Super-Fast XF 33mmF1.0 :: Will Fujifilm make it? A Trusted source says the die is cast, and the answer is… ?
This is one of my favorite rumors of 2015. On April 20 a New Source told us Fujifilm is considering to produce a Super-Fast 1.0 lens (around 30mm). We all took the grain of salt… and started hoping.
Luckily, about a month later, on May 25, a source, who was right in the past, confirmed that Fujifilm has a 33mmF1.0 on the radar, but they were still discussing if they should really make it. Will the X-shooter community buy such a lens?
We tried to help Fujifilm in their decision, and dropped our vote in the following polls:

And we waited… patiently.
So what, did Fuji finally made its decision? According to a trusted source: Yes, the die is cast! And the answer is….
… drum roll…
Yes! Fuji will produce it!
When will it come? I still don’t know, but you can be sure I’ll put my best into it not only to get multiple confirmation about this rumor, but also to give you an expected release date as soon as possible!
so stay tuned…
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