Switch to the X: last 3 days of the crazy-X-superdeals! + Rico’s X-M1 (27 and 16-50) samples!
These are the last 3 days where you can stack the X-E1/X-PRO1 offer with the following XF lenses,[shoplink 12888]14mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 12889]35mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 12891]18mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 12887]18-55mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 12890]60mm[/shoplink], and save a lot of money. If you are one of those out there who was waiting to see how the X-M1 would be and decided that a smaller and cheaper body with WiFi, bigger, better and tiltable LCD and EXR-II processor is not enough to justify the missing viewfinder, then this could be the right moment to make the switch to the X.
Check the crazy-X-superkit deals at AmazonUS, BHphoto and Adorama [Adorama offers a lot of accessories]
If you decide to switch and buy the X-E1/X-PRO1 with lenses, then you should definitely purchase Rico’s book too. It will make your switch a lot easier! Mastering the FUJIFILM X-Pro1” (Kindle Edition) (Apple iBook Store) (German version)
Do you find more interesting deals? Share them at dealsrunner!
X-Pert Corner TOMORROW… X-M1 with 27mm and XC 16-50!
At Rico’s X-Pert Corner tomorrow you will get an insight to the X-M1 and the new lenses. He already posted some samples at his Flickr here. Maybe it would be wise to wait his article tomorrow, before deciding whether you go for the X-E1/X-PRO1 superdeals or preorder the new X-M1. I’m sure we will read a lot of interesting stuff never read anywhere else! So, stay tuned for tomorrow!
X-M1 BODY ONLY – USA: AmazonUS (silver–black) / BHphoto (silver–black) / Adorama (silver–black) / DigitalRev / Pictureline (silver–black–brown) EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK (silver–black) / PCHstore (silver–black)
X-M1 + XC 16-50mm – USA: AmazonUS (silver–black) / BHphoto (silver–black) / Adorama (silver–black) / DigitalRev / Pictureline (silver–black–brown) EUROPE: AmazonUK (silver–black) / DigitalRev / WexUK (silver–black) / PCHstore (silver–black)
XF 27mm – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto (silver–black) / Adorama (silver–black) / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore– XC 16-50: WexUK