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Time for Style… or a Fujifilm X100V Review Roundup

BHphoto video – Introducing the X100V in 3:31 minutes

High time to dedicate a roundup to Fujifilm’s sexiest camera ever: the Fujifilm X100V.

You can find a couple of videos below.

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Video Reviews

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Camera GP Japan 2020 Awards: Sony Wins Big and Fujifilm GFX100 Grabs the Editors Award

The Fujifilm GFX100 won the Camera GP Japan 2020 Editors Award, said to be the most prestigious camera award in Japan.

Now, I don’t know much about this specific award, but overall I wrote an article in the past about the dubious meaningfulness of such awards. But hey, better to win something than not to win.

It is totally subjective, but personally I rejoice much more when other awards are won, for example when photographers using Fujifilm cameras win hands down at the 2020 Word Press Photo awards.

Think at this:

None of the Fujifilm X shooters creaming off all the top awards at the World Press Photo 2020 used the most powerful camera on the market: an X-Pro2, an X100F, an X-H1 and others. But each of these cameras has its character, its peculiar look and feel, build ergonomically around the different needs of different photographers, and hence the tool many chose, to go out and grab award winning images.

Personally I also prefer to use a camera that fits my shooting style, rather than one with the power of a playstation, as I know I will get better results out of the first one.

This is also the reason, why the Fujifilm GFX100 made me salivate on specs level, but personally (as a guy, who does not make a penny out of his photography) I would not buy one, at least not until it looks like this Fujifilm GFX concept.

When I picked up the Fujifilm GFX100 and tested it, it was the first Fujifilm camera I ever hold in my hands, that I had to spend time just to figure out how to operate it.

You know what I mean?

I mean, give me an X-Pro2, X100V or X-T4, and thanks to their intuitive layout and manual controls, I can shoot right away, without any need of a manual or even setting up anything at the menu.

Specs are nice and good. But esthetics, ergonomics, feel and usability are more inspiring for me than mere specs, and therefore help me to keep my passion, fun and inspiration for photography high and fresh.

With that said, here you get it: the list of Camera JP Japan 2020 winners.

The big winner is Sony.

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Fujifilm Press Release

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It’s a Triumph: FUJIFILM Wins Top 2 World Press Photo Awards and Even More… Despite not Being Full Frame ;)

Forget TIPA… there are other awards that count!

And I must come back to talk about the World Press Photo Awards, because we missed to highlight something in our previous post here.

In fact, not only Yasuyoshi Chiba won the World Press Photo Award with an image he took with his Fujifilm X-H1.

But in the stories categories, it was Romain Laurendeau to win, with his Fujifilm X100 series cameras.

Hence, the top 2 World Press Photo awards go all to fellow Fujifilm X shooters!

  • World Press Photo of the Year – Yasuyoshi Chiba – Fujifilm X-H1
  • World Press Photo Story of the Year – Romain Laurendeau – Fujifilm X100, X100T, X100S

And if that’s not good enough, Fujifilm X shooters won the first, second and third prize also in other categories!

Hey Jared… are you really sure about that Fuji, LOL? ;)

General News

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Fujifilm X-H1 Snaps Top Winning Image at the World Press Photo Awards, but Canon is Still Top

Ok, this is a mandatory update to our previous post World Press Photo Award post here.

In our previous article, based on the statistics made by thephoblographer, we reported how most of this years’s award winners used Fujifilm and Nikon cameras. ThePhoBlographer writes:

The big winners are Fujifilm and Nikon in terms of camera manufacturers.

More specifically, these were the Fujifilm cameras used: Fujifilm X-H1, X-T3, X-Pro2, GFX100, X100F, X100T, X100S, X100, X-T10)

I was thrilled about it, and reported about it here. And I trusted the great guys over at thephoblographer, who keep delivering great content for the photography community. Honestly I didn’t check it by myself, as today its my birthday, and I have a day planed with my wife at home, cooking and (a bit) drinking ;).

But it turns out, as our fellow FR-readers noticed, the real statistics are a bit different than the one shared at the thephoblographer.

Fujifilm and Nikon are still strongly represented.

In fact, the most prestigious award for the best “General News” image was taken by Yasuyoshi Chiba with his Fujifilm X-H1.

But the most used camera brand overall, was still a Canon.

And yet, year after year, Fujifilm saw a constant rise in terms of awards at the World Press Photo contest. DSLR a constant decline. And yes, it really looks like APS-C is more than enough to take an image worth one of the most prestigious awards on the world.

Maybe, one day, even some popular vlogger like Mr. Jared will be able to take some decent shots with APS-C cameras ;).

Now the ranking:

Camera by brand:
Canon 31,37%
Fuji 17,65%
Nikon 15,69%
Sony 9,80%
DJI 3,92%
Leica 1,96%
Unknown 19,61%

Camera by sensors:
FullFrame 58,82%
APS-C 15,69%
Medium Format 1,96%
Unknown 23,53%

Camera by type:
SLR 43,14%
Mirrorless 33,33%
Drone 3,92%
Unknown 19,61%

Last year Fuji was 10.5%, now is 17.6%, mirrorless was 13% and now is 33%…

This year Fujifilm won the top award. But also in the past years, Fujifilm was well represented. Look at the awards won in the past few years:

And now, here are the most used cameras this year.

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UPDATE: Fujifilm and Nikon Most Used Cameras at 2020 World Press Photo Awards

World Press Photo of the Year: Yasuyoshi Chiba (Fujifilm X-H1)
World Press Photo of the Year: Yasuyoshi Chiba (Fujifilm X-H1)

UPDATE: we posted a follow up article with corrections here.

The World Press Photo have been assigned, and looking at the cameras, who snapped an award winning photo, we see that Fujifilm wins along with Nikon.

Yasuyoshi Chuba took the World Press Photo of the Year 2020 winning image with his Fujifilm X-H1.

Spilt by type of camera, we see:

  • 9 Mirrorless cameras
  • 4 compact cameras (X100)
  • 13 DSLRs
  • 1 Drone
  • 1 Film shooter

So, we have a head to head between Fujifilm and Nikon.

Fujifilm seems to be a very popular system or photojournalists, with the X100 line leading the pack.

Thanks to the phoblographer for making the list. And check out the images at world press photo.

In the past years, the following cameras were used to take an award winning image:

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MapCamera: Fujifilm X100V Top Seller, Great X-E3/X-H1/X-Pro3 Sales and APS-C Dominates Full Frame

Just yesterday here we reported how, according to BCN ranking, Fujifilm saw, in March, a huge 115% increase in sales in Japan, while all other camera manufacturers dropped up to 50%.

Now Japanese store MapCameras published their top selling camera rankings.

Keep in mind, though, that this is not representative for overall sales.

The most reliable data we probably have about the worldwide success of various camera brands, is this report from a Techno System Reports, a major marketing research company located in Japan that sells this data at a very high price, but somehow it went public at the Japanese site toyokeizai, and FujiRumors spotted it for you and shared it here.

The data of Techno System Reports reflects the mirrorless camera sales, and it shows that Fujifilm is on the third position, just a tiny margin behind Canon, and substantially behind Sony.

With that said, if big retailers share their sales data, it might not be representative for the overall market, but it can still give an approximate indication of what the market wants.

With that said, here are the top sellers at MapCameras for March 2020.


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Fujifilm Photography in Times of COVID-19 Quarantine, the FujiRumors Lockdown Diary and the Revival of the XF 55-200

I read somewhere, that about 4 billion people are forced to stay at home now to slow down and hopefully stop the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

In my country, the stunning Dolomites in Italy, we are locked in since over 1 month now. Of course I strictly follow the rules and never leave my apartment, except to buy food 1 or 2 times a week, and to quickly bring out my old dog in the fields just under my home.

Teaching Online

I continue to teach. Just online! With live streaming lessons, videos I upload on youtube [does this qualify me as a vlogger now??? ;) ], material I send to students via email and more. I try to do my best.

But the more I do it, the more I miss it to enter a classroom, write on a blackboard, smell the chalk, but most importantly, interact with my students.

But hey, these days there are people, who live far bigger challenges than me. So no complaint here. Just a wish that everything goes back to normal soon.

Lockdown Photography

The first weeks all went into figuring out how to do this online teaching. Trying different platforms for online live lessons, adapt my material to make it online teaching fit, figure out how to reach the various students best (some have only a smartphone, no computer, no printer, etc), and more practical issues to sort out.

But now that I have some sort of workflow, I can start thinking at my lockdown photography.

In my small rented apartment, I am running out of subjects rather quickly.

What I did now, is I started to take out my Fujinon XF55-200 lens, a lens I hardly use anymore since I own the Fujinon XF18-135mm (which never stops to surprise me, as you can see here).

The goal?

Get a decent shot of the little birds flying around my balcony, and the XF55-200 is the best lens in my arsenal for that. So it gets its revival now!

So far I have failed, though, not for the limits of the gear, but because of my lack of skills. But I have time to practice, improve, and I will upload an image on my instagram if I get a decent shot.


Another thing I like to do, is to check out all our facebook groups, and see how other fellow Fujifilm X and GFX shooters deal with these lockdown days and what they shoot.

I have picked out some images and shared them below. May them motivate you (and me) to stand up, and do the best out of this situation, also photographically speaking.

COVID-19 Image Roundup

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LAST DAY to SAVE BIG on Current Fujifilm X/GFX Gear

So, we arrived to the last day of the current Fujifilm X/GFX deals.

The main course of the meal is the $1000 rebate on GFX50R along with the 50% discount on the compact GF50mm f/3.5.

You can see all deals down below.

X Deals

GFX Deals


  • RockyNook – save 40% on any book, any version, using coupon code “FUJIRUMORS40
  • RockyNook – save 40% on any e-book, using coupon code “FUJI40


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Fujifilm GF 50mm F3.5: an Easy Lens to Love

On March 29, the huge deal on the Fujinon GF 50mm f/3.5 will end.

Now DPR shared a first impressions article about this lens, and here are some of their remarks:

  • it’s sharp. Very, very sharp. Fujifilm has claimed that all the GF lenses were designed for more than 100MP of resolution
  • I was rather impressed to see essentially perfect sharpness all the way out to the extreme corners and I didn’t notice any practical difference in quality throughout the aperture range
  • I couldn’t find any chromatic aberrations in any images
  • On my GFX 50R, focusing from close to far with the 50mm seems faster than all my other GF prime lenses except the 23mm
  • It locks on almost instantly with hardly any ‘wobble’ and a barely audible ‘zip’ sound
  • Fujifilm made the autofocus of this 50mm medium format lens feel a lot more like one of the better X-mount APS-C lenses than any other medium format lens I’ve used. It’s certainly faster than manual focus on Hasselblad V system lenses, faster than Pentax 645 AF lenses, and faster than Mamiya / Phase One AF lenses I’ve used in the past
  • Close focus could be closer. […] It would be easy to suggest simply cropping into the much higher resolution GFX image
  • I’m actually very impressed by this lens’s flare resistance
  • Overall, the Fujifilm GF 50mm F3.5 lens is easy to love
  • It transforms the GFX 50R into a camera that is actually very easy to carry around and shoot with casually, which is definitely NOT something you can say of most medium format gear
  • I’ve shot with some of the best, most expensive gear in the world… and this 50mm is among the sharpest lenses I’ve ever used

You can read the full article at dpreview.

X Deals

GFX Deals


  • RockyNook – save 40% on any book, any version, using coupon code “FUJIRUMORS40
  • RockyNook – save 40% on any e-book, using coupon code “FUJI40


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