RUMOR: Fujifilm to Release a New Mid-Range Camera that is NOT an X-T30 or X-E3 Successor

Tell me, what would be the fun, if Fujifilm would just release what we customers expect? No fun at all, right?

So Fujifilm decided to surprise us and give us something unexpected ;).

But I invite you to read carefully to avoid misunderstandings!

A few months ago here, we told you that Fujifilm will release two mid-range cameras within the end of the Japanese fiscal year (March 2021). Of course if COVID-19 does not force Fujifilm to change plans again.

Now here is the thing.

When FujiRumors shared that rumor, 99% of you guys said “easy, those must be the long awaited X-T40 and the revived X-E4.”

Well, not really.

I can tell you today, that one of those two cameras will be a new mid-range camera line, hence not a direct successor to the Fujifilm X-T30 or Fujifilm X-E3. It’s something different.

And to be clear: there will be two mid-range cameras. This means, besides this new camera we rumor today, there will be another one, which could be a refresh of something we already know, or Fujifilm could surprise us also with the second one.

Hence, in terms of mid-range cameras, here is what we can expect in the next few months:

  • new mid-range camera NOT direct successor to Fujifilm X-T30 or X-E3
  • another mid-range cameras (unknown if a refresh of current camera lines or something new)

And now have fun speculating on what it could be in the comments (although I am pretty sure that nobody of you will make the right guess ;) )

Now that the I am on holiday from my teaching job and I am back from my 2 weeks trip in South Italy, I am working on this and many (!!!) more rumors. The right time to drop the rumors will come, and when it happens, make sure to be instantly notified by following FR on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

Take care guys, and have a fantastic day ahead!
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This Professional Landscape Photographer Explains Why he is Leaving SONY Full Frame for FUJIFILM APS-C

Mark Denney is a professional landscape photographer, who is growing strong also on youtube now (122.000 subscribers).

He now published a video, where he explains why he left Sony Full Frame for Fujifilm APS-C.

Down below I provide you with a written summary and you’ll also find the full video below:

Leaving Full Frame for APS-C – The Reasons!

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Meike Metal Hand Grips for Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X100V

Meike has released new metal hand grips for Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X100V cameras.

They are currently available at eBay here and probably soon also at AmazonUS here and Co.

Fujifilm X-T4: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera
Fujifilm X100V: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Fringer EX-FX (Pro) II Smart Autofocus Adapter Firmware 1.80 Released

Fringer has released firmware 1.80 for the Fringer EF-FX Pro II and Fringer EF-FX II smart autofocus adapters.

Main improvements include:​

Version 1.80

  1. Fixed IBIS issues on X-H1 and X-T4:
    ZEISS Milvus 85mm f/1.4 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 15mm f/2.8 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 18mm f/3.5 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 21mm f/2.8 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 25mm f/2 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 28mm f/2 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 35mm f/2 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 35mm f/1.4 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Planar T* 50mm f/1.4 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 50mm f/2 ZE
    Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 100mm f/2 ZE
  2. Fixed PDAF issues for some lens of the following models: Lens didn’t get recognized by the adapter due to different lens firmware version.
    SIGMA 500/4 DG OS HSM SPORTS + 1.4X
  3. Fixed the issue that PDAF support of Sigma 30/1.4 ART was accidentally disabled in version 1.70
  4. Added following lenses to the tested and optimized lens list:
    EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM
    EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM + 1.4X

You may download new firmware and its release notes from the Fringer website. Read the release notes or user manual to understand how to upgrade.

via Fringer