Fujifilm X-S10 New IBIS Small Enough for Fujifilm X-E4?

Recently FujiRumors broke the rumor about the Fujifilm X-E4 to come in early 2021.

The rumor triggered a stunning number of 230+ comments, and many of them are, as to expect, speculations and wishes about the features of the Fujifilm X-E4.

One of the hot topics was if the X-E4 has IBIS or not.

At this point in time I do not know the answer to this question.

All I could do is to try to imagine if the new smaller IBIS of the Fujifilm X-S10 would fit in the small body of the Fujifilm X-E3.

So I searched long on the internet, until I found a nice and clear technical Fujifilm official sketch of the Fujifilm X-S10 IBIS.

Based on that sketch, I was able to virutally mount the IBIS unit of the X-S10 with high accuracy on the Fujifilm X-E3.

The result is clear: it fits!

And not only it fits, but it seems that it would leave still enough room for the other components, as it would not take away precious space to the EVF, the battery compartment, etc.

Again, I have no idea if the Fujifilm X-E4 will have IBIS (and if anyone out there knows the answer to this question, feel free to let me know via fujirumor@gmail.com or via personal message on social media).

But it certainly looks like if Fujifilm wanted, they could squeeze IBIS into the Fujifilm X-E4, of course provided that the X-E4 keeps the body size of the X-E3 and doesn’t make the X-E4 much smaller than the current X-E3, which is another thing I have no idea of (if X-E4 will have same size of X-E3).

So, there is still a lot we have to find out about the Fujifilm X-E4, and if you are interested, then you should definitely follow FujiRumors.

With all that said… take care, share love, take pictures and see you soon in the next article.

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New Fujifilm Camera FF200003 Registered: Fujifilm X-E4, New Fujifilm GFX or Surprise Camera X-T40 or X80?

Nokishita has just spotted the registration of a new Fujifilm camera.

Fujifilm’s unreleased digital camera “FF200003” has been registered with an overseas certification body. Equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2. (X-S10 is FF200001)

They do not share any other detail, but thanks to exclusive leaks here on FujiRumors, we know that for early 2021 we can expect for sure:

But of course there can be always surprises. A Fujifilm X80? Or a Fujifilm X-A8? Or maybe even the long awaited Fujifilm X-T40? Or is another camera that will surprise us? Maybe even the Fujifilm X-H2 (although I doubt that, as Fujifilm said they want to achieve a breakthrough with the X-H2)?

I will investigate, and see if there is another camera coming up in addition to the ones we already rumored.

In the meantime, feel free to speculate, dream and wish in the comments :)

patent registration here – via nokishita

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The Complete Fujifilm X Series Guide Updated Now with Fujifilm X-S10 and Fujinon XF10-24mmF4 R OIS WR

Fujifilm has just updated its complete Fujifilm X Series guide and added the Fujifilm X-S10 and the Fujinon XF10-24mm f/4 R OIS WR

You can download the new X series guide here.

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CORRECTION: Fujifilm Spain Says Classic Negative Firmware for Fujifilm X-T3 is NOT Confirmed… and I Wouldn’t Lose Hope Yet!

False Alarm

Just yesterday we reported how Fujifilm Spain said that the next X-T3 firmware update will include Classic Negative film simulation.

Now Fujifilm Spain is correcting their statement. They deleted the comment they made on Instagram and they contacted the Spanish website Fujistas and told them:

We have no official confirmation as to whether the new firmware update for the Fujifilm X-T3 camera will include the Classic Negative film simulation mode

Fujifilm Spain told Fujistas that they confused X-T3 with X-S10 (the latter one has Classic Negative).

That’s a huge pity, but if I was a Fujifilm X-T3 shooter, I wouldn’t give up hope.

Is there Still Hope?

Implementing Classic Negative to the Fujifilm X-T3 is something Fujifilm can do rather easily, as it shares the same processor of the X-T4 and X-S10. And I strongly believe that at some point somebody at the Japanese Fujifilm HQ will have a momentary lapse of reason and give out the order to put Classic Negative into the X-T3!

My idea? (not rumor)

Fujifilm might just want to wait a little bit longer to bring Classic Negative to the X-T3, to protect even more X-T4 sales, which started shipping only 6 months ago in the middle of a worldwide pandemic putting the world under lockdown and causing a worldwide economic crisis… not the best conditions to launch a new camera.

Don’t get me wrong, the X-T4 is like all other X-Tx cameras a hot seller for Fujifilm, but given how amazing* 2020 was so far, it probably didn’t meet the very high target sales Fujifilm envisioned for this camera.

Giving the X-T4 a little “artificial” firmware advantage helps a bit to bring its sales more in line with what Fujifilm was expecting and hoping.

And guys, we all want Fujifilm to survive and possibly even flourish in the camera market, and hence we must accept a bit of Realpolitik because of that.

With all that said, once X-T4 sales are better and probably passed its peak [which I expect to be in early spring 2021], I am confident Fujifilm will give us Classic Negative also on the X-T3.

*sarcastic statement