Fujinon GF80mmF1.7 in Stock in Limited Number

At the time of this post, there is a limited number of 9 samples of the Fujinon GF80mmF1.7 R WR lens in stock at Amazon US here (shipped and sold by Amazon)

It is still backordered at BHphoto here and Adorama here.

Amazon also has the MHG-GFX S hand grip for Fujifilm GFX100S available in limited number here (out of stock at BHphoto here and Adorama here).

The camera itself, the GFX100S, is not available yet.

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DPReview TV Fujifilm GFX100S Review

DPRTV published its Fujifilm GFX100S review.

  • compact nature for street and travel photography to use without tripod thanks to IBIS
  • handling is excellent, great grip
  • lightweight and compact camera
  • lenses can get bulky
  • he prefers it over the GFX100 body
  • he likes that GFX100S has no integrated grip. Should be as compact and small as possible
  • he likes the customizability
  • he loves the AF-ON position, but does not feel like a solid press
  • EVF is not bad, but not on GFX100 level
  • 85fps EVF refresh rate in boost mode is good for stills. For sports and action better reduce the EVF refresh rate
  • 3 way tilt screen is nice on a tripod
  • top LCD is very customizable too
  • nostalgic negative has nice subtle warm tones
  • the 100 mepapixel justifies the higher cost over full frame, crazy resolution and tons of dynamic range
  • 14bit RAW and 16bit RAW difference is negligable. Better shoot 14bit and have a snappier camera
  • pixel shift multishot gives 400MP images. But it’s fairly slow to take all 16 images. It’s hard to take advantage fully of it. You can’t look at the final result in camera (it’s like this also on Sony)
  • IBIS: with GF110mmF2 he can get full resolution images at 1/125th shutter speed. Even at 1/80th IBIS can work great. With a 30mm lens he can get great results at 1/30th
  • best AF on any medium format camera. Tracking works pretty well, but you can compare it to APS-C or FF. Autofocus is also lens dependent. Some zooms work faster than the GF110mm.
  • face/eye detecion is quite effective
  • with lenses like the GF80mmF1.7 you get very shallow DOF, so a good eye AF matters
  • Video: works better than GFX100. Longer time before overheating and better IBIS
  • ProRes RAW: you have control over ISO and exposure adjustment, but not on white balance adjustment
  • GFX100 had bad lag when using an external recoder in RAW video. GFX100S is much better. And you can use EVF and LCD while outputting RAW on the GFX100S
  • very capable medium format camera for video
  • favorite medium format camera he ever used
  • GFX100S does what the GFX100 can do for a lower price and smaller body
  • GFX100 is hard to justify now that the GFX100S exists

In short: the GFX100S is amazing :)

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Fujifilm X-H2 in 2022, Fujifilm GFX50SMKII in 2021, XF 33mmF1.4 in 2021, Top 5 Forgotten X Mount Lenses & More – The Best of March

Here are the most read articles on FujiRumors for March 2021.

It was a month full of breaking rumors, so while this is a top 10 articles for the previous months, it also serves well as a summary of the most important you should not have missed.

  1. Fujifilm X-H2 Will Come in 2022 and be Worth the Wait
  2. Top 5 Forgotten Fujinon X Mount Lenses
  3. Fujinon XF33mmF1.4 R WR Coming 2021
  4. New Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T3, GFX50S and GFX50R Released (and for X-T4 Coming Soon)
  5. Why the Fujinon XF33mmF1.4 R WR is not the XF35mmF1.4 MK II
  6. Fujifilm GFX50S MKII Coming 2021 with Same 50 Megapixel Sensor of GFX50S
  7. Fujifilm Manager Interview: Future X/GFX lenses, Autofocus Improvements Coming, X-Trans Benefits, Beyond Full Frame and More
  8. Fuji Guys Tease Firmware 1.20 for Fujifilm X-T4 with New Heat Management and Introduce Latest GFX100, X-T3, GFX50S/R Firmware
  9. The Royal Choice – Kate Middleton Shoots Fujifilm :: The Leica Choice – Leica Store Films Q2 Monochrom Presentation with Fujifilm and More
  10. RUMOR: Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 R WR with 62mm Filter Size

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