Switching to Fujifilm in 2018? Here are the Top 2 Lenses To Start With, Recommended by FR-readers – POLLS
Hi all…
Today I need your help :)
Why? Because one of the most asked questions I get via email is more or less like this:
“Hey Patrick, I am switching to Fujifilm. Which lenses do you recommend to start with?”
“Hey Patrick, next month I will travel to destination XY. Which lenses should I bring with me?”
I always have a hard time to answer these, because I tend to recommend lenses that I like and prefer for my way of shooting. And of course different lenses are good for different types of photography. And different people prefer different lenses.
So I had an idea.
I can escape the responsibility of making all alone lens recommendation in future, by launching a few polls here on FujiRumors, so that all of you guys can vote your own two favorite lenses.
So, if I get the question again via email in future, I will still be happy to give my humble advice, but I can also link to this post, so that people can have a larger feedback, than just my own.
How It Works
I have structured the polls this way:
- One Super Poll, where you guys vote your absolute favorite Fujinon lenses… you know, the ones that you would take with you on a desert island
- Max. 2 selections for each poll
- 12 polls, split between different photography genres, so that you can give more specific feedback
NOTE 1: The list includes also the XF200mmF2 and XF8-16mmF2.8, because they are in the roadmap for 2018. I know it’s hard to recommend a lens nobody has ever used, but let’s assume that they will be great performers, just like all other Fujinon lenses.
NOTE 2: The list includes only Fujinon lenses. I know there are great options also from third-party manufacturers. For example my Samyang 12mm is a little great lens for astrophotography. But the poll would have become infinite, if I’d include them all. If you are interested to see the complete list of lenses available for X-mount, also from third parties, then check out this forum post.
X-T2 Vs. Pro2
You might remember, that we launched similar poll in the past. In that case, though, you didn’t have to vote on favorite lenses for certain photography styles, but you had to choose between X-T2 or X-Pro2 for landscape, street, portrait photography and a lot more. Check it out here.
Happy Voting
Oh… and if you wonder what all that “OIS”, “LM” “R” and so forth letters mean on each lens, we have a dedicated X-Pert Corner about it here.

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