Fujicast Interview with Fujifilm Manager: X-S10, GFX100S, R&D Choices, Instax Wide Printer and More

Here is the summary of part 2 of the Fujicast interview (part 1 here) with Fujifilm Manager Andreas Georghiades :

  • X-S10 was more expensive at launch than the X-T3, but the X-T3 was an older product when the X-S10 was launched and there were promotions on the X-T3
  • there are people who like DSLR’s and want to go smaller mirrorless camera, and the X-S10 is a great camera for them as it has a PSAM dial. Then there are rangefinder lovers (X-E, X-Pro) and others want individual dials (X-T4 etc)
  • X-S10 is targeted to attract new users in the Fujifilm system
  • for pure photographic orientated people, there are X100V, X-T3, X-Pro3 etc
  • there was a gap, and the X-S10 fills that
  • he does not know of an Instax Wide Printer, but he’d love to have one too
  • When it comes to making decisions (such as if implement vary angle screens or not etc), they get their feedback from various sources. From X photographers, camera reviewers, traditional press, youtube reviewers
  • at the end you can’t make everybody happy, some will always complaint. For example, the GFX100S has lower res EVF compared to GFX100, but it’s also much cheaper. But some complaint and wanted a cheap camera with the super-resolution EVF of GFX100
  • compromises need to be made sometimes
  • if you want X-T4 performance on a more photo centric camera, there is the X-T3
  • Fujifilm can’t please everyone
  • Brexit won’t have additional costs on repairs, but there might be delays initally
  • the Fujifilm UK X-Thusiast program won’t be extended to USA

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LIVE NOW: Introducing the FUJIFILM GFX100S with Fujifilm Technical Specialists and X Photographers – B&H Photo Event Space

The B&H Photo Event Space is hosting a dedicated Fujifilm GFX100S event that starts now (1 PM New York time).

You can watch the live stream here or join via zoom (follow the instructions here).

Fujifilm and B&H are proud to offer this introduction to the new GFX100S. This event will start with a presentation of the camera and its features by Fujifilm Product Technical Specialist, John Haggerty. Followed by our special guest Fujifilm X-Photographer Dinesh Boaz. Dinesh was one of the first photographers in the world to use the GFX100S. He will share the work he created with it and offer some insight to what it is like to work with this most powerful camera.

To join the live meeting, check out the dedicated B&H photo page here.

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Fujifilm GFX100S “More Than Full Frame” Promo Series… and How Suddenly Sensor Size Does Not Matter Anymore for Some Youtubers ;)

Fujifilm has launched a series of promo videos called “more than full frame“.

But unlike the title might suggest, the promo videos talk less about specs, but are more on the inspirational side… and I like that for sure!

I will share all videos below, but let me add a little note first.

After the Fujifilm GFX100S was announced, I saw a few videos of big youtubers, who consistently stood behind full frame as the only real professional format (ignoring that Fuji APS-C cameras creamed off the most prestigious awards), saying basically the following things about the GFX100S.

  • having a 70% “fuller” sensor than full frame does not really make a lot of difference
  • having more pixels and a bit more dynamic range does not really make a lot of difference
  • it is more important to have passion for photography and have a system that inspires you to shoot

Sure, I can understand that some influencers, who have strong connections with brands that don’t produce medium format cameras (and are not committed to APS-C), are arguing a bit contradictory and confusing these days.

If they say sensor size does not matter, then people will ask them “so why not go with cheaper and smaller APS-C systems“, and if they say sensor size matters, then people will ask “then why not go GFX?”.

In this regard, I respect youtubers like Tony Northrup, who just consistently said that he does care about megapixel and the more megapixel he gets, the better it is for him. Or also Jared Polin, who in a video asked Fujifilm to send him a GFX100S for testing (but Jared, maybe we can schedule a call first to organize a Fuji crash course, so that you avoid flaming again that you can’t move the focus point while face detection is enabled ;)).

And what does FujiRumors say about the sensor size debate?

Simple and true: every system has its strengths.

As for hybrid cameras, I consider APS-C the ultimate sweet spot (and so do these industry insiders like Richard Butler from DPReview and Co).

There are APS-C specific advantages and also GFX specific advantages. And of course, full frame has its strengths too.

It’s just great we have all this choice and whatever people pick, it’s surely the best system for their needs.

Personally, I am very happy with my Fujifilm X system. It’s so flexible. Small lens, big lens, fast lens, compact lens, bulky camera, super compact camera, affordable, expensive, hyperbolic specs, simplicity, retro, modern… there is so much to pick from depending on needs and taste in the Fujifilm X system, that I personally do not see any need to go full frame. I’d lose more than I’d gain (for my personal needs and preferences).

If I’d add a system to my camera bag, at this point I’d just go for the very best image quality I can get (for a reasonable price), hence with a sensor that is 70% “fuller” than full frame. Especially now, where the Fujifilm GFX100S dropped for a price cheaper than the Sony A1 and a body smaller than the Panasonic S1R.

But that’s just me, my needs, my taste, and totally personal.

If you shoot full frame and say it’s the best of the best, then it surely is like this for you, and you are blessed with lots of mirrorless options, too.

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More Than Full Frame

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Fujinon GF80mm f/1.7: First Looks and Strong Pre-Orders!

GF80mm f/1.7

On January 27, Fujifilm announced three lenses, the Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7, the XF 70-300mm and the XF27mmF2.8 MK II.

Guess which one enjoyed the strongest pre-orders on FujiRumors?

It’s the most expensive one, the GF80mmF1.7! The lens is marked as top seller at BHphoto and AmazonUS stopped taking pre-orders on it!

We have already seen in our big live blog, that the feedback on this lens is spectacular. Now we add a few more first looks to it.

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Kamlan 32mm F1.1 for Fujifilm X to be Released February 12

The Kamlan 32mm f/1.1 will be released on February 12.

Here are the main specs:

  • 32,000 yen (converted about $300)
  • manual focus
  • 9 elements in 7 groups including 5 pieces of high refraction glass
  • 40cm minimum focus distance
  • 11 circular aperture blades
  • size: 92 x 70 mm
  • weight: 601 g
  • filter size 62 mm

Kamlan lenses for Fujifilm X can be found at AmazonUS, AmazonDE and AmazonUK.

via dc.watch

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