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New Firmware Features Guide for Fujifilm X-T4 and X-S10 (and New Firmware for X100V, X-Pro3, GFX100S, GFX100)

Earlier today Fujifilm has released these firmware updates for the following cameras: X-T4, X-S10, X-Pro3, X100V, GFX100S and GFX100.

And since the firmware for the Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X-S10 add support for the Tascam CA-XLR2d-F XLR, Fujifilm did release also a New Features Guide for these two cameras.

A future update should bring support for Tascam CA-XLR2d-F XLR also to the Fujifilm GFX100S.

For the full list of firmware details and download links, check out this article here.

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Fujifilm Firmware Updates for X-T4, X100V, X-Pro3, X-S10, GFX100S and GFX100

Fujifilm has released firmware updates for the Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X-S10 to add support for the Tascam CA-XLR2d-F XLR as well as new firmware for the X-Pro3, X100V, GFX100S and GFX100.

Down below all the details and download links.

So, it’s 3 AM here in Italy, I am going back to bed now… if my son (who btw shows signs superior intelligence ;)) allows it.

Firmware Details & Download

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Fujifilm Firmware Updates for X100V, X-E4, X-Pro3, X-T30II, GFX50R, GFX50SII

As we reported earlier this month, Fujifilm discovered a bug happening with twelve of their cameras when used with Mac computers.

The first batch of firmware had been released a few days ago here and was for the following cameras: X-T4, X-T3, X-S10, GFX100S, GFX100 and GFX50S.

Now six more Fujifilm cameras received an update. All the links and firmware details can be found down below.

Firmware Updates Download Links and Details

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This 3D Printed Fujifilm X100V Case Gives You X-Pro3 Alike Hidden Screen

I am probably one of the few out there, who finds the hidden screen of the Fujifilm X-Pro3 a certainly audacious, but also interesting concept. And overall, if I’d have to choose between a rangefinder alike Fujifilm camera with selfie screen or one with hidden screen, I’d go for he hidden one.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate selfie screens (in fact it was a true blessing to have one on my X-T4 during my online teaching lessons), but I feel like there are some myths around them that have to be debunked, and I’ve tried to do so in this article.

With that said, if you are one of those who might be intrigued by the hidden screen concept but own a Fujifilm X100V, then here on etsy there is a little 3D printed X100V case that will hide your screen and make it more X-Pro3 alike.

The Fujifilm X100V itself, though, is out of stock almost everywhere since several weeks now. And so is lots of other Fujifilm gear, probably mainly due to the shortage on parts announced by Fujifilm.

This Guy Sold All His Full Frame Gear for the Fujifilm X100V, Firmware 2.00 Tests and More – X100V Roundup

The Fujifilm X100V was one of Fuji’s biggest hits of the last few years. In fact, right now it is even backordered at BHphoto and Adorama and available in very limited number at Amazon.

Time for FujiRumors to dedicate to this wonderful camera a roundup, which will include a story of a guy selling all his full frame gear for photographic purity (Fujifilm X100V), a few reviews of X100V firmware 2.00, a comparison with the X-Pro3 and more.

Fujifilm X100V Roundup

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Fujifilm X-E4: Minimalist Tool and X100V or X-E4 for Street Photography?

The Fujifilm X-E line was always on the brink of extinction.

Several times Fujifilm considered to kill the line, as it is not really profitable. But it was saved by the rather loud voices within the Fujifilm community to keep that line alive, and also a small but stubborn minority inside the Fujifilm management, who believes the X-E has its raison d’être.

The first to risk never to see the light of the day was the Fujifilm X-E3. But as Fujifilm managers told us in this interview, they took note of the strong requests for an X-E3 and finally they decided to deliver.

Later on, and you can be sure of that, Fujifilm decided to drop the X-E line again. And yet, once again, the pressure build up inside Fujifilm and also outside by its customers, to keep the X-E line alive.

And once again, we won :). The X-E4 is here and down below we can share a mini-roundup about the X-E4.

A little side note: for what it’s worth, it is the by very far best selling X-E camera among the FujiRumors community, and it has now officially beaten the X-S10 in terms of pre-orders (always just here on FujiRumors).

However, it should be noted that out there in the real world, the X-S10 outsells by far the X-E4. But it’s already great to see that the response for the X-E4 was very positive at least among the FR community.

With that said, here is a bit more content X-E4 content for you.

X-E4 Roundup

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Fujifilm X100V, X-Pro3 and X-T30 New Firmware Features Guide

Earlier today we reported that Fujifilm has released these firmware updates for X100V, X-Pro3, X-T30 and XC16-50mmII.

The updates add functionalities to your cameras, hence Fujifilm released also New Features Guides, that I think you should not miss to check out and hence here are the direct links to the new guides.

New Features Guides

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