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EXPLAINED: How the Fujifilm X-H2S Predictive Autofocus Works and Why 20fps Will Give You Higher Accuracy than 40fps

I see myself in need to share this follow up article to our previous follow up article to this original article.

If you missed the previous episodes, here is an ultra compressed summary:

  • guy gets 61% sharp images at 40fps shooting birds when testing the Fujifilm X-H2s – read here
  • people complain that 61% is not that much, as Sony cameras tested by the same guy get 85-90% accuracy
  • FujiRumors explains that 61% of 40fps results in more sharp images than 85% at 20fps – read here
  • FujiRumors claims that at 20fps the hit rate on X-H2s would be even higher
  • people call me out on this and say:
    – it’s BS: slower frame rates won’t improve accuracy, as the AF calculations speed remains the same (120fps)
    – people say I speak random stuff and ask me to prove it

So let’s get nerdy ;)

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Fujifilm X-Lab X-T5 Edition – Making the Fujifilm X-T5

Fujifilm managers and engineers sat down together to give us insights on the Fujifilm X-T5 development.

Nothing revolutionary is said, but I grab the occasion to make a recommendation to Fujifilm: please give us an English translated version of your X lab episodes, as using the automatic live google translation is a real pain.

It should not break your bank to do that, dear Fujifilm.

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The Curious Case of 2023 Rumors and the Big 2022 Rumor Check (97,6% Correct Rumors)

It’s time for our yearly rumor check, so that you guys can decide if FujiRumors was worth your time or not.

  • 88 rumors shared in 2022
  • 3 rumors still to be verified
  • 83 correct rumors out of 85 verifiable rumors
  • 2 wrong rumors out of 85 verifiable rumors (and I am extremely severe to myself, as you’ll see below)
  • 97,6% correct rumors

Rumor Overview – The Curious Case of 2023

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My Fujifilm X-T5? Give me Time to HATE it, but For Now it’s (Almost) all Just LOVE

I know when one only writes good things about something, people get suspicious.

So feel free to mistrust me guys, but so far I really have only great things to say about the Fujifilm X-T5.

But give me time, I will find something to moan about. I just need to actually have time to shoot with it.

Because even if I have the Fujifilm X-T5 since a few days already, in these weeks I was so overloaded with work, that I had zero time to go out and take picture.

And yet, holidays are coming and soon my X-T5 will be extensively tested. I might let you know in the next few days. Can’t wait for it.

So what are my impressions so far?

Well, I wanted to make a youtube video about it, but some readers told me they prefer written stuff. So I went hybrid this time, with text to read and just short video clips of 10 seconds in those cases I feel they are useful.

The First Look

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Fujifilm Firmware Updates for X100V, X-Pro3, X-E4 and GFX50SII

Fujifilm has released firmware updates for X100V, X-Pro3, X-E4 and GFX50SII.

Down below all details and download links.

We remind you that yesterday Fujifilm released firmware updates for X-T4, X-T3, X-S10, X-T30 and X-T30II to add support for the Fujifilm TG-BT1 tripod grip and fix some bugs. All details here.

Firmware Details

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SIMPLY the BEST: Messi and Ronaldo Meet the Fujifilm GFX100S of Annie Leibovitz

Apparently Annie Leibovitz is not really following the photography forums and certain gear youtubers, otherwise she would know that the Fujifilm GFX100S is a completely useless tool because:

Limited by her gear, Annie stucks with minor gigs like photographing the two most iconic soccer players of the last 15 years, Ronaldo and Messi, for an insignificant company like Louis Vuitton in the context of a negligable event like the FIFA World Cup.

If only she would listen to certain big YouTubers, she would get rid of her GFX gear and finally be able to shine artistically by recording selfie videos in a basement.

The day will come, when wisdom will finally illumiate her. Until then, you can see a video of her working with GFX, Messi and Ronaldo as well as the final image below.

And btw… the gear Annie uses, is now heavily discounted.

NOTE: this is a satirical post… we don’t take life too seriously on weekends, right? ;) And thanks to our Greek friends at who spotted the news and shared it with us.



The Fujifilm X-T5 is Shipping (and in Stock) – Here are the Top 5 Accessories I Can Recommend

With the Fujifilm X-T5 now shipping (and even being in stock at B&H & co), I thought I make a list of accessories I can recommend to you.

1) Dual Battery Charger, but Which One?

The Fujifilm X-T5 does not come with an external charger in the box, so you better get one.

You can get the Fujifilm original one (BC-W235) or get a more affordable third party solution like the Nitecore FX3 dual charger.

I own both and if I’d have to nail it down to Pros and Cons, I’d say the Fujifilm BC-W235 charges a bit faster but the Nitecore FX3 is more compact and more affordable. So it’s up to you to set your priority.

2) Spare Battery, but Which One?

For many of you the Fujifilm X-T5 might be the first camera with the new NP-W235 battery. And even though you’ll enjoy much longer battery life compared to the NP-W126S, it’s best to get at least another battery.

Which one? Well, after having had my first third party battery fail last year, where my Patona swelled up in my X-E3 and I had to fiddle around to get it out, I think the safest way to go is with original batteries.

Sure, it was much cheaper than the original battery, so I can’t complain about its shorter life span. But going forward I will stick with the original.

3) Only recommended SD Cards (with difference over X-T4 recommended cards)

If, like me, you used an X-T4 and now upgraded to the Fujifilm X-T5, and you bought your SD-Cards based on the officially recommended cards list for the Fujifilm X-T4, then you have to be aware that there have been changes.

Some UHS-II cards recommended for the Fujifilm X-T4 (for example the Toshiba Exceria Pro) are now no longer recommended for the 40 megapixel Fujifilm X-T5. The updated list for X-T5 contains:

The detailed list of recommeded cards for X-T5 can be found here and for X-T4 here.

4) Good Bye Selfie Screen, Welcome Screen Protector

One of the cool things of my Fujifilm X-T4 is that I can flip the screen inwards and hence keep it nicely protected (and it gives it an ultimate retro touch, as it looks to be a camera with no LCD screen at all).

However, with the 3 way screen of the Fujifilm X-T5 that is no longer possible.

But don’t panic, the solution to this is cheap and efficient: buy a touch sensitive screen protector. I buy those usually at my local store, so they also apply it on my camera right on the spot.

5) Give it a Cool Touch

The Fujifilm X-T5 is a wonderful looking camera, but if you want to put the icing on the cake and make it perfect, you can get one of those little X custom hot shoe covers.

X Hot Shoe Cover for USA:

X Hot Shoe Cover for EUROPE:

X Hot Shoe Cover Amazon Worldwide

Check the Stock

Fujifilm Managers Interview: About Internal Camera Memory, X Pan Aspect Ratio, ISO Button Gate on X-H2/s and More – FujiCast

In the lastest Fujicast episode, Kevin and Neale have, among the others, a talk with Fujifilm UK manager Andreas Georghiades and they also go to the Fujifilm headquarter in Japan and talk to product planers.

Needless to say, the talk mostly gravitates around the Fujifilm X-T5. Down below is a summary as well as the podcast to listen.

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