Fujifilm GFX100SII Announcement in Around 6 Weeks

I have received word by an anonymous source (thanks), that the Fujifilm GFX100SII will be announced in “around 6 weeks”.

Let’s do the math: the message has been sent to me on April 8, so 6 weeks later would mean the announcement should happen around May 20.

But since words matter: the source said “around” 6 weeks. So it could happen on May 20, but it could also happen a few days before or after that.

Thanks to the anonymous source for letting me know about it.


  • I am receiving anonymous rumors these days that did not go online (yet):
    – some of the rumors I have received are wrong
    – with other rumors I have conflicting reports and I need a bit of time to verify who is right
    – some rumors are completely new to me and I’d like to take a bit of extra time to try to get them verified. If I won’t be able to verify them in a reasonable time, they will go online anyway, but with the disclaimer to take them with a grain of salt


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Is the Fujifilm GFX100R Really Under Development? Our Sources Reveal the Truth!

GFX100R under Development?

Recently Fujifilm hosted an event for 200 journalists in Yokohama during CP+.

It’s the famous event in which Fujifilm displayed 10 X mount lenses under study.

The French website LesNumerique was present at the event and reported that they had been told that the Fujifilm GFX50R successor is currently “under development”.

Add to that that “rumors” about the imminent arrival of the Fujifilm GFX100R are popping up ahead of every X summit of the last 2 years, and it’s understandable why many have high hopes for a GFX50R replacement to come soon.

But what have our sources to say about it?

Well, here it is:

Whoever told LesNumerique that the GFX50R successor is under development was 100% wrong. And whoever shared any GFX50R successor rumor ever was willingly misleading you with fake clickbait rumors.

Phew, luckily FujiRumors never shared a single GFX50R replacement rumor ;).

The truth is this: according to our trusted sources (multiple trusted sources), Fujifilm is currently investing the staggering amount of zero dollars/euro/yen/whatever into the development of the Fujifilm GFX50R successor.

FujiRumors Must be Wrong, because…

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

The Fujifilm X100VI: 134 X-Pert Tips by Rico Pfirstinger and New X100VI Pocket Guide

I am happy to announced that Rico Pfirstinger is working on a dedicated Fujifilm X100VI tips and tricks book, which will be released in December 2024.

I own his Fujifilm X-T5 tips and tricks book, highly recommend it and have no doubts that X100VI shooters will find tons of useful info also in Rico’s new X100VI book.

Also, RockyNook is preparing also the Fujifilm X100VI pocket guide, which will be released on September.

As a reference, there is also the Fujifilm X-T4 pocket guide (customer reviews) as well as the Fujifilm X-T3 pocket guide (customer reviews).


Fujifilm Manager: X100VI Production Boost in 4/5 Months and The Importance of Film Simulations

Sonder Creative had an interview with a Fujifilm UK manager Andreas Georghiades:

  • Fujifilm cameras deliver film-like look from a digital camera
  • it’s since about 2 years now that people come to realize that
  • not only X100, but also X-T30 and X-T5 enjoyed increased popularity because of that
  • Fujifilm increased X100VI production, but demand is just way bigger than Fujifilm could have anticipated
  • currently production is 15,000 units per month
  • Fujifilm is looking on how to increase production
  • increased production should be achieved 4 to 5 months from now (admin note: hence summer 2024)
  • stock is coming in regularly for silver and black
  • Fujifilm marketing strategy is a lot about film simulations and show people that Fujifilm has 90 years history in knowing how color works and should it should look

Get Yours:

Fujifilm X-T5: Pocket Guide


You can now pre-order the new “Fujifilm X-T5: Pocket Guide: Buttons, Dials, Settings, Modes, and Shooting Tips“.

As a reference, there is also the Fujifilm X-T4 pocket guide (customer reviews) as well as the Fujifilm X-T3 pocket guide (customer reviews).

Designed for photographers who haven’t memorized every button, dial, setting, and feature on their Fujifilm X-T5, Rocky Nook’s handy and ultra-portable quick reference Pocket Guide helps you get the shot when you’re out and about.

  • Confirm that your camera is set up properly with the pre-shoot checklist
  • Identify every button and dial on your camera
  • Learn the essential modes and settings you need to know
  • Dive deeper with additional features of your camera
  • Execute step-by-step instructions for shooting multiple exposures, in-camera HDR, time-lapse movies, and more
  • Follow tips and techniques for getting great shots in typical scenarios (portrait, landscape, freezing action, low light, etc.)