The Fujifilm X-Pro3 will Save Photography and More Companies Should Take the Risk to Do Unique Things

GxAce published his Fujifilm X-Pro3 long term review with the title “the camera that will save photography“.

So, why should the X-Pro3 save photography.

in a world of fully articulating screens and in body image stabilization, cameras these days are getting pretty stale to me. They all pretty much look the same and they all pretty much have the same features, except for one: the Fujifilm X-Pro3

I think it’s awesome that Fujifilm basically ignored everything and made a camera that is unique. It’s such a cool idea, what photography needs to be doing to stay relevant.

I hope more camera companies will take risks, do unique things, have unique ideas.

We have reached the point where every cameras is amazing, they all pretty much can do the same things. What I think will be the differentiating factor going on in the future will be how we interface with the camera.

For the rest of the review, check out the first video down below, where you’ll find more X-Pro specific content.

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Fujifilm Spirit Level Patent for Fujifilm GFX100 and other Top LCD cameras such as Fujifilm X-H1 and X-H2?

As we reported already in the past, Fujifilm is very active when it comes to patents about new ergonomic solutions:

The one below is just another one of those :).

It clearly shows a Fujfiilm GFX100, hence it might eventually find its way into the Fujifilm GFX100 via firmware update and to other cameras with top LCD, such as the Fujifilm X-H1 and Fujifilm X-H2.

Here is the description of the patent by the Japanese site dclife (google translated):

The design for displaying the electronic level on the Fujifilm camera top sub-monitor has been registered with the Japan Patent Office. I don’t follow patent related information very much in life, but I was interested in it personally, so I would like to pick it up. FUJIFILM will apply for the design on May 22, 2019, and will be the design registration 1657892 issued on April 1, 2020.

Taking “GFX100” as an example, the top sub-monitor of “GFX100” supports INFO display, dial display, and histogram. Perhaps future products may support the electronic level display. I am also worried about the contents that can be supported by firmware update.

Personally, I use the sub-monitor on the top only for tripod shooting and night shooting, but I think it would be useful to increase the user’s usage by switching the display. Perhaps it may come in handy when shooting on a tripod or low angle.

Fujifilm X-T4 Firmware 1.02 Tested: This Pro Videographer is Blown Away by Improved IBIS and Wishes the Same for Fujifilm X-H1

Fellow Italian X shooter Mario (who is a professional videomaker, formely shooting Canon, then leaving Canon because he fell in love with the Fujifilm X-H1) has shared a video, where he compares the IBIS on the Fujfiilm X-T4 with firmware 1.01 vs. firmware 1.02.

Now, if you don’t understand Italian, you probably want to see the video samples, and get a summary of what he says…. well, I did it all for you down below. :)

So let me guide you through this, since I am Italian, too :).

Also, fellow German speaking X shooter Pascal shares his feedback about firmware 1.02. Luckily I am also German native speaking, but in this case, Pascal makes the video in English. I’ll include it down below.

He also says “I can’t say any issues that come from the IBIS anymore”.


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Fujifilm X-T4 Video Autofocus Tested: Can You Trust it? Settings Nightmare, Inconsistency and Which XF Lenses Are Best for It

UPDATE: I have just been contacted by FR-readers, and I have been told that the latest firmware 1.02 for Fujifilm X-T4 improved autofocus during video with older lenses. Philip’s video was recorded before that. Would be fantastic if Philip could repeat the test to verify that.

Philip Bloom wonders, can you trust the Fujifilm X-T4 autofocus for video?

In my opinion, Philip did a great job, and this video is very helpful to figure out which lenses are best for video autofocus tracking and especially which settings are best for which lens.

Before the usual video summary, for those of you, who have no time to watch it right now, I’d like to highlight a few things from the video:

  • inconsistency: Some lenses work very well and reliably (such as the XF16-55mmF2.8), other were a complete nightmare (for example XF56mmF1.2)
  • settings nightmare (AF speed + Tracking sensitivity): some settings work great on a certain lens, but use the same settings on another lens, and you get totally different results. You must hence fine tune the settings differently for each lens
  • older lenses: older lenses are clearly not designed for video autofocus. Newer lenses work better
  • pulsing & jumping: that’s an issue that occurs with many XF lenses. On some lenses you can mitigate it a lot by changing settings
  • Confusing Settings: with AF-Speed, the higher you set the number, the faster the AF speed (logical). With tracking sensitivity, the higher the number, the slower it is (not logical).
  • Eye AF: can lose eye easily, especially if you wear glasses
  • Internal vs External recording: Record externally, and you have terrible results. Better record internally for best video autofocus
  • Overall: X-T4 is a fantastic camera (in fact his favorite camera close after the GFX100) and has all the power it needs for great video AF, but it’s the lenses that are holding it back for video AF.

I feel like lots of this is something that Fujifilm could improve via firmware update, even with older lenses, and I am confident Fujifilm will.

I personally used the XF18-55mm a lot for my teaching-vlogging, and it worked well on my X-T4. And in fact the 18-55 is one of the lenses that performed best in Philip’s tests.

Down below you’ll find the summary and the video, so you can see which lens worked best and which settings he recommends.

Philip Bloom did well to highlight all this, and of course here on FujiRumors we report about it, as I believe this is valuable feedback for Fujifilm.

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The Complete Video Summary

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