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This Professional Landscape Photographer Explains Why he is Leaving SONY Full Frame for FUJIFILM APS-C

Mark Denney is a professional landscape photographer, who is growing strong also on youtube now (122.000 subscribers).

He now published a video, where he explains why he left Sony Full Frame for Fujifilm APS-C.

Down below I provide you with a written summary and you’ll also find the full video below:

Leaving Full Frame for APS-C – The Reasons!

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The Power of Fujifilm Colors: See Pure Fuji Colors in Action at our New Fujifilm Film Simulations Group

Let’s start with a curiosity:

The same guy at Fujifilm, who crafted the original films like Velvia, is still in charge of developing new film simulations. Yep, he is responsible for Fujifilm’s color science since 50 years now! We reported about Minami-San here. A life devoted to colors.

A devotion, that translates into those lovely film simulations, Fujifilm X and GFX shooters usually appreciate a lot.

Personally, I am at a point, where film simulation are one of the reasons, I would not leave the Fuji system anymore. I mean, it’s nice to know I come home from a 2 weeks holiday with many images, and that those lovely film simulations will save me lots of editing time because they give me great results out of the box.

And then I thought…

Many of you reading this blog, maybe don’t own a Fujifilm camera, maybe you just think to get one, and maybe you wonder what’s all the buzz around these “film simulations”.

Well, in order to show you this, I decided to launch e new facebook group, dedicated to Fujifilm film simulation: Fujifilm Film Simulations Facebook Group.

In this group, images can be edited in all their parts (sharpening, shadow/highlight recovery etc), except for colors. The colors must come purely out of the Fujifilm camera (or be applied in post in Capture One / Lightroom)

So, if you are curious to see the Fujifilm film simulations in action, or if you want to share your own images and display the power of Fuji colors, then feel free to join here.

The Power of Film Simulations – IMAGES

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Fujifilm UK offers Free 48 Hours Loan on Fujifilm X/GFX Gear (Including GFX100)… and Which Gear FujiRumors Would Rent ;)

Fujifilm X shooters living in UK are definitely lucky.

Not only they get the fastest repairs (as the EU service center is located in UK) and can visit the Fujifilm House of Photography (a worldwide Fujifilm-unique store, where you can already admire the Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0), but since this year, they also offer totally free 48 loans on basically all X and GFX gear (including GFX100).

You can access all details at fujifilm-connect.hireacamera.

I hope this is something that will get extended to other countries too.

What would I rent?

Well, for sure a Fujifilm X-Pro3, and just pass 2 days photographing with it and see how it feels to shoot with the hidden LCD screen, and without a doubt also the Fujifilm GFX100… you know, just to hide in some corner at home and pass a few hours pixel peeping and cropping like crazy ;).

In terms of lenses, I’d surely rent the XF100-400, which is something I am lusting after for some wildlife shots in my mountains and then the GF23mmF4, because, you know, with that GFX100 all you need is a wide angle lens and then you can just crop endlessly into the image.

And which Fuji gear would you like to rent?

Fujifilm Manager: Fujifilm X-H2, The Problem With Telephoto Primes, GFX MK II and IBIS, Fujifilm X80 vs Compact MILC, Fast Primes & More

Fujifilm UK manger Andreas Georghiades returns to the Fujicast postcast.

It’s an almost 1 hour podcast, and if you are in a hurry and can’t listen it all, I provide a summary of everything the manager says, so you can get it all in under 5 minutes.

The Interview Summed Up

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Meet the Dolomites, Home of FujiRumors

If you you think at Italy, my home, you probably think at Rome, Florence and Venice.

And in fact, probably 70% of the tourists coming to Italy, visit those three cities and leave.

But there are many more beautiful spots to visit here in Italy, and one of them is definitely my hometown, the Dolomites.

After I unveiled my location a couple of days ago here, I got a significant numbers of emails from readers, asking me information about the Dolomites. I tried to reply to everybody as good as I can.

One recurring question was: do I recommend visiting the Dolomites also to people, who are not so fit and used to mountains.

My answer is a very clear “absolutely yes!“.

There are tons of cable ways, that bring you everywhere. For example, you can reach the highest peak of the Dolomites, the Marmolada, at 3,300m (10,800 feet) without walking a single step and enjoy views like this.

And if you are more on the adventurous side, of course there are tons of tracks and hikes of all kind of difficulties.

Old or young, single of family, fit or lazy, there is a lot ot enjoy for everyone.

Needless to say, also photographically speaking you are in paradise here, as the images below show.

So, if you ever plan a trip to Italy, try to put the Dolomites on your “to do” list.

I can’t wait these days of lockdown and isolation to be over and get a beer on the Dolomites again.

Today I decided to go through our Fujifilm X-T and GFX group and pick a couple of images that members shared of the Dolomites, in the hope this article inspires you for you next photographic journey.

Stay safe, let’s go through these challenging times together, and done that, enjoy life again as never before!

stay strong, healthy and happy

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Fujifilm X-Pro3 Firmware Update 1.02 Visible but Not Available

FR-reader Lars contacted me and wrote:

Today I got my X-Pro3 back from Fuji Service with a new firmware update vers. 1.02. That update was actually released already on 16. January regarding the Fuji Website. But when you click on it you go to the vers. 1.01 that was released in December and the file is the same too.

I did check, and indeed, on the firmware list page, Fujifilm mentiones X-Pro3 firmware 1.02 as released on January 16. As you can see from the screenshot above, it says:

The phenomenon that in rare cases, a freeze could occur is fixed

But once you click and enter on the X-Pro3 firmware download page here, all you see is firmware 1.01.

My guess? Fujifilm will release another firmware update, maybe ver.1.1, which will incorporate the bug fixed with 1.02 as well as other issues.

Don’t forget to…

Fujifilm X-T4 G.A.S? These Fujifilm X-T3 Images will Help You to Resist to it ;)

Oscar Wilde once said:

The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it

But today we will prove him wrong.

We will display a series of stunning X-T3, X-T2 and X-T20 images, and show to Oscar that we don’t need a Fujifilm X-T4 to create stunning imagery.

Because no specs on the world can replace your feeling… and it’s a known fact, that feeling is the origin of your creativity and intuition.

30 Seconds Story of my Favorite Image

In the spirit of this post, do you want to hear the story behind my all time favorite image?

If you have 30 seconds… here it is:

I was in Cambodia (for my fair trade Fuji X T-shirts project), walking through an abandoned Casino in Bokor, with one of my very best friends.

I borrowed her my Fujifilm X-T1 camera, and she took a couple of snapshots.

At some point I saw some kids playing hide and seek in the building.

One of them hide behind a wall, waiting for his little friends to come up the stairs.

I noticed all this, and told to my friend “give me the X-T1, and I’ll grab the killer shot“.

She gave it to me, I placed myself in the right position… and waited.

And then it happened: the hiding kid leaned out beyond the wall, then suddenly watched down the stairs to see where his friends are. In that moment, I was ready and took the image.

I came home, printed it, and now I have it big on my wall.

And it was taken with a Fujifilm X-T1.

Call it luck, call it intuition. Whatever it was. It was nothing you can read on any specs paper.

So yes, let’s be happy about the Fujifilm X-T4, but also not forget, that what we own now, is plenty of good enough.

In the spirit of this post, enjoy the X-T image roundup below.

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