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New Fujifilm NP-W235 Battery for Fujifilm X-T4 Registered

Nokishita just spotted the registration for a new Fujifilm battery, the Fujifilm NP-W235.

What is this for?

Well, as FujiRumors already told you several weeks ago, the Fujifilm X-T4 will come with a complete new battery, so not the current NP-W126 and not even the GFX NP-T125 battery.

Now you know the name: Fujifilm NP-W235.

We will know, see and read everything about the Fujifilm X-T4 on this date.

Looks like we were spot on with yet another rumor (thanks to the source!!!).

And don’t worry… more is coming on FujiRumors, so definitely stay tuned and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter.

via Nokishita

Fujifilm X Shooter rejoices at the Rumor of Improved Battery Life on Fujifilm X-T4
Fujifilm X Shooter rejoices at the Rumor of Improved Battery Life on Fujifilm X-T4

Fujifilm X-T4 Announcement February 26 at 2PM Tokyo Time / Midnight in New York / 6 AM Berlin Time

Hey folks,

Fujifilm confirmed our rumors, and announced the Fujifilm X-T4 announcement for Febuary 26 at

  • Toyko: 2 PM of February 26
  • New York: the midnight of February 25/26
  • San Francisco: 9 PM of February 25
  • Berlin: 6 AM of February 26

So definitely grab some coffee guys ;).

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Fujifilm X-T4 First Specs, Fujifilm X100V Specs and First Image, Fuji X-T3 Firmware, No New GFX in 2020 & More – Top January Articles

January was an extremely busy month, with 92 articles shared in 31 days.

FujiRumors shared 21 rumors, and some of them surprised many of us, me included, for example the fact that the Fujifilm X-T4 will ship much earlier than everybody was expecting it.

A big thanks goes to our sources (also the new ones that joined in January). You help me to keep the worldwide Fujifilm community on fire for the upcoming releases. :)

Now, with 92 articles in 31 days, you might have missed some tidbits.

So here are the top 10 articles for January.

  1. Fujifilm X-T3 Successor Shipping in March/Early Spring 2020
  2. Fujifilm X-T4 Registered and Coming with IBIS in March, and About that 6K60p Video Rumor
  3. Fujifilm X100V: First Leaked Image (Low Res)
  4. Fujifilm X-T4 Announcement on February 26
  5. Fujifilm X100V with Improved 23mm f/2 lens
  6. Fujifilm X-T3 Firmware 3.20 and Fujifilm X-Pro3 Firmware 1.03 Released
  7. Fujifilm X100V with 2 way Tilt Screen
  8. Fujifilm X100V Full Specs Leaked
  9. Fujifilm X-T4 Coming with Selfie Flippy Screen
  10. Fujifilm X-T4 Coming with Completely New Battery
  11. No New Fujifilm GFX camera coming in 2020

Ok, there are 11 articles, not 10, but I thought the 11th is very important to know, and underline again today, as it might have passed unnoticed under the Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X100V rumor storm.

Fujifilm has a major event on February 4th. Of course, there will be a live stream here on FujiRumors.

Fujifilm X-T4: Tilt Screen Clarification and Survey on Which Selfie Screen you Prefer

Ok, this is a mandatory clarification.

The original rumor of a Fujifilm X-T4 with tilt screen was shared by J. at our X-T facebook group here. I also talked to J., and he confirmed it. And as here on FR we don’t need and don’t like it to take other rumors and sell them as our own, we are happy to quote J.

But here is the point:

J. said the tilt screen will be like the one of the Panasonic S1H.

But I noticed a tendecy on the web, to attribute to FR also the S1H alike rumor.

So I just want to clarify, that all FujiRumors sources told us only about a “selfie flippy screen”, but not which kind of selfie screen it will be. Will it be like on the Fujifilm X-T200, or like on Fujifilm X-T100, or like on the Panasonic S1H? At this point, we do not know. We just know vloggers will be happy about it :).

I thought I need to set this right, as I don’t want any reader to be mislead here.

For us, this post is also a welcome opportunity to ask you, which selfie flippy screen do you prefer, X-T200, X-T100 or Panasonic S1H? Vote down below.

And… for the real Fujifilm addicts out there:

And yes… there will be a new battery, don’t worry about that ;).

Previous X-T4 Rumors


Down below are three videos, they all start at the point, where you see the screen in action.

  • X-T100 screen: tiltable up and down still centered to camera body. You can flip it out in selfie mode
  • X-T200 screen: classic fully articulating screen. If you want to tilt up or down, you must move it out all the way on the side of the camera. No longer centered. But you can flip it inwards, to protect the screen
  • S1H screen: You can tilt it down still centered to the camera. And fully articulates when moved out on the side of the camera. You can flip it inwards towards camera body, for protection. It has a more bulky design, but allows to move the screen more away from the camera, potentially keeping it more far away from the cables you might have attached on the side of the camera body

My favorite selfie screen is:

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Fujifilm X-T3 Successor to be Called Fujifilm X-T4 – New Source

Fujifilm X-T4

The Nr. 4 is unlucky in Asia. That’s why in Asian elevators you often don’t see a 4th floor, and why Fujifilm skipped the X-A4 and passed from X-A3 directly to X-A5. This is the case also of the Fujifilm S series, which skipped from Fujifilm S3 Pro directly to Fujfiilm S5 Pro.

Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group
Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

However, I have been told that the next Fujifilm X-T camera won’t have any sort of tetraphobia, and it will be called Fujifilm X-T4.

The Fujifilm X-T4 will be announced on February 26.

Thanks to the source (with nickname), who shared this information with us.

Fujifilm is giving us an explosive start in 2020: make sure not to miss anything, and…

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CONFIRMED: Fujifilm X-T4 Coming with Selfie Flippy Screen, as Rumored Back in November by…

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Fujifilm X-T4

We want to start this rumor, by giving credit, where credit really belongs.

Hence, credit goes to J. from our fantastic X-T group, as he was the very first to tell to the Fujifilm world about the Fujifilm X-T4 with selfie flippy screen back on November 21, 2019 here. J. wrote:

fully articulating flippy…essentially a Panasonic S1H but APS-C with Fuji color and obviously much smaller

Well, FujiRumors made its checks (also thanks to new sources!), and we can now confirm that the Fujifilm X-T4 will indeed have a flippy screen.

Top X-T Community: Fujifilm X-T facebook group
Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

If that’s a good news or not, feel free to let us know in the survey down below.

And what else did J. tell us about the Fujifilm X-T4? Well, here is the rest of his list:

  • X-T4 with IBIS
  • expect a T4 about 1/3 of an inch thicker, and about 5-6oz heavier
  • On a good note expect 6k60 and 10bit internal
  • anamorphic ratio
  • release end of 2020
  • X-H line most likely canceled

The Fujifilm X-T4 release end of 2020 is not correct. The official Fuji X-T4 announcement is set for February 26. And as we hear from our sources (and top Fujifilm managers confirm), the Fujifilm X-H2 is still on the roadmap, but not for 2020.

But J. got the IBIS right and the selfie screen. And it’s objectively not easy to get long term rumors right, as Fujifilm is prone to plan changes. So what J. told us might have been correct at the time of sharing, but could be partially no longer valid now.

So, we keep up working, and will try to deliver you more rumors in the next few days and weeks. Stay tuned.

Previous X-T4 Rumors

Fujifilm X-T4 has a Selfie Flippy Screen. Do you like it?

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Fujifilm X100V with old NP-W126S Battery and Fujifilm X-T4 with Completely New Battery

Hey folks,

I just finished a dinner with friends, but before I go to bed, I thought I could publish a rumor that has just been confirmed to me, and answers one of the questions you had regarding the Fujifilm X100V.

Some of you asked in the comments to previous rumors, if the Fujifilm X100V will have the brand new battery of the Fujifilm X-T4.

Well, according to our sources, the Fujifilm X100V will have the classic old Fujifilm NP-W126S battery.

So, the brand new battery (which I remind will not even be the GFX NP-T125 battery) will be reserved for the Fujifilm X-T4 only, and of course only later find its way to future camera bodies.

Fujifilm X Shooter rejoices at the Rumor of Improved Battery Life on Fujifilm X-T4
Fujifilm X Shooter rejoices at the rumor of improved battery life on Fujifilm X-T4

Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X100V will NOT Be Announced on the Same Day

Fellow FR readers,

I know, there is the Fujifilm X summit on Februray 4 (with live stream on FujiRumors).

But if you were hoping for the Fujifilm X-T4 announcement, then get ready to be disappointed.

The Fujifilm X-T4 announcement, with full specs and details, will not happen on February 4.

I have the date, given to me recently, and I will share it soon.

TO THE SOURCE: I just make quickly my mandatory checks. But even if not double confirmed, I trust you, and if no answer comes from trusted sources soon, I will share anyway.

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Fujifilm X-T4 and X100V will NOT Come January 23 along with Fujifilm X-T200 and GF45-100mmF4

We have just reported about the GF45-100 and Fujifilm X-T200 leaks.

The date for the announcement is January 23.

But I want to make clear, that the Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X100V will NOT be announced on January 23. The announcement will happen later.

FujiRumors told you already in December (!!!) that the Fujifilm X100V will be announced in February.

The date leaked is February 4. If both, the X100V and X-T4 will be announced there, or there will be different announcements, I will work and let you know soon.

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Oh My Gosh: I Will Assist Photographing My First Wedding – Should I Panic, or Just Buy Fujifilm X-T4 and More Lenses?

Hey folks,

This morning I woke up, with a message from one of my best friends, who marries in June.

The message said:

Hey Pat. Would you mind take your camera gear at the wedding? We do have an official photographer, but it would be nice if you can take some images, too. Also, the photographer will stay only until dinner. So if you could grab images of the late night dance party…

And you bet, I accepted, because isn’t there a better excuse to buy new gear, than to help to photograph the wedding of your best friend? :D

Now, I want to do things right for one of the most important days in the life of my friend.

So here are a couple of things I need to do:

  • Don’t Annoy the Photographer

Never be in the way of the photographer. I don’t want to be one of those annoying guest jumping into his frame to get an image. We pay those guys, so that we can enjoy the moment, and later have some cool shots to remember forever.

But the photographer can’t be everywhere at all time, so I will try to be there, where he is not, and maybe I’ll get some nice shots ;).

But overall my philosphoy:

Whatever the official Photographer does, he will do it much better than me. So stay out of his way. My focus is on the night shots, when he is gone.

  • Get a Beer with the official Photographer

I am a man on a mission: convert people to Fujifilm. So you can bet I’ll grab the photographer in one of his rare moments of rest, and try to convert him to the Fuji side of life!

  • It’s GAS Time

And now comes the gear part. And for that, I will make shameless use of FujiRumors for private reasons, and ask all of you guys, what you recommend me to do.

Maybe I could go along with what I own already, but I believe I need a gear upgrade.

Here is what I am considering to do.

  • Upgrade my Camera

I could need a low light autofocus boost over my X-E3, hence I am either considering the Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm X-Pro3 or even the Fujifilm X-T4.

  • X-Pro3 – PROS: Looks awesome / CONS: tilt screen allows to shoot only from the hip, not from above, which might come in handy on the dacing floor
  • X-T3 – PROS: most affordable option (I can find deals or second hand offers) / CONS: Won’t probably have latest features and AF performance of X-T4
  • X-T4 – PROS: latest and greatest AF performance and features / CONS: pay full price

At the moment I am tending towards getting the Fujifilm X-T4.

  • More Lenses

My current fastest lens options with autofocus are the Fujinon XF 23mm f/1.4 and XF 35mm f/1.4. But I believe I need more.

I am considering to get two more lenses: the Fujinon XF16mm f/1.4 for some wide shots on the dancing floor, and the XF56mmf/1.2.

These four fast primes should cover my needs properly.

What do you think, am I good to go, or do I need something else? Maybe one of those nice f/2.8 zooms?

  • Settings Tips Anyone?

Once I have the new gear, I will go out and practice to shoot in similar low light dancing scenarios. I need to see what works and what not, as I am not very familiar with those kinds of shots, as you can see from my instagram.

But I know many of you are so much more experienced than me, so if somebody of you can give me tips on settings, feel free to drop them down below in the comments.

  • It ain’t free, so something has to go

To get all this new goodness, something probably has go.

Hence I could soon put my X-T1 on sale, the camera that took my favorite image, and which story I told you here (I got it after I destroyed my X-E2).

As far as lenses go, I think I’ll have to let go the Fujinon XF 18-55 and XF 55-200, and stay with my XF 18-135 only. Letting those lenses go isn’t easy. Selling that gear will help to mitigate internal discussions with my wife when I get the new one ;).

And if you want, and have the possibility, you are always free to make a micro-donation on Patreon. Even just $1 or $2 a month can help a lot, if many do it. Mostly it will allow me to cover the costs of the site… but if the support is big, well, then maybe also to get new gear ;).

  • You Vote…

Down below are a couple of surveys, where you can offer your camera and lens suggestions also in form of a vote.

Also, I will try to get permission from my friend to share some images on my instagram, so that I can share the results .´

In addition to the XF35mmf/1.4 and XF23mmf/1.4, FujiRumors should buy...

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In addition to the Fujifilm X-E3, FujiRumors Should buy

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