Fujifilm X-E4 Owners Manual Available

Fujifilm has released the owners manual for the Fujifilm X-E4.

There is also a version that Fuji calls “multi” but it’s just the English version. What you have to do, is to go to this html page of the manual, then on the top right Fujifilm added a google translate box. Select your language and let google translate the manual.

X-E4 and Accessories

New Fujifilm Patent Shows Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 MK II

A new Fujifilm patent published today shows an XF35mmF1.4 with a different optical design compared to the original Fujinon XF35mmF1.4, although the base lens configuration is similar.

Hence, it looks like a XF35mmF1.4 MK II lens.

Also the size seems to be a bit larger compared to the original 35mmF1.4, maybe to further improve optical quality. The size increase might also indicate a better AF motor and weather resistant design.

Here are the details of the patent:

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Fujifilm X-E4: Minimalist Tool and X100V or X-E4 for Street Photography?

The Fujifilm X-E line was always on the brink of extinction.

Several times Fujifilm considered to kill the line, as it is not really profitable. But it was saved by the rather loud voices within the Fujifilm community to keep that line alive, and also a small but stubborn minority inside the Fujifilm management, who believes the X-E has its raison d’être.

The first to risk never to see the light of the day was the Fujifilm X-E3. But as Fujifilm managers told us in this interview, they took note of the strong requests for an X-E3 and finally they decided to deliver.

Later on, and you can be sure of that, Fujifilm decided to drop the X-E line again. And yet, once again, the pressure build up inside Fujifilm and also outside by its customers, to keep the X-E line alive.

And once again, we won :). The X-E4 is here and down below we can share a mini-roundup about the X-E4.

A little side note: for what it’s worth, it is the by very far best selling X-E camera among the FujiRumors community, and it has now officially beaten the X-S10 in terms of pre-orders (always just here on FujiRumors).

However, it should be noted that out there in the real world, the X-S10 outsells by far the X-E4. But it’s already great to see that the response for the X-E4 was very positive at least among the FR community.

With that said, here is a bit more content X-E4 content for you.

X-E4 Roundup

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Sigma: “We May See Some Sigma Lenses for Fujifilm X Mount in 2021”

Back in November 2020, we reported how Sigma was vaguely hinting that something might possibly come for Fujifilm in 2021.

But since it was very vague, I did contact trusted sources and investigated further. They confirmed in December 2020 here, that Sigma lenses for Fujifilm X mount might indeed be scheduled for 2021.

Yesterday Sigma fueled speculations again, by saying on their official media channels:

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Fujifilm GFX100S: The Beauty is in the Details, Flat Out for Success, Why You Want this Camera and AF on X-T3 Level (pre FW 4.00)

The Beauty is in the Details

In a Fujifilm GFX100S hand-on video titled “Why You Want this Camera” (shared below), a professional landscape photographer says: “the beauty is in the details“.

He obviously referred to the massive amount of megapixel he can work with and the consequent terrific textures and details he gets out of his shots, also thanks to the sharpest lenses you can buy for any mirrorless system: the GF lenses.

But since we talk about the beauty of details, I’d like to highlight one with you that so far passed widely unnoticed.

German youtuber Thomas noticed a little welcome detail on the 3-way tilt screen of his Fujifilm GFX100S review sample. As opposed to Fuji’s previous 3-way tilt screen solution, on the GFX100S you can slide out the screen a bit when it’s tilted upwards, extending it far enough that the LCD won’t be blocked by the protruding viewfinder (see image above).

Nice detail also here :).

With that said, I will share all new GFX100S videos and blog posts below, and the German one of Thomas comes with English summary I made for you (I teach German, so I hopefully do a better job than the automatic google translation tool. And btw., if you want to hear one of my students giving feedback about my lessons, check out this article).

Also the GFX100S video shared by Pictureline called “Why You Want this Camera” is a very nice one, less focused on gear talk, and more on field use of the GFX100S. II found it quite inspirational, I think you’ll like it too.

Fujifilm GFX100S – The Roundup

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