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Kevin Mullins Reveals his Monochrome Fujifilm Files Processing in Lightroom… and he Starts with Classic Chrome!

It is always interesting to see, how fellow X-shooters post process their images, and we have shared them here on FujiRumors in the past (a few of them linked again below).

Today it’s time for Kevin Mullins, to guide us step by step through his black&white post-processing workflow. And interestingly, his starting point is Classic Chrome. What happens after that, you can see it in this Kevin Mullins video.

The image he edits has been taken with Fujifilm GFX 50S.

And in case you want to see more of the settings of fellow X-shooters, here are some other articles on FujiRumors

have a FANTASTIC weekend,
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Fujifilm X-E3 L Brackets Available

Fujifilm X-E3 L Bracket

Finally companies are starting to produce and deliver accessories for Fujifilm newest camera, the Fujifilm X-E3.

We recently reported about:

Now First2savvv released the Quick Release L Plate Bracket LB-XE3 for Fujifilm X-E3. Also Kenro has [shoplink 66070 ebay]X-E3 L Brackets available[/shoplink], that you can find [shoplink 66070 ebay]at your local ebay[/shoplink].

First2savvv L Bracket for X-E3: AmazonUS, AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonCA, AmazonIT
Kenro L Bracket for X-E3: [shoplink 66070 ebay]at your local ebay[/shoplink]

Don’t forget to follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, and Twitter.

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FUJIFILM Sets Focus on Deal-Making after Surviving Fall of Film. $4 Billion for Acquisitions in the Next 3 Years – Wall Street Journal

Fujifilm Goes Shopping

Really many of you guys have sent me the recent Fujifilm related article at the Wall Street Journal.

And since it seems to be a topic you’d like to discuss, I’m going to share it here on FujiRumors with all of you.

Now, the original article can be found at the Wall Street Journal, but a super-quick summary can be found at It says:

Xerox (XRX) is in talks with Japanese camera maker Fujifilm. According to the Wall Street Journal, Fujifilm would not fully takeover the copier company, but there would be leadership changes at Xerox. Activist investor Carl Icahn, who owns nearly 10% of Xerox, has said the company needs a shakeup in order to boost revenue and launch new products.”

But who is “Xerox”?

Xerox is a 112 year old US-company, that mainly makes printers and copiers. At the moment, Hewlett-Packard is strong market leader in this segment and Xerox has a hard time to compete with them.

Fujifilm is already cooperating with Xerox branches in the Asia-Pacific region, and you might remember the recent accounting irregularities found at Xerox Australia and New Zealand, which “caused a nearly 30% fall in profit at Fujifilm’s documents division in the six months ended September 2017“.

But despite the accounting irregularities, “Fujifilm’s documents division, which includes printers and copiers made by Fuji Xerox, made up 45% of the company’s sales and almost 40% of its operating profit in the six months ended September.”

Well, Fujifilm seems to be interested to further invest into Xerox, but would like to have more influence within Xerox and therefore requested a leadership change.

In another article (Xerox Should Look to Copy Fujifilm’s Success), the Wall Street Journal sees a good chance for Xerox in this deal, since Fujifilm has already survived the film fall by re-inventing its business (a great documentary about Fujifilm’s reinvention can be found here). The WSJ writes:

Xerox printers and copiers are unlikely to be the future of either company in a world where offices are getting more work done digitally, rather than on paper. Fujifilm, which has survived the death of film photography while its rival Kodak floundered, may be able to provide a lesson in corporate reinvention.”

$4 billion for Acquisitions

And it seems that more investments by Fujifilm could follow. In fact the Wall Street Journal writes:

Fujifilm has been an active deal maker for years, and it said in August it planned to spend more than $4 billion over the next three years for acquisitions.”

$4 billion over the next three years for acquisitions does not sound bad at all.

Personally, as Fujifilm camera/lens lover, I’d like to see some sort of investment into a sensor manufacturer that is not Sony, in oder to get “sensor independency” from Sony.

Until now, every new sensor Sony releases, can be purchased by Fujifilm only 6 months after Sony has already implemented it in their own cameras, which gives Sony a strategic advantage.

Moreover, Sony can also set the price to their pleasure, and especially the customized X-Trans sensor costs Fujifilm quite a bit.

To be clear: Sony makes fantastic sensors, and in many aspects they are superior to the sensors that Canon makes for example. So Fujifilm should never leave Sony, if the alternative is a worst sensor.

However, there are alternatives out there.

Lately there is a lot of talk about Tower Jazz. But also Samsung had a fantastic 28MP BSI APS-C ISO-invariant sensor with phase detection already 3 years ago for their amazing Samsung NX1, a know-how Fujifilm could decide to invest into for their own cameras, although, I know, it’s hard to see a Japanese and Korean company making any deal together.

And then, speaking of sensor independency from Sony, there is that mythical organic sensor that Fujifilm announced with Panasonic back in June 2013 and which due to some issues we reported here, never saw the light of the day so far (although it did take successfully pictures already). The latest update back in August 2017 here.

So guys, feel free to tell us, where you would recommend Fujifilm to go shopping in the next 3 years with those 4 billion dollar.

And don’t tell us “BEER”, because Fujifilm is already making beer tastier thanks to film technology, as we reported here. :)

have a fantastic weekend,
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Fujifilm Film Simulation Profiles for RawTherapee and Affinity Photo :: Exploring X RAW STUDIO :: Lightroom, CaptureOne, Luminar (X Trans Zone)

Here we have it… the first X-Trans roundup of 2018.

We are going to take a detailed look at Fuji’s X RAW Studio, there will be film simulation profiles for you to download, discussions if Capture One can really replace Adobe Lightroom and more.

Hope you will find something useful amongst it, and I wish you a great start in your weekend :)

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Concerns with Quality of Fujifilm GF Medium Format Lenses (and Overall Fujifilm Camera/Lenses)… and a Little Ode to Local Stores

Check Your Lenses… and a Little Ode to My (and Your) Local Store

One of the reasons why I like to buy my gear at the local dealer (instead of ordering online), is that I can always inspect the gear before buying it.

So, when last month I bought the XF10-24 and XF27mm, my dealer opened the boxes, checked if there was any issue such as dust spots inside the lens, and he even checked if the latest firmware for the lenses was installed (it wasn’t, so he updated the lens firmware in store for me… AWESOME!)

So far, with ALL Fujinon lenses I have ever bought, I never had any dust spot issue. Actually I always perceived my lenses as excellently build. I mean, my XF35mmF1.4 still works perfectly, even though it was minutes completely under water, the day I destroyed my X-E2 in a river.

Anyway, I know things like dust spots in the lens happen, and I experienced them in the past when I used other systems. Since then, my habit is to visually check lenses, before buying them.

If small, then dust spots will have absolutely no influence on image quality.

However, when you pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a new lens, you do want it to be perfect out of the box, and personally I would change any new lens, even if it has the smallest dust inside it.

With that said… let’s talk about Fujifilm quality.

Fujifilm Prodcution Quality: Factory Video & Teardown

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Fujifilm 2017 Rewound: Top Highlights Month by Month

Fujifilm 2017 Rewinded

2017 was another exciting Fuji X year, and in order to cover it properly, I have shared almost 1,000 blog posts.

A lot of things happened, and maybe some of you might have missed something. So I have checked back all articles and selected some highlights for you. No FujiRumors rumors are included in this list.

It was not easy to pick out a few highlights… but below you can find the list month by month. Let us know what you consider the highlight of 2017.

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Fujifilm X-E3 Wooden Grip, The Mini X-Pro2, Fuji X-E3 Bug Fixes, X-E3 or X-T20, A Great Little Street Camera & More (X-E3 Roundup)

JBCameraDesigns X-E3 wooden grip at (translation) – Grip by JBcameraDesigns

Fujifilm X-E3 Roundup

So Christmas is over, and it was the first one with my new Fujifilm X-E3.  So far I am in love with it, especially if used with the XF27mm, it’s the perfect walkaround, street and travel camera.

I have only two issues, one of them I already reported abou it here.

  • The focus stick blocks – video here
  • Sometimes my X-E3 tells me that no SD card is inserted, although there is one. In that case, I have to remove SD card, put it in again, and then shoot again. The SD card issue happened also when I shot on tripod… and God knows why the X-E3 has still no centered tripod mount. So I had to unscrew everything, take out SD-card, put it in again, mount it again on tripod, and shoot.

For these two reasons, my local store told me they will replace my camera with a new one, as soon as they get one from Fujifilm after holidays.

I think I was just unlucky… the next sample will work perfectly fine. But of course I will keep you updated.

In the meantime, enjoy this huge roundup dedicated to the lovely Fujifilm X-E3.

But before that, feel free to join our Fujifilm X-E facebook group.

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Your X wishlist for 2018? :: Canon VS Fujifilm :: Do we Need Fujifilm X-H1? :: X-Pro2 4K Feedback :: 2017 Top Rankings (Mixed Zone)

Cover Stories

New Firmware Updates

Top 2017 Rankings

  • The BEST Camera Gear Of 2017 by Philipp Bloom on youtube – Fuji gear included :)
  • 2017 Buying Guide: Best cameras for people and events. A7RIII wins and X-T2 Runner up at dpreview
  • These are the best cameras you can buy right now (X100F included) at dpreview
  • 2017 Buying Guide: Best cameras under $1500 (X-E3 included) at dpreview

Fujifilm X-T2 & More

Dual Vision -A Tale of 2 Cameras (X-T2 and X-Pro2) and 2 Photographers at Fujifilm Global youtube

FUJIFILM Releases X-Pro2 Kaizen Firmware Update ver. 4.00 + New Features Guide Manual

Kaizen X-Pro2 Firmware

Ho, ho, ho… :)

Fujifilm just released a new Firmware update for the Fujifilm X-Pro2 (ver.4.00), and it’s well worth to be called a “Kaizen” update.

It adds several features to the X-Pro2, such as 4K video, new AF-tracking, tethered shooting, highglight blinkies, RGB histogram & more. Quite a step up for the 2 years old X-Pro2… and of course it comes for free for all X-Pro2 owners.

And don’t forget to join our Fujifilm X-Pro facebook group ;)


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Fujifilm X-T20 Will Get Extensive Firmware Update Early 2018 – Fujifilm Germany

There Will Be Kaizen… for X-T20

for X-T1, X100F and X-T20.
All details here

Fujifilm just ended 2017 with a bunch of firmware updates, some definitely worth to be called Kaizen, like the one for the X-T2 last month and the upcoming X-Pro2 firmware.

However, X-T20 owners were not so lucky, and basically could enjoy just the new EVF/Touch screen feature. Hence, all X-T20 were disappointed not to get the faster AF-tracking, the highlight blinkies, the RGB histogram and more.

But there is hope :)

Fujifilm Germany said in the comments (back on December 1) to one of their facebook posts (google translated):

The x-T20 will get this feature [X RAW Studio support] with an extensive firmware update. The update is expected to be available early / spring 2018. Unfortunately, implementation is not possible for all models at the same time.”

If Fujifilm Germany has correct information, then it is just a matter of time, and also Fujifilm X-T20 owners will get their Kaizen Love. And considering how successful the X-T20 line is, the “extensive X-T20 firmware update” in early 2018 will make many photographers happy.

Thanks to the FR-reader, who just dropped me this link. As you can see, it seems a news only exists once it is on FujiRumors. So even though the comment is old, there were no reports about it on the web.

However, what I don’t see, you see it. Thanks a TON for your support. It means everything to me. Feel free to keep up sharing :)