG and using old versions of Lightroom that no longer support their camera(s) natively.

Iridient Developer 3.3.11 can now be downloaded here Full release notes here.

Speaking of software:

Today Topaz launched the new Gigapixel AI (Click here to check out all features).

The new versions has two new features:

  • new Face Refinement tool to enhance facial features
  • Updated user interface with batch workflow
  • a ton of general improvements in all areas

Here you can see how it works:


Fujifilm X-T4 vs X-T3 Eye Autofocus with Fringer AF EF-FX Pro II Adapter, X-T4 IBIS Tests, Reviews and More

Fringer has published a follow up video to the one shared yesterday here, where he compares the autofocus performance between the Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X-T3 using the Fringer EF-FX Pro II smart AF adapter.

Here are Finger’s findings:

In addition to the Fringer video, you’ll find more Fujifilm X-T4 videos below.

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Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

Fujifilm X-T4 Roundup

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Fujifilm X-T4 and Fringer EF-FX Pro II Autofocus Test on Tamron SP 35mm f/1.4

Fringer just uploaded a video, where they show the autofocus performance of the Tamron SP 35mm f/1.4 on the brand new Fujifilm X-T4.

In my opinion, the results are great! You can see the video down above.

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