The Non-Love Story between DPReview and the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Continues – Silver Award

DPReview has no love apparently for the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0. Let me explain.

The Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 was declared the worst lens of 2020 by DPRTV here due to the lens being soft and showing too much chromatic aberration. And now it got the silver award at DPReview.

Before we look at the negatives, here is what Rico wrote in the comments:

I have been using two copies of the 50mmF1 (pre-production and production), and both of them have been pretty sharp wide-open. I also did bokeh comparisons, and it easily beat the 50mmF2 at f/2.

It’s strange that DPR is recycling old sample images taken by DPR TV (who probably had a bad copy of the lens for their review) into a “field test” written by a different author who did not even take his own sample images with another lens.

Now let’s get into it.

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RUMOR: Fujinon GF35-70mmF4.5-5.6 with Collapsible Lens Design

If you follow FujiRumors, you’ll know that Fujifilm is preparing to launch the new Fujinon GF35-70mmF4.5-5.6 lens.

You’ll also know it will cost just $500 if bundled with the upcoming Fujifilm GFX50SII.

Well, thanks to our sources, today we can tell you that the Fujinon GF35-70mm f/4.5-5.6 will have a collapsible lens. We know this design already from the Fujinon XC15-45mm F3.5-5.6.

For your convenience, down below is a recap of all Fujifilm GFX50SII and Fujinon GF35-70mmF4.5-5-6 rumors.

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The GFX Rumor Recap

BREAKING: Fujifilm GFX50SMKII to Ship in September plus Rumored Specs/Price Recap

So how the heck am I going to share this one?

I mean, worldwide chip shortage, Fujifilm announcing delays for lots of gear and unable to deliver products they announced many months ago and what not.

So telling you when the Fujifilm GFX50SII will ship is a rumor rocksolid at the moment,  but at the same time don’t be mad at me when at the date I’ll give you know there will be like 3 Fujifilm GFX50SII shipping, and then yet another biblical waiting will begin for the rest of the cameras to ship.

With that disclaimer out of the way, here is the rumor:

We haven been informed, that the Fujifilm GFX50SMKII will start shipping in September.

We also confirm once again, the the announcement itself will not take place on August 27.

Make sure to follow FujiRumors, because:

  • we have to talk more about the Fujifilm GFX50SMKII
  • we need to have discussions about more unreleased gear (to get an idea what, check out this unreleased gear timeline)
  • you might want to know about gear that has never been rumored before ;)

Fujifilm GFX50SMKII Rumor Recap:

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