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5 Things You Will Love & Hate About the Fujifilm GFX … … But It’s Frankly Fujifilm’s Best Product Launch Ever ;)

Join 5,000 Members at the Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group

Fujifilm GFX: BHphoto – Win $3,000 by pre-ordering at BH via FR*, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF63mmF2.8: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
*Pre-order the GFX at BHphoto using the FujiRumors B&H link to enter the contest. Price: $3,000. Sweepstake Overview & Rules can be found here. Full Terms & Conditions here.

5 Things You Will Love and Hate about the GFX

Holy Moly! That was a heck of an annonucement.

And after the massive live blogging (that still continues!!!), I’m slowly finding the time to go through the various first look reviews. And I invite you to check out the live blogging, too. A lot of great stuff to find there also about the X-T20, X100F and XF50mmF2.

But now I want to focus on the GFX, and make a list of 5 things you are going to love & hate about it. I’m basing the list on the first looks I’ve read.


A hard list, because there is so much to love about it.

  1. Image Quality “deserves to be printed“: Astonishing Sharpness (see for example the video at minute 3:30 at thedigitaltrekker). Excellent high ISO (Read also High ISO… Noise, What Noise? at Damien Lovegrove’s prophotonut) and great dynamic range.
  2. Dual Operation: Command dials or dedicated Shutter/ISO/Aperture Dial? You can use whatever you prefer. Extremely customizable camera overall.
  3. Despite the Beta Firmware, the AF speed is snappy and seems to be already as fast as the X-T1 (read ivanjoshualoh).
  4. EVF: A “monster of a viewfinder“, says jonasraskphotography. Huge (0,85x magnification), high resolution, tilting… awesome!
  5. You can create TIFF files in camera


I think that, with the GFX, Fujifilm made the best product launch ever (much better than when they launched the X-system). It comes with tons of features and 6 lenses in just 1 year. So it’s hard to find the “Hates” and I’m streching the list quite a bit. The GFX is an awesome camera, but I’ll challange myself and pick out 5 points:

  1. Price: You get the kit for $8,000. Considering that we are talking of a Medium Format camera, this is actually a more than fair price, but it’s still $8,000… and most of us won’t be able to afford it.
  2. There is an adapter for HC lenses. So you can get the leaf shutter. And there are electronic contacts for aperture. But no Autofocus.
  3. The file size is big. And with the new Super-Fine JPEG setting, you have little compression. But when it comes to workflow, rendering a preview can be cumbersome (up to 10 seconds according to thedigitaltrekker – Video minute 4:25)
  4. 14 bit color depth. That’s what the specs say. But a Swiss Manager, who said it would have 16 bit color depth, was wrong. But from all the samples I could see until now, I think we might easily get over it ;)
  5. 1/125th sync speed (but you can adapt leaf shutter lenses on it… and HSS can help here, too)

And how would your “5 Loves & Hates” list look like? I’d be curious to read it in the comments.

Oh, and remember you can win $3,000 if you pre-order it at BHphoto after clicking on the GFX BH Link on FujiRumors ;)

Fujifilm GFX: BHphoto – Win $3,000 by pre-ordering at BH via FR*, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF63mmF2.8
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF32-64mmF4
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF120mmF4 Macro
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
*Pre-order the GFX at BHphoto using the FujiRumors B&H link to enter the contest. Price: $3,000. Sweepstake Overview & Rules can be found here. Full Terms & Conditions here.

Fujifilm X-T20: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm X100F
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm XF50mmF2 WR
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS

The Fujifilm GFX Facts & Specs Updated… + Join Damien Lovegrove & Co at the Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group!

Join 5,000 Members at the Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group

Do you want to discuss the Fujifilm GFX with people, who actually already own it? Well, then you might just join the 5,000 members strong Fujifilm GFX facebook group.

You will find some big shots like X-photographer Damien Lovegrove, Jonas Rask, Piet Van den Eynde, Ivan J. Loh (& more) sharing their impressions and reviews about the Fujifilm GFX. You won’t find such a concentrate of Fujifilm GFX Fans AND Owners anywhere else on the web.

Needless to say, with such great photographers on board, we are having a well informed and factual discussion at the facebook group… so join us over there :)

Fujiflm GFX Facts

I’ve recently made a complete and comprehensive overview over all known and rumored facts about the Fujifilm GFX. Well, I won’t bother you with the whole list again, just highlight a few aspects (and correct others) that are new and final.

Most of it comes from the Fuji Guys GFX first look, which you can find in the Live Blogging (that is still updated).

  • New Super Fine JPEG setting. Little compression, but huge files (takes 10 seconds to render a preview in Lightroom according to thedigitaltrekker – see Live Blogging)
  • The Top LCD Panel is customizable and also changes if you are in video or stills mode
  • The Top LCD Panel colors can reverse colors, to make them easier to read in low light
  • 14 bit RAW files (and not 16 bit, as the Swiss Fujifilm Manager said)
  • You can create TIFF files in camera
  • Electronic shutter up to 1/16000 sec
  • The focal plane shutter allows to make cheaper lenses without leaf shutter. The GF lenses are therefore less expensive to produce.
  • Pinch to zoom capable touch screen
  • First curtain electronic shutter reduces shutter shock, decreases shutter lag time. But over 1/1000 you have issue of vignetting and also bokeh is affected. But in the electornic first curtan shutter mode the camera automatically switches to mechanical shutter when it goes to 1/1000.
  • Up to 9 frames bracketing
  • You can chose between 117 or 425 AF points
  • GFX body + 63mm weight 1230 g
  • GFX body + memory card + battery weight 825g
  • shipping Feb. 23 according to Amazon
  • shutter endurance supporting up to 150,000 shots
  • Fujifilm has already developed a bridge software where testers could tether and open pictures with Capture One – via ivanjoshualoh
  • Shooting rate of 3 frames per second for a burst of 13 frames (compressed RAW)

Fujifilm GFX: BHphoto – Win $3,000 by pre-ordering at BH via FR*, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF63mmF2.8
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF32-64mmF4
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF120mmF4 Macro
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm GFX EVF-TL1 Tilt Adapter: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm H Mount Adapter G for GFX: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
*Pre-order the GFX at BHphoto using the FujiRumors B&H link to enter the contest. Price: $3,000. Sweepstake Overview & Rules can be found here. Full Terms & Conditions here.

Fujifilm X-T20: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm X100F
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm XF50mmF2 WR
: BHphotoAdorama, AmazonUS

Fuji X-T2 for Documentary Wedding Photography. Now I can!

fotografo matrimonio reportage fuji

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

guest post by Andrea Bagnasco:

My name is Andrea Bagnasco and I am a professional wedding photographer based in Northern Italy. My style is mainly documentary, in that I like to stay as unobtrusive as possible during the day to capture the candid moments that make the story of the wedding.

Like most everybody else, I’ve been relying on full-frame dslr’s for years to shoot my weddings. I’ve been adopting the Canon 5D cameras from the beginning until the Mark III model. They have always been great cameras to work with: very reliable with excellent image quality and have been improving significantly every time a new model was released, especially concerning noise at high ISOs, dynamic range and autofocus. Which are all most important factors for my type of photography, mostly done with available light.

Over the years I’ve been trying to strip down my kit as much as I could as weddings have become endurance marathons and hauling around heavy equipment the whole day is a sure way to get to the end of the wedding completely exhausted and devoid of any creativity or energy to take good photographs. No matter how good and nourishing the vendor meal or my level of physical fitness. Despite my determination to travel light, I’ve always been taking three camera bodies with me at weddings, where I’d have two cameras on me for most of the day and the third one as backup in the bag.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

EPIC Fujifilm GFX & Co Launch Party on January 19 at 6-7AM Berlin Time (00:00-01:00 AM NY-Time)… So Prepare a Lot of Coffee ;)


Finally, after 20 months (!!!) from the first Medium Format rumor here, the GFX will present itself to the world in its final vest… along with other big shots like the X100F, X-T20 and XF50/2.

I tell you, it was a very long and strenous rumor marathon, but the best has yet to come… and a mix of excitiment and caffeine is pushing me to the arguably most awesome Fujifilm announcement ever here on FR.

It will happen on January 19 at the usual time, so around 06:00-07:00 AM in Berlin (00:00-01:00 AM in New York).

I’m 100% focussed and highly motivated for the terrific live blogging tomorrow: I’ve delegated my mother to take care of my dog, my Moka is in permanent operation already and I’ve organized everything so that I don’t have to work at school.

So all you have to do is to sit down, refresh FujiRumors, and enjoy the continuous live updates covering non stop and in real-time the announcement on January 19… and beyond!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter… and to allow push notifications for instant updates (click the bell icon on the bottom right of your browser).

Join 4,700+ GFX Facebook Group Members :: Join 2,200+ X100F Facebook Group Members

Will FujiRumors Buy the Fujifilm GFX?

Now, I’m truely happy for everybody, who can afford a Fujifilm GFX. I’ve tried everything to raise some money for that wonderful beast, too, but I must say that the GFX is simply something I can’t currently afford… and below you can see what my banker thinks about it.

But I hope that maybe one day the Fujifilm X-E3 will mitigate my pain for not getting the X-Pro2, X-T2, X-T20 and GFX.

A Coffee Maybe?

Heart, Soul and Passion are prerequisites to run FujiRumors, but sadly not enough to keep this blog open. At the end of the day, I also have to pay the bills generated by this site.

So, if you appreciate my work here on FujiRumors, then, on January 19, you have the opportunity to support FujiRumors at absolutely no (!!) extra costs for you, simply by pre-ordering your gear using the FujiRumors links to BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama & Co. Your support will allow me to keep this little space in the world wide web open… and also to cover my growing need for coffee ;).

With all that said, now just relax and let me do the job. Simply stay tuned on FujiRumors, and I will provide you every information available on the web regarding the new Fuji gear.

We are going to have a Great Week :)

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **


These are the official press images of the XF50mmF2 WR that will be announced along with the Fujifilm GFX, X100F and X-T20 on January 19. Looks like the one I photographed this fall at photokina (where you can see it also side by side with the 35mmF2) with the same 46mm filter thread.

UPDATE: Message to Anonymous Source with nick name: Thanks for letting me know about the ISO value setting change via command dial (which will probably come to the X-Pro2, too), and also the image you sent me. If you want, you can specify what I can share or not on FujiRumors. If you don’t specify, I’ll assume that I have permission to share on FujiRumors. And if you want to talk directly to me, you can contact me (also via fake email) at Thanks again for sharing :)

Click Read More

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fuji X-T2 Vs. Sony A6500 :: Iridient X Transformer :: Can the X-Pro2 do the Job of the GFX :: Left or Right Eye Shooter Poll ** miXed Zone

Cosyspeed Giveaway Winners

We have the winners of the Cosyspeed Giveaway Contest: Eliau P. (USA) – Troy L. – Pauline H. (UK) – Dennis S. (GER) – Bea B. (MYS). Please check your SPAM folder, in case you didn’t get any email.

Cover Stories

Sony or Fuji? A6500 Vs X-T2 at Modern Artist Youtube

  • MEIKE 6.5mmF2 Annonuced: See it at AmazonUSsee it at Meike here
  • Iridient X Transformer – Getting it to work as a Lightroom plugin at aevansphoto
  • Iridient X-Transformer: A Really Interesting New Product from the Creator of Iridient Developer at thomasfitzgeraldphotography
  • Can The Fujifilm X-Pro2 Do The Job Of The Fujifilm GFX 50S ? at thetravelphotographer
  • FR-reader Yves: “All the Fuji X-Pro, X-E and X100 are built for the right eye… but I shoot with the left eye. I will be happy if you make a poll «Right Eye or Left Eye» for shooting

Are you a Left or Right Eye Shooter?

View Results

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Fujifilm GFX

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

The Big Fujifilm Year 2017 :: What We Can Expect in January… and After (Rumor Recap)


Fujifilm seems unstoppable. 2016 was such a great year, but the start of 2017 is awesome too. Tons of rumors have already been shared… so time for a recap.

Keep in mind, some of these rumors are from trusted sources, others not. So maybe not everything will materialize.

In January 2017 we will see:

  • Silver X-T2
  • Graphite X-Pro2
  • Graphite XF23mmF2 WR
  • Kaizen Firmware
  • XF50mmF2
  • X100F
  • X-T20
  • GFX + 3 Lenses

For the rest of 2017 I’d like to dream big :-)

  • XF80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro
  • X-E3
  • XF33mmF1.0
  • XF200mm
  • XF8-16mmF2.8
  • 3 more G-mount lenses for Fujifilm GFX
  • Lenses with Clickless Aperture
  • Profoto (&Co) Fujifilm support

I’d say enough good reasons to stay tuned on FujiRumors ;)
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Graphite/Silver X-Pro2, X-T2 and XF23mmF2 to Be Announced * Before * January 19th!

screenshot silver

The graphite/silver Fujifilm X-Pro2/X-T2 and XF23mmF2 will be announced before January 19th (when Fujifilm will launch the GFX, X-T20 and X100F). So we are going to have 2 separate announcements in January :)

It’s a Super-Fuji Month… so make sure not to miss anything by:

  • * NEW *: Allow Quick&Small Push Notifications in your browser window. Click the little ring icon on the bottom right of the browser window to join (or manage anytime) your subscription.
  • Join FR on Facebook – click here
  • Join FR on Twitter – click here
  • RSS-Feed – click here
  • Fuji X Forum – click here
  • Newsletter: Subscribe to the newsletter to get a weekly summary once a week.
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Fujifilm GFX Announcement on January 19

** Join 4,100+ members at the Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group **

The Fujifilm GFX will be officially announced (with final specs and price) on January 19. Yep, just along with the X100F and X-T20.

The rumors shared so far, indicate a price tag around $8000/8500 for body, lens and EVF.

  • Fujifilm GFX :: Current Pricing About $8000 (body + lens) – New Source – Read here
  • Local Store lists Fujifilm GFX 50s for “about €8000” :: More Fujifilm GFX Hands-On Reports – Read here
  • Fujifilm GFX Listed for Sale for $8,500 (with lens) at Vietnamese Fuji Premium Reseller – Read here

Some other GFX Articles that might interest you:

  • POLL: How Much Would you Pay for the GFX? – Read here
  • Fujifilm GFX 50S * The Facts & The Future…. and about Leaf Shutter Lenses, Electronic Shutter, Touch Screen & more! – Read here
  • Fuji Guys – FUJIFILM GFX 50S – First Look Preview – Read here
  • Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D Vs. Pentax 645Z Vs. Canon 5D MK IV VS. Nikon D810 – Size Comparison – Read here
  • Hasselblad X1D Vs. Fujifilm GFX Start-Up Time :: Why Fujifilm Chose Focal Plane Shutter & More! – Read here
  • The Giants’ Battle: Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D – Where the X1D beats the GFX and Vice Versa – Read here
  • Fujifilm GFX 50s – Start Up Time and (mini) Autofocus Demonstration (VIDEO) :: ** UPDATE ** Native ISO100 + X-T1/GFX Side by Side – Read here
  • Download Fujifilm GFX 50S Catalogue + More Videos + FIRST SAMPLES + GF LENS ROADMAP – Read here
  • Fuji GFX Vs. Sony A7r (Size) ** Hasselblad X1D Vs. Fuji GFX (Thoughts) – Read here
  • Fujifilm GFX: dpreview Interviews Fuji Manager Toshihisa Iida: “We Pursue Ultimate Image Quality!” – Read here
  • DigitalRev Fujifilm GFX First Look: “It’s just Phenomenal” + Why it Needs No X-Trans – Read here
  • Fujifilm GFX :: “Addictive Image Quality.” ** Is the G-System Completing or Competing with the X-system? – Read here
  • “Fujifilm GFX as Affordable as Possible” – Fujifilm Manager Interview – Read here
  • Fujifilm GFX :: “Autofocus? It’s Almost like Working with the X-system” (VIDEO) – Read here
  • Listen… This is the Fujifilm GFX Shutter Sound! – Read here
  • Fujifilm Manager: “We Imagine a Smaller Fujifilm GFX with Global Shutter – Read here
  • TheCameraStoreTV Talks About Photokina 2016: “The Fujifilm GFX is Game Changing!” – Read here
  • Fujifilm GFX: 16-bit Color Depth and available in Spring (1st Quarter of the Year) – Fuji Swiss Manager – Read here

There will be probably massive rumors and articles here on FujiRumors in the next few weeks. And it’s easy to lose track of all the information. To be sure you won’t miss anything, you can:

  • * NEW *: Allow Push Notifications: it’s a new feature of the blog. Whenever a new article is online, a discrete small box will pop up shortly in your browser window and notify you that there is new content up on FujiRumors. You’ll see the box appearing on the top of FujiRumors, and you can accept or deny notifications. In case you already denied, but now decided differently, just click the little ring icon on the bottom right of the browser window. Once subscribed, you can use the “ring icon” anytime to manage your subscription.
  • Join FR on Facebook – click here: If you are a facebook user, this is also a quick way to check out new content on FujiRumors. 34,000+ fellow X-fans already joined FR on facebook, and the discussion in the comments there are just as lively as here on the blog. And every now and then, I also share some little personal tidbits on facebook… like my crowdfunding mission on the streets to earn the money I need for the GFX (which I badly want), pictures of what I teach at school or some little tidbits and images from my holidays… and more.
  • Join FR on Twitter – click here: One of the best ways to scroll through the Whirlwind of Rumors.
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